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What Is Tax Law?
The federal tax code is complex. This complexity generally arises from two factors: the use of the tax code for purposes other than raising revenue, and the feedback process of amending the code. While its main intent is to provide revenue for the federal government, the tax code is frequently used to direct the behavior of businesses and individuals in an attempt to achieve social, economic, and political goals. For example, the tax law provides a deduction for mortgage interest in order to encourage home ownership. A theoretically pure income tax would not allow this deduction, which is not an expense incurred for the production of income. The allowance of the mortgage interest deduction is seen by some as discrimination against taxpayers who rent, rather than own, their home: the payment of rent for one's home is not deductible. Of course in theory, landlords generate tax savings on their mortgage interest payments, and pass these savings on to renters. Because the government uses the tax code as an instrument of social policy, the code as a whole appears to lack a coherent organizing principle. This lack of a coherent organizing principle has become magnified over time, due to the interplay between successive legislative amendments and regulatory changes to the law and the private sector responses to those amendments and changes. For instance, suppose that Congress enacts a tax credit to encourage a particular type of activity. In response, a group of taxpayers who are not the intended beneficiaries of the credit re-order their affairs, or the superficial aspects of their affairs, to qualify for the credit. Congress responds by amending the code to add restrictions and target the credit more effectively. Certain taxpayers manage to use this change to claim additional benefits, so Congress acts again, and so on. The result is a feedback loop of enactment and response, which, over an extended period of time, produces significant complexity. In general, the U.S. income tax is highly progressive, at least with respect to individuals that earn wage income. As of 2001, the top 1 percent of individual taxpayers paid approximately 23 percent of all federal taxes. The top 5 percent paid approximately 39 percent, and the top 10 percent paid 50 percent of all federal taxes. The bottom 20 percent of taxpayers paid a little over 1 percent of all federal taxes. Moreover, the progressivity of the U.S. tax system has gradually increased over recent decades. The top 20 percent of taxpayers paid approximately 56 percent of all taxes in 1980, and this figure gradually has risen to 65 percent, as of 2001. In recent years, however, a reduction in the tax rates applicable to capital gains has significantly reduced the income tax burden on non-wage income. In this regard, the general structure of the U.S. tax system has begun to resemble a partial consumption-tax regime. For more free legal information on Tax Law, please visit Free Legal Information.
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How to Maximize Your Home Business Tax Deductions for 2005 Someone once said, 'the best way to calculate your taxes is?Honestly'. For 2005, add 'Smartly' to that and you'll get to keep more than you make. This April 15th is going to be the day of reckoning for every taxpayer. If you are smart enough with your accounting and keep your eyes and ears open, this could be your favorite day of the year. Take full advantage of tax deductions due you and you can come back richer from the IRS office. Tax Trap #1 -- Waiting to Incorporate: What A Difference A Date Can Make NOTE: This is the first in a series of 5 articles:"Small Business Tax Traps and How To Avoid Them" Get Uncle Sam To Pay $36,000 For Your Childs Education! Let's assume that you would like to begin saving for your children's education fund. At the end of each year, for the next 8 years, you will contribute $2,000 into a Coverdell Education Savings Account (Education IRA), using your after-tax dollars. The money grows tax-free, and neither the contribution nor the interest is taxed when you make a withdrawal, as long as you use it for education purposes. Save Money on Taxes - Let Uncle Sam Pay for Your Fun! "Deducting Meals and Entertainment" Organizing Your Taxes Does this scene sound familiar? It's April 7. You haven't seen the top of your dining room table in two weeks because of the piles of paid bills, receipts, canceled checks, and unidentified cash register receipts covering it. Your head pounds and your stomach churns as the countdown to April 15 begins. State Tax Information All states also have their own tax system. Typically there is a tax on real estate, and there may be additional income taxes, sales taxes, and excise taxes. Oil and mineral producing states often have a severance tax, which is similar to an excise tax in that tax is paid on products produced, rather than on sales. Taxes on hotel rooms are common, and politically popular because the taxpayers usually do not vote in the jurisdiction levying the tax. The Internet Tax Man Cometh Q: I was contacted by the city tax collector to say that my business is scheduled to be audited to see if I owe sales tax on items purchased on the Internet. Can they really make me pay sales tax on internet purchase? I thought you could buy things online tax free? -- Charlie B. Tax Jokes and Quotes Do you realize that some tax forms ask you to check a box if you are BLIND? Hurricane Katrina ? How To Use Your Business Loss To Get A Refund on 2004 Taxes With the massive losses caused by Katrina, the economy of the Gulf Coast region is in extremely bad shape. Fortunately, there is a quirk in the tax code that can help you generate a large refund from your 2004 taxes. IRS Statute of Limitations: Do Taxes Ever Expire? Many Americans believe that an IRS debt is a debt for life and that the tax collector can hound them to the grave. Thankfully, that is not the case and there are statutory time limits on the ability of the IRS to examine and collect taxes. Taxes do expire at some point and in some cases IRS does not get the money they were legally entitled to collect. Corporations Failing To Claim AMT Exemption Overpay Taxes By $11,000 Does your incorporated business pay alternative minimum tax ["AMT]? If so, there is a 93% chance you have been overpaying your taxes by an average of $11,000 a year according to the Treasury Inspector General. Electronic Commerce Taxation and Pakistan Assume a buyer in Pakistan downloads software from the Internet for a 30-day trial. If he likes the software, he submits his credit card information and receives an authorization code that allows him unrestricted use of the software. Assume the software in this case was developed by a company in UK, and is available for download from servers located in fifteen countries. The buyer in this case happened to download the software from a server located in Singapore. The buyer found the software while browsing the Internet using Internet Explorer, a software program produced by Microsoft. The buyer gained access to the Internet using an Internet service provider (ISP) based in Lahore. Is there a taxable transaction? If so, what was sold and where was it sold? When is the transaction taxable? Who has the right to tax the transaction? The questions presented by this example are not conveniently answered by existing tax laws. Your IRS Tax Appeal Rights Are you in the middle of a disagreement with the IRS? One of the guaranteed rights for all taxpayers is the right to appeal. If you disagree with the IRS about the amount of your tax liability or about proposed collection actions, you have the right to ask the IRS Appeals Office to review your case. SFR Substitute for Returns: IRS Action on Non-Filers In the latest Star Wars episode, the evil empire executes a brutal revenge on the Jedi. While the IRS is not an evil empire (and due to the Revenue Reform Act of 1998 not very brutal anymore); it too is executing revenge on those who do not comply with filing their tax returns. Tax Audits: What Signs Make You More Likely to be Audited by the IRS? It's a major fear for most Americans: A notice from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) summoning you for an audit. Access to E-records by Taxing Authorities: A Case for Pakistan (Part II) All tax authorities to e-commerce transactions should investigate the record retention requirements of each other's respective jurisdictions. Small Business Tax Deduction - Write-Off Bad Debts Practically every small business has receivables that it cannot obtain from clients. If your small business doesn't have any such receivables, consider yourself lucky. For those small businesses that suffer from uncollected receivables, solace can be taken from the fact you can claim a tax deduction. Taxation of Forgiven Debt: The 1099C & You Often people fall on hard times and stop paying on credit cards. After a while the account may go to an outside debt collector who might offer a settlement of the debt for 30-40% of theoriginal sum. Once this is paid, the debtor often thinks the matter is closed, but it is not! It is very likely that the creditor will issue a 1099-C. This is a notice to IRS of the forgiven debt. If the debtor does not address this on his return he may get an IRS bill a year or two later with penalties and interest. Tips and Simple Guidelines on How to Calculate Payroll Taxes Managing a business small, medium or big requires you to pay your taxes, as well as your employees taxes. Managing a payroll can be an arduous and taxing job, no pun intended. There are laws that require us to pay taxes and everyone have to comply with that. But keeping up with the payroll can give many people sleepless nights. There are so many deductions needed to be done and they have to be exact to avoid confusion and complications later on. State and federal taxes are very strict and you don't want the IRS pounding on your door because of some mistakes. Make sure that you do your calculations correctly to avoid a mess later on. Keep your payroll records and tax payments as your reference so you have proof of the deductions and payments you have done. Different states have different laws about records; check it out with your lawyer or accountant to make sure. Employment Taxes ? What Are They? If you have employees, you are responsible for paying a variety of taxes at the federal, state, and local levels. You must also withhold certain taxes from the paychecks of your employees. So, what are employment taxes? ![]() |
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