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Maximizing Credit Card Rewards In their quest to get you to sign up for their credit card, banks and financial institutions are coming up with more and higher incentives to entice you. Frequent flyer miles gave way to gas miles which opened the door for cash rebates and reward points to be used at 'our fine member merchants'. When most other things are equal (APR, annual fees, fees for transfers et al), the style of reward points and how you can make use of them can be the deciding factor in which card you choose to put in your wallet. Credit Cards Can Help You Get Out Of Debt Your credit rating / credit score is based upon how you have dealt with credit previously.If you have always paid the full amount owing and never missed a payment then your credit score will be high.If you miss payments, been late paying, not paid in full each month then your credit score will be lower.If you're trying to re-build your credit or if you're young and just starting out, pay close attention the next time you receive a new card offer in the mail. When you're trying to build a positive credit history for yourself, using the right credit card makes sense. Making small purchases and then making your payments on time each month is a simple, reliable way to build an outstanding credit report. Choosing the Best Low Interest Credit Card With so many low interest credit cards on offer, how do you know which one to choose? Here is a brief guide for choosing your low interest credit card. Various Types of Credit Cards - Part 2 Several different types of credit cards offer several different options, depending on what your needs are. Some are geared toward individual consumers while others are set up in ways that work best for small business needs. To know what type of card fits your needs, let's review a few of your options. Credit Cards -- What You Should Know There are a lot of questions about using credit cards. Here's some important points for you: Good vs. Bad Credit Debt Do you know the difference between good and bad credit debt? Most everyone seems to think that all debt is bad, but that is not always the case. In fact, there are some instances where good debt can actually help your financial situation. Make Sure Your Credit Report Is Correct to Improve Your Interest Rates And Lower Insurance Premiums Did you know that you could make sure to get the best rates on your auto and homeowners insurance simply by having a good credit score. Learn About Prepaid Credit Card Prepaid credit cards also called stored value card can be ideal for individuals who are unemployed, have bad credit or difficulty obtaining an unsecured credit card. Prepaid credit cards are also excellent for individuals who have a hard time controlling their spending and prevent the individual from overspending and getting into credit card debt. If your objective is to establish or rebuild you credit over a period of time, make sure the prepaid card issuer reports cardholder transactions to the credit bureaus namely Experian, Equifax, and Trans Union. Guide to Credit Terms Listed below is a useful guide to credit card terms. It is a list of definitions of credit card terms that may or may not be familiar to you. Errors on Your Credit Report: What You Should Do There are times when you may be turned down for credit and you do not understand why. According to the Fair Credit Reporting Act you are entitled to a free copy of your credit report if you have been denied credit because of negative items on your credit report within 60 days of the request for credit, if you are unemployed but looking for work, are on welfare, or believe that your credit report is incorrect because of fraud. You may also receive a copy of your credit report for a small fee at any time in which you want to review the information contain therein. Getting Married? What Are The Finance and Credit Implications? There is a big difference between looking after your own finances while living alone, or with parents, and living with a partner. The transition can be very difficult, especially if both partners are strongly independent, or one partner is financially weak and the other strong. In fact, it is an area of a new relationship that has many pitfalls if you do not set the ground rules from the start. The Hitchhiker?s Guide To Insanity A new sickness is plaguing the UK called Denial. Denial has resulted in a national personal debt of almost £1.1 trillion (source Credit Action). Symptoms include: What Are the Most Common Ways to Commit Identity Theft or Fraud? It's the number one source of consumer complaints at the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), and unfortunately, it's one of the simplest crimes to commit. Identity theft involves information from your daily life, from shopping, bill-paying, and even applying for a job. Thieves take advantage of everyday opportunities to discover your personal information, including your Social Security number (SSN), bank or credit card account numbers, income, name, address, or phone number, and use it to commit fraud or other crimes. Different Types of Credit Cards and Features - Part 1 Just as there are too many credit card companies to count, there seems to be just as many different credit cards, all claiming to offer you the best possible deal. Since no two people are alike, not all programs and incentives will work the same for everyone. Finding the one that works best for you is key to maintaining responsible credit card use. Saving Money with Credit Cards Having a credit card is a wonderful convenience for those times when you don't have immediate access to your cash. It can allow you to purchase something on time for which you can pay later, thereby giving you the ability to afford something NOW that you'd have had to save for later. But buying on credit will also cost you money - in that way it's no different than taking out a loan to buy something that you want. There are, however, ways to save money when you buy with credit cards. New Credit Scoring Model Could Help Millions Mark and Beth, a young married couple in their twenties, established a goal to buy a home within the first three years of their marriage before starting a family. They budgeted and used their money wisely in order to save for the down payment. Whenever they purchased something they always paid cash - no credit cards for them. Why waste money by paying interest to a credit card company? Types of Credit Cards There are a whole variety of different types of credit cards available which can make choosing the right one a very confusing experience. In order to help you decide, listed below is a useful breakdown of the various types of credit cards available. Which Citi Mastercard Is Right For You? You've decided to apply for a Citi MasterCard, but with so many different cards to choose from, how do you know which one is right for you? Here is a brief guide to the different types of MasterCard available from Citibank. Credit Cards for Home Business It is wise for you to have a company credit card like a VISA card. How can you find the least expensive bank card for your business? You may decide to use a VISA card from your local bank. Check the interest rate on unpaid balances. It is excessively high? Is it in line with other cards? If you are not sure, write to: Commercial Collections And Credit Granting It is estimated that billions of dollars in delinquent commercial credit is currently being carried on the books of both American and international businesses. This figure changes as our economy grows or contracts. Increased competition, diversification of product lines seem to indicate that these figures will continue to move upward. Regardless of the state of either the national or international economy, the necessity to grant credit and to collect commercial receivables using professional methods remains vital to all businesses. |
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