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The Best and Worst of April?s Weather
If Johannes Kepler, the renowned 17th century astronomer and discoverer of the planetary laws of motion, could speak from the heavenlies, he might have a few words of wisdom to share with the National Weather Service. Although Kepler's name is not normally associated with meteorology, he was quite the weather forecaster in his day. His first claim to fame, by the way, was not due to his discovery of those planetary laws, but because of his accurate long-range weather forecast of the severe winter that put Styermark, Germany on ice in 1593. Kepler's genius and outside-the-box thinking led him to equate terrestrial weather patterns with the geometrical formations made between the earth and planets. Since these formations could be calculated in advance, he reasoned, their effect on the weather could be as well. Through the publishing of his almanacs, the Royal Astronomer helped make ends meet when at times the kings who employed him were delinquent in their payments. Kepler's contribution to meteorology, along with his long-range forecast method, have all but been forgotten. And as would be expected, present day meteorology, ashamedly, has no real long-range weather forecast capability. Even armed with the most advanced weather computer, whose lightning fast calculations approach about 400 million per second, its three-day forecasts are speculative, and its six to seven day forecasts are worthless. In this day and age when the flaws and limitations of many conventional procedures and methods have come to light, man is seeking and finding solutions in alternative methodologies. Just about every area of life boasts of some alternative option. So why not alternative weather forecasts based on natural, environmentally safe, and providentially-provided processes? Wouldn't it be great to know the times and places of hurricane formation and landfall months in advance? How about the when and where of other weather anomalies such as deep freezes, severe storms systems, and high velocity winds? All this is possible with Kepler's method and would be a welcomed alternative for weather sensitive businesses like agriculture, the weather derivatives market, transportation etc. Although no forecast system, be it conventional or alternative, is 100 percent accurate, it is worth noting that based on this method my published long-range hurricane forecasts, prepared months in advance, were fulfilled in Hurricanes Isis (1998), Alberto (2000), Gilma (2000), and Tropical Storm Claudette (2003).Based on Kepler's method, some of the best and worst weather for April 2005 is as follows: April 1-3: A southerly airflow kicks in over the western Gulf of Mexico bringing warmer temperatures for the Deep South and on into the East Central States. Due to this increase in temperatures and humidity storms erupt over the area. The western U.S. is also slated for a warm up. April 5-7: The Southeast, East Central and western U.S. continue warm and fair. April 8-10: A storm system affecting the Ohio Valley and Southeast spreads inclement weather in the Northeast U.S. Low pressure brings thunderstorms to the Rockies and Plains. Special intensity is shown over New Mexico and Minnesota. April 11-14: Cool and fair conditions are shown for the Plains, the Ohio Valley and Southeast. The Pacific Northwest is in store for an influx of very moist warm air around the 13th giving way to thunderstorm activity, which then continues westward over the Rockies. April 15: The Middle Atlantic States turn stormy generating a low pressure system that heads across New England toward Nova Scotia. April 18: The Pacific Northwest continues with higher than normal temperatures and humidity. With enough moisture in place, storms will fire up throughout the West Coast States. Temperatures are on the upswing over the Rockies and Front Range as well. April 19: A front cutting through the Middle Atlantic States triggers storms, which continue through New England. April 22-24: Fair conditions embrace the Plains and Intermountain West. Cool and clear weather finds its way over the Rockies and from the Southeast into New England. April 26-27: Storms are triggered over the Southwest U.S. and Rockies. April 27-28: Moisture is drawn up from the central Gulf of Mexico over Louisiana increasing temperatures and leading to storm activity throughout the Mississippi Valley, Deep South, and East Central States. April 29-30: Most of New England sees fair weather except for Maine. The Pacific Northwest succumbs to storms while the Rockies are cool and clear. Moisture continues northward from the Gulf toward the Great Lakes setting off storms over Indiana and the surrounding area. Ken Paone has been working with Kepler's long-range weather forecasting method for about 14 years. His published forecasts have appeared internationally. You can email Ken at kensweather@msn.com or visit his blog at http://www.theweatheralternative.blogspot.com
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Institute of Noetic Sciences The possibility of sentient beings on earlier solar systems said to be many billions of years older than our own, developing travel and transposition of some teleportational nature seems one of the most stable and down to earth possibilities when we consider these spheres. Other ideas flit through our mind as we imagineer the conscious wisdom of refined metallurgical objects beyond mere silica microchips and revisit what Dr Robins termed the megaliths - macrochips. What is the operating system they are part and parcel of? Is the old Gaian theory of the earth far removed from a universal entity that would have implants in the earth to form greater contact? The manganese nodules occur naturally but what difference does that make when one is thinking about evolving layers of consciously connected matter guided by dimensional force entities of non-corporeal nature? That kind of thought might lead us to worship the Ka'aba with a lot more validity. Welcome to the Eye Science Thousands of dyslexic students, across the UK, are referred of something called "Asfedic tuning", this is a procedure that supposedly results in a precise identification of a persons optimal background best suited for acquiring the optimum reading speeds. Here are my notes about this: How to Build a Mechanical Bullet Which Turns A Mechanical bullet, which will turn in flight is well within our technical capabilities. The premise is to have a bullet, which is preset to turn a corner can be achieved thru a small gear setting on the bullet or a preset finger on the barrel or in the chamber which can be dialed in prior to discharge. Picture a bullet and shell, directly above the shell on near the bottom of the bullet would be a small gear, which could be turned with your finger nail, each gear indentation would be equivalent to approximately 10 yards, written on the bullet shell would be a scale embossed, stamped or laser printed. The soldier would estimate from his night vision goggles, weapon sight or head gear the distance from his position where the turn needed to occur so the bullet would turn. Debunking the Debunker In History and Science: A Tuned Bio-Field and a New Definition of Consciousness: Part 2 Love, pure Love, is the feeling one has when they are appreciating the deep beauty of something in their life i.e. a landscape, a pet, a lover, a friend, themselves etc. It is a feeling that emerges from the Core Self and is associated with other Category 1 Emotions listed above. Allow yourself to tap into this feeling for a moment. Active Aerial Minefields Is it possible to build an active aerial minefield to protect our troops and in-country logistical supply lines? The answer is probably yes. The Germans attempted to use hot air balloons with charges on them. It did not work. However today we have many newer technologies that if put together it might be possible to actually build an active aerial mine field. For instance what about a "Metal Storm" with lightweight munitions inside hanging from Balloons. DNA Testing Breaks Down Barriers in the Court Room DNA testing has three major applications for forensic studies: identification of missing persons; identification of victims of wars, accidents, and natural disasters; and crime investigation. Annually, more than 20,000 forensic DNA tests are performed in the UK. Two out of three of all criminal cases using DNA evidence involve sexual assault, the rest are cases dealing with burglary, murder, and other types of violent crime. During the last 15 years, DNA analysis became an indispensable police tool in fighting crime because it allows unambiguous identification of the criminal by traces of biological material left at the crime scene. It can also acquit innocent suspects based on DNA evidence. Tactile Pressure Sensors for Future Robotics Scientists and Robotic Researchers are attempting to design human type personal assistance robots. As they work to develop algorithms, which most resemble the thought processes of the human brain others are attempting to make them more life like thru human behavioral techniques of mirroring and facial features. Soon robots will be very much like humans, on the outside that is. Robotic humanoid devices will assist us in many of our needs. Imagine a robotic companion, it might take a walk in the park with you, go jogging or even spot for you lifting weights at the gym. As we get older and cannot do certain things for ourselves our robotic companions will be by our side as caregivers, helping with our life transitions. Down Scrolling Text to Find Patterns I believe a program can be written to scan text such as an email, story or article in Western Languages, which might indicate a pattern which maybe of valuable insight. By Down Scrolling Text, which we have all done, whether thinking about it or not, we will most likely Find Patterns Which Indicate Hostile Intentions, sadness, stress or vengefulness. Perhaps you can determine intelligence levels, etc. Try it sometime. Read 10 pages of text from an individual and then put yourself in the writer's shoes. Was he-she angry in the article or report? Were they honest in their summation or point of issue? Was there a point of issue? Or like the uni-bomber did they ramble somewhat? Look at the text of Mienkoff or patterns in the Declaration of Independence. Cold Fusion And as I was typing this, I stopped for a while to watch the news and saw that what I wrote just a while ago in terms of human evolution has already become the likely scenario according to the media because of a new skull found in Kenya. A 3.5 million year old with smaller teeth than an australopithecine! Clearly evolution has much more ancient roots and they said we might well not be connected to australopithecines. Is this common sense or a synchronicity or something more? It happens all the time as I have been doing this research in depth, and writing during the past two years. Austin Osman Spare would say I am in the appropriate state of Zos and others would claim Ain Soph is the operating principle of the Qabala while I accept the World Mind and myself as a flux for it. Maybe Robert Park of Voodoo Science could debunk me just as he has done to J. B. Rhine but what would he say about the 'vacuum' that science now knows and that fits the ESP paradigm so thoroughly? How can anyone doubt perpetual motion when creative and FREE energy is everywhere? Yes, anyone can have an opinion - BUT is it informed? UAV Blimps Powered By Hydro-Electric Motors Using Hydro and Fluid Dynamic Theory I believe it is possible to design a pilot-less hydro-electric blimp which would have a propulsion system which never requires fuel and would be based on a Perpetual Motion Machine which uses fluid dynamics in a hydro-electric. First the shape of this thing would be similar to the new shopping mall shade cover on the Las Vegas Strip. An oblong flying saucer shape would be two of these, which would be stacked like pancakes. They would be apart by 1/3 the length of each symmetrically shaped oblong saucers shaped lighter than air blimps. In the middle would be an hourglass shaped unit. Attaching the two blimps, similar to the struts on a Baby Great Lakes Acrobatic Aircraft. A Tuned Bio-Field and a New Definition of Consciousness: Part 1 I rarely hear about the role of the Heart or the power of Love as relevant determinants of human health or spirituality. This was particularly highlighted at a recent energy psychology conference in which a keynote presentation on the topic of Enlightenment seemed to focus almost entirely on achieving altered states of consciousness. I could feel my heart crying out inside me how incomplete this felt. Tsunami Defined Tsunami is a Japanese term that describes a large seismically generated sea wave which is capable of considerable destruction in certain coastal areas, especially where underwater earthquakes occur. The Valuable Individual How can we, as individuals, participate in waste management? Because some of us are so overwhelmed with Earth's problems, we feel that our contributions have no real consequence in the end. For others, social barriers can be an issue. A lady we once knew confessed that she did not want to be seen buying used items or being concerned with power use. She was worried people would see her as cheap ? a scrooge ? when the family was so affluent. Yet, she was very careful to be seen with recycling bins out on the curb on pick-up day, because that was thought to be the thing to do socially. Now is a good time to put an end to these negative thoughts and feelings of false pride. Waste reduction is not about ego - it is about the health of the planet and of our nation. Cord Blood and Its Uses Cord blood is the blood left in the umbilical cord and placenta after the birth of the child and is collected after the cord has been cut off. The umbilical cord is routinely discarded with the placenta after a child is born. It is also called placental blood. Cord blood has lots of blood producing stem cells which can be frozen and later used for transplants. Cord blood is genetically unique to the child and the family. Now researchers have found that it can be used to treat many diseases. A Case for Human Machine Visual Interface Animation of personified reality is intriguing, memorable and interesting as well. Perhaps we ought to remember this when letting kids watch cartoons of attacking counter parts? Or maybe this is a good way to help them better understand the Machiavellian characteristics of the species before they enter the real world, where everything is not so warm and fuzzy. Theoretically is it Possible to Defy Gravity? Many believe it is possible to build an anti-gravity machines and there are many small version which can do this by interfering with the gravity waves. Other say why build an anti-gravity wave machine when you can use the gravity to pull you the other way. Some say hogwash; conspiracy theories and UFOs and all the other stuff. They flat say it can never be done. If you see it done it is a trick, it is impossible they say. Space Travel - Human Innate Bonding to ELF ? Extremely Low Frequencies of Planet Earth Human innate bonding to ELF ? Extremely Low Frequencies of planet Earth will be a problem in space travel for the future. How do we know this? We know because insanity seems to very often coincide with mental illness. And the human beings which travel great distances will be subjected to many other problems such as; radiation, calcium breakdown, Closter phobia, space weather, loneliness, food rationing, lack of sex, stir craziness, etc. Ocean Polymer Goo to Stop Enemy Ships, a Concept Naval blockade using polymer goo to stop fleeing ships might be possible. In this concept we will use the goo to stick to the bottom of the opposing navy's vessels. Is operation; "Salad Bowl" a secret weapon? No, blockades have been going on since warships have been used. It is merely another tactic in the arsenal as the modern use of blockades moves forward. Currently we are opposed by an enemy, which is running out of ways to attack us and therefore is looking desperately for new ways to disrupt our flows. This of course will not work long term, but as they try and fight the inevitable to the end and as that end draws nearer we are seeing thru their underground correspondence and call to action, such directions as attacking our ports, harbors, pipelines and supply chains. We know our enemy and we know they know about construction, shipping, oil and are involved in high finance, thus as we saw inn the 9-11 attacks use of such knowledge using a non-linear approach. Cloaking the Postage Stamp Modern Aircraft Carrier By using a special coating on the deck of an aircraft carrier and a projector on the top of the tallest communications mast facing down, we could project the image of the ocean onto the deck like a giant IMAX theatre screen. Although this sounds like a daunting task, it isn't really. There are many new materials, which are used on roadways, which allow for reflection for auto safety. Also many new materials and coatings being used, which absorb heat, radar, sound, etc. A combination of these materials and coatings on the deck of an aircraft carrier would protect it from aerial surveillance UAVs, high altitude blimps and some satellites. Observers in aircraft with less sophisticated electronics would not see it either. Some might think that our technology has not come along this far as of late, but I can assure you such a concept can not only be made possible but deployed in less than six months. ![]() |
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