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Different Types of Credit Cards and Features - Part 1
Just as there are too many credit card companies to count, there seems to be just as many different credit cards, all claiming to offer you the best possible deal. Since no two people are alike, not all programs and incentives will work the same for everyone. Finding the one that works best for you is key to maintaining responsible credit card use. Types of Credit Cards One of the more recent additions to the credit card world is the low-interest credit card. If you live anywhere in the U.S., you've probably already received information regarding this type of card. These cards offer a significantly lower interest rate than some of the older ones that you may already have. Also, most of these cards are also balance-transfer cards. They offer you the option of transferring a balance from a higher interest rate card and, for a specified period of time, your transferred balance will be at either 0% interest or something quite low. This can end up saving you a fair amount of money, particularly if your hope is to pay it off. Since credit cards have gotten to be such a lucrative business, many corporations have jumped on the bandwagon. Even airlines now offer credit cards to customers that will come with a certain amount of frequent flyer miles attached to them, depending on your balance and purchases. If you do a fair amount of traveling, this can be a real bonus. Along these same lines, reward credit cards are growing in popularity. Competition is stiff and many card companies are now offering you many different reward or incentive options for using their card. Once you accumulate enough points, the rewards will pore in. These can be anything from travel insurance to small appliances and anything in between. If you use a card regularly, finding one that has a reward program can really pay off. Another form of credit card is the instant approval card. Again, many of these applications come in the mail, some even by e-mail. These cards offer you the opportunity to apply for a card and receive instant approval, meaning no wait time. Once you fill out the application, a quick background check will be done and you will have your approval almost immediately. Other cards can take up to two weeks to process and approve your application. Although you can get instant approval, this does not always mean you can get instant credit. Some companies will supply you with a temporary credit card number and allow you to begin making purchases immediately, while other will not due to an increase in credit card fraud potential. Since there are so many options when it comes to choosing a credit card, do a little research before you apply. Decide what type of card will best fit your needs and apply for that one. Don't go over board though, applying for too many cards will negatively affect your credit score. Copyright 2005 Gibble LLC For more information and resources on credit cards, please visit: http://www.bankcreditcardlist.com
Credit Cards - Why Prepay? With prepaid credit cards, you get the practicality of plastic while choosing exactly how much debt to charge. By taking charge of your personal financing, you determine your own limits, to the penny, and change them any time you need to. Useful Tips When Choosing Credit Cards Chances are you have received your share of "pre-approved" credit card offers in the mail, some with low introductory rates and other perks. Many of these solicitations urge you to accept "before the offer expires." Before you accept, shop around to get the best deal. Consolidating Credit Cards Credit card consolidation is a popular solution for those with significant credit card debt, usually distributed on three or four different cards. Basically, this means putting all your debts together on a single card, like transferring it all to one loan. Of course, the goal is to pick a card that offers better conditions than what you already have, in order not only to simplify, but also to reduce your payments. Taking Control of Your Credit History Your credit history is important; in fact, in this day and age, only family and your time are more important than your credit history! The first time you established a payment commitment over a period of time for a purchase, you began your history of credit, and the credit bureau created your account. Payments such as the electric company, a rental agreement, a cell phone, a car payment or a low-rate credit card which you also have a responsibility to repay are not reported to the credit bureaus as a part of your credit history. They can, nonetheless, be important in your financial history. How Your Credit History Can Affect Your Life Your credit history is an important aspect of your life. Maintaining your credit rating is very important to your future and to your lifestyle. A poor credit history can mean denial of credit, high interest rates, and could possibly affect your ability to get a new job or apartment. If you are unsure of your credit score or credit history in general, it is a good idea to find out the contents of your credit report and to monitor any changes in your credit report carefully. How to Order the Right Credit Reports to Repair Your Own Credit In this week's article, I am going to offer some tips and insight regarding how to order the right credit reports needed to repair your credit. Special Credit Information for Married Couples If you are married, establish separate credit accounts. Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Your Credit Report Your credit report is a very powerful report that essential controls what you can and cannot do in your life. Unfortunately many people aren't aware of what a credit report actually is and what information is contained on the report. This article breaks down what is contained on your credit report and tells you everything you always wanted to know about your credit report but were afraid to ask. Credit Card Is Adding The Silver Lining To Your Pocket In the new millennium plastic money or credit cards has rendered a new zing factor to your pocket. This has not only made you economically more flexible but subsequently added glamour to your financial image as well. No more bulging out hip pockets with excess of liquid cash. Instead, the slimmer your pocket; the smarter you look. But behind all these inviting attributes of credit cards there seems to be a trap laid out for people who are impulsive and careless. Credit Reports Inside and Out The Credit Report is like your scorecard in the lending world. Every time you prepare yourself to acquire or purchase something that requires financial assistance from a lending institution, your credit report will be your "presentation card". Choosing the Right Credit Counseling Agency for You ? Some Tips Part 2 Credit counseling companies come in all shapes and sizes. Whether you are looking at working with a local credit counseling organization or a national credit counseling organization there are some very important factors to calculate before choosing the right credit counseling option for you. Here is a list of questions for you to ask a credit counseling company before determining whether or not you should participate with their organization. Free Credit Reports Now Available From the FTC The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has set up a new website (www.AnnualCreditReport.com) where US residents can obtain free copies of their credit reports from the three major credit report bureaus (Equifax, TransUnion and Experian). The FTC site was set up as part of the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act enacted last December. The site was set up in an effort to help fight the increasing threat of identity theft. The credit reports must be ordered from the FTC site to get them for free. If you order your credit report directly from one of the credit report agencies' sites, you'll be charged a fee for the report. Guide to Credit Terms Listed below is a useful guide to credit card terms. It is a list of definitions of credit card terms that may or may not be familiar to you. Is Your Credit Score Being Held Against You? Credit Scores That Hurt How to Get Credit Reporting Agencies to Help You The process of clearing credit can be laborious and frustrating. Understanding your rights empowers you and saves you time and effort. By employing the following tips, you can enlist the help of credit reporting agencies (CRAs) as you work to improve your credit rating. Finding Reputable Credit Card Companies You're interested in getting the best credit cards for your family's needs, but you don't want to be cheated. Or you're interested in small business credit cards, but you've heard that some of them aren't terribly secure. What do you do? Credit and Its Cost What is Credit?Credit is money granted by a lender (or creditor) to a debtor (or borrower) whereby the lender defers receiving payment of the debt for a period. In exchange for the credit allowed, the lender will get back the money lent plus interest. The borrower has use of the money immediately, rather than waiting until the money required is saved up. Avoiding Credit Card Traps The next time you open your credit card statement, take a closer look at the small insert titled "changes to your credit card agreement". You know the one I'm speaking about. It's that small, folded paper written in legalese that you promise to read some other time (but of course that time never comes) or you just discard it with the other "junk" inserts. Is Plastic Making You Happier? If you're like most people, you probably own at least one. What is a Credit Card? A credit card allows you to buy things even though you might not have the money to pay for it right away. The company that gave you the card lets you spend up to an agreed sum and then makes additional money available to you as you pay off what you've spent. You must pay at least a minimum amount by the due date, generally once every month. You will pay a finance charge or interest on any amount you do not pay by the due date. |
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