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Aerodynamic Changes Need To Be Made In MAVs; Micro Air Autonomous Vehicles
Aerodynamic changes need to be made in MAVs. Micro-Air Autonomous vehicles. The simple current DARPA version is okay I suppose, but we need much smaller units and we can add in a few components to make them simpler, increase performance and payloads. I propose that we create a couple of other versions; one would be similar in nature to the picture above. However the body would be a tube, like the exoskeleton of an insect, which can be fat like a bee, thin like a dragon fly or any similar shape in between. The wings would be cellophane and clear similar to the much larger, giant UAVs. The MAV I propose would be under 20 cm in length. It would have centerline thrust like a Cessna Skymaster. The propellers would be in front and back and could change direction, the MAV during this time would most likely want to flip of and roll, but so the wings need to be symmetrical. As it flipped over the trailing edge of the wings interior would be made of a small heavy tube, which would also contain the ion battery material. It would be thinner than the wings spar tube which would be larger and therefore cause proper curvature of the leading edge for maximum lift. The wing would still look similar to that of figure six in this report: http://wtsun.eas.asu.edu/publications/reas_paper-2003.pdf We could of course also make the wing spar of a substance that would compress under pressure and the leading edge at high speeds would have much less curvature and could go extremely fast with a different set of motors? When the aircraft shifted directions the tubes would trade sides and the aircraft would start flying backwards as the propellers switched directions in flight cause the aircraft to reverse and fly exactly back wards. As the wings did a roll, it would also now be flying upside down. This is good for surveillance because you could take pictures of the below on the way in and the above on the way out. For instance flying into a cave, hull of a ship, building, duct, tunnel, etc. The optic flow sensors would now be exactly opposite and they autonomous device would continue to fly out the way it came in. The simplicity is also good in that the tiny motors would be hooked to a tiny crankshaft, which could be made out of micro-material. Also if the MAV crashed into something or got swatted out of the sky, it could still fly on the remaining engine going in one direction, so the mission is not lost. Propulsion should be considered. The second prototype I am calling for would be similar in that it would also have a centerline thrust, only this one would have a vertical fin as a fuselage. The wings would be shaped like a dragon fly and would have one wing heavier than the other. For instance the top wing, which would have be on a slider along with the bottom wing. As the aircraft went forward the top wing would move backwards so the configuration would be similar to a Stagger Wing Beechcraft. Then when the motors spun opposite the heavier wing would slide backwards causing the aircraft to resume in the other direction in this model the aircraft would stay right side up. And fly away exactly the direction it came. The optic flow sensors could be on the wing that was forward the bottom wing, which always stays stationary and fixed to the aircraft. Thus pointing forward and down so the optical flow sensors and/or sonar sensors would be in the proper place. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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God Created Man, 5000 years ago? Well it is written that God created man 5000 years ago, there can be no doubt about it. The Holy scripture guarantees that is in fact how it exactly happened? Oh really? So how do you explain the fossil record, life on mars and dinosaur bones? Oh, you cannot explain that? I see, but you still wish to debate the works in the various religions and completely factual and to be followed literally then? Hmm? Okay, then I have a book that, I personally recommend that you do not read: Feb. 12 is Darwin Day -- Secular Americans Celebrate Bday of Evolution Champ This Feb. 12 marks the 196th anniversary of Charles Darwin's birth! Tsunami warnings by 2006 Experts from the United Nations and Indian Ocean countries agreed to set up a tsunami warning system to prevent a repeat of the catastrophe that struck on December 26, Unesco said. Sound From Transmission Power Lines Should Never Be Wasted High Tension Power lines and transmission line towers make noise, we have all heard this. But Sound can be a source of energy in that it can be harvested to make steam in my humble opinion. Here is my thought then; Large Capacitors which "hmm" or "BZZZZZZZ" can be surrounded by another shell which has within it another an enclosed cavity that has inside of it Helium. The sound waves will penetrate the wall of the enclosed cavity or horse shoe shaped enclosed tank, which is thin, but strong and holds in the helium. It can be made of carbon fiber and composite but coated with a ceramic or glass type coating. The tank can also be on the ground and the enclosure has a tube down to the ground where the sound will travel and using harmonic and bouncing the sound around the outside of the container where the Helium is trapped it will enhance the sound which surrounds it. Electrical Industrys Protection - Destruction for Good Destruction! Blow Up! Eliminate! These are not pleasant words! The Intricacies of a Compound Microscope Have you ever used a compound microscope? Your first thought may be to answer "no" but chances are if you had Biology in high school or college that you have used a compound microscope. What do you remember about this microscope? You may remember what it looks like but can you recall how it worked? If not, this article is for you! How to Build a Mechanical Bullet Which Turns A Mechanical bullet, which will turn in flight is well within our technical capabilities. The premise is to have a bullet, which is preset to turn a corner can be achieved thru a small gear setting on the bullet or a preset finger on the barrel or in the chamber which can be dialed in prior to discharge. Picture a bullet and shell, directly above the shell on near the bottom of the bullet would be a small gear, which could be turned with your finger nail, each gear indentation would be equivalent to approximately 10 yards, written on the bullet shell would be a scale embossed, stamped or laser printed. The soldier would estimate from his night vision goggles, weapon sight or head gear the distance from his position where the turn needed to occur so the bullet would turn. Laser Ionization Airflow Tunnel Flight Theory I believe their is a way to have an on board aircraft laser the air in front of it and move the air out of the way, thus less friction at lower altitudes, no sonic booms and rapid acceleration no induced or parasite drag at low altitudes. You could call it hyper laser atmospheric conditioning. By doing this, the power to weight rations are no longer important and you can fly on air itself with low pressure. Hominid Inter-breeding 'Kenyanthropus platyops': - Perhaps the 6,000,000 year old men found by a maverick who went behind the authorities back at the Olduvai Gorge will be proven to actually not be outside the australopithecine lineage. But the Leakey family has found a 3.5 million year old human that definitely is, and it was announced after I had written the things related hereto earlier in this effort. I love how these synchronicities occur and how much there is for us to know about ourselves. UAV Defense, UAV Recovery, Material Research, Infected Birds with Virus Plastic Net When Manufacturing nets of any type: Going for strength and light weight is a challenge and it has been the compromise of many for so long in the battle to find the strongest net, sheet of plastic to mimic that of a Spider's web we have endured to no end. It is always and shall be for some time one of man's most important conquests in many of his fields of endeavors such as fishing. Due to friction of fluid in water, air; All of which is considered in terms of drag (parasite or induced) obstacles which man has to overcome this for speed and stability to properly position. Troubleshooting Pump Problems the Easy Way In any problem analysis, we have to specify the problem, check whether there is any deviation from the normal condition, identify the possible causes, evaluate the possible causes and then confirm the true cause. Trash Talk Your Way to a Better World North Americans account for less than 10% of the world's population, yet we produce 50% of the world's garbage and consume more than 33% of it's resources. If everyone consumed like the average North American, we would require three Earths! Big Bang or Lots of Big Fire Crackers? There are many who talk about the Big Bang Theory. Although no one can be sure what went bang? Steven Hawking suggests it does not matter what went bang, because we will never know, so let's think on things we can know. Interesting comments indeed, others suggest you cannot have a big bang without having something that went bang. Therefore they say the big bang theory is hogwash. Still others say God created it all? Yet the critics of that concept say; "Well who created God then?" DNA Testing Breaks Down Barriers in the Court Room DNA testing has three major applications for forensic studies: identification of missing persons; identification of victims of wars, accidents, and natural disasters; and crime investigation. Annually, more than 20,000 forensic DNA tests are performed in the UK. Two out of three of all criminal cases using DNA evidence involve sexual assault, the rest are cases dealing with burglary, murder, and other types of violent crime. During the last 15 years, DNA analysis became an indispensable police tool in fighting crime because it allows unambiguous identification of the criminal by traces of biological material left at the crime scene. It can also acquit innocent suspects based on DNA evidence. Dream Therapy and Learning thru Human Hibernation Want to learn a new language? Would you like to earn a PhD in Physics; perfect your backstroke tennis swing, golf finesse or fly-fishing techniques, while you sleep? While, your immune system catches your body back up on your lack of exercise, fitness and proper diet? How about if I told you, that you most likely will shed about 20-25 lbs of extra weight while all this is going on? Well, if we further develop our sleep research, human hibernation studies and mind or brain advances we will be able to do all this and more in the near future, perhaps less than 5-years. Where Do Insects Go When It Rains? Have you ever wondered where insects go when it rains? We have all seen a poor unfortunate spider washed down the plughole so we know how vulnerable they are to rushing water. Surely then, isn't rain one of their worst enemies? A Review of Scientific American Magazine From Quantum Black Holes to Neuromorphic Microchips Scientific American Magazine has the coverage to keep your young or mature science enthusiasts learning and growing. This magazine never fails to deliver thought provoking stories targeted to the audience that is driving the latest innovations and changes around the globe. There is little surprise in the statistic that over 90% of Scientific American readers are passionately in love with the magazine. Telescopes ? Principle of Operation and Factors that Affect Its Properties Telescopes are devices that are used to view the distant objects. They find its use in astronomy and physics. It enables you to view the distant objects by magnifying them. There are many types of telescopes and their prices vary according to the specifications. Many accessories are also available that can be used in conjunction with the telescopes. Small telescopes that are used as toys are also capable of viewing some objects around 50 meters away. Locusts To Help Make Energy From Bio Waste, part II If we take the menace, nuisance and destructive Locust, we can create a win/win situation by and allowing it to survive and happily eat our bio-waste filling up our dumps. Then as it progresses and digests the food it will create energy. If we control the rate of reproduction then everyone in the food chain wins. The locusts also make a very healthy dietary supplement, which through genetic evolution our human bodies are indeed capable of eating, thus providing us with additional high protein kick for our brains, which have also evolved to need more protein. In Arab cultures without eating hooved animals their diets are often lacking that protein and therefore more apt to succumb to radical religious indoctrination. Years of Locusts plagues and swarms offer a chance to increase that much needed protein content and bring more folks there into mainstream moderate personal belief systems. By doing this it will be much easier to get along in the world without turning over their brains to a Cleric, turning to Jihad against their first world neighbors. The answer may be to: eat more locusts. Aerodynamics and Hydrodynamics of the Marine Life and Uses for AI, UAVs, Robotics, and the Future Air has 750 times less density as the oceans, yet so many of the same principles apply there as well. We are quite familiar with marine life and the performance abilities of sharks, dolphins, penguins, fish, alligators, etc. Mankind is quite fascinated by marine life and often tries to use these observations to create devices to serve him. ![]() |
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