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What Do You Truly Value Most?

Believe it or not, values are in the core of all of us. Theseunderrated rankings tell more about us than we could everimagine. Yet, many of us overlook this extremelyimportant portion of our lives.

Why do we?

Because so many of us get caught up in the race of life andflying ahead of others becomes more important. Ifbecoming a better person everyday is important to you,(and it should be) you need to make this crucial evaluationbefore ever progressing forward.

Lets say hypothetically you have a lot of personal issuesunresolved, for whatever reason. In addition, you realizedthat due to your being so self absorbed, you are the highestvalue in your respective life and always have been.

Whew! A lot to have realized.

Your partner, child, job, friends, religion, car and pets areall inferior to your number one position. This has a lot todo with your feeling a lack of personal security that can bemade to feel secure by centering yourself in the spotlight atall times.

The world owes you the favors!

This mindset is ultimately destructive and counter-productive at best. Although, you do as much as needed tohide this characteristic of your personality, your thickenedveneer will grow more transparent as the days go on. Thepeople you hold most dear will eventually see right throughit.

By not holding your partner and children in the number oneposition, you are not only taking their love for granted, butin time setting yourself up to losing them, or at best, theywill grow to resent your obvious narcissism.

The fact is that everyone in the world has naturally selfishtendencies. How would we anticipate a reward for a jobwell done without thinking of ourselves?

To what degree do we keep this selfish viewpoint close tothe chest? That is a very important question to always askyourself.

Balancing this aspect of your heart and your intentions withthis question could certainly be the single most importantquestion you ask yourself throughout the course of yourlife.

If ranked properly, your values can dictate your future byholding yourself below rather than at the top. Yourinterpersonal relationships will be guided by this ranking.

However, this is not something you can fake!

This point cannot be said more emphatically. Introspectively gaze into your heart and truly ask yourselfthis poignant question.

If you still come out of that experience with yourself as themost important, than your living too selfishly. Additionalintrospection would definitely be indicated at that point togauge what is most important.

To further illustrate, here is a simple example: Your youngdaughter is in the second grade and tonight she has her firstplay opening. She is the innocent bunny, but your Fridaynights have historically been designated for haning out anddrinking with the guys.

Quite a dilemma, huh?

Should I see my daughter's first play performance orshould I let my super important friends down because if Ido, I might lose one or two of them since I'm not a'gamer'. You think this will inevitaly ruin or dent up mysocial life.


Well if the answer is to go to the bar with your friends, youare slowly or quickly ruining what should be the mostprecious relationships to you. Your daughter and partner. If it was not even a question and you wouldn't have missedher play for the world, then you'd be surprised how manyselfish people would have picked the social situation.

This example is one of a million I could have come up withthat determines your higher and lower values in life. Deciding what's more important to you and committingyourself consistently to this mindset.

It is not as important the farther you go down the list ofhigh values, but your number one and two are of the utmostimportance.

Try to make certain it's not you at numero uno!

Being selfless is a mindset, especially towards your familyand living life with an empathetic attitude toward the restof the world, creating a more harmonious existence. Moreover, this will eventually speak volumes about yourcharacter and lessen the burden of guilt that can eat away atyour very core.

If you strive to live cleaner, not a necessarily more boringexistance, you'll want to examine your highest and lowestvalues in your life everyday and vow to maintain theirorder. They will keep you mentally healthy and alwaysprogressing.

--by Brian Maloney-ValuePrep.comWant to improve your personal values?Get high-quality-relationship advice for guys and gals from a 'Logical' standpoint. Visit ValuePrep - Relationship Advice

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