Tax Information Site Map
Need an Offshore Sales Office in a Tax Free Environment?
Small Businesses Filing Amended Federal Tax Returns to Recover Money
How Home-Based Businesses Can Avoid Giving Uncle Sam More than His Share
Alas! In E-Commerce Taxland
Rearrange Your Affairs For Maximum Tax Savings
Organizing Your Taxes
Seven Key Tax Deductions for the Self Employed
How To Set Up A Tax-Saving Bookkeeping System
How to Reduce the Estate Tax Using the A-B Revocable Living Trust
Keeping Your Own Money ? NOT Handing It Over To The Taxman
Tax Reform, My Way
Surprising Truths About Tax Preparers
Navigating The Internet Sales Tax Laws
Home Based Business Tax Deductions
Tax Records - What You Should Keep And For How Long
How to Cut Duty Cost and Increase Profit as an Importer
Tax Trap #1 -- Waiting to Incorporate: What A Difference A Date Can Make
Tax Trap #2 -- Double Taxation: Isnt Once Enough?
Tax Trap #3 -- IRS Penalties, Interest and Love Letters
Tax Trap #4 -- The Quagmire of Depreciation
Tax Trap #5 -- Ignoring The IRS (and the 5 best ways to contact them!)
How To Get An Extension To File Your Business Tax Returns
How to Check the Status of Your Tax Refund Online
The Internet Tax Man Cometh
Tax Time Tune Up
The Seven Deadly Tax Sins: Commonly Missed Deductions
How To Claim CHILD TAX CREDIT The Right Way And Add An Extra $2,000 To Your Refund
Are You An Innocent Victim of These Popular Myths?
The Implications of Income Tax Charge on Estate Planning
Tax Jokes and Quotes
Tax Audits: What Signs Make You More Likely to be Audited by the IRS?
Anticipating Your IRS Refund Can Cost You Plenty
Business Tax Deductions
Tax Reduction Tips
What the Tax Software Companies Dont Want You to Know
Taxation of Isle of Man Companies from April 2006
How To Get An Instant Pay Raise
Know A Tax Cheat? Get Paid To Tell The IRS
Tax Tips for Home-Based Business Owners
Business Tax Loophole: Leasing Assets To Your Corporation
How to Maximize Your Home Business Tax Deductions for 2005
Home Business Tax Tips
Car Donation: An Easy Way to Support Your Favorite Charity and Get a Tax Deduction
IRS Offer-in-Compromise, Hype or Hope?
Uncle Sam is Ready...Are You? Organizing Tips for Tax Time
Small Business Tax Deductions for Year End 2004
To Tax or Not to Tax - This is the Question
E-commerce Taxation
Electronic Commerce Taxation and Pakistan
Complaince of Tax Return in Electronic Commerce Taxation
Take Control of Your Taxes
Understanding Basic Tax Terms
Tax Secrets - How Drew Miles Helped Me
10 Thoughts on Tax Offer in Compromise
Corporations Failing To Claim AMT Exemption Overpay Taxes By $11,000
Are You Overpaying Taxes If You Use Tax Preparation Software?
Small Business Tax Issues for Self-Employed Individuals
Understanding Marketing Tax Deductions
How Likely Are You To Be Audited?
Deducting Points On Home Refinances
Small Business Tax Deduction - Write-Off Bad Debts
Small Business Tax Credit - Americans with Disabilities Act
IRS Reports Tax Gap of $300 Billion
Tax Deduction for Alimony Payments? - Yes!
2005 Ford Escape Hybrid Certified For Clean-Fuel Deduction
Truly Bizarre Taxes: The Tax on Illegal Drugs
Rental Property Tax Deductions
SFR Substitute for Returns: IRS Action on Non-Filers
Employment Taxes ? What Are They?
Section 179 ? Tax Relief From Depreciation Rules
Highlights of IRS List of 2005 Tax Scams
Identity Theft ? Impacting Your Taxes?
Correspondence From The IRS ? Yikes!
Access to E-records by Taxing Authorities: A Case for Pakistan (Part I)
Access to E-records by Taxing Authorities: A Case for Pakistan (Part II)
A Taxing Investment
Donating Cars To Charity - New Tax Rules
What is a Federal Tax Lien?
10 Tax Tips to Reduce Costs and Increase Income
Tax Investigation - What You Need To Do
Income Tax Returns Your Accountant Should Not File
Slash Tax when Buying a Business
Tax Deductions - Mr. C.P.A. Can I Deduct a Pizza? You Too Can Deduct Your Fun By Using Tax Tips
Tax Help Secret: Avoiding the Entreprenuers Curse
Save Money on Taxes - Is the Only Way to Get Your Tax Savings is to Sleep With an IRS Agent?
Tax Tips - Which Tax Form Is Right For Me?
Save Money on Taxes - Double Your Income Now With Tax Saving Tips on Deductions
Tax Strategy - Let Washington Pay for Your Corvette, Porsche, or Air Plane
Save Money on Taxes - Let Uncle Sam Pay for Your Fun!
Tax Tips to Save Money on Taxes - Get the Corporate Kick and Save Loads of Money
Amending Procedural Laws for Collection of E-taxation
1031 Exchange Rules and Requirements
Estate Taxes - It Pays to Plan Ahead
How to Donate Your Car to Charity and Get Tax Deduction
I Havent Filed a Tax Return with IRS in Years, What Do I Do?
IRS Certifies 2006 Toyota Hybrid for Clean Fuel Deduction
IRS Obtains More Than 100 Injunctions Against Tax Scheme Promoters
Your IRS Tax Appeal Rights
Military Reservists, Enlistees May Get Deferral of Back Taxes
Gambling Income and Expenses - Tax Requirements
Early Distributions From Retirement Plans
Marriage or Divorce ? Check Your Social Security Number
Need a Copy of Your Tax Return Information?
Reducing Taxes Through Dividend-Salary Mix Calculations
Taxation of Forgiven Debt: The 1099C & You
Some Folks Pay A Lot Less Tax Than Others On Very Same Income?Did You Pay Too Much Tax In 2004?
Getting A Second Extension to File 2004 Taxes
Euro Tax Haven Threat
Furnishing Evidence in E-Tax Compliance
IRS Statute of Limitations: Do Taxes Ever Expire?
What to Do If You Can?t Pay Your Taxes
What You Need To Know About Taxes If You?re Getting Married
Send Your Kids To Summer Camp and Write It Off
What Is Tax Law?
History Of The Federal Income Tax
State Tax Information
About Income Taxes; Tidbits
Requirements To Produce Tax Information (Whats Up With That?)
Get Uncle Sam To Pay $36,000 For Your Childs Education!
Back To School ? Educators Deduct School Expenses
IRS Lock-In Letters ? What?s An Employer To Do?
The Tax Man Cometh... To Search
Tips and Simple Guidelines on How to Calculate Payroll Taxes
Fiscal Deity: Tax Consultant
Six Urban Myths About Taxation
Insider Guides to IRS Audits!
Where to Find Tax Breaks for Your Home Based Business
Paying Workers ? What Can You Write-Off?
Employment Taxes ? Depositing With The IRS
Failure To Pay Employment Taxes ? Penalties
Render Unto Caesar
Taxing Overseas Firms for SOX Compliance
The Annual Gift Tax Exclusion: Getting The Edge
Small Businesses: Company Car Vs. Personal Mileage Reimbursement In Hurricane Katrinas Wake
Fraudulent Tax Shelters ? KMPG Goes Down Hard
Hurricane Katrina ? How To Use Your Business Loss To Get A Refund on 2004 Taxes
Another Tax Loophole
Business Tax Loophole: Leasing Assets To Your Corporation
While there are many equally valid reasons to incorporate, saving money on taxes is a consideration that can yield relatively immediate results. Leasing assets to your corporation is a tax strategy you should absolutely consider if you already have a corporation or are thinking about forming one. Here's how it works.
Seven Key Tax Deductions for the Self Employed
As a sole proprietor, it's wise to familiarize yourself with the some key deductions that may reduce your tax bill for 2004.
Need an Offshore Sales Office in a Tax Free Environment?
More on the No-tax haven of Anguilla. Click onto the link below for the detailshttp://www.geocities.com/taxhavens123/caribbeantaxhavens.html
A Tribute in Honor of: Bank Confidential Ordinances in the Caribbean
IRS Certifies 2006 Toyota Hybrid for Clean Fuel Deduction
The Internal Revenue Service has certified the 2006 Toyota Highlander Hybrid as being eligible for the clean-burning fuel deduction. This certification means that taxpayers who purchase one of these hybrid vehicles new during calendar year 2005 may claim a tax deduction of up to $2000 on Form 1040.
Failure To Pay Employment Taxes ? Penalties
As an employer, you must pay employment taxes if you have employees. Fail to pay and the IRS will rain all over your parade.
Tips and Simple Guidelines on How to Calculate Payroll Taxes
Managing a business small, medium or big requires you to pay your taxes, as well as your employees taxes. Managing a payroll can be an arduous and taxing job, no pun intended. There are laws that require us to pay taxes and everyone have to comply with that. But keeping up with the payroll can give many people sleepless nights. There are so many deductions needed to be done and they have to be exact to avoid confusion and complications later on. State and federal taxes are very strict and you don't want the IRS pounding on your door because of some mistakes. Make sure that you do your calculations correctly to avoid a mess later on. Keep your payroll records and tax payments as your reference so you have proof of the deductions and payments you have done. Different states have different laws about records; check it out with your lawyer or accountant to make sure.
Section 179 ? Tax Relief From Depreciation Rules
"Depreciation." For business owners, this word is the one most likely to inspire headaches and fits of cussing. The expanded provisions of Section 179 are just the medicine you need to cure the depreciation blues.
Uncle Sam is Ready...Are You? Organizing Tips for Tax Time
Anyone who is closely related to an accountant knows that there are not four, but five seasons in a year: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, and 'Tax Season.' During the other seasons, we accumulate leaves, snow, and mosquito bites. During 'Tax Season' we accumulate paper. And more paper. And if you have a small business or investments--even more paper.
History Of The Federal Income Tax
The powers of Congress, and the limitations set upon those powers, are set forth in Article I of the United States Constitution. Section 8 specifies both the power to collect, "Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises," and the requirement that, "Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States."
The Tax Man Cometh... To Search
You're at your office, or home, and the doorbell rings ? it's the Canada Revenue Agency ("CRA").
Paying Workers ? What Can You Write-Off?
As your business grows, you are going to need help. This help comes in the form of employees and independent contractors. What you can write-off is dependent upon how your helper is classified ? as an employee or independent contractor.
Highlights of IRS List of 2005 Tax Scams
Each year, the IRS lists various scams taxpayers get caught up in. The top 2005 scams include several that manipulate laws governing charitable groups, abuse credit counseling services or rely on refuted arguments to claim tax exemptions. The agency is warning taxpayers about the growth of identity theft schemes with some particularly bold thieves even pretending to be IRS agents.
Reducing Taxes Through Dividend-Salary Mix Calculations
Should I take wages or dividends from my privately ownedcorporation? What is the best way of taking money out of my company? In other words, what will result in theleast amount of income taxes?
How To Get An Extension To File Your Business Tax Returns
Yes, the tax season is upon with the first filing date for some businesses being March 15, 2005. If you can't imagine getting your tax returns together by that date, you need not worry. The IRS automatically gives you an extension if your file the appropriate form. As you might expect, there are different forms for different businesses.
Six Urban Myths About Taxation
Six Urban Myths ? Taxation
How to Check the Status of Your Tax Refund Online
So, you were pleasantly surprised to learn that you are getting a refund on your taxes. Congratulations! The question for most taxpayers expecting a return is, "Where is my refund?"
Tax Reduction Tips
In the rush to get tax returns prepared and filed by April 15th, many overpay their taxes. Following are a few tax reduction tips that could help you save a bundle.
Hurricane Katrina ? How To Use Your Business Loss To Get A Refund on 2004 Taxes
With the massive losses caused by Katrina, the economy of the Gulf Coast region is in extremely bad shape. Fortunately, there is a quirk in the tax code that can help you generate a large refund from your 2004 taxes.
Your IRS Tax Appeal Rights
Are you in the middle of a disagreement with the IRS? One of the guaranteed rights for all taxpayers is the right to appeal. If you disagree with the IRS about the amount of your tax liability or about proposed collection actions, you have the right to ask the IRS Appeals Office to review your case.
How To Set Up A Tax-Saving Bookkeeping System
One of the most important, but least understood or appreciated aspects of any business is its bookkeeping or accounting system. And, because very few people know much about the reasons for a bookkeeping system, most people are frightened by the thought of the work involved in setting up such a system, and the drudgery of daily maintenance.