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Trash Talk Your Way to a Better World
North Americans account for less than 10% of the world's population, yet we produce 50% of the world's garbage and consume more than 33% of it's resources. If everyone consumed like the average North American, we would require three Earths! Authors Dave and Lillian Brummet offer an upbeat, proactive look at waste and resource management with their inspiring new book Trash Talk. They explain that every one of us can do something to help our world - starting right where we are, right now. Trash Talk is not a quick fix solution - it is about changing consumer's mind-sets by providing ideas that inspire participation from the ground level. Not everyone can afford to donate cash or time to a cause but by implementing the concept of Trash Talk, the average person can make small alterations in their lives that affect positive changes for the Earth. Canadian writers Dave and Lillian Brummet reside in the southwest region of British Columbia. Their work has appeared in a variety of Canadian publications. In addition, the Brummets also wear many other hats - as gardeners, seed savers, cooks, photographers, business owners and outdoor enthusiasts. Ultimately, it is a love of nature and healthy living that is the major driving force and inspiration for their many projects. Their website (http://www.sunshinecable.com/~drumit) has a page of links to like-minded organizations where one can learn modern waste management techniques. The upcoming Tip of the Month page will provide readers with insightful reduction and reuse ideas. "...An effective well-researched book... embraces waste as a resource that creates jobs and new products... head-and-shoulders above other environmental texts. " ~ Sherry Russell, Midwest Book Review (USA) "Trash Talk is easy to read...a positive approach to managing waste...a valuable guide for anyone concerned about their impact on the environment." ~ Georgina Bloomfield, Waste and Resources Campaigner, Friends of the Earth (UK) "...This is something that should be in every household...a good reference on providing reducing and reusing tips without being preachy" ~ Tim A Dueck, Public Education Coordinator, Regional District of Kootenay Boundary (Canada) "I was recently expressing concern to a friend about the environmental state of our planet....how I feel as though I can't make a difference. Well, now I have access to the information you are sharing and know that I can. Thank you!" ~ Yvonne Caldwell, Library Cataloguer, Okanagan University College (Canada) Written by Dave and Lillian Brummet based on the concept of their new book Trash Talk, a guide for anyone concerned about his or her impact on the environment, that offers useful solutions to reduce waste and better manage resources. http://www.sunshinecable.com/~drumit
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Mini-Robots, Motherships, Swarm Strategies, Wasps, Ants, Organization and Delivery Robots are for every one. Tech TV now host Battle Bots which is a big hit with viewers and draws crowds as big as WFB Wrestling. Many of these people get heavy into the Robot Scene and even occasionally try to impress Military People. Check out some of these Super Heavy Weight Battle Bots, every type of configuration available. Acoustic Transducers To Detect And Eliminate Incoming Mortar Rounds There maybe a way to use acoustic transducers to pin-point incoming enemy ordinance such as mortar rounds in order to shoot them down. Directional sound waves from acoustic transducers set at specific locations around friendly locations can create artificial barriers, which the incoming ordinance will have to pass to reach its target and thus be detected and triangulated or quadrangulated for interception. June 2005: Weather Forecasts for Vacationers If Johannes Kepler, the renowned 17th century astronomer and discoverer of the planetary laws of motion, could speak from the heavenlies, he might have a few words of wisdom to share with the National Weather Service. Although Kepler's name is not normally associated with meteorology, he was quite the weather forecaster in his day. His first claim to fame, by the way, was not due to his discovery of those planetary laws, but because of his accurate long-range weather forecast of the severe winter that put Styermark, Germany on ice in 1593. The Future Enhancements of Tele-Robotics Today we have already available UAVs, which will soon have the capacity of operating together in swarms, controlled from another nearby aircraft. We have UAVs, which can be flown by a pilot sitting at a desk more than 1000 miles away. We have trucks, which have virtual dashboards, which send back complete data to dispatchers and a similar version for aircraft, which allows one to fly the other. What is Dowsing? Dowsing is definitely an intuitive art and one of the oldest forms of divination in the world. Perhaps the oldest and most familiar image we have a dowser is what is called a field or map dowser. This person walks over a landscape using a Y shaped or forked stick (sometimes called a doodlebug) to locate subterranean sources of water, oil or even precious minerals. The stick vibrates, crosses or shakes when the substance is found. Some dowsers will use two sticks held in one hand, and when the sticks cross, it signifies that a subtle astral or geopathic force has located the natural resource. This kind of dowsing is also used to locate things such as buried treasure, lost persons, missing jewelry and stray golf balls! Bio-Rhythm Disruption Frequency Identifier for Human Intentions It appears we have found many identifiers for Bio-Metrics to identify people. In this new age of International Terrorism with bad guys trying to get Pilot's Licenses, HazMat Driver's Licenses, get onto airlines, step onto buses and sneak over our borders we need a fool proof system. Currently we use fingerprints to identify criminals and those who hold important positions. Some of the newest forms of security include retina scans, voice prints, palms, DNA, Implanted RFID Chips, etc. We have devices, which can see thru trucks, pick up the scent of bio-weapons that use heat to pick-up illegal human trafficking inside vehicles. We need sensors to pick up human intent. Lying devices tell us when someone is exuding thru facial sweat glands, but what about a person who is not close to the device? Inside a vehicle, in a crowd or approaching a sensitive check point. Advanced warning could be the difference between life and death. Human Motion, Walking, Running and Gait for Identification Identifying a human gait, walking patterns, running exists. Can such records be of value? Many think so. Why is this so important? Well every time Bin Laden is on TV no one knows if it is real or not. You cannot take a DNA sample, no retina scanning, fingerprints, well then facial recognition? Harder on video tapes at only one angle. Some ones gait could be viewed and downloaded by a sniper to decide if this is the correct target, although chances are it is best to kill all the doubles anyway, the fewer they have the closer you are to the primary targets. That Dust on Your Car May Soon Be Smarter Than You Think? Here is a thought to get this topic started. A thought on a smart dust design. The smart dust will have to be able to stay airborne for long eriods of time. I was contemplating cleaning off a car which actually had hightech SmartDust on it? God made dirt on the first day right? Well, yes as the story goes he made the Heavens and the Earth and he made that out of dirt. So as man becomes God, he will need to make first things first. So perhaps the thought of making dust is actually a very noble step for mankind indeed. Preventing Death in a Bio Threat In the event of Bio threat how to mobilize Hospitals in case of biological emergencies should close except for broken bones and accidents. Instead those who believe they have contracted a biological terrorist induced pathogen, virus or disease should be required to stay at home. Cord Blood and Its Uses Cord blood is the blood left in the umbilical cord and placenta after the birth of the child and is collected after the cord has been cut off. The umbilical cord is routinely discarded with the placenta after a child is born. It is also called placental blood. Cord blood has lots of blood producing stem cells which can be frozen and later used for transplants. Cord blood is genetically unique to the child and the family. Now researchers have found that it can be used to treat many diseases. Cloaking a UAV in Flight If you will recall the Klingon Space Craft and Warship cloaked it's self as it attacked the USS Enterprise under Captain James T. Kirk. We know when we study nature, this is a tactic that predator and prey both use in survival. Cloaking, concealing and camouflage have always been methods of operation for offensive and defensive endeavors of achieving victory. Our lives and the lives of our ancestors depended on it. In war time we paint our planes, tanks and even battles ships colors, which mimic the natural surroundings adding an element of safety from enemy detection. Today we are uses Stealth Aircraft and designing uniforms, which blend into the scenery and even change colors as the surrounding background changes. It therefore stands to reason that we would want to protect our new robotic fighting machines is such ways. The simpler the technique the less chances it will fail to provide that extra security of cover. The more real it blends into the surrounding environment the less likely it will be detected and tracked as a target by the enemy. Para Trooper Gliders With Angle of Attack Motor or Crank Para Trooper Gliders were very popular in WW II, they were used by both the Axis and Allied Forces. Some of these gliders were huge in size and the Germans had one which had took three bombers to get it off the ground along with two-four rockets used in take off. I believe there is a Wings Discovery Channel Documentary on this. The allied forces also used such tactics, which are well documented and some links are provided as well as pictures below this topic. Space Probes Speed Up Recently scientists were amazed that the space probes now leaving our solar system suddenly started to speed up? They should not be surprised because the gravity from the sun pulls in material from around our solar system and then compacts it. Just like our atmosphere is more concentrated closer in. On celestial bodies in our own solar system we know there are layers of various density as your travel closer and closer. Mini UAV and MAV Power Plants A set up of harnessed Lithium Polymer Cells can be the answer to mini-UAVs. When we compare the voltage output and capacity of wire harness systems and compare the weight of LiPoly cells to NiCd or NiMH cells you can achieve extremely better results than the average fuel and output on a ounce per ounce basis. Increasing Lightening Storm Intensity and Direction Control of Strikes Using four UAVs in formation with one C-130 Hercules Aircraft or 747 with onboard laser: Older C-130 Hercules Aircraft Problematic We have certainly seen around the world many Lockheed C-130 Aircraft, which have had problems over the last five years. Many of these aircraft have in excess of 100,000 total time airframe hours on them. The British lost on in Iraq, one crashed in Germany. Several have been lost fighting fires. The USMC lost one and the USAF lost one. Many of the older A, B and C models have been committed to moth balls, but many are still being flown as we need them, they are superb work horses and capable of unbelievable feats. The newest versions of the C-130 are hardly the same aircraft with many new features, engines, airframe enhancements fan blade style props and a completely redesigned wing; thanks to NASA and Lockheed research and development. Luckily my brother is a USMC pilot in command on a C-130 and he is able to fly the newer versions. N400 Brain Wave to Assist in Learning and in Performance In any important task you need to stay alert and in some professions someone could lose their life ifyou are not staying heads up or cause a serious accident where someone else has to pay with theirs. Not good, so what is the solution here? Here is a thought on learning, safety, brain waves and winning. Ancient Navigation and Mapping DR. SENTIEL ROMMEL: Aerospace Design Thoughts, The Bionic Man, and The Future of Design Not all aircraft have wings, for instance NASA's Steve Austin Bionic Man series style lifting bodies. Introduction to this thought process can be provided by a quick view of this site; DNA Testing Has Changed Everything Since its discovery 20 years ago, the use of DNA for human identity and relationship testing has emerged as a powerful tool in both civil and criminal justice systems. DNA testing can reveal whether two or more individuals are related as well as determining the nature of their relationship. Today, it is possible to identify people by a single hair, as well as obtain information about their gender and ethnic background, and, within the next couple of years, identify their age. ![]() |
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