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Credit Cards Can Help You Get Out Of Debt
Your credit rating / credit score is based upon how you have dealt with credit previously.If you have always paid the full amount owing and never missed a payment then your credit score will be high.If you miss payments, been late paying, not paid in full each month then your credit score will be lower.If you're trying to re-build your credit or if you're young and just starting out, pay close attention the next time you receive a new card offer in the mail. When you're trying to build a positive credit history for yourself, using the right credit card makes sense. Making small purchases and then making your payments on time each month is a simple, reliable way to build an outstanding credit report. What to Look For On a Credit Card Application If the credit card application you receive appears to offer a low monthly interest rate, don't make a decision until you turn it over and closely examine the Disclosure Box. In it you'll find a more important measure of credit terms - the Annual Percentage Rate, or APR. By federal law, the Disclosure Box will also tell you whether or not the card has what is called a grace period - a number of days, usually 25, until your purchase starts to accrue finance charges. If a card has a reasonable grace period and you pay off your balance at the end of each billing cycle, you won't have to pay finance charges. It isn't difficult to find credit cards that offer these grace periods, so if the Disclosure Box doesn't declare one then throw the application in the trash and look for a better offer. If you don't have any credit history at all, a credit card company won't want to give you a very high credit limit, but that's probably best when you're just starting out. You don't want to be tempted to go into serious debt with your very first credit card. Calculate Your Monthly Finance Charges Ideally you want to pay off your balance each month to avoid paying any finance charges, but when that isn't possible it's important to know the actual cost of the items you purchase. The annual percentage rate, divided by 12 months, gives you the periodic rate that will be applied to your outstanding balance each month. You can estimate what your monthly finance charge will be by multiplying the periodic rate times the outstanding balance. It may sound complicated at first, but taking the time to learn this simple equation can make a big difference in how you use your credit card. When you're able to see how much you actually spend on an item that you don't pay off at the end of the month, it might help you to resist the temptation to over-use your card. An item that you want to buy might be on sale at the time you purchase it, but if you don't pay off your balance at the end of the month then those finance charges can dramatically increase the actual amount you'll end up paying. Use Your Credit Card as a Tool Credit cards are only one of the tools available to help you build a positive credit history. Making on-time payments for other forms of credit, such as rent and utilities, are also important. Depending on your situation, within 1-2 years your credit rating will be improved enough that you no longer need to use your card for new purchases to maintain your good credit. Use these tools wisely, and they'll help build your financial future! Paul Forcey is the Webmaster for Agony Aunt Debt Advice.
What Is a FICO Score and How Do I Make It Work for Me? Whether or not you receive a loan and what interest rate you get on your credit card may be determined by something called a FICO score. Named for Fair, Isaac & Co., a California-based company that developed the credit score, the FICO score is the most widely used scoring method to determine credit worthiness. Identity Theft ? Guard Your Childrens Social Security Numbers Identity theft is a growing concern among Americans, and rates among the top five complaints received by states' Attorney General's offices. A stolen identity can lead to tens of thousands of dollars worth of debt in the victim's name and it can take years to completely undo the damage done to the victim's credit report. Identity thieves can successfully commit crime with as little as a driver's license number or credit card number, but the ideal target of such criminals is the Social Security number. With that number in hand, the identity thief can pass themselves off as the victim and open credit card accounts, bank accounts, and even obtain home equity loans. As more Americans become aware of the problems posed by identity theft, consumers are doing more to protect themselves. This has inspired thieves to look to a new source of identities to steal, and they have found one. They are now stealing the identities of children. Rewards Cards - Are They Right For You? Rewards cards have become the latest rage in the credit card industry. In the past, consumers shopped for credit cards that offered the lowest interest rate. Next came cards with low interest rates and no annual fees. Today, consumers can shop for cards based on what type of "reward" they can earn for using a specific issuer's card. Dont Fall for Credit Repair Scams We've all seen the ads on television or in magazines, shouting, "Erase bad debt!" or "Remove negative entries from your credit report!" If you're a person suffering from a less-than-stellar credit rating, those headlines may seem like the answer to a prayer. Credit Cards: Pros and Cons Sure, there are a lot of problems with credit cards, but there are a lot of good things attached to them as well. For instance, if you have a small business, fleet credit cards can keep your books in order when you issue them to drivers of company vehicles for gas and automobile repairs. On the other hand, it's very easy to abuse department store credit cards. And it's easy to have too many credit cards open at once. The Hazards Of Your First Credit Card You probably don't need me to tell you credit cards are easy to get a hold of; at least, that is so in the US and UK. How many weeks pass without a glossy brochure promoting a credit card popping through your letter box? And that's just your mail; the tv advertising budgets for credit card promotion are enormous, with some famous faces often adorning your screen, smiling beautifully as they tempt you. How does anyone resist that promotional onslaught, coupled with the peer pressure, and the "have now, pay later" culture in which we live? Well, the fact is, few people do resist. If you are credit worthy and have no credit card, you are something of a rarity. The Top 5 Secrets to Managing Your Credit Cards?So They Won?t Manage You You've probably never heard of Frank X. McNamara, but he revolutionized the way you shop on a daily basis. How Do I Establish A Good Line of Credit? A line of credit, roughly defined, is the amount of credit that can be given to a borrower from a lender. Usually a contract or note of promissory is exchanged between the two parties, in which both parties agree to the line of credit amount, as well as the annual interest due to the lender at the end of the term. How To Save Money On Credit Cards Some credit cards offer a cash advance option. But how good a deal is this? Credit Card Shocker Have you ever looked at your credit card statement? I'm not talking about just making sure that all the transactions are correct. I'm talking about looking at the finance charges. I daresay that sometimes that figure is almost as great as the minimum monthly payment you're making. After all, as long as you can keep the creditors at bay by paying the minimum, that's all you care about, right? If you agreed, I urge you to reconsider. Building A Credit Report Lenders Will Love You For Will lenders really love you for having a good credit report score? Love is not the right word of course; lenders are after your money, and never forget that. But the lender's representative will love dealing with your credit application if your credit report is good. If you have a high credit score and spotless credit record, then when you apply for a large loan, you stand a good chance of not only getting the loan approved, but obtaining a competitive interest rate. Choosing the Right Credit Counseling Agency for You ? Some Tips Part 2 Credit counseling companies come in all shapes and sizes. Whether you are looking at working with a local credit counseling organization or a national credit counseling organization there are some very important factors to calculate before choosing the right credit counseling option for you. Here is a list of questions for you to ask a credit counseling company before determining whether or not you should participate with their organization. Saving Money with Credit Cards Having a credit card is a wonderful convenience for those times when you don't have immediate access to your cash. It can allow you to purchase something on time for which you can pay later, thereby giving you the ability to afford something NOW that you'd have had to save for later. But buying on credit will also cost you money - in that way it's no different than taking out a loan to buy something that you want. There are, however, ways to save money when you buy with credit cards. Different Ways to Borrow Money There are many different ways to borrow money. Outlined below is a useful guide to some of most common ways of borrowing money. 10 Tips To Prevent Credit Card Fraud Imagine opening your credit card statement one morning and discovering to your horror that you suddenly owe thousands of dollars - on purchases that you never made. Rewards Cards: Are They Worth It? Virtually all consumers will have a credit card at some point in their lives. Is this an understatement? Probably, as most consumers carry multiple credit cards. Selecting a credit card should not be something taken lightly; card companies are constantly looking for new consumers, but only after wisely comparing offers should you select a provider. Pick a company that will give to you a reasonable rate and one that incentivizes their program with some type of reward for using their card. The Advantages of Credit Cards There are many evils associated with credit cards, but there are benefits that are hard to ignore. One benefit is having the credit card company act in your behalf to recover funds from a disputed transaction. Under the Fair Credit Billing Act the credit card company has to investigate the dispute and either take the charge off your bill or explain why it is correct. Even better, you don't have to pay the portion of the credit-card bill or related interest charges while the dispute is being investigated. Update Your Computer System With Bad Credit Computer Financing The moment I placed myself in front of the computer screen a whole new world beckoned me to join it. And years of strolling have proved incompetent to get me acquainted with the full panorama of computers. You have always wanted one in your home. But something is stopping you. Bad credit? Do I hear bad credit? You think bad credit can stop you from getting your computer financed. Which world are you living in? You certainly need a computer. Computer financing for bad credit can enable you to get your very own home computer, lab tops, desk top or any other computer requirement. Do You Want to Get a New Credit Card at a Great Rate? 1) Do your homework. Applying for and getting approved for a credit card is nothing more than legwork. Credit card contracts can sometimes contain onerous terms that might make you sorry that you signed up for the new card that you did. Read the fine print carefully. If a deal looks to good to be true, it just might be. Credit cards can be a great way to finance your purchases, but make sure it's not at such an expense that you end up paying for a long time afterward. Improving Your Credit Report Even if you think you have a wonderful credit report, be wary of the error factor. Just as you receive mail with your name and address misspelled, your credit report can have errors as well. Whether it's human error, out of date information or even mistaken identity, errors occur more easily than we'd all like to think. |
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