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Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Your Credit Report
Your credit report is a very powerful report that essential controls what you can and cannot do in your life. Unfortunately many people aren't aware of what a credit report actually is and what information is contained on the report. This article breaks down what is contained on your credit report and tells you everything you always wanted to know about your credit report but were afraid to ask. Your credit report is nothing more then a very detailed snapshot of your financial history that is furnished to anyone supplying you credit from the credit bureau. There are three main credit bureaus that handle a majority of these credit report request. They are Experian, Equifax and Trans Union. Each of these organizations are private in nature and routinely furnish your credit information when asked to do so for a fee. Generally speaking the credit reports provided by the credit bureaus are very detailed and very accurate. For instance it's not uncommon for them to have information regarding missed payments as far back as 6 or 7 years. They collect this information in order to provide it to creditors prior to their providing any form of credit to a consumer seeking credit. The creditors can use the information they receive to determine if that same consumer can be considered a good credit risk. A good rating allows for more favorable credit terms while a poor rating essentially ends any chance for a consumer to obtain credit in the first place. The amount of time that a blemish (such as a missed credit card payment) stays on your credit report can vary but normally these negative items are deleted after 7 years thanks to the Federal Fair Credit Reporting Act. Bankruptcies are another matter entirely and they normally remain in place for up to 10 years. Keep in mind that credit inquiries stay on your credit report for 2 years so closely monitor the number of times you apply for credit since a high number of inquiries can be viewed in a negative manner. Until recently in order for a consumer to view their credit report they had to order a copy from one of the three main credit bureaus and pay a small fee. However new laws now allow for 1 free credit report every year to any consumer that wishes to see their credit report. The power of your credit report is incredible. Even if you have built up a positive credit report any missed payment no matter how small the amount can result in a denial of credit. The best advice most credit can give is to stay current on your entire monthly financial or reoccurring obligations and don't overextend yourself financially. Hopefully this quick article answered a few of your questions regarding your credit report. More detailed information can be found in various locations throughout the Internet. Don't forget to request your free copy of your credit report so you can see where you stand in the eyes of future potential creditors. Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of Debt-Relief-Solutions.com. He provides more debt relief, consolidation and credit repair information that you can research in your pajamas on his website.
Rebuild Your Credit the Right Way the First Time If you are one of the millions of people out there with bad credit you need to step up and start doing something to get yourself back into credits good graces. Having good credit is the only way to assure that you will get the best interest rates on any loans and credit cards that you apply for. If you have bad credit you may not even get approved, then what? If you applied for a loan it was probably for a good reason, if you don't get what on earth will you do? All You Wanted to Know of Bad Credit Martin Henderson is in a fix these days. Because of his failure to repay a loan he had taken a few years back, he has been adjudged as a bad credit case. And, in spite of much effort, he has not been able to get a loan or a mortgage. Lenders do not want to take risk by offering loans to him, and he is severely in need of money. Building Business Credit Most businesses want to be able to borrow money when they need it, without the owners having to guarantee the loans personally. This means less risk to the owners. But wanting to get credit for your business and actually getting it can be two different things. Trying to Land a Job? Poor Credit Scores May Hurt Your Chances Many employers are now looking at an applicant's credit report for hiring purposes. During an interview process a potential employer may request your written consent to access your credit report. A credit report is essentially your credit history created by CRAs (also known as credit bureaus). Debtors that grant (or deny) you credit make regular reports about your account status to CRAs. This information is then aggregated on a credit report and calculated into your "credit score". How To Choose Your Credit Card Application The articles and tips provided on this site are intended to help you access credit card offers that suit your lifestyle. By providing you with some basic information, we are confident that you will be able to easily identify which are the best credit cards for you. There are literally thousands of offers online which make deciding on what cards apply to your needs very challenging. Why Credit Cards are a Bad Idea Credit cards are just so convenient, aren't they? There's no need to carry any money with you ever again: you can just take one with you to the shop and pay the exact amount just by handing it over. If you haven't been paid yet, then you don't need to worry, because the money will still be there. Commercial Collections And Credit Granting It is estimated that billions of dollars in delinquent commercial credit is currently being carried on the books of both American and international businesses. This figure changes as our economy grows or contracts. Increased competition, diversification of product lines seem to indicate that these figures will continue to move upward. Regardless of the state of either the national or international economy, the necessity to grant credit and to collect commercial receivables using professional methods remains vital to all businesses. Your Credit Rating and How To Check It There is a lot of confusion surrounding UK credit ratings, credit scores, credit blacklists, credit reports, and credit files. This guide to your credit rating aims to give you the facts you need. How to Order the Right Credit Reports to Repair Your Own Credit In this week's article, I am going to offer some tips and insight regarding how to order the right credit reports needed to repair your credit. Legislators Ponder New Credit Protection Laws Legislators in Washington, D.C. are considering several credit-related consumer protections as outlined in The Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act of 2003 (H.R. 2622). If approved, consumers could benefit from the most wide-ranging changes to the rules covering consumers and credit in decades. Credit Cards Can Help You Get Out Of Debt Your credit rating / credit score is based upon how you have dealt with credit previously.If you have always paid the full amount owing and never missed a payment then your credit score will be high.If you miss payments, been late paying, not paid in full each month then your credit score will be lower.If you're trying to re-build your credit or if you're young and just starting out, pay close attention the next time you receive a new card offer in the mail. When you're trying to build a positive credit history for yourself, using the right credit card makes sense. Making small purchases and then making your payments on time each month is a simple, reliable way to build an outstanding credit report. Why Should You Use Credit Cards Believe it or not, the way society, especially the commercial side, is set up these days, the only alternative to using credit is to pay cash for everything. But it's actually quite hard to do that. For example, if you want to rent a car, you have to have a credit card, even if you pay cash for the rental. The reason for that is because once a company has your credit card with your signature, they'll never lose money. If you default on anything, or if extra charges come up later, all they do is charge your credit card. Many companies require a credit card before they'll do any kind of business with you, for that very reason. Credit cards If gold medals were awarded for marketing consistency, the credit card industry would be the Sarah Hughes of the business world. Major players Visa and MasterCard, who have maintained their steady rates of spending and commitment to their positioning platforms for years, will stick to their established routines this year. Freshening their programs will be updated creative and the occasional push behind new products and promotions. How Creditors Measure Your Credit Rating Creditors will measure your credit rating based on the following three main things. A Debt Mentality While working through my own debt situation, and helping others resolve their life issues regarding debt and credit, it never ceases to amaze me how similar the life stories are and how profound is the effect of debt on the way a person thinks about life, irregardless of how much money they have or don't have. Will Inquiries Lower Your Credit Score? What are inquiries? Tackling Bad Credit The first time I heard the term credit history was when I approached a lender for a secured loan. Being a first timer I was completely ignorant of the procedure and didn't even know that a credit record of our transactions is prepared by some credit reference agencies. Bankruptcy Myths Busted The average American knows very little about bankruptcy. Most people probably are aware of bankruptcy's ability to dissolve debt and give the debtor a fresh start. Some of the information you might have heard is correct, but some is not. The purpose of this article is to dispel some of the most common bankruptcy myths. Credit Counseling: Could it Work for Me? In the face of financial hardship, many seeking a responsible solution turn to credit counseling. Credit counseling is, all too often, the last stop before bankruptcy. That is, of course, not to say that credit counseling prevents bankruptcy altogether. There are more cases than one might think that end up in bankruptcy court after credit counseling has failed to remedy the financial woes of the debtor. How Does a Creditor Determine Whether to Grant You Credit? Credit 101 |
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