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Searching For A Low Interest Credit Card?
These days, people need to very carefully consider whattype of credit card they will carry in their wallets. Thereare so many options out there, and each individual hasdifferent needs. Some of us tend to carry a balance, so weneed a low interest credit card. Others pay off their cardeach month and so don't pay any interest. They are moreconcerned with having a credit card that has no annual fee. These days, with so much competition between credit cardcompanies, you can get so much more. You can get 0%introductory APRs, free balance transfers, and a whole hostof exciting credit card rewards: travel, shopping, evenpoints toward college tuition! You get credit card offers in the mail every day. And youdo need to make sure that you are using the credit cardthat is best for you. Instead of sifting through all thosecredit card offers in the mail, why not go online and checkout the incredible offerings of credit card rewardprograms? In addition to getting the best credit card foryou, as well as any perks that come with the card, you willearn a cash reward, just for signing up for your favoritelow interest credit card online! Credit card reward programs allow you to easily view andcompare all of the best deals that the major, top of theline companies have to offer. And, when you decide tocomplete an application, you will receive a cash reward orfree merchandise through the reward programs! You see, in exchange for connecting consumers toopportunities to do business with them, credit carcompanies pay their affiliates a commission. Credit cardrewards programs pass most of those commissions on to you.In return, you might enjoy the great deals offered by therewards program on a regular basis and you may just referyour friends! The bottom line is that with credit cardrewards programs you get the best low interest credit cardfor your needs, a generous cash reward, as well asopportunities to get free merchandise, other cash bonusesand really spectacular discounts and bargains. The process is really very simple. You create an accountwith a rewards program, and in most cases you'll also get acash bonus just for signing up. That's in addition to thecash reward you get for filling out a credit cardapplication. Once enrolled with the rewards program, youwill be able to browse the excellent deals available fromwell-established credit card companies. As you do so, notethe cash reward you will receive as an incentive forsigning up. When you make your choice, simply apply online.When you receive your credit card, the rewards program willcredit your account for the amount of the cash reward. You can redeem your cash reward or free merchandise bysimply verifying your reward program account (usually byphone). Soon you will receive your cash bonus or freemerchandise and enjoy your new low interest credit card! You can learn more about getting credit card rewards atour credit card rewards section: http://www.1st-in-rewards.com/low-interest-credit-card.html About The Author: Gerardas Norkus is a successful author and publisher ofhttp://www.1st-in-rewards.com. Great tips on receiving freemerchandise and money from online rewards programs. Copyright 2004. http://www.1st-in-rewards.com all rightsreserved. You may freely distribute or publish this articleprovided you publish the whole article and include thiscopyright notice and links in full.
Student Credit Cards 101 If you're a college student, you probably already have a credit card. If not, you may have plans to get one or more soon. So why should you read on? Credit Card Entrapment - The Secrets are Out Have you ever wondered why your credit card bill is so high and you can't seem to pay off the balance? Well you are not alone in this. You should be aware of a couple of trick that they use and you probably don't even pay attention to it, but you definitely pay for it and BIG! Student Credit Cards With graduate debt averaging over £12,000, the ability to spread the cost of further education using a student credit card is obviously attractive. Adding to their appeal is the fact that these cards are relatively easy to obtain. Unlike many standard credit cards, they are available to people who do not have a regular, minimum income and credit history. They often come with tempting offers including low rates for an introductory period, shopping discounts and free CDs. Flexing student plastic has the additional benefit of creating a credit history that can be used to support future loan and mortgage applications. Using Credit Cards Wisely "I think money was stolen from my card" or "I might have blocked my card in the ATM" - these are frequent problems that bank customer-support officers usually hear from agitated clients. Incorrect use of credit cards or wrong interpretations of their functions are frequent even after tens of years of credit-card extensive use. Actually, there are 4 most frequent causes for problems; one is related to overspending, the second is about missing money; this is usually connected to the 3rd problem - unauthorized use and finally there is the issue of forgotten information. All these problems are interconnected and can lead to serious financial problems. However, there are a few simple things that you can do in order to avoid hassle. Applying for Credit Cards Online In the olden days, about 10 years ago, before the internet, consumers would have to fill in applications for credit cards, loans, mortgages and so on by hand. It's hard to believe now, but this lengthy process was the norm, with requests for extra documentation and references going backwards and forwards, until finally the application was accepted or rejected. These days with the advent of the Internet an application can validated, accepted and a credit card or loan offered with minutes. Beware of Bogus Credit Repair Companies! So-called "credit repair" companies claim they can remove negative information from credit reports. Advertising as "Credit Advisors," "Credit Rating Correction Services" or "Credit Consultants," they trumpet variations on this message: "Turned down because of bad credit? We can help!" Many of these companies charge hundreds if not thousands of dollars for the promise to "clean up" bad credit reports. But the truth is, these companies can only do what you could do yourself--at no charge. How To Get a Low Interest Credit Card Consumers often have the first credit card that they ever applied for, never really analizing how the interest rate affects their payments, but many other options exist and can help consumers decrease their payments and achieve financial stability.With interest rates on some credit cards rising to over 23%, even low balance credit card debt can be crippling. One of the first research elements a prospective borrower should look at is the interest rate on transferred debt. This interest rate is often lower than the usual interest rate for the credit card, and can be an especially good deal for borrowers who have debt already. Another element to consider is the interest rate on new purchases ? this rate will be the main concern in the years to come, as this new credit card will probably become the most heavily used. Borrowers often worry about annual fees, but these are often temporary. Getting a credit card with low interest rates will save a borrower significant sums, usually much more than the annual fee. Plus, once good credit is established, the annual fee may later be waived. Another interest rate will usually apply, as well ? the rate for cash advances. Cash advances are usually limited to a couple hundred dollars, but credit card companies often insist that when paying back the balance, the credit portion must be paid back first, then the portion that the cash advance applies to. So if you are going to keep a balance on your credit card, be aware that cash advance interest rates are higher than the regular interest rates. Cash advances can be incredibly helpful in emergencies, though, when a credit card cannot be used.Visa and MasterCard are by far the most commonly accepted credit cards, so less commonly used cards such as American Express and Discover often offer special rates for new customers. These rates are worth attention, even if you think that you may not be able to use the card as easily as your previous credit cards, because transferring the balance to these new cards to obtain the lower interest rate may significantly lower your payments. While your AmEx or Discover Card may not be accepted as often, they can be a good tool to achieving your financial goals. Even less commonly used are credit cards that are store specific, such as gas cards or department store cards, but these cards can offer incredible deals on interest rates. They rely on the fact that consumers will often switch their spending patterns to the new gas station or store, and this increased revenue makes up for the lower interest rates. A slight change in your habits, such as consistently using the new credit card at the new gas station, can lower payments and improve credit scores.Researching new credit cards can seem daunting, but by comparing the four main factors, which are the regular interest rate, the rate on transferred balance, the rate on cash advances, and the annual fee, you can reduce your credit card payments significantly. Good Credit Is Not A Good Reason To Borrow More Money After Youve Achieved Financial Freedom The most important thing for you to remember is that the only way you'll ever be able to achieve financial freedom is if you are able to avoid getting back into debt once you've paid off everything that you owe. It seems like a lot of the different websites that give advice regarding bad credit are not looking at this the right way. Sometimes it almost sounds like the only reason you want to pay off your debts and improve your credit is so that you can borrow more money! 10 Ways To Boost Your Credit Score 1. Deleting Errors in 48 Hours What is a Credit Card? A credit card allows you to buy things even though you might not have the money to pay for it right away. The company that gave you the card lets you spend up to an agreed sum and then makes additional money available to you as you pay off what you've spent. You must pay at least a minimum amount by the due date, generally once every month. You will pay a finance charge or interest on any amount you do not pay by the due date. Five Credit Card Billing Problems and How to Fix Them It goes without saying that your first and best defense against paying fraudulent or unfair charges on your credit card is knowing what your bill says! When you receive your credit card statement each month, sit down with it and check each item to make sure that you actually DID purchase it. If you do run into inaccuracies or problems, there are procedures to follow to report and deal with the charges. If you don't follow the procedure and the card company decides to notify a credit reporting agency, it could affect far more than just your balance on that one credit card. 10 Tips To Prevent Credit Card Fraud Imagine opening your credit card statement one morning and discovering to your horror that you suddenly owe thousands of dollars - on purchases that you never made. What You Need to Know About Interest Rates For all people shop around for the best rate, there are few who have taken the time to sit down and add it all up. After all, why would you bother? The answer is that understanding just how interest rates work can help you see how important small differences in rates and payment amounts can be. How Your Credit Rating Affects You, and How to Check It You might not know it, but every time you take out any kind of loan or credit or pay something back, it gets counted on your credit rating. Who keeps a record on you will vary according to where you live, but the big three credit reference agencies are Experian, Equifax and Trans Union. They will provide your credit rating to any company that is thinking of lending you money. Ten Steps To Building A Good Credit History Are you thinking of buying a house? Do you want to buy a new car to replace that old wreck? Trying to get insurance on you home, auto, or life? In each of these situations, what's on your credit report will determine if you can get a loan or insurance and what rates you'll have to pay. Bank Robbery Growing In U.S. Bank robbery has grown to become a huge problem in the United States but I am not talking about people robbing banks. I am talking about banks robbing people. Here are some tips on how you can avoid being ripped off by your bank.Avoid The Plastic How Businesss Mess Up Their Credit Policies In "Become the Squeaky Wheel" a book recently published, Michelle Dunn demonstrates the major areas a business should focus on to ensure a satisfactory customer experience. Your Credit Score Credit scores: all lenders use credit scores to determine interest rates and credit limits. Credit and Banking Money Saving Services The first rule when applying for banking and credit services is to always read the fine print and to understand all of it. Read up, take it home, and analyze it, ask the banking manager questions. The fine print is there for a reason. The charges and requirements contained in there, will affect the savings or added expenses you incur, whenever you bank or use credit. Myths and Truth about Credit Scoring Credit score is the key factor determining approval of almost any type of credit. It is based on the information contained in your credit report files. The widely used FICO score was developed by Fair Isaac Corporation, and it is a formula which assesses your potential credit risk. |
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