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Credit Help for Real Estate Financing: Five Categories of Your Credit Score
1. Payment History -- 35% The number of accounts paid as agreed and a good payment history give you a higher score. Negative points lower credit scores because of 30 days, 60 days, and 90 days late on any debt. The dollar amount of these delinquencies also impacts credit scores. Severity of delinquency, how long past due, and number of delinquencies are nasty remarks on some credit reports. The older these derogatory items are, the less impact they have on credit scores. You do not want any present delinquent accounts when applying for a real estate loan. Never, ever pay a mortgage payment more than 30 days late. Lenders do not like to see any delinquencies on real estate loans. Adverse public records, such as bankruptcy, judgments, suits, liens, and wage attachments negatively dominate credit history. Any of these items cleared up helps improve a credit score, unless the item is aged. The older the derogatory entry, the less the impact. Any activity on a particular item makes the item update and therefore, remain on the report for another seven years. So, if a derogatory item is more than four or five years old, don't bother with it. Collection items unfavorably shape credit payment history. The more age a collection account has, the less its consequence. Most mortgage companies require that collection accounts be cleared before lending. If this is your problem, see "Help with Collections" later in section six. 2. Proportional Amounts Owed -- 30% The amount owed on a credit line compared to the available credit is termed the proportional amount owed. With a credit card limit of $5,000, the score will be higher if less than $2,500 is owed. Even better is to owe less than 1/3rd of the available credit or less than $1501. To have the highest proportional amounts owed scoring factor, owing less than ten percent of the available balance gives you the best possible rating. On the other hand, owing over $4,500 on an account with a limit of $5,000 lowers your score significantly, especially if you have too many credit cards and other loans with high balances compared to available balances. Tip: Call your creditor and ask them to raise your available credit as long as you don't use this credit. This raises your proportional amount owed scoring factor. To raise your credit score dramatically and quickly, pay down as much as possible on each credit line instead of paying off one credit card at a time. If a credit card is totally paid off, it does not compute in the proportional amount owed; therefore your rating does not benefit from paying balances in full. On the contrary, paying balances in full takes the account out of the equation and you don't get higher points for the low proportional amount owed. 3. Length of Credit History -- 15% Any account over twelve months with a good payment history helps a credit score if the balance is not too high compared to the available credit. Six months is the minimum length of time to establish credit. The time since accounts opened and the time since account activity are factored into the length of credit history. 4. New Credit -- 10% Whenever you apply for a new credit line, your score receives a negative hit. The more inquiries you generate, the lower your score. Obtaining new credit lowers your credit score. We only apply for credit when applying for mortgages. Every time we get a new mortgage, our credit scores go down. Never finance a new car or get a new line of credit when you are getting ready to finance property. Wait until after closing to apply for further financing. Be aware that after your new loan shows up on your credit report, your financing abilities shrink. If you need credit funds for any reason, including renovation costs for your new house, apply for this after closing your property purchase. 5. Types of Credit Used -- 10% The different types of loans taken out by consumers affect credit scores. Credit assessors view mortgage accounts more favorably than consumer finance accounts. Too many installment loans, auto loans, and department store credit cards affect credit negatively. To improve your credit score, pay off installment loans and consumer finance company accounts after you have lowered your proportional amounts owed. Then pay off your department store retail accounts. Keep balances as low as possible on home equity lines of credit because they often count as consumer finance accounts instead of mortgages. Achieve higher credit scores by having only mortgage accounts and a couple of major credit cards with low balances. Note: In addition to credit scores, lenders consider length of time at residence and employment as well as income and education. Do You Need a Credit Score of 700? Don't believe it! We have so many loans; our scores are in the mid 600s, but we buy and sell property all the time. Even with a perfect payment history, we can't get our scores up because we have so many real estate loans with high balances remaining. We often need to get "B" loans instead of "A" loans, which means we pay higher tax-deductible interest, points, and fees. (c) Copyright 2004, Jeanette J. Fisher. All rights reserved. Professor Jeanette Fisher, author of Doghouse to Dollhouse for Dollars, Joy to the Home, and other books teaches Real Estate Investing and Design Psychology. For more articles, tips, reports, newsletters, and sales flyer template, see http://www.doghousetodollhousefordollars.com/pages/5/index.htm
SuperCharged Secret 1 of 5 - Credit Card Utopia I AM THE CONSUMER. AND I HAVE LOW-RATE SUPER-POWERS! A Summary of the Fair Credit Reporting Act This summary of the Fair Credit Reporting Act will explain what you can legally do if you want to repair your own credit report. No matter what you hear, you can dispute credit information on your credit report if you understand the legal rights you have under this law. Why Is It important! Your credit is the most important thing you have other than your breathe. There are three types of people in this world. There are those who have excellent credit. Those who have OK credit and those who have bad or no credit. Yes each of the above individuals has there own trials to deal with. Let us start by defining what each of the above can and can not do. 7 Compelling Reasons Why A Prepaid Debit Card May Be Just The Financial Tool You Need Prepaid debit cards are great financial tools and may be just the financial tool you need. Here a seven compelling reasons why: Applying for Credit Cards Online In the olden days, about 10 years ago, before the internet, consumers would have to fill in applications for credit cards, loans, mortgages and so on by hand. It's hard to believe now, but this lengthy process was the norm, with requests for extra documentation and references going backwards and forwards, until finally the application was accepted or rejected. These days with the advent of the Internet an application can validated, accepted and a credit card or loan offered with minutes. Like It Or Not, You Have A Score To Settle! Part 1 Just when most people finish with school and can stop worrying about test scores, there's a new kind of scoring that enters the picture. It's called credit scoring. And, its impact on your financial future can mean more to you than a college degree. Top 7 Factors to Consider While Reviewing Credit Card Offers Credit cards have migrated from being hip or convenience product into a must have entity for everybody. Shopping Online you need a credit card. Wanna book a weekend rental you need a valid card to pick one. In order to register as a valid seller in many online sites you need a card. Like this the credit cards have evolved from being just convenience items into something you got to have or you will be denied many services. There is a lot of money being made by the credit card industry. Everything you buy has a credit card fee attached to it. If you pay by cash you still paying those fees since the merchants don't offer a discount for cash or check payments. They are willing to pay the 2-3% charge to the credit card companies than give it back to you. If you are not using a credit card as your main payment method and enjoying the convenience it offers you are paying for nothing. How Businesss Mess Up Their Credit Policies In "Become the Squeaky Wheel" a book recently published, Michelle Dunn demonstrates the major areas a business should focus on to ensure a satisfactory customer experience. Credit Report Secrets: Do You Know What They Reveal? If you've ever applied for a credit card or loan, you've probably hadyour credit report reviewed by the lender. Your credit report has a huge impact on your financial future, so it's well worth your time to be sure that you understand what your credit report says about you. Even if you're not interested in obtaining credit, your credit report can impact other areas of your life. Potential employers view your credit report to assess your trustworthiness as an employee. Landlords frequently check the credit reports of their tenants before allowing them to sign or renew their lease. Credit Cards For People With Bad Credit Scores Sometimes life lands you in a situation that causes your credit to suffer. A job loss or illness can send your credit rating south leaving you with nothing to do about it. Some creditors may let you slide a month or two, but your records will still show a delinquency. A stolen identity can also leave you feeling violated and unable to resume a normal life with credit. It is during these times you may have to search a little harder to find companies that wan to deal with people who have bad credit. There are a handful of lenders who will help you re-establish your creditworthiness by using one of their credit cards. My Student Credit Card Adventure And some practical advice too! Harassment of People in Debt by Creditors Harassment How Do I Establish A Good Line of Credit? A line of credit, roughly defined, is the amount of credit that can be given to a borrower from a lender. Usually a contract or note of promissory is exchanged between the two parties, in which both parties agree to the line of credit amount, as well as the annual interest due to the lender at the end of the term. The Best Strategy To Erase Credit Card Debt Credit card debt is a growing sickness in the United States and Europe. It is very important to eliminate debt and take control of your financial health. Stop Credit Card Offers You can stop receiving credit card offers in the mail! It's really easy to do - just phone 1-888-567-8688 and follow the prompts and provide the requested information including Social Security number, date of birth, etc. Is Your Credit Score Being Held Against You? Credit Scores That Hurt How Your Credit Rating Affects You, and How to Check It You might not know it, but every time you take out any kind of loan or credit or pay something back, it gets counted on your credit rating. Who keeps a record on you will vary according to where you live, but the big three credit reference agencies are Experian, Equifax and Trans Union. They will provide your credit rating to any company that is thinking of lending you money. Bankruptcy vs. Credit Counseling: What Should I Do? Credit Counseling and bankruptcy are both ways to relieve the stress of debt. However, they are very different and it is important to understand both before making a decision as to which is best for you. Small Business Credit Cards So what do you look for when applying for a credit card for your small business? One thing is for sure, wasting money isn't an option because it can make or break your business. Things to look for are low interest rates and good customer service. Useful Tips on Using Credit Cards Here are some useful tips on using credit cards. Whether you shop online, by telephone or by mail, a credit card can make buying many things much easier; but when you use a credit card, it's important to keep track of your spending. |
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