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Motivation Information

JJKs First Six Secrets to Becoming a Successful, Creative Entrepreneur!

Hello Creative Entrepreneurs!

To Boldly Go

For the first time in many years, Star Trek Fans will no longer be able to explore those new frontiers where no man has gone before. Thank heavens for reruns, videos and DVD?s! One reason for the success of this TV series is because the storyline appealed to the human desire to explore the unknown. Our curiosity of what?s around the corner to the next solar system and our capability to deal with unexpected challenges propel. inspire and motivate us forward even when circumstances may start us behind the starting line.

I?ll Do It In A Minute... Or Maybe I Won?t

?Procrastination is like a credit card: it?s a lot of fun until you get the bill.?Christopher Parker

Recommendations for the Best Personal Growth Books

I can't stress this enough: You've got to motivate yourself in order to motivate your team. You don't motivate people, they motivate themselves (or they don't). If you model motivated behavior, so will your team! Read on for a few suggestions on books to help you make it great!

Success Secrets - Achieving Ultimate Success

I hope you're having an AWESOME week!

Taking Action NOW: 9 Key Strategies...Part I

Awareness, understanding what impacts you!

Have You Said Thank You Today?

?When it comes to life the critical thing is whether you take things for granted or take them with gratitude.? --G. K. Chesterton (1874 - 1936) English essayist, novelist, journalist, poet

Sow the Seed - See the Harvest

The story is told of two boys who were walking through a field and found some corn seeds scattered across the ground. They each took one of the seeds home and planted it.

Three Fs and a Challenge

It?s no secret that life is a tricky animal to understand and it?s even harder to tame it so that it delivers what you want. But from my work in the world of personal development I've figured out three simple things that can transform any situation, any problem, any issue...and any life. Three things that once in place can bring the best out of you, bring the best to you and allows you to enjoy all of it. What are these three things? I call them the Three F's - Fun, Fulfillment and Freedom.

5 Fun & Easy Ways to Get Out of the Rut

I don?t know about you, but sometimes I feel less than great. Low, grouchy, fed-up and bored are all words you could use to describe what I?m like on those days. Thing is, days like those are part of the deal with being human ? it?s not an elective. There will always be off days, and that?s okay.

Is Failure the End of Everything?

"The important thing is to learn a lesson every time you lose." --John McEnroe


?Only as high as I reach can I grow, Only as far as I seek can I go, Only as deep as I look can I see, Only as much as I dream can I be? Karen Raven

Pushing Through Your Comfort Zone

Our greatest growth in life comes from pushing through our present comfort zone. This process starts at birth. A baby feels safe, warm and secure in its mother?s womb. However, to stay there much longer than the gestation period would mean certain death for both the mother and child. Life began for all of us as we left the comfort and security of the womb and faced the strange and unfamiliar world outside. Our first breath is often a painful experience, a cry of protest at temporary discomfort. Yet without this experience, our life would be fleetingly short.

Be Action-Oriented

Are you a melancholic online business owner by nature? I have something to tell you.

Why are You Living?

It was 4,O?Clock in the morning, my regular time to leave my bed and prepare myself for the day?s activities. But today, it was special?some thoughts were troubling the peace of my find. Why are we living? What is the purpose of this life? For whom, I am living? For my parents, my spouse, my kids, my country, my religion, NO, I am and in that manner we all are living for ourselves. If today anything happens to me, will my spouse, my parents, my kids, stop living? No, they will not. Then, what is the purpose of living? Why are you living? You are living for yourself, your name, your growth, and your happiness. The purpose of this life is: ?You in Particular and others in General?.

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