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Motivation Information

Finding Direction: Finding Passion Series - 2 of 3

In order to find the right direction for ourselves, we have to do some soul searching. What is it I want to accomplish? Why? What kind of person do I want to become? Is it so weird to be in our thirties or forties and ask ourselves, "So, what do I want to be when I grow up?" What would make us jump out of bed excited and motivated to get the day started? Before getting into these big questions, we need to find out the roots behind our decisions. What motivates us to choose what we choose?

Finding Yourself: Finding Passion Series - 1 of 3

We have been told that the things we don't like in our children are the same things we don't like in ourselves. We are told that we project our own flaws and issues onto our perceived enemies in an attempt to work them out within ourselves. We stereotype people according to who they hang out with. Birds of a feather flock together. We're attracted to people like ourselves, with the same flaws.

The Lies We Live By

How many times have you lied to get your way?

Greed and Selfishness: Knowing The Difference And Loving Yourself!

I hear many people discuss how selfishness leads to greed, or that being greedy is part of being selfish. I simply have to say that "greed" and "selfishness" are not the same things. These are "value words" and are based on ideas and information drilled into our heads when we were younger as something known as "basic morals."

Breaking Even: When is Enough, Enough?

I had the most interesting discussion today with a friend of mine. He and I were chatting about the economy, his job, families, and life in general. The one point that he kept raising was that of his "needing to do more" to pay the bills, be with his family, get promoted at work, fix the hot water heater, etc. It's always the "need to do more" to better accommodate more.

Constructive Tips About Retrenchment

This article provides constructive tips about facing retrenchment and moving on with new career opportunities.

The Rate of Change

There have been many discussions and grumblings in the Western world about the ever increasing pace of change and the ability of the brain to accept it. The Internet (something uninteresting that the American Military was developing) suddenly became a required household feature. Digital Mobile Phones suddenly give new meaning to taking photographs and all those gimmicks from James Bond Movies have long since been incorporated, accepted and forgotten about in daily life.

Free Will To The Rescue

Today's society and your private world are the results of free will. We have arrived here today through intention, ignorance or abuse. Some people understand and use free will daily. Some people completely deny it. And other people simply mock it and complain it "doesn't work."

Entrepreneurs: Take Action Over Inspiration Every Time!

"Accept the challenges so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory!" General George S. Patton

Five Great Ideas From Aristotle

It was Socrates who said that the purpose of philosophy is to help each of us become ?an excellent human?. That seems like a respectable and reasonable big-picture goal for every person on the planet.

Need Help? Look Within First

After eating a turkey and dressing sandwich for breakfast, I am raring to go! For those of you who wrote and asked where the article was last week, I appreciate the fact that you look for it! I apologize for missing it, and to make up for it I have posted on my website a web log and pictures of the barn raising party we had last week. Look for the link on the front page of

Are You Stuck?

You know the feeling.

If The Fear Fits...Dont Wear It!

Undoubtedly one of the most challenging tasks we can face everyday is fighting the fear of failure. At one time or another every single person has had to face the fear of stepping out into an unfamiliar area and leaving his comfort zone and entering the twilight zone.

Make Up Excuses Why You Can

We all have excuses as to why we can't do something. Ask anyone and they can give you a million excuses why it can't be done, why they haven't moved forward on their goals, and on and on. Making up excuses takes a lot of energy and time. So since, as humans, we seem to enjoy making up excuses, I have a great idea. Lets make up excuses why we can.

Avoid This Tendency And Youll Press Beyond Your Limits!

Inside of every one of us is the desire to press beyond our own limitations. Just forty years ago, the goal to land on the moon was a huge step for mankind. Now, we've gone beyond the moon and the end is nowhere in sight. But, consider this: Every challenge we face, can be stopped dead in its tracks with one little undesirable tendency. Hmm?

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