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Motivation Information

Perseverance As A Virtue

"Through perseverance many people win success out of what seemed destined to be certain failure." - Benjamin Disraeli (1804 - 1881) - British Statesman, Prime Minister

Life Is About Taking

"Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new." Brian Tracy

Make The Most Of Today

"Look at a day when you are supremely satisfied at the end. It's not a day when you lounge around doing nothing; it's when you've had everything to do and you've done it!" - Margaret Thatcher (Former British Prime Minister)

Do It Now!

"At the end of our lives we never regret at the things we failed at but at the things we hope for but never attempted." Richie Dayo Johnson

What You Can Do About Procrastination

Goals stalled? Always running behind? Stuck in a rut?

Lights, Camera, Take Action

Have you ever had a great business idea?

Knowledge Or Action

It's been said that knowledge is power. While that's true to an extent, it isn't the whole truth. Knowledge without action is almost useless. It doesn't help to be a genius if you never do anything with the knowledge. I tend to think of knowledge as ammunition and action as a gun. (It's a typical guy thought, I know but it works for me.) Think about it. If you have bullets and no gun, they're pretty much useless. If you have a gun and no bullets, the best you can do is throw (action) the gun at the target. Not as useless as the bullets (knowledge) since action without knowledge is more productive than knowledge without action


Allow me to start this with a quote:

A Resolution for Excellence

?We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.? - Aristotle

Your Life Just OK? It Doesnt Have To Be That Way! Live the Life You Really Want To Live!

I have some questions for you. Are you ready? How would your rate your life on a scale from one to ten; 10 being fantastic and 1 being the worst it could possibly be? Are you happy with the most important aspects of your life? And note that I didn?t say are you content or are you satisfied. I said are you HAPPY with your life the way it is now? If you are, why are you happy? If you are not, why not? I urge you to be specific when you answer those questions.

Change Your Life, Release Fear, and Create What you Really Want

Do you have a dream? Or do you just have a nagging feeling that life could better?

Learn to Do What Winners Do But Others Will Not

If you want to be a winner you have to be prepared to develop a certain personal trait which others will not.

A Woman?s Road To True Beauty

We live in a world where society dictates the norm. In today?s society, beauty becomes so stringent that many women develop distorted views of body images and become frustrated at not being able to obtain the ?ideal figure.? Some women are so dissatisfied with their body size that they are driven to become thin and maintain that thinness, sometimes to the detriment of their health. Some women diet in order to increase their self-confidence, make a partner happy or to fit into the perceived model look hype that is so often seen on television. In some respect dieting trends reflect the cultural norms that say that women who eat less are considered to be more feminine and more beautiful. Women spend thousands on surgery to change their features or gain the nose, eyes, and mouth of their favorite celebrity.

Even Though

As often happens following one of the Best Year Yet programs I do, a message emerges for Monday Morning Coach. Recently I conducted a BYY workshop and what struck me was how often participants (I include myself in this group, since each time I present it, I am also vicariously examining my own life) stop themselves from taking action because of the underlying belief that they don't have "enough," or aren't enough (smart enough, thin enough, ready enough, etc.) to make things happen.

Life After Prison - The Road Home, Vanishing Dreams

The basic trauma of being locked inside of a penal institution is often overlooked. The effect this system has on a person is very hard to imagine. Along with the institutional scars, each inmate carries his own internal wounds from his personal sense of suffering and loss. The average prisoner has several weeks notice before he is released. During this time he daydreams of spending time with his children, eating ?real food? surrounded by family and friends. Some even fantasize about a parade waiting for them upon their release. No more counts, lockdowns or being told what to do. In a few weeks he will show the world how wrong it was for sending him here in the first place. The average prisoner holds onto the dream of starting his own business, helping at-risk youth, and traveling the world first class.For the next several weeks all of their thoughts are positive and productive. Never a mention of being strung out on drugs, being in any kind of trouble. Nor a thought of anything other then complete success. There are far too many horrid memories of this place to ever want to come back.As the day approaches the family encourages him constantly that all his dreams are plausible. Having been less then nothing the last ten years of his life there is nothing he wouldn?t do to maintain his freedom. Taking a walk around the big yard, he looks at the walls that cast a shadow over his life during his time here. Blocking out all the death here because it no longer belongs to him. Trying to recall the young boy who first walked in here ten years ago yet unable reclaim his innocence. That?s alright though, I don?t need that boy because it?s over now. I beat the system; I lived to walk out of here.

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