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How To Repair Your Credit Report
A credit report is run on a buyer when he or she needs to buy something that will take a long-term loan, such as an automobile or a house. The credit report can come from one of three agencies ? Equifax, Experian, and Trans Union. Each of these three agencies uses their own techniques of arriving at a credit score and receiving credit information, so attention should be paid to all three. A credit report score can go up to 800, and an increase of 50 points is a big one, enabling borrowers to get loans they previously were denied, and getting loans at much better interest rates. A 1% drop in an interest rate on a $150,000 house, for instance, may drop a payment by over $100 a month, saving the borrower over $35,000 over the life of the 30-year loan. The author runs the finance website http://www.pawninfo.com about short-term loans and payday loans, and any or all of this article may be reproduced in any form as long as there is a link to the website. Pawn Shops and Short Term Loans
Useful Tips When Choosing Credit Cards Chances are you have received your share of "pre-approved" credit card offers in the mail, some with low introductory rates and other perks. Many of these solicitations urge you to accept "before the offer expires." Before you accept, shop around to get the best deal. Credit Repair Kit Sound To Good To Be True? It Is. A lot of people have bad credit. It is unfortunate that good people with good intentions are sometimes lured into credit card offers with outrageous interest rates or convinced to buy a new, overpriced car that they cannot afford. Sometimes, it is a stroke of bad luck. You may have recently lost your job or been involved in an accident that made you unable to work which in turn also made you unable to pay your bills. Whatever the case bad credit can follow you for a very long time and repairing your credit is no easy task. You may have seen advertisements claiming to be able to repair your credit for only a small fee. Some advertise credit repair kits for anywhere from $10.00-$20.00. This may seem like a small price to pay to have your good credit reinstated. But beware, the price is often much higher. Jail time or high fines are the price you must be willing to pay since these scams are illegal. Tips for Choosing a Credit Card Company Credit Cards are essential for any consumer today. However, when choosing a new credit card company, many people do not know what to look for. It is important to have a good company because bad credit card companies can lead users into quite a bit of trouble. Whether you are a college student getting your first credit card, or someone looking to switch, choosing the company and type is very important. These few tips should help make your decision easier. Do you Know the Benefits of Checking your Credit Report? Do you know why you should check your credit report? Low Interest Credit Cards Have Many Advantages When credit cards are used wisely they can be very beneficial to the consumer. A low interest credit card can be exceptionally beneficial. Many people use the same credit card that they have had for years. Some people still have the very first credit card that they ever received and just simply have never thought to switch to a card with a lower rate. There is a degree of comfort in habit, but shopping around for a lower interest rate credit card can quickly prove that switching is worth the little amount of effort it takes to do so. All Is Fair In Love, War, and, Your Credit Report - At Least It Should Be! Understanding the FCRA Fact: Over 150 million Americans have credit report with the three major credit reporting agencies. Approximately 50 million of these credit reports contain errors, many of which are inaccurate. Do you know what's on your credit report? Credit Repair Companies and Credit Counseling Let's be crystal clear, right up front. Paying someone to "fix" your credit is a waste of your time and money, since the negative issues that are temporarily removed from your file will only reappear again in a couple of months. Credit Repair Myths and Facts There are no secrets to repairing your credit. Many shady credit repair agencies would love you to think the contrary. Negative items can be removed from your credit report and you can do it yourself. One does not need a credit repair "expert" or "law firm" to do it either. While the credit world can seem complex to the average individual, the basics are really simple once you know them. Can You Acquire Good Credit Overnight? You Bet Your credit file may not reflect all your credit accounts. Although most national department store and all-purpose bank credit card accounts will be included in your file, not all creditors supply information to credit bureaus : Some travel, entertainment, gasoline card companies, local retailers, and credit unions are among those creditors that don't. How Your Credit Rating Affects You, and How to Check It You might not know it, but every time you take out any kind of loan or credit or pay something back, it gets counted on your credit rating. Who keeps a record on you will vary according to where you live, but the big three credit reference agencies are Experian, Equifax and Trans Union. They will provide your credit rating to any company that is thinking of lending you money. 3 Ways to Improve Your Credit Score by 50 Points In Less Than 30 Days In Less Than 30 Days. "What can you do to increase that set of three numbers on your credit report that can be so important with your financing?" I came across this question as I was surfing discussion groups the other day. Check out my answer: Dear Friend, Here are 3 steps I used to take my credit score from 592 (horrible credit) to 762 (perfect credit) almost overnight. If you're interested in improving your credit rating quickly, you'll find this story helpful: In 1995 I made a decision that would ruin my perfect credit history. I quit my salary job to become an insurance salesman. The job paid commission only. Within a few months I lost everything - house, car, credit rating and my self respect. By the end of 1996 I was living with my mom, all my credit accounts were severely past due, and I was paying 22% interest on a broke-down green Geo Storm...I was a real loser. Then, in 1997, I became a banker. I didn't know it at the time, but this would turn out to be the break I needed to eliminate my credit problems forever. During my seven years as a banker, I came across several legal and highly effective ways to improve my credit rating. As a result, I was able to increase my credit scores by an average of 170 points. Here's what I did: Step #1: After spending hundreds of dollars on credit repair services that didn't work, I found out how to get negative accounts removed on my own. Basically, I wrote letters to the collection agencies requesting proof that the accounts were mine. 89% of the time they had no proof that the bad accounts belonged to me. So I was able to get them deleted from my credit file. Step #2: I opened new accounts with high credit limits and kept the balances low. I discovered that if you keep your available credit limits high and only use 10% to 30% of the credit you have available, your credit score will improve dramatically. Step #3: Next, I added accounts with years of perfect payment history to my credit file. This step took my credit score from 647 to 762. While you can certainly add seasoned accounts to your credit file for free, there are companies that claim they can do it for a fee. The problem is, they charge between $2,000 and $2,500 per account. If you want a 700+ credit score you'll need 3 to 4 of these accounts. That equates to a cost of $6,000 to $10,000. (You can conduct a search on your favorite search engine for companies that offer this service.) While there are several highly effective steps you can take to increase your credit scores by as much as 200 points, these are the main ones...And here's the good news: Each step can be completed in less than 30 days. What Are The Most Common Credit Card Mistakes? Now in a world with so many easy to get credit cards it can be easy for someone who is a first time credit card holder, or even someone who has several credit cards in the past to make mistakes when using the card. Are 0% Credit Cards Reaching Their End? Are Credit Card companies starting to feel the pinch? We all know that the Credit Card companies make their money by charging us interest on the money we borrow. With all the 0% balance transfer offers that we have seen over the last few years its no wonder these companies are concerned they aren't making any money. Many customers who take advantage of these offers move once the 0% period has expired. Free Credit Reports - How to Maintain Your Credit Profile Maintaining your Credit Profile Free Credit Reports Now Available From the FTC The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has set up a new website (www.AnnualCreditReport.com) where US residents can obtain free copies of their credit reports from the three major credit report bureaus (Equifax, TransUnion and Experian). The FTC site was set up as part of the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act enacted last December. The site was set up in an effort to help fight the increasing threat of identity theft. The credit reports must be ordered from the FTC site to get them for free. If you order your credit report directly from one of the credit report agencies' sites, you'll be charged a fee for the report. All You Wanted to Know of Bad Credit Martin Henderson is in a fix these days. Because of his failure to repay a loan he had taken a few years back, he has been adjudged as a bad credit case. And, in spite of much effort, he has not been able to get a loan or a mortgage. Lenders do not want to take risk by offering loans to him, and he is severely in need of money. Grants, Loans, Free Credit Cards And Credit Repair: The Whole Truth And Nothing But The Truth You got creditors calling you everyday. You could lose the car or house. Your teetering on the edge financial ruin - then you see an ad that may safe your butt! Typical headlines say something like "Millionaire reveals Hidden Cash Sources, or help for people in debt up to their eyeballs!" How Healthy Is Your Credit There's only one way to discover the "health"of your credit. You need to examine your credit report. Your credit report is your "consumer identity" that potential lenders will use to judge yourcredit worthiness. Your Guide On Choosing a Credit Card To Suit You Reach into your wallet or purse, pull out a card, swipe, and you're done. It is very easy to use a credit card. The problem lies in choosing a card ? and it has nothing to do with the picture on the front! Choosing a credit card that works best for you is vital to your credit rating. If you choose incorrectly, you may find yourself in deep debt trouble. Here is some basic, yet extremely important, information that will help you make the right choice. What You Should Know About Credit Counseling Credit counseling is a free service that many people with money problems have turned to in the face of financial ruin. Credit counseling companies negotiate with your creditors to reach financial solutions that benefit both you and your creditors. Often they are able to lower your monthly payments, reduce high interest, and eliminate late charges. |
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