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How You Can Avoid Becoming A Victim Of Identity Theft
To reduce or minimize the risk of becoming a victim of identity theft or fraud, there are some basic steps you can take. The most important one is to ask periodically for a copy of your credit report. This is crucial because it is the surest and quickest way to determine if someone is using your name. Your credit report should list all bank and financial accounts under your name, and will provide other indications of whether someone has wrongfully opened or used any accounts in your name. Any discrepancies should send up a red flag for you. Next, be careful about giving out your personal information to others unless you have a reason to trust them. Start by adopting a "need to know" approach to your personal data. Your credit card company may need to know your mother's maiden name, so that it can verify your identity when you call to inquire about your account, but a person who instead calls you does not need to know that information. Also, limit the personal information you have on your bank checks. Be suspicious of someone who calls you on the telephone and offers you the chance to receive a credit card, for instance, and asks you for personal information. Request that he send you a written application form. If they refuse, tell them you are not interested and hang up. If you're traveling, have your mail held at your local post office or ask someone you trust to collect your mail while you are gone. Do not give out personal information when you are on the telephone in a public place where people can listen in to your conversation. Check your financial information (credit report) regularly, and look for what should be there and what shouldn't. And remember to ask periodically for a copy of your credit report. To obtain the excellent credit report service, avoid becoming a Victim of Identity Theft, get FREE online Credit Report, make your Credit Score higher or correct your credit visit Legalhelper ( http://www.legalhelper.ws ). Your credit score is important for obtaining credit. Your credit score is important to know, whether you need a new credit card, an auto loan, or a mortgage. Lenders use your credit scores to decide whether you are a good credit risk. If you have a high credit score, you are more likely to obtain the best rates. About The Author Alex Katz - Security Analyst
Its Your Credit - Take Care of It! Thanks to the Fair and Accurate Credit Act, American consumers can receive a free annual credit report from each of the three major credit bureaus-Experian, TransUnion and Equifax. You can order your free credit report by visiting www.annualcreditreport.com or calling 1-877-322-8228. Have You Checked Your Permanent Record Lately? As a young student I feared getting bad grades because I didn't want any bad marks on my "permanent record." Get an "F" in fifth-grade science and it goes in your record. Act up in Mrs. Brown's class? Yep, it's in your record too. Get caught using a swear word and it's not only in your permanent record but it goes right at the top! When you go to a parochial school like I did, you come to believe that there really is some mysterious file that follows you for the rest of your life. How to Get Credit Reporting Agencies to Help You The process of clearing credit can be laborious and frustrating. Understanding your rights empowers you and saves you time and effort. By employing the following tips, you can enlist the help of credit reporting agencies (CRAs) as you work to improve your credit rating. Searching For A Low Interest Credit Card? These days, people need to very carefully consider whattype of credit card they will carry in their wallets. Thereare so many options out there, and each individual hasdifferent needs. Some of us tend to carry a balance, so weneed a low interest credit card. Others pay off their cardeach month and so don't pay any interest. They are moreconcerned with having a credit card that has no annual fee. Credit Enhancements: Seven Tips For Enhancing Business Credit Transactions What are the avenues available to businesses with weak credit profiles or to companies pursuing credit transactions that are perceived as too risky by credit providers? Many companies apply for credit at banks, finance companies or equipment leasing firms and are routinely rejected due to the high degree of perceived credit risks. When approaching a credit provider, it is helpful to understand what can be done to reduce the risk of a credit transaction in the eyes of the provider. Never accept a credit rejection without considering credit enhancements. Here are a few tips on credit enhancement to help guide you in approaching the credit process: What You Should Know About Credit Counseling Credit counseling is a free service that many people with money problems have turned to in the face of financial ruin. Credit counseling companies negotiate with your creditors to reach financial solutions that benefit both you and your creditors. Often they are able to lower your monthly payments, reduce high interest, and eliminate late charges. Why Should You Use Credit Cards Believe it or not, the way society, especially the commercial side, is set up these days, the only alternative to using credit is to pay cash for everything. But it's actually quite hard to do that. For example, if you want to rent a car, you have to have a credit card, even if you pay cash for the rental. The reason for that is because once a company has your credit card with your signature, they'll never lose money. If you default on anything, or if extra charges come up later, all they do is charge your credit card. Many companies require a credit card before they'll do any kind of business with you, for that very reason. Learn About Prepaid Credit Card Prepaid credit cards also called stored value card can be ideal for individuals who are unemployed, have bad credit or difficulty obtaining an unsecured credit card. Prepaid credit cards are also excellent for individuals who have a hard time controlling their spending and prevent the individual from overspending and getting into credit card debt. If your objective is to establish or rebuild you credit over a period of time, make sure the prepaid card issuer reports cardholder transactions to the credit bureaus namely Experian, Equifax, and Trans Union. Good Credit Is Not A Good Reason To Borrow More Money After Youve Achieved Financial Freedom The most important thing for you to remember is that the only way you'll ever be able to achieve financial freedom is if you are able to avoid getting back into debt once you've paid off everything that you owe. It seems like a lot of the different websites that give advice regarding bad credit are not looking at this the right way. Sometimes it almost sounds like the only reason you want to pay off your debts and improve your credit is so that you can borrow more money! Your Credit Rating and How To Check It There is a lot of confusion surrounding UK credit ratings, credit scores, credit blacklists, credit reports, and credit files. This guide to your credit rating aims to give you the facts you need. Give Yourself Credit The Beginning of the Credit Card Era Saving Money with Credit Cards Having a credit card is a wonderful convenience for those times when you don't have immediate access to your cash. It can allow you to purchase something on time for which you can pay later, thereby giving you the ability to afford something NOW that you'd have had to save for later. But buying on credit will also cost you money - in that way it's no different than taking out a loan to buy something that you want. There are, however, ways to save money when you buy with credit cards. Useful Tips on Borrowing Money Here are some useful tips on borrowing money. Borrowing money is one of the most common sources of funding for a small business, but obtaining a loan isn't always easy. Before you approach your banker for a loan, it is a good idea to understand as much as you can about the factors the bank will evaluate when they consider making you a loan. Let's start by exploring some of the key points your banker will review: How Businesss Mess Up Their Credit Policies In "Become the Squeaky Wheel" a book recently published, Michelle Dunn demonstrates the major areas a business should focus on to ensure a satisfactory customer experience. Building Good Business Credit After Bad Credit Can you establish good business credit if you have bad personal credit? The answer is yes...but with a few caveats. What Is the Fair Credit Reporting Act and What You Should Know About It The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and the recent update to this law called the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACTA) protect consumers against inaccurate information being reported by credit bureaus and the privacy of that information. What does this mean to you? A Debt Mentality While working through my own debt situation, and helping others resolve their life issues regarding debt and credit, it never ceases to amaze me how similar the life stories are and how profound is the effect of debt on the way a person thinks about life, irregardless of how much money they have or don't have. Fixing A Credit Report Fixing a credit report starts with seeing what's on it. You may get access for free online. Try a search for "free credit report." Alternately, when you are denied credit based on a report issued by a local credit reporting agency, you can request a free credit report from that agency within 30 days. Your Credit Card May Be Costing More Than You Think! Do you know what your credit card is truly costing you? Manypeople assume that they do, but aren't familiar with thehidden fees that many credit card companies are charging. Infact, if you don't keep close tabs on your credit card, youmay end up paying hundreds of extra dollars per year-withoutever really knowing it! Check Your Credit Before Shopping For That Home Loan Review Your Credit Score. |
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