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Motivation Information

People Who Get What They Want: What Are They Thinking?

Imagine being able to choose any outcome and automaticallyfeel motivated to make it happen.

Three Simple Ways to Stay Focused

While I was trying to find a subject to write about this month that would be of interest to my readers, I did many things with my computer.

The Benefits of Keeping A Journal

Keeping a journal has many advantages and benefits. Whether you write a few lines or pages, through journaling, you can record and track a lot of information that can be easily retained for future reference. You can actually see what you were thinking because your thoughts and experiences are in a journal. When you commit to writing them down, you have put your thoughts and experiences into a solid form. Below are some examples of the benefits of keeping a journal.

Being Determined - What Good Will That Do?

?Consider the postage stamp: its usefulness consists in the ability to stick to one thing till it gets there.? -- Josh Billings

Lazy? Or Right on Schedule

Q. I've been working on a big project for a long time. Although I try to move ahead every day, sometimes I have to force myself to accomplish even a small task. When I skip a day, I feel guilty. How can I stay motivated?"

Quick Steps To Help You Take Action Now

Need to move ahead and yet find yourself holding back?

Quick Steps To Handle Setbacks

Looking for a way to handle a setback?

Growing Out of Your Comfort Zone

It has been said that "if you are not growing, you're dying." As human beings, we are on a constant journey called life. Rick Warren has been quite successful at stimulating thought and faith in his fine book, A Purpose Driven Life, suggesting that we are all here on Earth for a reason. I would like to propose that the concept of success is purpose-driven too. Earl Nightingale referred to success as the "continuing pursuit of a worthy ideal" and spoke of it often. I submit then, that success is not a destination, but a purposeful journey.

Getting Started is the Toughest Part of the Job

One of the most challenging things about starting on a new project, goal or task usually isn't the planning, the thinking about it and the mapping it out. It is the doing! Actually taking the first step is often the most difficult part of any new endeavor.

How To Create A Dream

All of us have a vision of our own possibility. Yet few achieve the success that our heart?s desire.

Being Genuinely Curious

Yesterday at the dinner table, my eleven-year-old daughter asked me, "Aren't there times when you absolutely know you're right and the other person is wrong?" She had a disagreement at school that day and believed that her view was the truth. I said, "I used to think I was always right and that other people were wrong. Now I still think I may be right, but I realize that other people know things that I don't. I'm more interested in learning than being right."

How to Master Lifes Problems

"Life is a Tiger-ride, by no means easy, but ride we must; to dismount is to be devoured mercilessly."

Trust Your Intuition!

How many times have you been faced with a decision to make and all of a sudden you get this feeling of instinctively knowing what you must do? Something inside you is telling you the difference between what you should do and what you are meant to do. Many people interpret this as a hunch, a gut feeling or having an inkling.

Motivation To Change, Why Is It So Hard?

We encounter constant changes throughout our life; it could be educational, health, relationships or financial, and of course with oneself. Maintaining or increasing one?s sense of self-worth and happiness are strong incentives for these changes.

Words that Inspire: PASSION

What is your PASSION?

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