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14 Common Credit Mistakes Establishing credit and wisely managing your credit becomes easier when you know how. You'll feel empowered by taking knowledgeable steps towards good credit, and you'll be on your way to purchasing real estate and greater financial freedom. Make Sure Your Credit Report Is Correct to Improve Your Interest Rates And Lower Insurance Premiums Did you know that you could make sure to get the best rates on your auto and homeowners insurance simply by having a good credit score. Identity Theft - Dont Think You Are Immune As identity theft becomes more prevalent, the need to regularly check your credit report is veryeasy to see and understand. Two big headlines in the news recently point to how closely tied yourcredit report and identity theft are. Credit Report Disaster Through Mistaken Identity I've got some very important info I want you to think very seriously about. I'm sure by now you've heard of Identity Theft,...heck you may have even been affected by it. I know many of my friends have. Minimum Credit Card Payments to Rise For years, major credit card companies have allowed cardholders to make minimum payments of 2% of the outstanding balances on their credit cards. Having customers pay the minimum doesn't reduce the balance by very much, but when the 18-30% interest rates that many credit cards charge is applied, the result is a profitable ones for the banks that issue credit cards. A balance of $1000 can take nine years to pay off at 20% interest if the borrower only pays the minimum due each month. What Happens When Your Credit Is Damaged? Do You Have Recourse? The good thing about bad credit is that you can fix it. If you start now, over time, your bad credit can turn into good credit, and you could qualify for the loans you want at the rates you want. The most important aspect of rebuilding your credit after it has been damaged is showing lenders and creditors that you are serious about repaying your debt and that you can be a reliable borrower over a significant period of time. Keep Your Credit History Clean - Remove A Negative Credit Record From Credit Report The three major credit bureaus, Experian, Equifax and Trans Union are similar and feature a "Credit Score", which is created from credit report data submitted to them about you. 7 Consumer Credit Laws You Should Know if You are Trying to Repair Your Credit There are seven consumer credit laws you should be aware when dealing with your credit. What To Look For In A Credit Card When you are deciding what type of credit card to get it is important to compare credit cards to each other and find the best deal for you. There are a variety of different credit cards available, from low interest cards, cash back cards and even reward credit cards, it's hard to decide what exactly the best credit cards are. Identity Theft ? How Can You Prevent It Happening to You? The nightmare of identity theft strikes an estimated 750,000 people every year. How can you keep from being one of them? While there is no guarantee that you won't become a victim, there are some steps you can take to decrease the risk and protect yourself. How To Repair Your Credit Report A credit report is run on a buyer when he or she needs to buy something that will take a long-term loan, such as an automobile or a house. The credit report can come from one of three agencies ? Equifax, Experian, and Trans Union. Each of these three agencies uses their own techniques of arriving at a credit score and receiving credit information, so attention should be paid to all three. A credit report score can go up to 800, and an increase of 50 points is a big one, enabling borrowers to get loans they previously were denied, and getting loans at much better interest rates. A 1% drop in an interest rate on a $150,000 house, for instance, may drop a payment by over $100 a month, saving the borrower over $35,000 over the life of the 30-year loan.Each of these credit agencies have taken all the financial information they can find about you and tabulated a credit score from those results. Information will include your current and previous home addresses and employers, the credit cards and loans you have, and any late payments made over the last ten years. These agencies' credit reports will be very similar, but there will be differences, as they all make mistakes, and the banks and credit card companies giving them the information make mistakes, too.Here's where you can improve your credit score. Any request for a change in information in a credit report must be answered and corrected within 30 days because federal law regulates the credit bureaus. If you write in to a credit bureau complaining that one of the late payments on your credit report is wrong, they must investigate and correct the information within the 30 days, or delete the information. Because this deadline is very difficult to make, often the late payment report is simply deleted off of the credit report. This procedure is very slow and time-consuming, and you can either do it yourself or hire an agency to do it for you. Each letter should only request one change, otherwise the credit bureau will usually declare the request to be frivolous and thus they are not required to do anything. Each letter should be written to all three credit reporting agencies. These agencies, Equifax, Experian, and Trans Union, all have PO boxes specifically set up for complaints, but they change the PO Boxes often to make it difficult for customers to find. Every month you, or the agency you have hired, should send out another letter referring to a different mistake in your credit report. After many months, your credit report will show many fewer late payments, perhaps even none, and your credit score will have improved dramatically. FREE Credit Report Offer - Careful, It Might Carry Hidden Charges FREE credit checks or free credit reports. What are they all about? Why every second company on the Net is offering you a free credit report? Are they all suddenly moved into a charity business? My Student Credit Card Adventure And some practical advice too! My Credit Card Application Was Rejected! Now What?!? No doubt, you've probably gotten literally hundreds of credit card applications in the mail and online, and each and every one of them has said that you've been "Pre-Approved". Free Credit Report ? Watch Out for Scams Many people may still not be aware of an amendment to the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) that Congress passed last year. This amendment allows U.S. citizens to receive a copy of their credit report, for free, once per year. The plan is being rolled out slowly in order to avoid swamping the system, but people living in the West and Midwest can receive their credit reports now, and everyone will be able to obtain a free credit report by September of this year. Those seeking a copy of their credit report should watch out, however, as not everyone who promises a "free" credit report is actually delivering one. What Is A FICO Score? A credit score is most commonly known as a FICO score. FICO stands for Fair Isaacs Corporation. It's a company that developed the credit scoring software used to evaluate your credit worthiness. How A Prepaid Debit Card Can Help You Rebuild Your Credit Consumers today are up to their eyeballs in debt. And many people don't realize it until their good credit has been devastated. How To Get Out Of Credit Card Debt If you're like the average person, let me warn you ahead of time about what I'm going to reveal in the next few paragraphs. You may be angry after you finish reading this article about how you've been misled in the use of credit card debt. Credit Establishment 101 There will come a day when you need credit. You may want to buy a home or a car and your credit rating will become very important to help make these dreams come true. One of the first things you will need to learn is the basic principle of money management, especially the ability to repay your creditors on time within the 30-day grace period they establish for you. Most people secure credit cards as the first way to establish credit in High School or College. Upon getting the credit card, usually a low spending limit, the ability to repay the card in an orderly fashion will help you establish a positive credit rating with the major repositories. Saving Money with Credit Cards Having a credit card is a wonderful convenience for those times when you don't have immediate access to your cash. It can allow you to purchase something on time for which you can pay later, thereby giving you the ability to afford something NOW that you'd have had to save for later. But buying on credit will also cost you money - in that way it's no different than taking out a loan to buy something that you want. There are, however, ways to save money when you buy with credit cards. |
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