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Tired Of Being Broke?...Learn How To Force Banks To Give You Money!
Imagine...obtaining credit that's incredibly easy...opening doors of opportunity you never even considered being possible. Credit which will allow you to take the dream vacation of a lifetime, drive luxury cars, dress in the latest fashions, achieve the American dream of owning your own home, or even start your very own business. With these time-tested proven step by step strategies, all of this can now be possible! Credit can be your #1 asset or your worst enemy. The trouble is, it can be a very stressful experience when an unsuspecting person find out there's something wrong with their credit. One minute you feel you can buy up the world, and the next minute, you're told your credit is denied! All of a sudden, your credit is not as welcome as someone who still has their good credit. It's a situation that affects so many, especially when applying for new credit. Without good credit, people soon discover it's difficult to live without the necessary items that are needed. Unless you know how to improve, increase and repair your own credit, you will have to overcome many obstacles. Items such as new cars, houses, even rental properties and job placements can become very difficult to obtain. However, it doesn't have to be this way! This is why it's so important to know how to use your credit- no matter how good or bad- in your favor! Bankers and lenders in certain geographic areas usually will turn to one credit reporting agency. There are many, however, that subscribe to more than one. That can work in your favor because in many cases your complete credit history will never be accessed by a credit bureau located in another area. By applying for credit through banks and lenders that subscribe to a credit reporting agency outside the area, there's every reason to believe that some damaging information will not appear in your file. Remember, the only way bankers and lenders can survive is to extend credit to consumers. Especially in today's times! By taking a few easy steps to sidestep one credit report that has negative entries, and taking advantage of another that show you're a good credit risk, creditors will practically force hard cash into your hand. Here's how: Your credit file could list multiple damaging information in one credit report, but never show up in another! By obtaining your credit reports in advance, you will definitely know which lender to approach for credit. All you have to do is ask! By establishing a strong credit background, you'll be able to enjoy life, without any worries of being declined, getting the things you want! Just think...no longer will you'll be embarrased or turned down because of bad credit. The choice is all up to you to do it! About The Author This free article is courtesy of Cornelus Postell. Cornelus is the author of "Money Solutions That Works!", a proven time-tested selection of personal finance information and ways of gaining personal financial freedom. For more free information check out http://www.solutionswerks.com
Identity Theft ? Monitor Your Credit Report The recent security breach at credit card processor CardSystems Solutions has many consumers worried. Thanks to a well-placed computer virus, nearly forty million credit card numbers were stolen, and cardholders nationwide are justifiably concerned about identity theft. Should a thief steal your identity, he or she could run up thousands of dollars worth of debt in your name and it could take years to sort out the ensuing financial mess. Why Should You Use Credit Cards Believe it or not, the way society, especially the commercial side, is set up these days, the only alternative to using credit is to pay cash for everything. But it's actually quite hard to do that. For example, if you want to rent a car, you have to have a credit card, even if you pay cash for the rental. The reason for that is because once a company has your credit card with your signature, they'll never lose money. If you default on anything, or if extra charges come up later, all they do is charge your credit card. Many companies require a credit card before they'll do any kind of business with you, for that very reason. Credit Card Balance Transfers Explained What is a balance transfer ?A balance transfer can be explained simply as a balance transfer! When a balance is transferred usually from a credit card, but possible from a bank account or loan to a credit card with a offer interest rate (usually 0%) for a set period. It does not have to be the entire amount. The card receiving the balance will an interest rate for a set term, normally 6 months, but can be 9 months or even a year. Take a look at the current balance transfer deals currently available. This will give you a flavour of the typical kind of deal available. Comprehending a Credit Report Obtaining a credit report is an excellent way to begin taking control of your financial future. It's recommended that you review your credit report once a year, not only to be aware of your standing with creditors but to also keep abreast of errors and fraud. However, once your report arrives you may have trouble making sense of it. How are you to read and understand a credit report? Student Credit Cards 101 If you're a college student, you probably already have a credit card. If not, you may have plans to get one or more soon. So why should you read on? Five Debt Negotiation Facts These five debt negotiation facts along with a few debt reduction planning tools gives you the ability to control your own debt. For many people today credit card debt is a mounting problem and very few know how to successfully negotiate debt settlements. What Should I Do If I?ve Become a Victim of Identity Theft? Identity thieves take advantage of everyday opportunities to discover your personal information and use it to commit fraud or other crimes. The good news is a victim of identity theft has more options today than ever before. According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), there are four important actions you can take to minimize the credit damage caused by circumstances beyond your control. What You Should Know About Credit Counseling Credit counseling is a free service that many people with money problems have turned to in the face of financial ruin. Credit counseling companies negotiate with your creditors to reach financial solutions that benefit both you and your creditors. Often they are able to lower your monthly payments, reduce high interest, and eliminate late charges. 10 Step Credit Repair Guide The process of clearing credit can be laborious and frustrating, but your efforts will be paid for in better financing. Your rights are protected by laws, but you need to take reasonable actions toward your goal of clearing credit discrepancies. You can get the credit reporting agencies to help you instead of hindering your excellent credit quest with these tips. Making Sense of the Information in Your Credit Report If you've ever applied for a credit card or loan, you'veprobably had your credit report reviewed by the lender. Yourcredit report has a huge impact on your financial future, soit's well worth your time to be sure that you understand whatyour credit report says about you. Practical Suggestions for Protecting Yourself From Identity Theft It's no surprise that thousands of Americans are victimized by identity theft each year. Last year more than 9,000,000 people were victims of identity theft amounting to some $45 billion dollars. First Major Regulatory and Legislative Victory of 2005 for Creditors and Consumers Under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, collectors are not allowed to disclose a consumers past due debt to anyone other than the debtor and in some cases a spouse. The Telephone Consumer Protection Act would have required collectors to identify the registered name of their business in any pre-recorded messages to consumers or debtors. Since the name of many collection agencies indicates that they are a debt collection agency or that they are calling for the purpose of collecting a debt, this would have caused them to violate the FDCPA. The TCPA creates unworkable contradictions with collectors and creditors who are following the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. Credit Suicide Few things influence the home buying process more than your credit. I like how Clark Howard refers to the three credit repositories as, "the three screw-ups". There is some validity to that, and hopefully recent legislation will help clean up many of the inaccuracies. Regardless, lenders need a source to determine levels of risk for lending money? and the Fair Isaac Company is where it lies. (Note: Fair was one of their last names? doesn't necessarily denote fairness.) The Next Person With Credit Problems Got Their First Credit Card Today! One of the focus areas of my information is the absolute necessity of changing the way a person thinks about money and debt while in the process of repairing their credit. I have seen cases where a couple will work really hard for months, and finally get their credit report to the place they can borrow again and go out and buy something on credit just because they can. And I relate so strongly, because I was there at one time. Useful Tips When Choosing Credit Cards Chances are you have received your share of "pre-approved" credit card offers in the mail, some with low introductory rates and other perks. Many of these solicitations urge you to accept "before the offer expires." Before you accept, shop around to get the best deal. 4 Steps to Creating Good Credit As a consumer you've learned the importance ofestablishing a good credit rating with your lenders. Whether you are shopping for a new home or auto, or searching for the best deals on insurance, your credit worthiness will be judged by your credit rating or credit score. Is Plastic Making You Happier? If you're like most people, you probably own at least one. Four Tips How Homeowners Can Rebuild Their Life After a Foreclosure Let's face it, if you are facing the possibilities of losing your home due to a foreclosure and you think that you may never be able to purchase another home anytime soon. Keep reading. Simplifying Your Search For a New Credit Card Today, selecting the proper credit card can be a bit confusing to say the least. There are literally hundreds of offers from the major institutions eagerly competing for your business. The easiest way to shop for a credit card is to break them down into categories. There are seven major categories that all credit cards fall into. Each category is listed and explained below. Once you identify the proper category, simply narrow down the offers to the ones that best suite your particular needs and lifestyle. Credit Report Secrets: Do You Know What They Reveal? If you've ever applied for a credit card or loan, you've probably hadyour credit report reviewed by the lender. Your credit report has a huge impact on your financial future, so it's well worth your time to be sure that you understand what your credit report says about you. Even if you're not interested in obtaining credit, your credit report can impact other areas of your life. Potential employers view your credit report to assess your trustworthiness as an employee. Landlords frequently check the credit reports of their tenants before allowing them to sign or renew their lease. |
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