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Movin On: Taking Transhumanism in Stride
Back in the seventies, we watched "The Six Million Dollar Man", a popular television show about a trained agent who was critically injured and given the gift of technology--bionic legs and super vision. Lee Majors portrayed a man capable of leaping tall buildings and scanning the landscape at night. We marveled at the possibility of creating a human with superior qualities. In the opening sequence of each episode, we heard the phrase, "We have the technology." The implication was that we could--and should--use it to transform a high market value man into a formidable man/machine mix. My definition of an excellent human is someone who is mindful of maximizing his or her own potential for creativity and compassion. That seems like plenty to tackle, but there is an emerging school of thought that suggests we ought to become excellent superhumans. Transhumanists believe that the continual evolution of humans requires the--key word here-- ethical use of technology to help us live better, longer lives. For them, a life span of 80 years may be what "nature intended" for this decade, but our role as 21st century humans is to use what we've learned to improve upon nature. These aren't doom and gloom types who live in a fantasy world or anticipate a future run by robots. Transhumanists are passionately optimistic about the role of humans. They're excited about the possibilities for people to truly maximize their potential. They believe that human development is limited only by our current technology. We're seeing evidence of this every day. Fertility clinics offer a range of effective treatments unthinkable a few decades ago. We're captivated by the extreme makeover shows featuring dramatic physical transformations of those willing to endure multiple surgeries and painful recovery periods. We know people who have benefited from pacemakers, cochlear implants, laser vision surgery, prosthetic devices, and cosmetic dentistry. Transhumanists embrace these techniques and many more as a desirable progression toward utilizing technology as a tool for human improvement. They envision a time when we can eliminate disease, enhance memory, develop superior senses, and create physical bodies resistant to aging. This build-a-better-human view isn't universally accepted, but it's important to look at how our ideas of "improvement" have changed over the years. Eyeglasses were once viewed as an unnecessary and unwelcome manipulation of our God-given eyesight. The current hot topics such as stem- cell research will one day elicit the same yawns with which we greet news of eyebrow lifts or fertility drug-induced twins. What does it mean to go beyond human? As long as humans are in charge, is it possible to do anything that might be considered beyond the realm of human potential? Is there a need for ethical controls or legal restrictions if advances in science are seen as the desired result of natural human achievement? Is all fair in love and war--and science? We love ethical debates about the nature of nature. Instead of focusing on a particular new-fangled technique, we'd do well to frame our rejection or acceptance of transhumanism in terms of the bigger picture--is technology a natural part of human evolution? Do we have a responsibility to use science as a tool to improve the human experience- including the human body? I'm always open to improving, and that goes for my definition of excellence. If we can develop superhuman brains and bodies, can we also look forward to tremendous gains in creativity and compassion? Transhumanists get us thinking about the potential for humanity over the long haul. Now that's excellent. About The Author Maya Talisman Frost is a mind masseuse. Her work has inspired thinkers in over 90 countries. She serves up a satisfying blend of clarity, comfort and comic relief in her free weekly ezine, the Friday Mind Massage. To subscribe, visit http://www.massageyourmind.com.
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Equipment for the Amateur Astronomer ? Part 1 Binoculars and telescopes and other astronomy equipment and accessories are the meat and potatoes of amateur astronomy. A good pair of binoculars is what introduced me to the pleasures of stargazing many moons ago and only after a couple of years scanning the skies did I graduate to a telescope. That was one of the department store 60mm telescopes we're all warned about, but my folks didn't know any better, and to a 12-year old kid, it opened up the universe. A Case for Human Machine Visual Interface Animation of personified reality is intriguing, memorable and interesting as well. Perhaps we ought to remember this when letting kids watch cartoons of attacking counter parts? Or maybe this is a good way to help them better understand the Machiavellian characteristics of the species before they enter the real world, where everything is not so warm and fuzzy. Static Charge Pulse on Wind Generator Material Memory Blades Wind Power is considered a clean industry and is amongst the favorites of environmentalists and clean energy supporters. Unfortunately the wind generators rely on the wind and the wind is somewhat inconsistent in that sometimes it blows and some times it does not. There are some places in the United States like the California and Nevada Deserts, Hills of North Dakota, West Texas Plains, State of Wyoming where the wind seems to always be blowing and hard. Scientists do long intense studies to determine where the wind blows with the most force by studying weather patterns, terrain and updrafts for many seasons. It is through these studies we learn where to place our wind generators to get the most; "bang for the buck." You see wind generators are expensive to build and you also have to build power lines to take the energy to the grid. The is a definite monetary consideration and return on investment which must be calculated with or without the renewable energy infrastructure tax credits and deductions. Acoustic Transducers and Light Waves for VSTOL, a Concept Is it possible to use many acoustic transducers underneath an aircraft in a crisscross fashion to make the air much thicker. Almost like a platform that a VSTOL aircraft using low pressure could use to push off of? Although the amount of energy to be required to do this might be substantial; it seems to be possible. Efficient Transportation Systems We see in the organized world of the Japanese with their transit systems and floating airports and super engineering anti-Tsunami bridges many ideas in the theory of flow, which assists every part of their society and civilizations. They are masters of the flow of transportations and work hard to perfect every aspect and detail of their transportation system. The Best and Worst of April?s Weather If Johannes Kepler, the renowned 17th century astronomer and discoverer of the planetary laws of motion, could speak from the heavenlies, he might have a few words of wisdom to share with the National Weather Service. Although Kepler's name is not normally associated with meteorology, he was quite the weather forecaster in his day. His first claim to fame, by the way, was not due to his discovery of those planetary laws, but because of his accurate long-range weather forecast of the severe winter that put Styermark, Germany on ice in 1593. Paternity Testing - Are You Raising Someone Elses Child? The dawn of the DNA test Eugenics and the Future of the Human Species "It is clear that modern medicine has created a serious dilemma ... In the past, there were many children who never survived - they succumbed to various diseases ... But in a sense modern medicine has put natural selection out of commission. Something that has helped one individual over a serious illness can in the long run contribute to weakening the resistance of the whole human race to certain diseases. If we pay absolutely no attention to what is called hereditary hygiene, we could find ourselves facing a degeneration of the human race. Mankind's hereditary potential for resisting serious disease will be weakened." Mini UAV and MAV Power Plants A set up of harnessed Lithium Polymer Cells can be the answer to mini-UAVs. When we compare the voltage output and capacity of wire harness systems and compare the weight of LiPoly cells to NiCd or NiMH cells you can achieve extremely better results than the average fuel and output on a ounce per ounce basis. Mars is not hollow; is it? Is Mars Hollow? We are pretty sure it is not, but no one can be certain however we might soon know. The reason such a question is asked is because of questions about the Earth and the time it takes for sound waves to travel through it. And the speed of the spin rate of Mars, the question of moons is interesting and a few other interesting a recent discoveries. Here is one of the thoughts on the matter. By bouncing waves off the polar ice caps this can be proven or disproven; How Do Cities Grow? You see the cities in America started where there was a river and small populations sprung up, then the railroad steam engines needed a place to fill up the water. Eventually the towns got larger and grew near the rail stations. Then as people moved outward and behind the downtown areas they grew without regards to modern day planning methods, making increased surface transportation rather difficult. Embryonic Stem Cell Stem cells are primitive undifferentiated cells that have the capability to form any of the 220 different types of cells in the human body. The embryonic stem cell is found in the embryo and develops into various cells that make a baby. This single cell is capable of forming or specializing to form any kind of cell. During embryonic development the first cell quickly divides to form three embryonic layers namely, the ectoderm, the mesoderm, and the endoderm. 4D Mapping of Mars Will Find Life Let us discuss the mapping of Mars and some thoughts on the matter. We have mapped the Earth by using Satellites and have a complete GIS mapping with complete mineral deposits, underground oil areas, volcanic plumes and even huge natural water aquifers. We have also done this with the US Navy and mapped the entire terrain of the Ocean Floor. At first it was secret and eventually given to scientists and the World. Today we even map the ocean elevations to find gravity anomalies and much of this data helps us with El Nino, weather predictions, ocean-surface temperatures and to learn about gravity effects and variations. Trash Talk Your Way to a Better World North Americans account for less than 10% of the world's population, yet we produce 50% of the world's garbage and consume more than 33% of it's resources. If everyone consumed like the average North American, we would require three Earths! The Valuable Individual How can we, as individuals, participate in waste management? Because some of us are so overwhelmed with Earth's problems, we feel that our contributions have no real consequence in the end. For others, social barriers can be an issue. A lady we once knew confessed that she did not want to be seen buying used items or being concerned with power use. She was worried people would see her as cheap ? a scrooge ? when the family was so affluent. Yet, she was very careful to be seen with recycling bins out on the curb on pick-up day, because that was thought to be the thing to do socially. Now is a good time to put an end to these negative thoughts and feelings of false pride. Waste reduction is not about ego - it is about the health of the planet and of our nation. Aerospace Design Thoughts, The Bionic Man, and The Future of Design Not all aircraft have wings, for instance NASA's Steve Austin Bionic Man series style lifting bodies. Introduction to this thought process can be provided by a quick view of this site; Philosophical Discussion of Distribution Systems To properly understand marketing one needs to understand the natural march of distribution from a colony of ants to Wal-Mart's Distribution System. Efficient systems must be designed or worked out by nature over thousands if not millions of years of evolution. It is about getting it done and using all your synergies to maximize efficiencies. It doesn't really matter what you are distributing or what industry. Think about it for second. The Wages of Science In the United States, Congress approved, last month, increases in the 2003 budgets of both the National Institutes of Health and National Science Foundation. America is not alone in - vainly - trying to compensate for imploding capital markets and risk-averse financiers. Randomness Versus Predetermination Science is inherently a series of experiments within closed systems. A known starting points, then a prediction on what will happen based on a set of starting parameters. Once the prediction can be reproduced this is gauged as fact. What are GE and GMO Crops? Genetically Engineered Organisms and Genetically Modified Organisms, with Monsanto Corporation in the forefront of development. GE crops, including cotton seeds, have genetically modified properties with built-in resistance to herbicides and insects (Bt cotton), and are also called Frankencotton. ![]() |
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