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Motivation Information

How To Deal With Denial

Denial is a coping mechanism commonly used when something happens that we really don?t want to see. Doing this is actually quite natural. After all, we want to keep our lives in order, and we resist taking in information that we feel would result in a loss for us.

Vanity Killed My Car

When I was a freshman in college, my first car was a 1973 Dodge Swinger. Stop laughing! When I first bought the car it was quite sad looking. But hey, it was all I could afford for $700. I decided to save up enough money from my summer job and give my ?swinger? a swinging look. So I saved, and saved every nickel and dime for months.

Understanding What Motivates People to Take Action

So I wanted to buy a car. It was a tough choice but I decided that my next new car would be a Volvo. So I drove down to a local dealer and told him I wanted to take a look at a few Volvos and could he help. ?Of course? he replied.

Achieving Your Dreams

Have you achieved your dreams? Dreams are an important part of our lives and should not be ignored. Our dreams inspire us to achieve unbelievable deeds, create stunning works of art, bring to life the impossible and give us hope and strength to look toward tomorrow with optimism and determination. But what if no one believed in their dreams and never took a chance to make them come true? Think about that for a moment and contemplate what our world would look like.

Our Future

I?m back from Hawaii; it was ten days of physical and emotional mastery.We went from learning from twenty of the planets best speakers in their field, to being pushed physically with a fifty foot pole climb, and then,flying fifteen feet like a free bald eagle to a hanging trapeze. These were some of the most invigorating experiences of my life.

How to Get Up on a Down Day

One of the major obstacles to achieving goals is losing the motivation necessary to finish them. Many times the initial surge of energy is lost after the reality of hard work or set backs sets in. Here are eleven things that can be done to maintain high motivation.

Keep Motivated To Succeed Online!

Starting and managing a business takes motivation and talent. It also takes research and planning. Although initial mistakes are not always fatal, it takes extra skill, discipline, and hard work to regain the advantage. Take time beforehand to explore and evaluate your business and personal goals, then use this information to build a comprehensive and thoughtful business plan that will help you reach these goals.

The Seven Keys to Motivation

Motivation. It?s a complicated subject that is studied by many and understood by few. Virtually every aspect of human life -- from the mundane to the life-changing -- is guided, swayed and altered by motivating factors.

Are You Travelling Along The Slippery Slope To Your Grave?

When it comes right down to it where ever you go is where you are, whatever you end up doing, that?s what you are doing, whatever you are thinking right now, that?s what?s on your mind, what has happened to you, has already happened.

Tony Robbins - 10 Lessons I Learned From Anthony Robbins

Tony Robbins has been an inspiration for millions. Love him and his philosophy or not, it is undeniable that he has had a positive impact on millions of people. He has sold over 30-million motivational tapes, published three best-selling self-help books, more than 2 million people attended his seminars and another 10,000 (including myself) have attended his mastery university in Hawaii. His core products include Get The Edge - Unlimited Power - Date with Destiny - Mastery University and more.

Making the Invisible Visible: The WOW Behind the HOW!

"We must be the change we wish to see in the world." -Gandhi

Is Work Still Necessary?

I have a confession to make - several confessions in fact.

Walk In The Light

It was a mild October night, weeks after the horrific September 11 terrorists attacks on our nation. With a mix of anticipation and apprehension, my husband, children and I, entered the gates of the North Carolina state fair. The fair lights illuminated the sky as thousands of fair attendees attempted to escape into hours of fun and fantasy. While trying to temporarily remove the overshadowing fear that more tragedy may be imminent, the excessive police security constantly reminded us of our nation's tragic events.

Letting Go Of Our Negativity

Everyone has something, whether it be a habit, or aspect of their personality, that they wish that they didn't have. For me, that something is fear. I am constantly afraid of just about anything you could crashes, meeting new people, tornados, driving in the dark, sleeping with the closet open, public name it, I'm probably afraid of it! This is a negative habit, and certainly one I would like to change. Most people can name at least one similar habit or personality trait off the top of their head. Think about it for a moment. What part of yourself would you truly like to be rid of? Now take that part of you, and imagine it disappearing forever. If you want, you can even make it more physical and real by writing that trait down on a piece of paper, then burying it or destroying it.

Your Biggest Do it Yourself Project

When I meet people and tell them what I do, I often hear, ?Oh, you are a motivational speaker,? with some amount of assuredness in their voice. While I realize there are many speakers that people lump into this category (some who are my friends and mentors), I strongly disagree with that label.

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