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Protect Yourself Against Identity Theft Identity theft is when someone uses, without permission, your personal information in order to commit any frauds or crimes. Identity theft is a felony that is becoming more and more common. That is because some of us are not very careful with personal information, making the job easier for those trying to steel our identity. We should always be careful with information like Social Security number, credit card number, birth date, employment information, driver's license number, etc., because if they enter into the wrong hands the consequences can be very serious. People that have experienced identity theft spend months trying to repair what others have damaged, and in the meantime they cannot get a loan or lose a job opportunity or, sometimes, they can get arrested for something they didn't do. Your Credit Card May Be Costing More Than You Think! Do you know what your credit card is truly costing you? Manypeople assume that they do, but aren't familiar with thehidden fees that many credit card companies are charging. Infact, if you don't keep close tabs on your credit card, youmay end up paying hundreds of extra dollars per year-withoutever really knowing it! What is Credit Counselling? Ever wondered what is Credit Counselling? There are occasions when you might encounter a financial situation that is beyond your scope which is when a session with a credit counsellor could be beneficial. Low Interest Credit Cards Have Many Advantages When credit cards are used wisely they can be very beneficial to the consumer. A low interest credit card can be exceptionally beneficial. Many people use the same credit card that they have had for years. Some people still have the very first credit card that they ever received and just simply have never thought to switch to a card with a lower rate. There is a degree of comfort in habit, but shopping around for a lower interest rate credit card can quickly prove that switching is worth the little amount of effort it takes to do so. Establishing Credit ? What You Need To Know Part 2 In my previous article "Establishing Credit ? What You Need To Know Part 1" I discussed the need for a good credit history and what lenders were looking for prior to loaning an individual money or additional funds based on their credit history. This article will go into the necessary steps someone needs to take in order to initially establish their credit history. The FICO Score Misconceptions There are many misconceptions about credit scores out there. There are borrowers who believe that they don't have a credit score. There are others who think that their credit scores don't really matter. These sorts of misconceptions can hurt your chances of gaining employment, obtaining preferred interest rates, and even your chances of qualifying for renting an apartment. Learn How to Improve Your Credit Score Having a damaging credit record can hurt you in many ways. It may prohibit you from making an important purchase such as a home, car, computer or vacation. Without a healthy credit report you are severely limiting yourself from possible lenders. If you do find a lender you will undoubtedly be charge exorbitant interest rates far exceeding what recipients would receive if their credit history is in good standing. So how can you fix your credit score if you've been less than diligent with repayments to creditors? Well contrary to what many advertising scams will tell you, you can't fix your credit overnight. In most instances it takes 7 years for a payment infraction to be deleted from your credit report. If you were to file bankruptcy it would take 10 years. Obviously fixing the problem before taking such drastic measures is desired. Bankruptcy must be used only as a last case scenario and the implications must be fully understood before proceeding with such severe measure. Besides bankruptcy staying on your credit history for 10 years and posing large problems if you decide to seek out a financial lender, it can also impact other areas of your life. For instance you may be rejected from certain jobs, prohibited from taking on certain responsibilities and positions within your own company if you are a business owner and you will still be in the bad books of the people who you may require to lend you money. Its Your Credit - Take Care of It! Thanks to the Fair and Accurate Credit Act, American consumers can receive a free annual credit report from each of the three major credit bureaus-Experian, TransUnion and Equifax. You can order your free credit report by visiting www.annualcreditreport.com or calling 1-877-322-8228. Borrowing on a Credit Card One of the easiest ways to borrow money of a financial institute is to use a Credit Card, available from all banks, building societies, and other financial organisations. The choices available are enormous, with a wide variety of interest charges, annual charges, loyalty schemes, and bonus points available. However there are two broad areas that you should look at: Credit Trap: What They Dont Tell You About Credit Cards In College In industrialized nations, going into debt starts early. It's easy for an eighteen-year-old to get credit cards and fall into debt, especially if they're headed for college. Credit Cards -- What You Should Know There are a lot of questions about using credit cards. Here's some important points for you: Credit Counseling -- Why It Doesnt Work For Most Debtors "Cut Your Payments in Half!" the headline screams. "Consolidate Your Bills into One Low Monthly Payment!" Credit Verus Debt Secured and unsecured debt - what's the difference? Reward Credit Cards: Get the Best Rewards Card Incentive Program A good credit reward card can contribute to your retirement account, offer gas rebates, score theme-park or vacation tickets or take thousands off theprice of your next auto purchase. Rewards at hotels, airlines, and retailers bring more to the possibilities but, adds to the confusion. Here are some tips to find the best reward programs for you to increase your buying power. Bankruptcy Myths Busted The average American knows very little about bankruptcy. Most people probably are aware of bankruptcy's ability to dissolve debt and give the debtor a fresh start. Some of the information you might have heard is correct, but some is not. The purpose of this article is to dispel some of the most common bankruptcy myths. Credit Repair, How To Credit repair, is in a word, vital to reestablishing your credit. Unless you plan to never use your credit again, then you have to find a way to fix it. Addressing Bad Credit Card Debt Spending Habits Building Business Credit Most businesses want to be able to borrow money when they need it, without the owners having to guarantee the loans personally. This means less risk to the owners. But wanting to get credit for your business and actually getting it can be two different things. The Ghost of Expected Surprises Here, Cratchet, what do you think you're doing? Credit Card Expenses Are Killing Your Budget! Do you know the costs associated with your credit card? Do your really know? Many people assume they do but aren't aware of the hidden fees that many credit card companies are charging you month after month. In fact, if you don't keep a close eye on your credit card, you may end up paying hundreds of extra dollars per year-without ever knowing it! And if you're trying to budget your money, those hidden fees can add up! |
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