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Motivation Information

How to Exude More Confidence

Confidence: The word conjures up images of self-assurance and belief in ones? self. Self-confidence is inward security. It basically means that your source of security comes from within yourself, you're confident in your integrity to your own value system. It is not congruent with doubt or fear.

The P Word... Procrastination

A problem many of us are familiar with. Its showing up in your work environment interfering with your daily life?.and peace of mind.

ACTION is More Important than Knowledge!

It was Albert Einstein who stated that 'imagination is more important than knowledge'. Now if he had been addressing a room full of entrepreneurs, I hazard a guess that he might also have extended this quotation by saying that 'action is more important than knowledge too!'

Quick Tips On Getting Motivated When You Dont Feel Like It

The secret to getting started on something when you don't feel like it, is surprising, but easy.

Self-Esteem: You Matter

You?d be surprised. Maybe amazed. If you could see the far reaches of your influence you?d be stunned. The point is: You matter.

Facing Our Fears

?You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do.?

March Madness - Give Me The Ball!

March madness is great to watch not because I havebasketball ability, (you can tell that by myheight), but because every year there are somegood players that become great players. Some ofthe tournament games are nail bitters and comedown to last second shots. When they do there aremaybe one or two players on the team that havethis attitude of, "just give me the ball." Theywant that pressure shot, they want to be the onemaking or breaking the teams future. Those are theplayers that go on in life to be the MichaelJordan's, Larry birds, and Magic Johnson's of thisworld.

After the Big Project: Recovering From Success

My older daughter got married 10 days ago. The wedding was a joyous and extraordinary experience, way beyond our imaginings. I am deeply happy about all of this, and feel strongly validated by the whole experience.

Why You Should Write Your Obituary Today

Writing your own obituary sounds and feels a little strange, I know. If the idea doesn?t appeal to you, try pretending that you have just won an award and the newspaper is doing a feature story on your accomplishments. By recording what you wish to be remembered or acknowledged for, you will be able to pinpoint the values you would like to live by. And, by identifying your life?s values you will be more able to live them now and in the future.

Do You Know Which Door To Open?

Do you remember that old television program that gave the contestant the opportunity to choose one of three doors and receive whatever was behind the door?

Choosing Your Vision

There is a new television show, called Blind Justice that will be replacing NYPD Blue. The show follows a Detective who, at the prime of his life and career, loses his vision in a heroic attempt to thwart a bank robbery and save other police lives. The shooting of this Detective results in his losing his eyesight/vision. He refuses the ?disabled? label and sues to get his job back. What immediately struck me as I watched the promo for this new TV show was the idea of losing one?s vision. Not physically becoming blind, but losing the vision we once had for our lives.

Bold Action: Living in the Moment

Reality show audition...I did it!

L-I-V-E-- 12 Steps to Living Your Life

Many of us only inhabit our lives- we do not Live our lives. But, we can.

10 Things To Do This Summer

Looking for a summer project? How about working on who you are, and what kind of life you really want to live? Here?s some ideas.

How Much Fight Is In You?

"All the adversity I've had in my life, all my troubles and obstacles, have strengthened me... You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you." - Walt Disney

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