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The Tax Man Cometh... To Search
You're at your office, or home, and the doorbell rings ? it's the Canada Revenue Agency ("CRA"). The first thing to do is find out why they've come. If it is an "inspection, audit or examination" of your books and records under §231.1 Income Tax Act ("ITA") then they have a right to be at your place of business, during business hours, to do these things. Just collect a copy of the business card of the officer and ask them to write what authority under the ITA they are relying on. Other than that cooperate with them, and produce your books and records. If they are there to serve you with a "Requirement to Produce Information or Documents" under §231.2 then, they'll have an RPID, in writing, to give to you. Subject to certain technical prerequisites this is something CRA is empowered to do. Just collect a copy of the business card of the officer, as well as, a copy of the RPID and ask them to write on the back of their business card; whether it is you, or someone else, who is the subject of the RPID. If it someone else, ensure that their name is listed on the front of the RPID. CRA must give you a "reasonable time" to produce the information or documents and use this time to consult with your accountant or lawyer. Normally, however, you'll be required to produce the materials required. Once again, be polite and listen to what is said. When the officer's leave write everything you can remember down. But, if they are at your house, or present you with a search warrant then this is something else entirely, and you need to know your rights. There is no substitute for prompt legal advice, but the following suggests may assist you, when and if this ever happens to you: 1. Ask to see the search warrant before you let anyone in. If you are at home, step outside and close the door behind you while you examine the Search Warrant ("SW") papers. The searchers are required to show you a copy of the warrant or tell you what is in it before executing it. Examine the paperwork very carefully. The officers are required to leave you a copy of the SW when they leave. SWs can be based on incorrect, incomplete or inadequate grounds and searches can be carried out as a "fishing" expedition by CRA; if any of those prove to be true then you do you have legal rights, but that is something that your lawyer will have to handle for you ? in the future ? while the search(es) are on-going your only responsibilities are to be observant, record everything that occurs, be polite and avoid a confrontation with the officers. 2. Ask the person in possession of the search warrant to identify themselves and all of those with him (or her) and to indicate whether those persons are authorized to aid in the execution of the warrant. See if the persons who are present are listed on, or authorized by, the warrant to conduct the searches. Collect business cards from each of the searchers, and if someone doesn't have a card then get a card from another searcher and have them write their information on the back of that card. 3. Request time to review the warrant and to obtain legal advice with respect to your appropriate course of conduct. 4. Read the warrant carefully to determine: - the premises covered - the specific documents or objects it covers - the alleged offence(s) which are the subject of the warrant(s) - Read the date and times that the warrant authorizes search. While you do these things the officers will see that nothing is removed from the premises, either by you or by someone else; but as long as they can ensure this to be the case, they should give you the time to review and satisfy yourself on the terms of the SW. 5. At the same time that the warrant is being reviewed, instruct someone to make the following calls: - to your legal counsel; say something like "Officer, I have nothing to say until I speak with my lawyer." You have the right to be silent, use it. NB: if your lawyer's office, or home, is searched they should claim your solicitor-client privilege and follow the procedures set forth by their provincial Law Society. Because you are not the lawyer's only client the lawyer should ask to have their Law Society send a representative out to attend at the search site and ensure that your lawyer's other client's rights and privileges are not violated. - to your accountant - other individuals named in the warrant whose offices or homes are to be searched. They should be told not to remove any books or records before the SW is executed on their premises. 6. If told that you must sit down and not use the phone, ask: "Am I under arrest?" If the answer is "No" or "Not yet" then no one has any right to touch you, or to hinder your use of the telephone. If an officer does touch you, then ask again: "Am I under arrest?" If the answer is no, then say: "In that case, please take your hand off me." If this happens call your lawyer immediately, and seek their advice. Be polite and if you make an objection make it calmly and ensure that you record all of the details carefully. It is possible that you may be subjected to "administrative detention," which is practically like being arrested, but it will stop when the search is over. 7. Do not "agree" that the search can be expanded beyond the limits described in the warrant. If you are asked to "agree" say very clearly that you don't agree and ask the officer in charge to witness your refusal. This may be important if the officers make over-seizures; that is, take things not authorized by the warrant (and chances are that they will). Some such extra seizures may be authorized by law, but keep detailed notes and discuss this with your lawyer. 8. Do not answer any substantive questions; that is, don't make any statements or allow yourself to be questioned without your lawyer being present - use common sense here. If you insist on ignoring your right to remain silent, then when you do say something be honest and tell the truth. 9. The CRA will be accompanied by an RCMP officer, ask this officer for a business card as well. This officer is present to keep the peace and not to search. If the RCMP does appear to be searching or making seizures then tell your lawyer. 10. Keep track of the paperwork that is being seized; see that each item (as far as possible) is authorized for seizure by the search warrant and that the officers don't engage in over-seizures. If they do take things not authorized by the warrant, then record the particulars and tell your lawyer ? do not argue with the officers. 11. In the unlikely event that the searching officers damage your property then politely object to the officer in charge, giving any pertinent details and ask them to stop. Be sure to write down as much information as possible. 12. DO NOT attempt to impede, physically, verbally or otherwise, any person from executing a search warrant. To do so may be an offence. If you believe that the warrant doesn't authorize a particular seizure, then ask the officers to wait while you call your lawyer. Have your lawyer discuss any technicalities with the CRA officers. 13. If you have any documents over which solicitor-client privilege may exist, identify the documents and their location and indicate to the search officer that the documents are subject to solicitor-client privilege and that you require that the appropriate procedures be followed to protect the privilege. This includes sealing the documents into a separate box, listing the contents (in general terms) and having the box taken to the Sheriff.CRA will ask you to give them custody of these materials, but it is better to have them delivered to an independent third party. 14. Keep an accurate log (or copy) of all documents seized and have the officer in charge confirm that your copy is accurate - do this before the officers leave the premises. If the officer(s) refuse then obtain from them a written undertaking tell you when you will get an inventory, and ask for both the paper and the electronic versions, to make reviewing the data easier on your lawyer. 15. If CRA takes a copy of your computer hard drive(s), or takes copies of your computer disks, CDs or DVDs then request a copy of all of the seized originals before they leave the premises. If possible observe each disk being copied, and have the officer sign the copy, numbering each disk in the series (i.e., 1 of 5, etc.) 16. The CRA officer in charge, or team leader, will have sworn a document called an 'Information to Obtain a Search Warrant' ("ITO") which was presented before a Justice who must be satisfied that the officer has reasonable and probable grounds that there has been an offence committed and that a search of the premises will disclosure evidence relating to the commission of that, or those, offence(s). 17. Once the search has been completed the officer in charge, or the searchers having, must file a "Report to a Justice" with the court, explaining what they did with the SW and listing what they took. Examine the attached scheduled must list all that is seized, if you find any discrepancies between what is listed there and with what you recorded as seized tell your lawyer immediately. 18. Have your lawyer request the right to attend at the hearing before the Justice, when the Report to a Justice is presented. 19. Have your lawyer request a copy of the Witness List(s), for all of the officers who attended the search, as well as, a copy of their statements, any affidavits sworn in support of the Report to a Justice, and any Will Say Statements, as they become available. If you are charged, your lawyer will be entitled to these documents, but do what you can to obtain copies as soon as possible, because any problems should be raised at the first possible opportunity by your lawyer. 20. Get your lawyer to obtain from CRA a copy of the ITO relating to the search warrant. They will also be available from the Court Office where it is a public document and can be obtained for the cost of photocopying ? this ITO will prove to be valuable to your defence. If you have not been charged with an offence under the Income Tax Act ("ITO") or Criminal Code ("CC") then CRA will require a Retention Order to keep your seized materials. 21. The Income Tax Act and Criminal Code each provide a code of rules which CRA officers must comply with in preparing ITO's and executing warrants. If they have failed to do so or otherwise fail to comply with the law, then your lawyer may be able to pursue remedies on your behalf. Just like you, CRA officers, are required to follow the law. The more accurate and complete your search notes are, the more assistance you will be to your lawyer in ensuring that all of your legal rights have been protected. Staff Writer
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What Is Tax Law? The federal tax code is complex. This complexity generally arises from two factors: the use of the tax code for purposes other than raising revenue, and the feedback process of amending the code. Your IRS Tax Appeal Rights Are you in the middle of a disagreement with the IRS? One of the guaranteed rights for all taxpayers is the right to appeal. If you disagree with the IRS about the amount of your tax liability or about proposed collection actions, you have the right to ask the IRS Appeals Office to review your case. Rearrange Your Affairs For Maximum Tax Savings One way to maximize your business profits is by reducing your taxes.Frequently, income and other taxes could be lowered significantly if only the taxpayer were willing to plan ahead. By taking some simple steps to rearrange your affairs, you could save a fortune! IRS Offer-in-Compromise, Hype or Hope? "Settle for Pennies on the Dollar! IRS debts settled for $20Wipe out the Penalties with an Offer"-such is the language of Offer-in-Compromise promoters. What they fail to tell you is that one has to qualify for an Offer and few taxpayers will be able to meet the tough standards for an OIC. State Tax Information All states also have their own tax system. Typically there is a tax on real estate, and there may be additional income taxes, sales taxes, and excise taxes. Oil and mineral producing states often have a severance tax, which is similar to an excise tax in that tax is paid on products produced, rather than on sales. Taxes on hotel rooms are common, and politically popular because the taxpayers usually do not vote in the jurisdiction levying the tax. How To Get An Extension To File Your Business Tax Returns Yes, the tax season is upon with the first filing date for some businesses being March 15, 2005. If you can't imagine getting your tax returns together by that date, you need not worry. The IRS automatically gives you an extension if your file the appropriate form. As you might expect, there are different forms for different businesses. Correspondence From The IRS ? Yikes! It's a moment every person dreads. You pick up the mail and there is an envelope from the IRS. It's not a refund check. What do you do? Electronic Commerce Taxation and Pakistan Assume a buyer in Pakistan downloads software from the Internet for a 30-day trial. If he likes the software, he submits his credit card information and receives an authorization code that allows him unrestricted use of the software. Assume the software in this case was developed by a company in UK, and is available for download from servers located in fifteen countries. The buyer in this case happened to download the software from a server located in Singapore. The buyer found the software while browsing the Internet using Internet Explorer, a software program produced by Microsoft. The buyer gained access to the Internet using an Internet service provider (ISP) based in Lahore. Is there a taxable transaction? If so, what was sold and where was it sold? When is the transaction taxable? Who has the right to tax the transaction? The questions presented by this example are not conveniently answered by existing tax laws. The Tax Man Cometh... To Search You're at your office, or home, and the doorbell rings ? it's the Canada Revenue Agency ("CRA"). How to Donate Your Car to Charity and Get Tax Deduction Donating your used car to charity is a win-win situation; the charity gets your gift and you get tax deduction. Below are some simple steps to make a car donation. IRS Statute of Limitations: Do Taxes Ever Expire? Many Americans believe that an IRS debt is a debt for life and that the tax collector can hound them to the grave. Thankfully, that is not the case and there are statutory time limits on the ability of the IRS to examine and collect taxes. Taxes do expire at some point and in some cases IRS does not get the money they were legally entitled to collect. To Tax or Not to Tax - This is the Question To tax or not to tax - this question could have never been asked twenty years ago. How to Check the Status of Your Tax Refund Online So, you were pleasantly surprised to learn that you are getting a refund on your taxes. Congratulations! The question for most taxpayers expecting a return is, "Where is my refund?" How to Maximize Your Home Business Tax Deductions for 2005 Someone once said, 'the best way to calculate your taxes is?Honestly'. For 2005, add 'Smartly' to that and you'll get to keep more than you make. This April 15th is going to be the day of reckoning for every taxpayer. If you are smart enough with your accounting and keep your eyes and ears open, this could be your favorite day of the year. Take full advantage of tax deductions due you and you can come back richer from the IRS office. Tax Trap #2 -- Double Taxation: Isnt Once Enough? Have you been thinking about incorporating your smallbusiness or self-employment activity? The advantagesare many! Save Money on Taxes - Let Uncle Sam Pay for Your Fun! "Deducting Meals and Entertainment" Fraudulent Tax Shelters ? KMPG Goes Down Hard In the largest criminal tax case ever filed, KMPG has copped a plea to using fraudulent tax shelters to bilk the government out of 2.5 billion dollars. KMPG has agreed to pay a fine of $456 million dollars, but nine of its executives still are under indictment. Complaince of Tax Return in Electronic Commerce Taxation Emerging Legal issues of Tax compliance of e-business Self-assessment system relies on taxpayers voluntarily meeting their tax obligations by tax payee. This concept is recognised in all tax statutes, which sets out taxpayers' primary obligations to fill tax return on self-assessment, and clearly spells out that taxpayers are required to determine the amount of tax payable correctly and to pay it on time. Disclosure in this context is introduced for two main purposes. First, it is necessary to provide information for audit selection. Secondly, disclosure is relevant for the purposes of the abatement of penalties. Taxpayers have a statutory obligation to disclose to the Commissioner in a timely and useful way all information required to be disclosed under the tax laws. Disclosure here covers items specifically required to be disclosed by statute, and items for which disclosure is required by the Central Board of Revenue Department. Tax Help Secret: Avoiding the Entreprenuers Curse Your days as an entrepreneur and businessperson are consumed with one primary activity; making money. Whether you think in terms of growing your business, getting the word out there, or some fancy new marketing technique, your days and weeks and months in business are focused on that one group of activities. In fact, some of you are marketing machines. Deducting Points On Home Refinances Deduction of Refinance Points ![]() |
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