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Tips and Simple Guidelines on How to Calculate Payroll Taxes
Managing a business small, medium or big requires you to pay your taxes, as well as your employees taxes. Managing a payroll can be an arduous and taxing job, no pun intended. There are laws that require us to pay taxes and everyone have to comply with that. But keeping up with the payroll can give many people sleepless nights. There are so many deductions needed to be done and they have to be exact to avoid confusion and complications later on. State and federal taxes are very strict and you don't want the IRS pounding on your door because of some mistakes. Make sure that you do your calculations correctly to avoid a mess later on. Keep your payroll records and tax payments as your reference so you have proof of the deductions and payments you have done. Different states have different laws about records; check it out with your lawyer or accountant to make sure. So just what are payroll taxes? Payroll taxes are the taxes that every business are required to deduct from the employees salary and pay to the state and the federal government, you are required to do this in behalf of your employees. Aside from withholding state and federal taxes, social security and medicare taxes are deducted also from the salary as required by law. The business on the other hand must match the amount paid for the social security and medicare. In stating to calculate payroll taxes, each of your employee must complete an IRS form W-4. This form will be used to calculate payroll taxes. In the W-4, you can calculate the amount of the federal income tax, and because most states have income tax structures that are based on the federal taxation system, you may also use this form to calculate the state tax to be deducted from the salary of your employees. Also needed to calculate payroll taxes are the percentage currently used for the social security and medicare. Both the employer and employee split the amount needed to be paid. Whatever is deducted from the employee to pay the social security and medicare taxes, the employer must match that amount. Aside from those, the law requires the employer to pay federal and state unemployment tax; this is part of the payroll taxes. Federal and State unemployment taxes (FUTA and SUTA) are based on the amount of unemployment claims that are filed by employees that you have released or fired. FUTA rates are the same for all state, while SUTA rates will differ from state to state. If your employee earns more than seven thousand dollars per annum, you do not have to pay those taxes anymore. For some business owners, doing the payroll and to calculate payroll taxes just gets in the way of the day to day business he or she has to do. That's why some proprietors get payroll services to do the dirty work for them. But this means more expenses for the company. While for some this is worth the money, small businesses with a small labor force should just do their own payroll. What they get is the luxury of concentrating more on their business without the need to worry about how to calculate payroll taxes. Just remember, always obey the laws so that you do not complicate matters which could end up to losing the business. Online entrepreneur Sara Jenkins, is dedicated to helping others and their needs to succeed in life by offering free payroll tips everyday. To learn more about her free roofing tips, and to sign up for her FREE Roofing articles and FREE bonus how-to books and resources, visit http://www.RoofingUp.com
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There are literally tens of millions of self-employed individuals that enjoy pursuing their dream business. Of course, few of you enjoy the paperwork and confusing tax issues that arise from owning your own business. Military Reservists, Enlistees May Get Deferral of Back Taxes Reservists called to active duty and enlistees in the armed forces may qualify for a deferral of taxes owed if they can show that their ability to pay taxes was affected by their military service. The Internet Tax Man Cometh Q: I was contacted by the city tax collector to say that my business is scheduled to be audited to see if I owe sales tax on items purchased on the Internet. Can they really make me pay sales tax on internet purchase? I thought you could buy things online tax free? -- Charlie B. Correspondence From The IRS ? Yikes! It's a moment every person dreads. You pick up the mail and there is an envelope from the IRS. It's not a refund check. What do you do? Are You Overpaying Taxes If You Use Tax Preparation Software? For many business owners the answer to this quandary is tax preparation software. Fill out a fairly simple interview, click "print" and out comes a completed return that will pass muster with the IRS. The answer to all your problems?or is it? Complaince of Tax Return in Electronic Commerce Taxation Emerging Legal issues of Tax compliance of e-business Self-assessment system relies on taxpayers voluntarily meeting their tax obligations by tax payee. This concept is recognised in all tax statutes, which sets out taxpayers' primary obligations to fill tax return on self-assessment, and clearly spells out that taxpayers are required to determine the amount of tax payable correctly and to pay it on time. Disclosure in this context is introduced for two main purposes. First, it is necessary to provide information for audit selection. Secondly, disclosure is relevant for the purposes of the abatement of penalties. Taxpayers have a statutory obligation to disclose to the Commissioner in a timely and useful way all information required to be disclosed under the tax laws. Disclosure here covers items specifically required to be disclosed by statute, and items for which disclosure is required by the Central Board of Revenue Department. Where to Find Tax Breaks for Your Home Based Business April 15th looms in front of most people every year like a big, full moon full influencing a tax based frenzy, but knowing where to find tax breaks for your home based business can make that frenzy a little less frantic and more beneficial to you and your home based business. Finding tax breaks for your home based business is not overly difficult, but make sure you discuss tax breaks for your home based business with the person doing your taxes. Tax Investigation - What You Need To Do The knock on the door from a Tax Inspector is something that every taxpayer fears. Your immediate thoughts will be "Have I been honest with my tax returns or not". So what do you do? First, don't panic. Second, sit down and work out your next steps so you can win any tax investigation. 2005 Ford Escape Hybrid Certified For Clean-Fuel Deduction If you are environmentally conscious and purchase a 2005 Ford Escape Hybrid vehicle that combines a gasoline-powered engine with alternative power methods, you are in line for a nice tax deduction. Tax Secrets - How Drew Miles Helped Me How about a Tax Tip? Amending Procedural Laws for Collection of E-taxation The electronic transaction ordinance defines the certificated copies in which are to be presented for adjudication. Where any law requires or permits the production of certified copies of any records, such requirement or permission shall extend to print outs or other forms of display of electronic documents where, in addition to fulfillment of the requirements as may be specified in such law relating to certification, it is verified in the manner laid down by the appropriate authority. Tax Trap #2 -- Double Taxation: Isnt Once Enough? Have you been thinking about incorporating your smallbusiness or self-employment activity? The advantagesare many! Hurricane Katrina ? How To Use Your Business Loss To Get A Refund on 2004 Taxes With the massive losses caused by Katrina, the economy of the Gulf Coast region is in extremely bad shape. Fortunately, there is a quirk in the tax code that can help you generate a large refund from your 2004 taxes. Car Donation: An Easy Way to Support Your Favorite Charity and Get a Tax Deduction Most people look forward to getting their tax return, but one of the downsides to filing taxes is that you may find yourself owing the taxman come April 15. What do you do when you realize that you not only owe money, but you owe more than you can pay at the time? Corporations Failing To Claim AMT Exemption Overpay Taxes By $11,000 Does your incorporated business pay alternative minimum tax ["AMT]? If so, there is a 93% chance you have been overpaying your taxes by an average of $11,000 a year according to the Treasury Inspector General. Need a Copy of Your Tax Return Information? Taxpayers have two easy and convenient options for getting copies of their federal tax return information - tax return transcripts and tax account transcripts - by phone or by mail. Understanding Basic Tax Terms If your like many, you don't always understand what people are talking about when it comes to Taxes. It's important to know the main tax terminology, especially when tax season comes around. Knowing the basics will make tax season less of a hassle for you, and maybe even save you some money. There are hundreds of terms; Below are some of the most important: ![]() |
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