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Access to E-records by Taxing Authorities: A Case for Pakistan (Part II)
All tax authorities to e-commerce transactions should investigate the record retention requirements of each other's respective jurisdictions. In September 1998 Revenue Minister Dhalinal of Canada; "?Interpretation Circular 78-10RS and 779R (Book and Record Retention/Destruction) will be revised to explain the Department's views with respect to the electronic environment. Revenue Canada will work with authorities in other OECD Countries relating to information exchange as they currently do under the WTO and NAFTA relating to customs and excise matters such as Rules of Origin of Goods. Revenue Canada also believes that there are adequate search and seizure powers under the Criminal Code and the Income Tax Act to deal with the difficulty of accessing encrypted information. " An electronic signature may be proved in any manner, in order to verify that the electronic document is of the person that has executed it with the intention and for the purpose of verifying its authenticity or integrity or both. Presumption relating to advanced electronic signature, in any proceedings, involving an advanced electronic signature, it shall be presumed unless evidence to contrary is adduced, that the electronic document affixed with an advanced electronic signature, as is the subject-matter of or identified in a valid accreditation certificate is authentic and has integrity; The advanced electronic signature is the signature of the person to whom it correlates, the advanced electronic signature was affixed by that person with the intention of signing or approving the electronic document and the electronic document has not been altered since that point in time. Although digital signature technology has been available for some time, it has only recently become feasible to use digital signatures to authenticate a document. This breakthrough has made digital signatures one of the most important areas of development within electronic commerce. It is important because the technology, and the law governing it, must develop in a way that promotes, or at the very least does not inhibit, the growth of electronic commerce. Encryption The role of encryption and digital signatures go hand in hand in the authentication of records. The cryptography provides the technology used in digital signatures as well as for encryption. Encryption transforms an electronic document unreadable, thereby providing another level of security and increasing the attractiveness of the Internet as a means of transferring confidential data of the type often used in electronic commerce making the access to data possible for purpose of locating of database. Clipper Chip The government should make consistent attempts to introduce legislation on the clipper Chip, or a similar alternative. The Clipper Chip is a device enabling the government to gain access to communications by obtaining a key held by two escrow agents. The technical aspect of clipper chip is well known to information technology experts. But for legal profession it is device by that the record can be authenticated and verified. Computer Forensics There is numbers forensics that performs their legal duties regarding digital discovery of the documents. When we look into the legal history of these digital discovery authorities, their function as certified authorities to all document produced in digital form developed with advanced with electronic communication. The assistance of computer forensics is employed by foreign courts for purpose of getting forensic view about the e-data or electronic evidence. The Computer Forensics authorities' employs various tools for purpose of verification of documents, starting from identify, acquire, restore, and analyze electronic documents for their admission and production before court of laws. There verification of documents is not limited to local disk data but even the remote server data is verified. From authentication of record to local hard drive to remote server, the certified forensic discovery authorities help in testifying acquired from data from NT, Novell, UNIX, and Linux servers and PCs, among others. Identification There procedure adopted by the digital discovery authorities start from electronic discovery is identification. The electronic discovery is the identification of likely sources of relevant information comparing it with original electronic document. The identification of computer document and its comparison with original record through critical step to help ensure that data is not overlooked and each aspect of date is properly maintained and there is no tampering of database while its production before court of law. There view about the electronic document are requested of disk or remote documents and go on-site to inventory the data and look for hidden sources of taxpayer for evasion of record. In many cases, they present a written e-discovery report of web site and its links with database where it has been hosted. Acquisition The Identification of electronic documents is only the first step for proper identification of website link with data base. Once identified, the second step that they have to follow to gather the relevant information for authentication of the electronic evidence as to judge the reliance of the evidence. They take care to collect relevant information for coming to right conclusion regarding the authenticity of e-documents. They take care to avoid tampering of record and to maintain defensible chain-of-custody. There are three critical procedural phases judging the reliance of the electronic evidence and its presentation before the court of laws. Computer forensics employs uses forensically tools, their written protocols and internal procedures ensure that their work product with stands scrutiny in all jurisdictions where it is going to be presented before the court. Restoration There are many hidden sources of electronic evidence that can not be retrieved without seeking the assistance of the authorities of foreign jurisdiction. Once information regarding the evidence existed out state jurisdiction gathered, document must have to follow the same procedure of as defined in acquire. Rather it is foreign jurisdiction or not, important information is not retrieved without tested forensic procedures and documentation. The computer forensics helps courts to avoid any unnecessary production of documents, while ensuring that potentially relevant documents are presented, including encrypted, compressed, and password-protected files, are presented before court properly. Searching Another method is used is filtering of electronic database received in electronic discovery. While undergoing search of the electronic evidence, the computer forensics uses a variety of methods, tools and appropriate search technique to widows and other operating system for increasing reliability of electronic document to the court of law. The electronic forensics authorities are given number of powers in connect with assessing the reliance of the electronic and figuring out the hidden sources of evidence. Production The production and admission before the court of law is primary function of these forensics authorities and the computer forensics produces legal documents of data to court by their certification. They are granted certification power by statute or they are working independent autonomous bodies being famous for their impartial reports, they are often asked by court to give opinion about the electronic having agreed by both parties to suit. They produce copies of the data selected for review and offer recommendations and certification regarding the nature of electronic database to be viewed organizes data as evidence. Verification The computer Forensics perform number of function, one of them is offering detailed written certified reports and analyses to courts to just adjudication of matter. As being declared as "friend-of-the-court" experts, they assists judges with the interpretation electronic evidence being presented in court proceedings and the testimony of other electronic discovery experts. The court often needs the opinion of these experts regarding the building of the electronic evidence and reliance. For getting appropriate and meeting the reliance standard, although careful attention to detail in the early stages of electronic discovery builds solid expert testimony. The real aim of computer forensics to assist the court in reaching just conclusion regarding production of data as evidence but in Pakistan we have not yet legislated on role of computer forensics as expert role for identification, production and its admission before the court of law. Legislative proposals The legal requirement to get access to information or database for the purpose of authentication of record which is in electronic form it can only be met by providing access to the information in paper or other non-electronic form; but, if the maintenance of the integrity of the database cannot be assured, the person who must get access to the data must notify every person to whom access is required to be provided of that data base as evidence; and if requested to do so, provide access to the information in electronic form. The form and means of access to the information reliably assures the maintenance of the integrity of the information, given the purpose for which, and the circumstances in which, access to the information is required to be provided; and the person to whom access is required to be provided consents to accessing the data in that electronic form .But the question of out cross border jurisdiction of taxing authorities is not possible unless international treaties are signed and tax laws are amended for the purpose of empower the tax administration to get access e-transaction database which is located at remoter server. The mentioned below are my legislative proposals that can address the legal issue of access to e-records. The Legislation of privacy and securities issues Legislation has been suggested to address "privacy issues raised by the practices of the Internet industry, including the gathering of information about individuals' patterns of access to Internet sites ." Most of the central and local legislation, however, doesn't prohibit independent third parties from gathering and disseminating your personal information to the millions on the net. Amending Sale Tax Act 1990 The section 25 of sale tax act only deals with accessibility of sale tax officer to records of electronic data base where no specific direction is available for the getting access to record which has kept at remote server. Here we need to insert the words 'or hosted in remote web server' in section 25 of the Sale Tax Act 1990., "?A person who is required to maintain any record or documents under this Act or any other law shall, as and when required by an officer of Sales Tax, produce record or documents which are in his possession or control or in the possession or control of his agent; and where such record or documents have been kept on electronic data or hosted in remoter web server, he shall allow access to such officer of Sales Tax and use of any machine on which such data is kept." The insert of appropriate wordings will enhance the power of tax administration for purpose of getting access to e-transaction data base. Amending Income tax ordinance 2001 The accessibility income tax officer to get access to e-records which has kept at remote web server is ineffective by non-existent of statutory words, phrase or clause in clause (a) subsection (1) section (175) of income tax ordinance. I recommend the same phrase as I have recommended in section 25 of sale tax act of 1990. "?In order to enforce any provision of this Ordinance , the Commissioner or any officer authorised in writing by the Commissioner for the purposes of this section ? (a) shall, at all times and without prior notice, have full and free access to any premises, place, accounts, documents or computer or remoter web server?"; I will describe in second chapter, how the code criminal procedure can be made effective for search authorization of e-records uploaded at remoter server. The gauging the effectiveness of legislative proposals There are various standards for determining the effectiveness of the legislative proposal, first-practicability-whenever the legislation is promulgated that must be feasible to enforce it. We how to determine rather any such amendment is put in operation will serve the good or not? Rather any such facility is available for tax officer to access the e-records hosted at remote server, if no, then how these legislative provision can made effective? There is one simple answer to this question by increasing the efficiency of taxing officer. Secondly, predicting the proposed amendment by its intrinsic structure, what could be best substituted phrase that can remove deficiency of enacted provisions? That is 'hosted at remote web server'? Summary There are various devices are used for getting access to e-records, like encryption, clipper chip and computer forensics, and to extend legal right to access the e-records, we need to make appropriate statutory amendments in tax laws. The writer is an advocate of High Court and practicing immigration and corporate laws in Pakistan since September 2001. He is a self employed and pioneer in research on electronic commerce taxation in Pakistan. His articles were published widely in the critical areas of cyber crimes, electronic commerce, e-taxation and various other topics. He wrote LL.M thesis on titled "Legislation of electronic commerce taxation in Pakistan" in which he provided comprehensive legal proposals for statutory reconstruction of tax laws for purpose of imposition of taxation on e-business in Pakistan. Currently he is conducting is research on topic 'Electronic commerce taxation: emerging legal issues of digital evidence'.Author can be contacted by adil.waseem@lawyer.com
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Amending Procedural Laws for Collection of E-taxation The electronic transaction ordinance defines the certificated copies in which are to be presented for adjudication. Where any law requires or permits the production of certified copies of any records, such requirement or permission shall extend to print outs or other forms of display of electronic documents where, in addition to fulfillment of the requirements as may be specified in such law relating to certification, it is verified in the manner laid down by the appropriate authority. What to Do If You Can?t Pay Your Taxes The end of tax filing extensions is quickly approaching. What do you do if you can't pay the amounts you owe? You should still file your return by the due date and pay as much as you can. There are, however, additional steps that might help. Tax Trap #4 -- The Quagmire of Depreciation If you are a Small Business Owner or Self-Employed Person,there's one especially lucrative tax break that not onlyputs money in your pocket, it also makes the filing ofyour business tax return much simpler. Save Money on Taxes - Double Your Income Now With Tax Saving Tips on Deductions Adding Your First Additional Stream of Income Tax Secrets - How Drew Miles Helped Me How about a Tax Tip? Requirements To Produce Tax Information (Whats Up With That?) "What we've got here is a failure to communicate." --Strother Martin in Cool Hand Luke Access to E-records by Taxing Authorities: A Case for Pakistan (Part II) All tax authorities to e-commerce transactions should investigate the record retention requirements of each other's respective jurisdictions. Where to Find Tax Breaks for Your Home Based Business April 15th looms in front of most people every year like a big, full moon full influencing a tax based frenzy, but knowing where to find tax breaks for your home based business can make that frenzy a little less frantic and more beneficial to you and your home based business. Finding tax breaks for your home based business is not overly difficult, but make sure you discuss tax breaks for your home based business with the person doing your taxes. Tax Audits: What Signs Make You More Likely to be Audited by the IRS? It's a major fear for most Americans: A notice from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) summoning you for an audit. Tax Tips to Save Money on Taxes - Get the Corporate Kick and Save Loads of Money Why a Corporation Helps Save You Taxes Render Unto Caesar Once a year Canadian taxpayers are required, by law, to file an income tax return in the prescribed form: $150(1). Fraudulent Tax Shelters ? KMPG Goes Down Hard In the largest criminal tax case ever filed, KMPG has copped a plea to using fraudulent tax shelters to bilk the government out of 2.5 billion dollars. KMPG has agreed to pay a fine of $456 million dollars, but nine of its executives still are under indictment. Get Uncle Sam To Pay $36,000 For Your Childs Education! Let's assume that you would like to begin saving for your children's education fund. At the end of each year, for the next 8 years, you will contribute $2,000 into a Coverdell Education Savings Account (Education IRA), using your after-tax dollars. The money grows tax-free, and neither the contribution nor the interest is taxed when you make a withdrawal, as long as you use it for education purposes. Section 179 ? Tax Relief From Depreciation Rules "Depreciation." For business owners, this word is the one most likely to inspire headaches and fits of cussing. The expanded provisions of Section 179 are just the medicine you need to cure the depreciation blues. Are You Overpaying Taxes If You Use Tax Preparation Software? For many business owners the answer to this quandary is tax preparation software. Fill out a fairly simple interview, click "print" and out comes a completed return that will pass muster with the IRS. The answer to all your problems?or is it? Insider Guides to IRS Audits! Ever wish that, as a business owner, you knew exactly what would raise "red flags" at the IRS? Or how to make an IRS audit go as smoothly and painlessly as possible? Tax Deduction for Alimony Payments? - Yes! Over 50% of marriages end in divorce in the United States. Many divorce decrees include provisions for the payment of alimony. The IRS takes the position that such payments constitute a form of income and create an alimony tax deduction for the person making payments. Your IRS Tax Appeal Rights Are you in the middle of a disagreement with the IRS? One of the guaranteed rights for all taxpayers is the right to appeal. If you disagree with the IRS about the amount of your tax liability or about proposed collection actions, you have the right to ask the IRS Appeals Office to review your case. Tax Tips - Which Tax Form Is Right For Me? IRS Tax forms can be confusing. Know A Tax Cheat? Get Paid To Tell The IRS According to the IRS, taxpayers underpay their taxes by some $300 billion. If you know someone that is contributing to that deficit, the IRS may be willing to pay you up to $10 million for the information you provide. The bigger the cheating you report, the more you're likely to receive. ![]() |
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