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Render Unto Caesar
Once a year Canadian taxpayers are required, by law, to file an income tax return in the prescribed form: $150(1). For individuals: $150(1)(d) ITA, they must do so by April 30 of the following year, provided that they owe any taxes or if they are served with a requirement to file: $150(2) ITA. There are other rules for corporations, trusts, partnerships and deceased individuals. If any taxpayer is required to file under $150 then they are also required to estimate the amount of the taxes payable: $151 ITA. Caesar's Reply Once the taxpayer has filed their return, the Minister of National Revenue ("MNR") shall examine the return and assess the tax for the year, the interest and penalties, if any, payable: $152(1) ITA. If the ministerial delegates don't agree with what the taxpayer has filed, then the MNR may at any time make an assessment, reassessment or additional assessment for a taxation year: $152(4) ITA. Not filing won't prevent the MNR from making an arbitrary assessment: $152(7) ITA. Some writers have concluded that Canada's self-assessment system is based on 'voluntary compliance;' however, CRA on its website, under "Tax Myths" (No 2) clarifies that the system is voluntary only in the sense that you can choose to comply. The consequences of not complying are entirely involuntary and Draconian. Non-Filing And Late Filing Not filing will, not surprisingly, have consequences, such the imposition of penalties: e.g., $$162(1), 163(1) ITA. Interest will also accrue (at a rate prescribed quarterly) and the taxpayer may be charged with non-filings as an offence: e.g. , $238(1) ITA. Whether a taxpayer can be convicted of the criminal offence of tax evasion, under $239(1)(d) ITA, if they haven't filed is problematic: R. v. Paveley (1976), 30 C.C.C. (2d) 483 (Sask. C.A.); but any taxpayer who find themselves in such circumstances should immediately retain legal counsel to take advantage of the voluntary disclosure programs offered by CRA; attempting to do so without experience legal assistance may prove risky. I Object! Under $165(1)(a)(ii) of the ITA, a taxpayer who has been assessed, or re-assessed, may file a Notice of Objection (Form 400A) setting out their reasons for objection and all relevant facts, within 90 days. $166.1(1) ITA does provide that were a taxpayer hasn't filed their Objection in time, that an application can be made to the MNR for an extension, but such wholly discretionary remedies are to be avoided if at all possible. Some of the most complex statutory provisions known to mankind are found in the ITA and taxpayers who endeavour to prepare and file Objections without professional accounting or legal help are too often engaging in a forlorn hope. If a taxpayer doesn't object then they lose their rights to complaint about that assessment. In other words, if you want relief, you are compelled to object. Charter $7 There is no provision in the ITA to allow taxpayers who have been charged with an offence under $239(1) ITA with an automatic extension, or a right not to appeal, pending the resolution of their criminal charges. This element of compulsion under $165 ITA, as it applies to taxpayers charged with offences under $239(1) ITA, "owing to the threat of imprisonment": R. v. Jarvis, [2002] 3 S.C.R. 757, may violate $7 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Whether this potential violation of Charter $7 crystallizes depends on whether what access CRA Investigations has to the information contained in the Objections, and whether the prosecution 'could' use it. CRA's Policy CRA's publication RC 4213 "Your Rights" at page 9 of 13, under the caption "Your right to a formal review" states that, "?appeals representatives who were not involved in the original decision are available to conduct a formal and impartial review" and again under caption "How do we ensure redress processes are impartial?" where it states that, "[T]he Appeals Branch operates independently in relation to other CCRA branches;" "Appeals Branch staff have a mandate to resolve disputes?by impartially reviewing CCRA decisions" and "The representative who reviews your case will not have been involved in the original assessment?" The Concise Oxford Dictionary defines, "independent" as being "not depending on authority of? unwilling to be under obligation to others" and it defines "impartial" as being "?unprejudiced." From the language used CRA is warranting to taxpayers that they have these Rights. It is therefore CRA's public policy to consider its Appeals Division (where Objections are filed) to be "impartial" and "independent" of the rest of CRA ? including Investigations. Most taxpayers would expect that CRA Investigations wouldn't have access to their Objections filed with Appeals, because communication between the divisions wouldn't be fair or impartial. CRA's Practices Violations of the Charter aren't established on CRA's best practice scenarios, they are based on what actually happens in practice. Since reassessments and the criminal charges will generally proceed hand in hand this problem will continue to reoccur. Taxpayers are compelled to file an Objection, or lose their rights; but if they do file then what they have filed can immediately be used by the prosecution against them. It may surprise taxpayers to know that CRA's Appeal Division has been known to give Objections filed by taxpayers charged under $239(1) ITA to the Investigation Division; it may astonish taxpayers to know that those materials were then used by the Crown against those taxpayers facing prosecution for tax evasion; but it should shock taxpayers to learn that when this violation of CRA's policy concerning Appeals "impartiality" and "independence" was brought to them, no one in CRA considered this the least bit objectionable ? not locally and not in Ottawa. A Clear Violation How widespread the practice is, as yet, unknown but that it should be permitted to exist at all is, in this writer's opinion, a clear violation of Charter $7: R. v. White, [1999] 2 S.C.R. 417; Blencoe v. B.C. (Human Rights Commission), [2000] 2 S.C.R. 307. If you are aware of any such instances, please email TER at with the particulars. Staff Writer
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Furnishing Evidence in E-Tax Compliance Self-assessment relies on taxpayers voluntarily meeting their tax obligations. This concept is recognised in all tax statutes, which sets out taxpayers' primary obligations, and clearly spells out that taxpayers are required to determine the amount of tax payable correctly and to pay it on time. Tax Time Tune Up Excerpted from the new book, "How to Do Space Age Work with a Stone Age Brain" TM Are You An Innocent Victim of These Popular Myths? Misconceptions, misinterpretations and just plain "untruths" are floating about income taxes. Believing them could be costing thousands of tax dollars! Business Tax Deductions As we enter mid-March, taxpayers begin to become very interested in deductions. Following are a few that you may be entitled to claim. Employment Taxes ? Depositing With The IRS If your business has employees, you must pay employment taxes. The payment system can be a bit confusing, so this article discusses how to go about depositing employment taxes with the IRS. How to Check the Status of Your Tax Refund Online So, you were pleasantly surprised to learn that you are getting a refund on your taxes. Congratulations! The question for most taxpayers expecting a return is, "Where is my refund?" IRS Reports Tax Gap of $300 Billion The Internal Revenue Service is reporting that the difference between what U.S. taxpayers owe and actually pay on time totals more than $300 billion a year. Studying over 46,000 tax returns for individuals revealed the tax gap. These results indicate a failure of 15 to 16 percent of individual tax payers to fully pay their taxes. IRS enforcement activities recovered roughly $55 billion of that total gap, leaving a net tax gap of $257 billion to $298 billion. Slash Tax when Buying a Business When buying a business, how the "purchase price" is made up can affect what you pay in tax. The plan is to make as much of the price tax deductible for you and not the other party. Early Distributions From Retirement Plans An early distribution from an Individual Retirement Arrangement (IRA) or a qualified retirement plan need not be a "taxing" experience. Fortunately, there are exceptions to early distributions. Understanding Basic Tax Terms If your like many, you don't always understand what people are talking about when it comes to Taxes. It's important to know the main tax terminology, especially when tax season comes around. Knowing the basics will make tax season less of a hassle for you, and maybe even save you some money. There are hundreds of terms; Below are some of the most important: The Seven Deadly Tax Sins: Commonly Missed Deductions It's that time again, the April 15 tax deadline is looming large. If youre like most people, you havent gathered all of your tax records, let alone filled your return. What is a Federal Tax Lien? A Federal Tax Lien (FTL) is a legal instrument that secures the claim of the United States in the right, title, and interest of a debtor taxpayer's assets. It is a public document and is recorded at the County Clerk's office or the Secretary of State, depending on local law. This is done to serve notice on all creditors or other interested parties of the government's claim. How To Get An Instant Pay Raise As a gentleman was leaving my class recently, he wanted me to clarify something I had said. He was making sure that he should take his four or five thousand dollar tax refund and pay off debt. What to Do If You Can?t Pay Your Taxes The end of tax filing extensions is quickly approaching. What do you do if you can't pay the amounts you owe? You should still file your return by the due date and pay as much as you can. There are, however, additional steps that might help. Income Tax Returns Your Accountant Should Not File You've been feeling uneasy (perhaps even guilty) becauseyou've failed to report your under the table business income. Perhaps you've never filed a tax return, even though you know you owe money. Finally, you contact anaccountant to resolve the situation. Tax Strategy - Let Washington Pay for Your Corvette, Porsche, or Air Plane Deducting Your Auto Expenses Save Money on Taxes - Double Your Income Now With Tax Saving Tips on Deductions Adding Your First Additional Stream of Income The Internet Tax Man Cometh Q: I was contacted by the city tax collector to say that my business is scheduled to be audited to see if I owe sales tax on items purchased on the Internet. Can they really make me pay sales tax on internet purchase? I thought you could buy things online tax free? -- Charlie B. Another Tax Loophole Just image, you are a small manufacturing company, business has been good, but yesterday you received a call from a customer who wants 50,000 widgets in 45 days. The customer is a large account and if you turn the business down, he may never call you again. How to Cut Duty Cost and Increase Profit as an Importer Import duties continue to be significant elements in the cost of international trade. Yet many companies and businesses still pay more duties than the law requires ? which impacts adversely on landed cost and ultimately on business profitability. A planned approach to managing customs duty costs would look to eliminate, reduce and delay payment of customs duties. ![]() |
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