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Finding and Applying for the Right Credit Card Offer Online Anywhere you go online nowadays, you will see a multitude of ads for credit cards. Some offer low interest rate for an introductory period, or bonus frequent flyer miles while others offer real discounts on new vehicles and equipment. Trying to find one that suits your needs and lifestyle can be a little overwhelming. How to Save Money on Your Credit Cards Credit card companies make their money on the 85% of us who fail to pay the outstanding balance each month. Even if you are not in a position to pay the balance each month you can still save some money if use your card wisely. Beware of Falling Minimum Payments If you opened a credit card statement recently and were pleasantly surprised to find that your minimum payment due was lowered, don't be so quick to "jump for joy". What may appear as a small boost to your monthly budget is actually the rock that can weigh you down in debt for a lifetime. 10 Tips To Prevent Credit Card Fraud Imagine opening your credit card statement one morning and discovering to your horror that you suddenly owe thousands of dollars - on purchases that you never made. Choosing The Best Credit Card To Apply For Always shop around to get the best deal when choosing which credit card to apply for. If you don't do your due diligence you could end up with a card that has too high of an interest rate, that has an unnecessarily high annual membership fee, etc. Here are some things to look for when checking out the different credit card offers you may receive in the mail. Recognizing the Signs that You Might Need Credit Counseling Most families in America today have a credit card; some have two or more. The type of credit card you own, gold, platinum, ext, is almost a status symbol in society. The concept is a good one, using your good credit to purchase big-ticket items that you may need time to pay for. If used wisely, credit cards can be a dependable resource, however, sometimes we are unaware of the fact that we are overspending. Some may think that if they are able to make the monthly payments, then their debt is under control. This is not always the case. These are some signs that you may be in or going in the direction of having a major financial crisis. Special Credit Information for Married Couples If you are married, establish separate credit accounts. Bank Robbery Growing In U.S. Bank robbery has grown to become a huge problem in the United States but I am not talking about people robbing banks. I am talking about banks robbing people. Here are some tips on how you can avoid being ripped off by your bank.Avoid The Plastic Make Sure Your Credit Report Is Correct to Improve Your Interest Rates And Lower Insurance Premiums Did you know that you could make sure to get the best rates on your auto and homeowners insurance simply by having a good credit score. Credit and Banking Money Saving Services The first rule when applying for banking and credit services is to always read the fine print and to understand all of it. Read up, take it home, and analyze it, ask the banking manager questions. The fine print is there for a reason. The charges and requirements contained in there, will affect the savings or added expenses you incur, whenever you bank or use credit. Collection Agencies: What Do They Do? Collection agencies are businesses that collect past-due bills and accounts receivable for other persons or businesses in exchange for a fee. Collection agencies charge for their services one of three ways: Understanding the Function of Credit What is Credit? Getting Your Credit Report and Understanding Whats On It If you intend to apply for a loan, you need to obtain your credit score. Understanding what this score means will allow you to make the loan process easier and quicker. Let's face it; most people want the loan process to be as painless as possible. Obtaining and understanding your credit score will help you see potential problems and perhaps eliminate them before you begin the loan process. Credit Cards and How To Choose Them: It may seem like a simple question but its important to take into account a few factors when choosing your credit card. If you are in the enviable position of being able to pay off your card every month then you are amongst the few. If like most you don't then we can offer you some guidance. Maximizing Credit Card Rewards We spend money every single day on many different types of products and services and the banks' newest offer is that of saving when spending if you use their services; that is if you pay for your expenditures with special credit cards. These credit cards are part of a wide offer and the best thing to do is read as many bank-offers as possible before choosing a particular card. Maximizing credit card rewards is not only for economists, it can simply be achieved by anybody who informs himself on credit cards, carefully chooses a suited card and manages it correctly. Credit Repair Kit Sound To Good To Be True? It Is. A lot of people have bad credit. It is unfortunate that good people with good intentions are sometimes lured into credit card offers with outrageous interest rates or convinced to buy a new, overpriced car that they cannot afford. Sometimes, it is a stroke of bad luck. You may have recently lost your job or been involved in an accident that made you unable to work which in turn also made you unable to pay your bills. Whatever the case bad credit can follow you for a very long time and repairing your credit is no easy task. You may have seen advertisements claiming to be able to repair your credit for only a small fee. Some advertise credit repair kits for anywhere from $10.00-$20.00. This may seem like a small price to pay to have your good credit reinstated. But beware, the price is often much higher. Jail time or high fines are the price you must be willing to pay since these scams are illegal. 7 Compelling Reasons Why A Prepaid Debit Card May Be Just The Financial Tool You Need Prepaid debit cards are great financial tools and may be just the financial tool you need. Here a seven compelling reasons why: Bankruptcy Myths Busted The average American knows very little about bankruptcy. Most people probably are aware of bankruptcy's ability to dissolve debt and give the debtor a fresh start. Some of the information you might have heard is correct, but some is not. The purpose of this article is to dispel some of the most common bankruptcy myths. Avoiding Credit Card Traps The next time you open your credit card statement, take a closer look at the small insert titled "changes to your credit card agreement". You know the one I'm speaking about. It's that small, folded paper written in legalese that you promise to read some other time (but of course that time never comes) or you just discard it with the other "junk" inserts. Learn How to Improve Your Credit Score Having a damaging credit record can hurt you in many ways. It may prohibit you from making an important purchase such as a home, car, computer or vacation. Without a healthy credit report you are severely limiting yourself from possible lenders. If you do find a lender you will undoubtedly be charge exorbitant interest rates far exceeding what recipients would receive if their credit history is in good standing. So how can you fix your credit score if you've been less than diligent with repayments to creditors? Well contrary to what many advertising scams will tell you, you can't fix your credit overnight. In most instances it takes 7 years for a payment infraction to be deleted from your credit report. If you were to file bankruptcy it would take 10 years. Obviously fixing the problem before taking such drastic measures is desired. Bankruptcy must be used only as a last case scenario and the implications must be fully understood before proceeding with such severe measure. Besides bankruptcy staying on your credit history for 10 years and posing large problems if you decide to seek out a financial lender, it can also impact other areas of your life. For instance you may be rejected from certain jobs, prohibited from taking on certain responsibilities and positions within your own company if you are a business owner and you will still be in the bad books of the people who you may require to lend you money. |
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