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Motivation Information

What are You Waiting for?

Do it now! Whatever it is you have been putting off, do it. This is your life, it is not a dress rehearsal. What is it you have always wanted to do but, for some unknown reason, never quite get to? I am referring to those usually minor desires, not major goals like "get married" or "start a business."

Face Your Fears

Yes, that's me up there! Interestingly enough, I used to be deathly afraid of heights. I'm not suggesting para sailing is the best way to overcome a fear of heights but it worked for me. Sometimes, the only way through a fear is to meet it head on. That's what I did in this case.

Get The Man Right

One Saturday morning, a minister could not think of a sermon to write. He simply could not get inspired. He stared out of the window, at the birds splashing in the bird-bath. His mind was blank, as was the sheet of paper on his writing desk.

What Is The Value In Wanting To Accomplish Something?

When I listen to people tell me about some of the things they want to do, I pause for two reasons. One is the fact that I?m listening and watching them to see if they are serious within themselves. Secondly, if it?s something they really believe that they can accomplish.

Create Your Destiny - How Massive Action Can Determine Your Destiny!

We often hear that "Knowledge is Power". Is it really so? Knowledge that is not put to action remains just knowledge in your head. It is powerless and does not have any form of power at all. To accomplish results, we must couple our knowledge with the necessary action to attain results. From that, we derive this formula:

The Greatest Secret To Producing Real SOLID Excellence!

One fact stubbornly stays true: while everyone desires to succeed, only those who truly COMMIT to their dreams would be able to attain success. For most people, having MORE money, MORE freedom and MORE success is nothing but a feeble desire. The reality is that they can live without it even though it is great to have it. As a result, they never (and never need to) take enough massive action to achieve their dreams when something else more 'important', 'urgent', 'realistic' or 'down-to-earth' comes to fill up their time.

Action Rules - Just Get Started!

'Action Rules!' in the Getting Goals Game. It is the number one most important step to achieving your greatness.

Around The World On $80

Jules Vernes adventure story, Around the World in 80 Days, stimulated the imagination of 26-year-old Robert Christopher.

Dont Wait For All of Lifes Traffic Lights to Turn Green

Can you imagine getting into your motor vehicle, reversing out of your driveway, selecting a forward gear then just sitting there waiting for every traffic light between your home and your destination to turn green?"

Are You Lost or Are You Found?

It was one of those nights where the clock wasn't in sync with my schedule. As I was finishing getting ready to go out for the evening, the clock was telling me I should already be there. Maybe you've experienced them - those time warps where great chunks disappear and no one lets you in on the secret until it's too late.

Forward Motion

The natural cycle of life is to grow and move forward but moving forward brings with it an element of the unknown. It is human nature to fear the unknown. Often it is difficult for people to take the steps required to move forward because of that fear. Deep down inside, they may know that much needed changes are required in order for improvement to take place in their life circumstances yet they find themselves unable to let go of the familiar comfort of the past.

What Motivates You?

As a life-long student of personal development, I've attended dozens of motivational seminars, listened to hundreds of tapes, and read untold books on the subject of motivation . I've presented motivational seminars. And yet there is one elemental truth that seems often overlooked. That is: no one can motivate you, because you have to do it to yourself. It's an inside job. And frankly it's less a function of "doing" than it is of discovering what your natural motivators are. So the key to getting and staying motivated is finding out what excites you. What makes you want to jump out of bed in the morning? What speaks to your heart as well as your head?

What Does Your Future Hold? Do You Have A Plan? Or Are You Just Waiting To See What Happens?

We often find ourselves in a situation in which we either accept the change that someone else imposes upon us or in which we ourselves effect the change we would like to see happen. We sometimes stammer and hesitate and procrastinate with regard to decision making. Not making a decision is a decision in itself.

Head First: 6 Simple, Must-Do Steps to Achieving Extraordinary Results!

What important goal have you set for yourself? What is the most important thing in your life that you have been trying to do for sometime now and haven?t made any progress? Why haven?t you made any progress? Why isn?t the project going forward? Do you believe it can be done?

Motivation; 5 Steps to Get the Changes You Want

Q: I just read your column in today?s' Greensboro News and Record. For the last few years I've been struggling with change, and found your suggestions about ?change tools? to be useful. I was wondering if you have a favorite ?change tool?, and if you would share it with us in a column?

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