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Credit Information
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Are you paying higher interest on your credit cards than you think? Many credit card holders sign up for a credit account with an 8.9% interest rate and then later realize that their interest rate has been bumped to 27.4%. Why? Cash Back vs. Rewards Credit Cards Ah, the sweet rewards of using credit! Recognizing the Signs that You Might Need Credit Counseling Most families in America today have a credit card; some have two or more. The type of credit card you own, gold, platinum, ext, is almost a status symbol in society. The concept is a good one, using your good credit to purchase big-ticket items that you may need time to pay for. If used wisely, credit cards can be a dependable resource, however, sometimes we are unaware of the fact that we are overspending. Some may think that if they are able to make the monthly payments, then their debt is under control. This is not always the case. These are some signs that you may be in or going in the direction of having a major financial crisis. The Things That UK Lenders Like to See on Your Credit File, (and? What They Don?t Like to See!) Lenders are quite fussy about what they like to see on your credit report. So much so that you will have a hard time to meet their high expectations. But what exactly are they looking for? In this article we take a look at one aspect of your credit history that lenders have a keen eye out for. Annual Credit Report and Free Annual Credit Report Getting an annual credit report review has been the advice of many financial managers as they guided their customers to be aware of all information on credit reports. Would the idea of a free annual credit report be good news? Consumers are thrilled with the new federal mandate that demands the three major national credit bureaus offer a free annual credit report to anyone requesting copies of their personal credit reports. An annual credit report is available from each of these bureaus. Taking Control of Your Credit History Your credit history is important; in fact, in this day and age, only family and your time are more important than your credit history! The first time you established a payment commitment over a period of time for a purchase, you began your history of credit, and the credit bureau created your account. Payments such as the electric company, a rental agreement, a cell phone, a car payment or a low-rate credit card which you also have a responsibility to repay are not reported to the credit bureaus as a part of your credit history. They can, nonetheless, be important in your financial history. Credit Cards: Pros and Cons Sure, there are a lot of problems with credit cards, but there are a lot of good things attached to them as well. For instance, if you have a small business, fleet credit cards can keep your books in order when you issue them to drivers of company vehicles for gas and automobile repairs. On the other hand, it's very easy to abuse department store credit cards. And it's easy to have too many credit cards open at once. Automobile Credit Report When applying for a loan to purchase a car, the lender will want to take a look at a person's auto credit report. Credit reports tell lenders all they need to know about granting a loan to all applicants. When a person applies for a car, an auto credit report shows the lender what kind of credit or risk score a person has and the likelihood of an individual's ability to repay the new debt. An auto credit report can tell a lender a great deal about the person applying for a loan including their capacity to repay, the kind of collateral they have and the kind of character the person applying for a loan has. Boosting Your Credit Score To Get The Best Credit Card Deal Making Your Credit Rating Work For You Understanding Credit Card Penalties Because most of us have one or two credit cards and we use them every day, understanding credit card penalties and fees is a significant issue since one time or another we have paid a penalty for some reason. Every user of a credit card must first understand that every charge on the credit card represent a loan which must be repaid. It's like the loan for buying a house or a car; the same way these loans should be repaid, the credit card debt should also be repaid and even more it should be paid in time and at least the minimum amount or else you'll end up paying more interest fees and penalties than the actual borrowed amount. So, we can say it is important that reading and understanding credit card penalties and fees to be done before you apply for a credit card and start using it. A credit card user should read, before signing, the agreement and especially what is written with small letters because those small written lines sometimes are the most important. The agreement of the credit card usually contains rules on how and when the credit card issuer can apply penalties and fees, but you should also look for the lines where it is clearly stated how and when the payments should be done. You, as the future user of the credit card need to have complete and accurate information in order to be able to take a correct decision. Credit Counseling -- Why It Doesnt Work For Most Debtors "Cut Your Payments in Half!" the headline screams. "Consolidate Your Bills into One Low Monthly Payment!" Credit Help for Real Estate Financing: Five Categories of Your Credit Score 1. Payment History -- 35% Credit Repair Companies and Credit Counseling Let's be crystal clear, right up front. Paying someone to "fix" your credit is a waste of your time and money, since the negative issues that are temporarily removed from your file will only reappear again in a couple of months. Why Is It important! Your credit is the most important thing you have other than your breathe. There are three types of people in this world. There are those who have excellent credit. Those who have OK credit and those who have bad or no credit. Yes each of the above individuals has there own trials to deal with. Let us start by defining what each of the above can and can not do. Balance Transfers Introduction The main benefit of balance transfer is a money-saving one. In the competitive credit card market an increasing number of companies are offering a 0% interest rate for a fixed period on balance transfers made by new customers. This allows new cardholders to make considerable savings in interest repayments. Interest free periods vary and certain credit card issuers extend the 0% interest rate offer to cover new purchases, it is worth taking great care to compare balance transfer offers well before deciding which one to choose. Some companies offer lower than average interest rates on transferred balances for the life of the balance transfer. This may be good news for card users who are not planning to pay back credit card debt in the short term. Bankruptcy Myths Busted The average American knows very little about bankruptcy. Most people probably are aware of bankruptcy's ability to dissolve debt and give the debtor a fresh start. Some of the information you might have heard is correct, but some is not. The purpose of this article is to dispel some of the most common bankruptcy myths. 5 Killer Steps to avoid Credit Card SCAMS! In August, 2004, the Federal Trade Commission issued their findings of a recent study, which showed that nearly 25 million adults were victims of fraud. Useful Tips On Avoiding Credit and Charge Card Fraud Credit and charge card fraud costs cardholders and issuers hundreds of millions of dollars each year. While theft is the most obvious form of fraud, it can occur in other ways. For example, someone may use your card number without your knowledge. The Best Strategy To Erase Credit Card Debt Credit card debt is a growing sickness in the United States and Europe. It is very important to eliminate debt and take control of your financial health. Keep Your Credit History Clean - Remove A Negative Credit Record From Credit Report The three major credit bureaus, Experian, Equifax and Trans Union are similar and feature a "Credit Score", which is created from credit report data submitted to them about you. ![]() |
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