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Ancient Navigation and Mapping
DR. SENTIEL ROMMEL: As part of the research team that sought to know how advanced the ancient navigational equipment and computers or astrolabes were, this man deserves credit he has not received; although it might be that credit would come in the form of ridicule such as was directed at Barraclough Fell. Here is an excerpt from The Epigraphic Society Occasional Publication no. 20 on pages 2-3 which makes mention of his assistance in these regards that prove Maui was not the only possessor of a Torquetum or Tanawa in pre-Christian times. "Navigation equipment depicted in the Irian Caves" From Commander F. E. Bassett, USN, Chairman, Navigation Department, United States Naval Academy (Annapolis): 22 November 1974 'Your letter concerning the West Irian cave discoveries was received with great interest? The following comments are offered concerning the sketches. They are only educated guesses based on the collective knowledge of navigation department personnel of celestial navigation (we have no experts on navigation prior to the European "Age of Discoveries". But we do have a number of texts that may point you in the correct direction in your search for a leading authority)? a. no apparent significance. b. Agreement. It would seem that the light ray is the only logical explanation. (Note by editor: this refers to the first figure in the series of diagrams published in Occ. Pub. No. 18. The sketch was submitted to the Naval authorities before the associated hieroglyphic text was identified and deciphered. The deciphered caption proved to read 'ray from the sun'.)? c. The drawing appears to resemble an explanatory diagram discussing the theory of parallel light rays from outer space. The theory assumes that the celestial bodies are at an infinite distance from the earth. (Note by editor: this refers to the second figure in Occ. Pub. No. 18. Here again Commander Bassett's interpretation is in excellent agreement with the hieroglyphic text subsequently deciphered.) d. It is speculated that figure d is a diagram illustrating that one body would be observed at different altitudes from different positions of observers. (Note by editor: This refers to the third diagram in Occ. Pub. No. 18 for which no related text has been so far identified. Commander Bassett's suggestion seems to be a very reasonable and appropriate explanation of the diagram.) 'Group 3. Items shown as anchors appear definitely to be anchors. Item A might perhaps be a grapnel hook. Items B and C could possibly be altitude measuring devices which use a plumb bob to establish the vertical. The circular portion may be inscribed with angular scale. {The Masonic T- square has this concept and may symbolize their ancient trading secret that enabled them to go to where they wanted and continue to trade for cocaine, emeralds and gold without much competition for many millennia. I will cover this in greater detail shortly.} (Note by editor: these items are still under study at Harvard where there is agreement with these comments; one item depicted is apparently an early form of Torquetum, an analog computer employing a plumb bob and circular scales, used in the study of planetary motion along the elliptic. Dr. Sentiel Rommel is developing a replica.)?. Item E best resembles illustrations of early astrolabes. (Note by the Editor: the hieroglyphic text accompanying this figure is believed to read 'Number reckoner of the Delta astronomer'; and Harvard scientists developed a wood model based on the sketch, calibrated to give time by night, the position of the zodiacal constellations at all hours for all days of the year, the daily correction of correction of cross staff zenith angle to yield latitude, and the daily position of the sun on the ecliptic. This model will be published after further study by Dr. Sentiel Rommel.)?" The mention of Delta intrigues me. I know the Great Pyramid produces Delta wave form energy and I believe most astrolabes were in tune with the cosmic and earth energy. The one found in Wisconsin dates to the same era or earlier than the Antikythera, based on metallurgical analysis. There are two perfect tetrahedra in the Great Pyramid and the energy flowing around and over (or through) it causes changing effects which may be discernable in other key locations on the Earth Energy Grid where many have shown the same harmonic vibration does exist. The Mayan people built their city centers on these key points. Masons build stelae in the middle of existing roads in the Nova Scotia Grid tied in with Oak Island. I think we can imagine these technologies may account for the two sidereal charts of the heavens (along with recently discovered lenses in various parts of the world) inside the Great Pyramid. That means there was this kind of technology around approximately 80,000 years ago. The Platonic Solids stones in the Ashmolean Museum are estimated to have been done around 1400 BC and they are very interesting to say the least. They probably include an understanding including the Pentagon-Dodecahedron, Stargates and many other things I am working on with other people. There is an Octagon representing Air, an Icosahedron (Water), a Dodecahedron (Ether), a Tetrahedron (Fire) and a Hexahedron (Earth). It brings us to the T-Square which figures so prominent in the Masonic token or symbology. The early one had no arc for angular calculation but the Torquetum required the perpendicular calculation which it would provide. This important symbol is known as the T-Square of Ptah and the Masons claim they are the continuation of knowledge going back at least ten thousand years. The other meanings of the degrees which all Masons go through and ties in to the vertebrae number (33) and the most puissant level claimed by Crowley (90) are all intuited in the hierarchy needed to make a decent code. If overheard one simply explains the least important or offensive attribution of the code. So in this one excerpt we have the technology and a far more ancient date thereof than our history has told us ? we also have it appearing all over the world along with some secretive potentials associated with it. Author of Diverse Druids and many other books soon to be available, Columnist for The ES Press Magazine, Guest writer at http://World-Mysteries.com where a CD has some of the books or they can be had as E-books
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How Can DNA Testing Help an Immigration Case? DNA testing is routinely used in immigration cases to prove whether a child under 18 is a biological child of or, in some cases, is related to an individual with a leave to remain in the UK. Most DNA tests for immigration reasons are parentage testing (paternity or maternity) but in some cases a grand parentage or avuncular (whether a child is a nephew or a niece of the sponsor) test is employed to prove an alleged relationship. Movin On: Taking Transhumanism in Stride Back in the seventies, we watched "The Six Million Dollar Man", a popular television show about a trained agent who was critically injured and given the gift of technology--bionic legs and super vision. Organic Decoy Devices for Warfare (ODDW) We can genetically modify a rat to be the same body temperature as a humans, then parachute in several thousand rats into enemy territory. These rats will pick up the enemies advanced warning and intrusion sensors by way of heat signature. America and its Collision Course Energy ESP #7 - America and its Collision CourseCrude oil explodes through $46.50 as the problems are growing -It's bigger than Iraq, bigger than Bin Laden and even bigger thanthe next election. America has entered into an exhaustive racefor survival - And nobody is talking about it.Talking about what you ask?"Taking down Saudi Arabia's oil infrastructure is like spearingfish in a barrel... a coordinated assault on five or more key[pipelines]junctions in the system could put the Saudis out ofthe oil business for two years..." Robert Baer, Former CIAofficer, USA Today, May 10 2004.In a country portrayed to be the wealthiest oil nation in theworld, Saudi Arabia also has the greatest divergence betweenthe wealthy and poor. With the average individual income at$7,500 per year the poor is kept at bay by charity. Somethingwe all know the Saudis are good at. Men by the hundreds line upto meet the prince and ask (is it asking or begging) forfinancial help for whatever ails them. Is this charity? Or isit a clever way to keep the not-so-fortunate from rising up?Over generations of this practice, the locals have becomeaccustom. At what point do they rebel against these extremeunjust ways of life that they have been delt.? At what point doAMERICANS realize that this is the kind of society we dependway too much on and far too often?!?!CNBC reported last week that OPEC (or could we just say the Houseof Saud) said that 'the current average price of oil is notsufficient (high) enough to meet the needs of the OPECcountries.' Gee... wonder why the 10 year oil futures have beenpropelling themselves into space over the past few years? ? Whatdoes this all mean?... America is dependent on an extremelyunstable country(s). I fear that this will soon come to a headand Americans will be up the creek with only half a paddle.Over the past 30 years., approx. 75% of U.S. trade deficit wasmoney gone to oil imports - That must change What Americans don'trealize is the great divergence in the prices of the things weconsume. . . and it's about to catch up. . . One quart of oil foryou car costs between $2-$5. One gallon as gas about $2. But ifyou're in a restaurant and order a Coke or a glass of milk, it isnearly SIX times that. Now you tell me something, do you need a"Coke and a smile" to get to work in the morning? FACT - SaudiOIL FIELDS are shrinking as oil prices are flying. During the70's, 15 oil fields pumped one million barrels per day - Todayonly two of those are at a steady (or is it) one million.OPEC's SECRET SHORTAGE THAT THEY WONT TELL YOU - Today's oilreserves estimates DO NOT include the two billion barrels of oilthat was burned in the 91' Gulf War. Yet, OPEC has added 287billion barrels to their reserves without claiming any new oildiscovery. - Anyone smell anything fishy???All this is reason enough that Americans need to work together,in a NON-PARTISAN effort and bring CLEAN - RENEWABLE ENERGY TOAMERICAN SOIL ASAP!! America needs to follow in the foot step ofDenmark - where they actually produce more electricity than theyconsume... and sell the rest.ANYONE you know, if they are in college or not - PLEASEforward them this newsletter. Spread the word! It will takeeveryone you know! Feb. 12 is Darwin Day -- Secular Americans Celebrate Bday of Evolution Champ This Feb. 12 marks the 196th anniversary of Charles Darwin's birth! Mars Surface Exploration and AFF As we study more and more about Mars we know there is life. Unfortunately in many regions of the planet it is not so evident. There is evidence of past water in abundance and perhaps some ground water under the surface; this is where we will find life. I propose using some Earth based technologies, which are over a decade old to map mars at a much more personal level. I propose using satellites and Automated Satellite Following Systems, which will control the paths of five or more UAVs in a swarm and grid pattern. June 2005: Weather Forecasts for Vacationers If Johannes Kepler, the renowned 17th century astronomer and discoverer of the planetary laws of motion, could speak from the heavenlies, he might have a few words of wisdom to share with the National Weather Service. Although Kepler's name is not normally associated with meteorology, he was quite the weather forecaster in his day. His first claim to fame, by the way, was not due to his discovery of those planetary laws, but because of his accurate long-range weather forecast of the severe winter that put Styermark, Germany on ice in 1593. How Albert Einstein Saw Things A Little Differently Albert Einstein had just administered an examination to an advanced class of Physics students. Rodent Populations are Half within 3 miles of a Railroad Track About a month ago, I was helping a friend collect meteorites. We picked out a grid pattern and started walking six to 9 feet apart with metal detectors looking for the iron-nickel meteorites which are quite common here on the Earth's surface The grid is large and takes many days to even make a dent in it and each time we are able to collect some meteorites. One thing we noticed was that we would scare little rodents in bushes and they would take off running. Yet as we approached railroad tracks we noticed fewer and fewer rodents living there. Astrophysics and Other Universe Sentient Life ASTROPHYSICS: - Many other entries will deal with knowledge from this truly amazing field of exploration founded in astrology and chaos science before the Ice Age. There is one question we'd like you to consider at this time. In the recent past, the 'experts' said there were likely some 100,000 lifeforms in our universe (there are others) which are at least as advanced as we are. That was before the Mars meteorites indicate there is water on Mars as well as some biologic form of life. That factor plus water on moons around Saturn or Jupiter has greatly accentuated the statistical probability to the point that it is more realistic to talk about civilizations that may have existed on Mars and Venus, from which we may have come. It certainly makes it likely that there are hundreds of thousands of advanced lifeforms in our own galaxy. Para Trooper Gliders With Angle of Attack Motor or Crank Para Trooper Gliders were very popular in WW II, they were used by both the Axis and Allied Forces. Some of these gliders were huge in size and the Germans had one which had took three bombers to get it off the ground along with two-four rockets used in take off. I believe there is a Wings Discovery Channel Documentary on this. The allied forces also used such tactics, which are well documented and some links are provided as well as pictures below this topic. Marine News - Summer 2004 - Our Ocean Environment Our oceans are home to many marine mammals, fish, turtles, corals and others. The delicate balance between man and the ocean is constantly being challenged by the demands of our society. Most of our planet is covered by water, a necessary ingredient of human life. The state of our oceans should be uppermost in our minds in order for quality of life for all species to remain as it is. Older C-130 Hercules Aircraft Problematic We have certainly seen around the world many Lockheed C-130 Aircraft, which have had problems over the last five years. Many of these aircraft have in excess of 100,000 total time airframe hours on them. The British lost on in Iraq, one crashed in Germany. Several have been lost fighting fires. The USMC lost one and the USAF lost one. Many of the older A, B and C models have been committed to moth balls, but many are still being flown as we need them, they are superb work horses and capable of unbelievable feats. The newest versions of the C-130 are hardly the same aircraft with many new features, engines, airframe enhancements fan blade style props and a completely redesigned wing; thanks to NASA and Lockheed research and development. Luckily my brother is a USMC pilot in command on a C-130 and he is able to fly the newer versions. Social Robotic Bees to Prevent Killer Bee Attacks on Cities We need to design tiny robotic bees, which can mimic real insect bees. By doing this bee keepers can help remove killer bee populations from city dwelling where they might attack people. Although some would say this is far-fetched, we are not that far off in understanding the bee population or their queen bee migrations. By developing tiny insect like Queen Bees which the bees will follow we can help divide hives and steer bees into areas where they can help us with our crop yields without killing little kids, pets and even adults. Drought Worsened in Some States in 2004; 2005 will be very telling The drought of the West appears to be the worst in over 500 years. This is what the scientists at the U.S. Geological Survey are now saying and we have been reading in America's Newspapers. Tactile Pressure Sensors for Future Robotics Scientists and Robotic Researchers are attempting to design human type personal assistance robots. As they work to develop algorithms, which most resemble the thought processes of the human brain others are attempting to make them more life like thru human behavioral techniques of mirroring and facial features. Soon robots will be very much like humans, on the outside that is. Robotic humanoid devices will assist us in many of our needs. Imagine a robotic companion, it might take a walk in the park with you, go jogging or even spot for you lifting weights at the gym. As we get older and cannot do certain things for ourselves our robotic companions will be by our side as caregivers, helping with our life transitions. Reverse Osmosis and Deionized Water Filtration Let's face it if you are in a business needing de-ionized water or reverse osmosis water you are always concerned about the quality of your water. I know as a mobile detailing business that when we have ultra clean water in our tanks we are a happy camper. We know it will make your job so much easier. We also like the idea and concept of spot free water. Have you ever considered how Reverse Osmosis really works? Let me describe the process from my industries perspective. Using High Altitude Blimp Cell Phone Communication By allowing high altitude Satellite Type Balloons or Blimps with Cell Phone type communications we could have a tremendous secondary back-up for communication. Also we could use this high altitude blimp to send out frequencies good for health, such as the Earth's frequency of 7.89 Hz to help the human and animal kingdom biological immune system. In addition to this we know that Stealth Aircraft when traveling thru cell phone communications field will show up as anomalies on a scope tuned to those frequencies used. We can use these anomalies to track enemy stealth aircraft within these anomalies in the field of communication. If you are a believer in UFOs, well you can track them too. So you can track UFOs, Stealth or track ICBM from above to insure proper quadrangulation to intercept with a kill projectile. A Case for Human Machine Visual Interface Animation of personified reality is intriguing, memorable and interesting as well. Perhaps we ought to remember this when letting kids watch cartoons of attacking counter parts? Or maybe this is a good way to help them better understand the Machiavellian characteristics of the species before they enter the real world, where everything is not so warm and fuzzy. Earthquake and Disaster Delays in Scientific Innovation In our present period we are continually reminded that we live on the surface of the planet and with that great honor comes issues of Mother Nature we must deal with. It is a fair trade off, as you get sunshine, warmth and heat from the sun; water, fish and surfing opportunities from the ocean and the stars, moon and cosmos to propel thought, enlightenment and understanding of who we are and perhaps some insight into why we are here. These are all wonderful things we enjoy and with every positive there is a negative, with every up there is a down and with every action a reaction. So then, let's talk about the negative side of things; which we are reminded of all too often: Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Typhoons, Volcanoes, Wild Fires and Floods. ![]() |
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