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March Madness - Give Me The Ball!

March madness is great to watch not because I havebasketball ability, (you can tell that by myheight), but because every year there are somegood players that become great players. Some ofthe tournament games are nail bitters and comedown to last second shots. When they do there aremaybe one or two players on the team that havethis attitude of, "just give me the ball." Theywant that pressure shot, they want to be the onemaking or breaking the teams future. Those are theplayers that go on in life to be the MichaelJordan's, Larry birds, and Magic Johnson's of thisworld.

Do you know that Jesus is just like one of thoseplayers? He lives for the moment. He wants thepressure shots, and he wants to have the abilityin our lives to determine where we are going.

A few of you know I have had a hard time findingunderstanding in events in my life these lastthree weeks. Events out of my control, events withseemingly not much logical understanding, andevents mixed with love, frustration, and fear.Monday evening I happened to be working late at myoffice, which I rarely do on Monday's. Also Iparked my car on the side of my office, in whichany one passing by wouldn't have known I wasthere.

Finally realizing that I had no control, theredoesn't have to be any logic to love, andfrustration was just giving me headaches andstomach aches. Monday was one of those days inwhich I felt in my heart I was turning the cornerand releasing everything that the past three weekshad brought upon me to God and moving on with mylife. At 5:00 my last client left and I decidedto be still for a while. (A common theme I heardon three separate occasions this week in sermons).I guess you could say, I finally needed and wantedto pass the ball to someone else.

As I sat there quietly in my office I had thissudden urge to get on my knees and pray. But notthe normal attitude prayer that normally comes outof my mouth. That morning I turned to Matthew andread about asking for things, knocking on Godsdoor and receiving his blessings. This time Isaid, "God you say in Matthew, now I am asking,just give me a "sign" one way or another withAmber that's it. That's all I am asking." And Isaid all in a confidence and a strong voice.

As God as my witness not even five minutes later Ihear a knock at my office door, in walks AmberSmith! I have not spoken, seen her nor thought Iever would again in almost three weeks. Then allof a sudden she walks in. Needless to say, I wasshocked not just because of her showing up, butbecause of what God had just did. Saving you withall the mushy details (which is none of yourbusiness anyway) we spoke for fifteen minutesanswered some concerns of each others, took a stepforward, hugged and said our good byes.

But, much greater than the details is what Jesusdid because I handed the ball off to him. Allalong he would say to me, "Be still, give me theball, let me make the pressure shots, and let mehave your play book of life." However, all Ineeded to do was take the ball of burdens stretchout my arms and hand it to him. The minute myhands (thoughts and emotions) left the ball (mywillingness to control and have answers) heanswered and took the pressure shot. But not untilI totally let go and let God.

What I learned was this, humble yourself beforeGod (on your knees be the team player it's notabout you)? Continually read the word and stand onit (study the play book). Go boldly to Jesus foranswers (give him the pressure shots)

I don't know where my future is with Amber Smith,I still love her and I hope she believes that.What I do know is this; God is faithful on histime table. Whether we know it or not he watchesover us always. And practice the Golden Rule nomatter what.

So the next time you want to make the great shot,remember there are greater players around you ifyou just give them the ball. March madness is great to watch not because I havebasketball ability, (you can tell that by myheight), but because every year there are somegood players that become great players. Some ofthe tournament games are nail bitters and comedown to last second shots. When they do there aremaybe one or two players on the team that havethis attitude of, "just give me the ball." Theywant that pressure shot, they want to be the onemaking or breaking the teams future. Those are theplayers that go on in life to be the MichaelJordan's, Larry birds, and Magic Johnson's of thisworld.

Do you know that Jesus is just like one of thoseplayers? He lives for the moment. He wants thepressure shots, and he wants to have the abilityin our lives to determine where we are going.

A few of you know I have had a hard time findingunderstanding in events in my life these lastthree weeks. Events out of my control, events withseemingly not much logical understanding, andevents mixed with love, frustration, and fear.Monday evening I happened to be working late at myoffice, which I rarely do on Monday's. Also Iparked my car on the side of my office, in whichany one passing by wouldn't have known I wasthere.

Finally realizing that I had no control, theredoesn't have to be any logic to love, andfrustration was just giving me headaches andstomach aches. Monday was one of those days inwhich I felt in my heart I was turning the cornerand releasing everything that the past three weekshad brought upon me to God and moving on with mylife. At 5:00 my last client left and I decidedto be still for a while. (A common theme I heardon three separate occasions this week in sermons).I guess you could say, I finally needed and wantedto pass the ball to someone else.

As I sat there quietly in my office I had thissudden urge to get on my knees and pray. But notthe normal attitude prayer that normally comes outof my mouth. That morning I turned to Matthew andread about asking for things, knocking on Godsdoor and receiving his blessings. This time Isaid, "God you say in Matthew, now I am asking,just give me a "sign" one way or another withAmber that's it. That's all I am asking." And Isaid all in a confidence and a strong voice.

As God as my witness not even five minutes later Ihear a knock at my office door, in walks AmberSmith! I have not spoken, seen her nor thought Iever would again in almost three weeks. Then allof a sudden she walks in. Needless to say, I wasshocked not just because of her showing up, butbecause of what God had just did. Saving you withall the mushy details (which is none of yourbusiness anyway) we spoke for fifteen minutesanswered some concerns of each others, took a stepforward, hugged and said our good byes.

But, much greater than the details is what Jesusdid because I handed the ball off to him. Allalong he would say to me, "Be still, give me theball, let me make the pressure shots, and let mehave your play book of life." However, all Ineeded to do was take the ball of burdens stretchout my arms and hand it to him. The minute myhands (thoughts and emotions) left the ball (mywillingness to control and have answers) heanswered and took the pressure shot. But not untilI totally let go and let God.

What I learned was this, humble yourself beforeGod (on your knees be the team player it's notabout you)? Continually read the word and stand onit (study the play book). Go boldly to Jesus foranswers (give him the pressure shots)

I don't know where my future is, what I do know is this; God is faithful on histime table. Whether we know it or not he watchesover us always. And practice the Golden Rule nomatter what.

So the next time you want to make the great shot,remember there are greater players around you ifyou just give them the ball.

Greg Ryan is a best selling author of the Changing from the INSIDE OUT series. A powerful five step plan to better your life, get healthier, and have more energy! For FREE mini Course click here!

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