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Low Interest Credit Cards Have Many Advantages
When credit cards are used wisely they can be very beneficial to the consumer. A low interest credit card can be exceptionally beneficial. Many people use the same credit card that they have had for years. Some people still have the very first credit card that they ever received and just simply have never thought to switch to a card with a lower rate. There is a degree of comfort in habit, but shopping around for a lower interest rate credit card can quickly prove that switching is worth the little amount of effort it takes to do so. With credit card companies aggressively competing for your business, it is easy to find a card with a low interest rate these days. Of course your credit score will determine how low of an interest rate you will be able to get. There are many helpful websites that have made the process of comparing credit card offers easy for the consumer like http://www.amex-visa-mastercard.com If you carry a balance on your credit card from month to month like many people do, switching to a card with a lower interest rate can save you hundreds of dollars in interest. If paying off your credit card debt is your goal, having your credit card balance on a low rate card will allow you to pay it off much faster than a higher rate card will. Many credit card companies even offer a 0% interest rate on balance transfers. This is a great way to get your credit card debt paid down without having to pay interest on it. Even if you pay your credit card balance in full each month, having a low interest credit card can still be advantageous. We all hope that nothing will ever happen to negatively effect our financial situation but as the saying goes, you just never know. Having a low interest credit card in your wallet can serve as a safety net if something should ever happen that would not allow you to pay off your balance every month. Having a low interest credit card can help your financial situation, whatever it may be. ------------------------- This article was written by Beth Pardue who has over 10 years of experience in the financial industry assisting clients with assorted financial needs. To learn more about credit cards or to apply for a credit card online please visit: http://www.amex-visa-mastercard.com
10 Step Credit Repair Guide The process of clearing credit can be laborious and frustrating, but your efforts will be paid for in better financing. Your rights are protected by laws, but you need to take reasonable actions toward your goal of clearing credit discrepancies. You can get the credit reporting agencies to help you instead of hindering your excellent credit quest with these tips. Establishing Credit ? What You Need To Know Part 1 Establishing credit is one of the most important things you can do in order to add stability to your financial record and dramatically increase your ability to borrow necessary funds in order to purchase a new home, new car or even pay for college expenses. Unfortunately credit has two sides to it that consumers can exploit. The good side is very valuable and prevents consumers from having to save for many years in order to afford the finer things in life. The bad or dark side of credit can lead to individuals amassing large amounts of debt they eventually find themselves unable to repay. With this in mind one of the best investments anyone can give himself or herself is the financial knowledge necessary to handle and ultimately use credit wisely. What is a Bad Credit History? A bad credit history can sometimes seem like a curse... whenever you apply for financing or for a loan, it always seems to pop up and cause you problems. All About Balance Transfers What is a balance transfer? How To Save Money On Credit Cards Some credit cards offer a cash advance option. But how good a deal is this? Why Is It important! Your credit is the most important thing you have other than your breathe. There are three types of people in this world. There are those who have excellent credit. Those who have OK credit and those who have bad or no credit. Yes each of the above individuals has there own trials to deal with. Let us start by defining what each of the above can and can not do. Do You Know Whats On Your Credit Report ? It is important to know your credit rating for a number of reasons. Believe it or not there may be errors in your credit report, and it is essential that you repair them immediately. How To Get a Low Interest Credit Card Consumers often have the first credit card that they ever applied for, never really analizing how the interest rate affects their payments, but many other options exist and can help consumers decrease their payments and achieve financial stability.With interest rates on some credit cards rising to over 23%, even low balance credit card debt can be crippling. One of the first research elements a prospective borrower should look at is the interest rate on transferred debt. This interest rate is often lower than the usual interest rate for the credit card, and can be an especially good deal for borrowers who have debt already. Another element to consider is the interest rate on new purchases ? this rate will be the main concern in the years to come, as this new credit card will probably become the most heavily used. Borrowers often worry about annual fees, but these are often temporary. Getting a credit card with low interest rates will save a borrower significant sums, usually much more than the annual fee. Plus, once good credit is established, the annual fee may later be waived. Another interest rate will usually apply, as well ? the rate for cash advances. Cash advances are usually limited to a couple hundred dollars, but credit card companies often insist that when paying back the balance, the credit portion must be paid back first, then the portion that the cash advance applies to. So if you are going to keep a balance on your credit card, be aware that cash advance interest rates are higher than the regular interest rates. Cash advances can be incredibly helpful in emergencies, though, when a credit card cannot be used.Visa and MasterCard are by far the most commonly accepted credit cards, so less commonly used cards such as American Express and Discover often offer special rates for new customers. These rates are worth attention, even if you think that you may not be able to use the card as easily as your previous credit cards, because transferring the balance to these new cards to obtain the lower interest rate may significantly lower your payments. While your AmEx or Discover Card may not be accepted as often, they can be a good tool to achieving your financial goals. Even less commonly used are credit cards that are store specific, such as gas cards or department store cards, but these cards can offer incredible deals on interest rates. They rely on the fact that consumers will often switch their spending patterns to the new gas station or store, and this increased revenue makes up for the lower interest rates. A slight change in your habits, such as consistently using the new credit card at the new gas station, can lower payments and improve credit scores.Researching new credit cards can seem daunting, but by comparing the four main factors, which are the regular interest rate, the rate on transferred balance, the rate on cash advances, and the annual fee, you can reduce your credit card payments significantly. 14 Common Credit Mistakes Establishing credit and wisely managing your credit becomes easier when you know how. You'll feel empowered by taking knowledgeable steps towards good credit, and you'll be on your way to purchasing real estate and greater financial freedom. Credit Card Benefits and Drawbacks Credit cards have both benefits and drawbacks. It is wise to consider both before applying for a credit card. While they can be very useful, credit cards can also be risky. Even people who are usually good with their money get into trouble with credit cards. A credit card can be useful, but may also end up putting you in a difficult financial situation if misused. 19,178 Identity Theft Victims Per Day - Are You One Of Them? Identity theft statistics are shocking. And we are told that it will only become worse, before it gets any better. Are you likely to be affected? Credit Score: The Brightest Feather In Your Financial Cap Credit scores are the most important aspect that determines your financial future. Carrying a good credit score is an asset and can pave your future towards greener pastures. On the other hand a negative marking on your credit report can be ruinous for your future dreams. However, "There Isn't Much anyone can do for those who will not Do Something for themselves." The same is applicable for credit scores. Your prime aim is to maintain a good credit score and lead a planned life. New Credit Advice: Dont Pay off Those Credit Cards! Credit needed for real estate mortgage financing differs from credit needed for consumer loans. If you need help getting a home mortgage, these credit tips will help you. Two Things You Need To Know About Prepaid Debit Cards According to the September 2004 issue of the Nilson Report, around $588 billion dollars worth of debit cards were bought in the United States in 2003. By 2008 that volume is expected to grow to $1.231 trillion putting a significant dent in the nation's use of pure credit cards as consumers continue to favor the use of prepaid debit cards. If you are among the nation's millions who are currently using prepaid debit cards or are among those considering their use, you need to know two things that may detract and enhance your use of the prepaid debit card. Credit Repair Myths and Facts There are no secrets to repairing your credit. Many shady credit repair agencies would love you to think the contrary. Negative items can be removed from your credit report and you can do it yourself. One does not need a credit repair "expert" or "law firm" to do it either. While the credit world can seem complex to the average individual, the basics are really simple once you know them. The Exact Action To Take When You Find Errors In Your Credit Report There are times when you may be turned down for credit and you do not understand why. Bailiffs & Council Tax - Knowing What To Do This article is about bailiffs who may call trying to collect Council Tax or Community Charge (Poll Tax) arrears. If a bailiff has contacted you to collect another sort of debt the law might be different. 10 Tips To Prevent Credit Card Fraud Imagine opening your credit card statement one morning and discovering to your horror that you suddenly owe thousands of dollars - on purchases that you never made. Identity Theft ? Guard Your Childrens Social Security Numbers Identity theft is a growing concern among Americans, and rates among the top five complaints received by states' Attorney General's offices. A stolen identity can lead to tens of thousands of dollars worth of debt in the victim's name and it can take years to completely undo the damage done to the victim's credit report. Identity thieves can successfully commit crime with as little as a driver's license number or credit card number, but the ideal target of such criminals is the Social Security number. With that number in hand, the identity thief can pass themselves off as the victim and open credit card accounts, bank accounts, and even obtain home equity loans. As more Americans become aware of the problems posed by identity theft, consumers are doing more to protect themselves. This has inspired thieves to look to a new source of identities to steal, and they have found one. They are now stealing the identities of children. How Do I Establish A Good Line of Credit? A line of credit, roughly defined, is the amount of credit that can be given to a borrower from a lender. Usually a contract or note of promissory is exchanged between the two parties, in which both parties agree to the line of credit amount, as well as the annual interest due to the lender at the end of the term. |
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