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Debunking the Debunker
In History and Science: INSPIRATIONAL COMMENTS: "Everybody was glad that I was living; but as I lay there thinking about the wonderful place where I had been and all that I had seen, I was very sad; for it seemed to me that everybody ought to know about it, but I was afraid to tell, because I knew that nobody would believe me. - John G. Neihardt, Black Elk Speaks." Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt but it's a good way to live life completely. Die each day to really live; and live to die with no fear of learning or changing your mind. "All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident." - Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher, 1788-1860 "All of us are born for a reason, but all of us don't discover why. Success in life has nothing to do with what you gain in life or accomplish for yourself. It's what you do for others." - Danny Thomas "The world always makes the assumption that the exposure of an error is identical with the discovery of the truth -- that error and truth are simply opposite. They are nothing of the sort. What the world turns to, when it has been cured of one error, is usually simply another error, and maybe one worse than the first one." --- H.L. Mencken "The problem is, of course, that not only is economics bankrupt but it has always been nothing more than politics in disguise ... economics is a form of brain damage." ?Hazel Henderson. "Rather than telling others that they should live up to American Principles, we should live up to them ourself." ? Gary Hart, author of The Fourth Power and former Presidential candidate. Einstein said: "Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." "The miracle of the appropriateness of the language of mathematics for the formulation of the laws of physics is a wonderful gift which we neither understand nor deserve. We should be grateful for it and hope that it will remain valid in future research and that it will extend, for better or for worse, to our pleasure, even though perhaps also to our bafflement, to wide branches of learning." ? Eugene Wigner "I think the subject which will be of most importance politically is Mass Psychology... Its importance has been enormously increased by the growth of modern methods of propaganda. Although this science will be diligently studied, it will be rigidly confined to the governing class. The populace will not be allowed to know how its convictions are generated." - Bertrand Russell "One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we've been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We're no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It is simply too painful to acknowledge -- even to ourselves -- that we've been so credulous." ? Carl Sagan INTRODUCTION: The awesome and truly magnificent potential of our planet is a marvel to behold. We are broaching scientific awareness of the universes beyond the known and there appears to be alternatives and 'possibilities' galore. The Many Worlds of macro universe still operate by the same precepts or laws and principles that affect our planet. The microcosm of our personal life becomes inundated and busy. It seeks to stabilize or limit the reality we could creatively manifest. It is mostly human ego and insecurity that devises these stable structures or hierarchies to keep status quo and other kinds of class structure rather than Brotherhood. But when did this start and will any history we might rightly have, create the ability to change the way people view themselves. What kind of future which could become real are we headed towards? I will not be able to state definitively the only way that these things have developed. At different times and places and even within the elite there have been different agendas. You will get to see the Merovingian family of Jesus and the Stuart Royals of The Da Vinci Code are quite real. Aristotle referred to happiness as the most we can achieve. It is easy to be happy without all the things we obsess over. The balance of our constituent selves and the possibility of participation in creating a whole or in conjunction with that WHOLE is going to be hard to beat for enlightenment. But most people over the last little blip of human existence have bought into systems that deny the whole or any sense of ONENESS. We have seen a 5000 year 'nightmare' as James Joyce wisely stated. The thoroughly amazing thing about this - it is those elites who have told us they speak for God or are Divine Kings who in fact have used or led us into this soulful wasteland. We find a similar paradigm exists in scientism which denies the observable outcomes or effects of the soul and ESP. Barthold Niebuhr (I think it was) said that bringing something back from the past or discovering anything is a high that is akin to the greatest creativity. It is so wonderful to learn and see the way of those we have denigrated as barbarian or primitive as they frolic in the joy of adventure and oneness with Nature as they nurtured each other. You are truly in an enviable position to decide the future for mankind. We have a plethora of artifacts and forensic tools now available to pierce the journalistic 'spin' that has been foisted upon mankind as history. Marcus Aurelius may well have known something later philosopher priest-kings may not have told us about. Who can say how much anyone knows or knew? This is especially difficult when we consider how much outright propaganda and destruction of libraries and other Inquisitions have occurred. But this Aurelius guy (Cynic or questioner) that you see in the movie 'Gladiator' was still talking about cycles of human culture and something not unlike the Hindu ages in their Mahapurana history. Simone Weil, Joseph Campbell, Bucky Fuller, Barry Fell, Martin Bernal, Flinders-Petrie, Wigner, Jung and a host of other disciplined academics and authors I have laid out in other books form the basis for this evaluation of our macro to micro political analysis of history and Empire in this book. They all knew enough to see that Marcus and other ancients had a closer glimpse of the things time has shrouded; we are now uncovering a great deal due to better scientific tools. Still my opinion changes and remains open as I do this research; which I share with any who might read. In the last five thousand years you will see there have been members of the same core elite families in most Mediterranean and Western Empires or government who ran the show. They are becoming even more centralized and powerful. I am not your usual conspiracy theorist who has some agenda. In fact I am probably willing to support the New World Order, if it is honest and good for all life on earth. Perhaps transparent is the vernacular word for honesty in bureaucracy today. And I often ask those who accuse me of being a conspiracy theorist to tell me what the plan or its makers intend. Some people try to tell me there is no plan. If that is the case ? we need one. So please suspend judgment and think along with me, as the Inspirational Comment by the Rosicrucian Thomas Paine suggests we should do. Speaking at the meeting of the IMF in the year 2000, Vaclav Havel emphasised that the "the crucial task is to fundamentally strengthen a system of universally shared moral standards that will make it impossible, on a truly global scale, for the various rules to be time and again circumvented with still more ingenuity than had gone into their invention." Let me assure you there is nothing 'new' about the New World Order or the New Age philosophies. From the days of the Antonines in the first century BCE the local authority and borders have been established (2) in ever increasing bureaucracy. The Oxford History of the Roman World goes on to say: "More significant is the interference in the financial affairs of cities which became widespread during the second century AD? we find a momentous departure from the traditional laissez-faire attitude toward government which had hitherto prevailed." Perhaps there will be many who might read a little of this and find it far too confronting, or irreligious. There is no doubt I do not accept the kind of structure or religion which has had power for some select people as its main objective. But, please do not jump to the conclusion that I don't believe or have great respect for spiritual pursuits. It may seem that way when I talk about religion and the abuse it levies on mankind ? but I really think if you read past the things which you find are against your current belief that you will know I am all for religion; if it is not hypocritical and actually works for all lifeforms in our environment. Here is a quote from the Bible to chew on which clearly is for the benefit of our 'earthly masters': Ephesians 6:5 'Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ.' Author of Diverese DruidsColumnisfor The ES Press MagazineGuest 'expert' at World-Mysteries.com
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Smart Dust and Virtual Keyboards Using Smart Dust which is sprinkled onto a rock it maybe possible to type information into a small computer or PDA very rapidly. This could be quite handy for many things such as; Search and Rescue, Fire Fighting, Civil Air Patrol, Hikers and Mountain Climbers and of course military applications. Think for a second the possibilities for Net Centric Warfare for Special Forces Troops. But how exactly can all this work? Well, simple really, you find a flat rock and spinkle your micro-electro-mechanical "Smart Dust and then put on a set of glasses which has a little clip on lens which has a grid pattern of a key board. Then you move your fingers across the virtual keyboard as if typing onto the rock. It is quite easy to use actually because your eyes see it as if it is real on the rock and the glasses you are wearing interpret each tap onto the pressure sensitive smart dust as a strike. The data is then put into a small computer you wear connected to the glasses by a wire. The data is then sent through a hot or helmet and uploaded directly to the satellite. Acoustic Transducers and Light Waves for VSTOL, a Concept Is it possible to use many acoustic transducers underneath an aircraft in a crisscross fashion to make the air much thicker. Almost like a platform that a VSTOL aircraft using low pressure could use to push off of? Although the amount of energy to be required to do this might be substantial; it seems to be possible. The Harmonic The Harmonic Environmental Eco-Terrorists Must Be Stopped Eco-terrorists assume some how they are helping the environment, by causing news worthy events and starting forest fires or burning down developments. Yet in doing so they cause air pollution and kill animals. This type of energy they are exhibiting causing harm is bad. This level of high energy could be good energy and used in positive ways. America needs high energy from people to get stuff done and maintain the flows of our civilization, but these eco-terrorists are so misguided that it is upsetting the balance of things. They are doing more than terrorizing, more than polluting, they are tearing apart the fiber of America and causing a rift between smart environmental considerations and conservative movement. They must be stopped. Science Fiction by Arthur C Clarke It is difficult to have a discussion with someone about science fiction if they are not familiar with the works of Arthur C Clarke. The concepts are not too awfully difficult to understand and not nearly as complex as reading Issac Asimov for the science fiction novice and anyone can enjoy Mr. Clarke's works. If you are interested in science fiction, I recommend this set of audio tapes: Hibernating Humans for Space Flight Can we hibernate humans using hydrogen sulfide gas for long-term space flight? The answer is most likely; "YES". Scientists have successfully hibernated mice spontaneously using hydrogen sulfide gas. The next step for let's say NASA using this data would be to take some mice up on the next space shuttle launch and hibernate them in zero gravity. Theoretically it should be possible and will most likely work. If we can put many mice on the ISS, International Space Station, under varying lengths of hibernation then we can prove concept. This maybe an ideal way to hibernate humans for long-term space-travel to distant stars, for instance to Alpha Centari and back. The Valuable Individual How can we, as individuals, participate in waste management? Because some of us are so overwhelmed with Earth's problems, we feel that our contributions have no real consequence in the end. For others, social barriers can be an issue. A lady we once knew confessed that she did not want to be seen buying used items or being concerned with power use. She was worried people would see her as cheap ? a scrooge ? when the family was so affluent. Yet, she was very careful to be seen with recycling bins out on the curb on pick-up day, because that was thought to be the thing to do socially. Now is a good time to put an end to these negative thoughts and feelings of false pride. Waste reduction is not about ego - it is about the health of the planet and of our nation. Aerodynamic Changes Need To Be Made In MAVs; Micro Air Autonomous Vehicles Aerodynamic changes need to be made in MAVs. Micro-Air Autonomous vehicles. The simple current DARPA version is okay I suppose, but we need much smaller units and we can add in a few components to make them simpler, increase performance and payloads. I propose that we create a couple of other versions; one would be similar in nature to the picture above. However the body would be a tube, like the exoskeleton of an insect, which can be fat like a bee, thin like a dragon fly or any similar shape in between. The wings would be cellophane and clear similar to the much larger, giant UAVs. The MAV I propose would be under 20 cm in length. It would have centerline thrust like a Cessna Skymaster. The propellers would be in front and back and could change direction, the MAV during this time would most likely want to flip of and roll, but so the wings need to be symmetrical. As it flipped over the trailing edge of the wings interior would be made of a small heavy tube, which would also contain the ion battery material. It would be thinner than the wings spar tube which would be larger and therefore cause proper curvature of the leading edge for maximum lift. The wing would still look similar to that of figure six in this report: Diamond Flashes Beyond magnificence and splendor, the world of diamonds evolves on stirred grounds. When the stake is so important, interests collide. But technology develops following its onward course. Here are some interesting off-stage events in the diamond industry and innovations in technology. CCTV Decoy Registration System Avoiding cameras? Gotcha, what are you trying to hide from. Cameras in Subways and airports often do not get a face shot good enough for face recognition software. There is a solution to this dilemma which can assist us in catching would be International Terrorists on watch lists. When we look over the video on television from the London Train Bombing we see many images from not so good angles, from this the authorities are asking all citizens foreign and domestic to help identify those in the photos. The photos being of course a single frame from a full motion video Close Circuit Television Surveillance System. We all know that such cameras are not so good and often the perpetrator is looking away from the camera at the time when they pass by? Of course those who are perpetrators know where the cameras are and they purposely look away. N400 Brain Wave to Assist in Learning and in Performance In any important task you need to stay alert and in some professions someone could lose their life ifyou are not staying heads up or cause a serious accident where someone else has to pay with theirs. Not good, so what is the solution here? Here is a thought on learning, safety, brain waves and winning. The History and Achievements of the Hubble Telescope The Hubble Telescope is famous worldwide forits amazing images of the universe. Congressin 1977 voted to fund a project to construct theHubble. Completion of the telescope was in 1985.The Hubble was supposed to be launched a yearlater but was delayed because of the 1986 SpaceShuttle Challenger disaster. How I Became Interested In Looking At The Moon Like a lot of kids, my folks gave me a 60mm telescope for Christmas one year. The scope was a typical department-store brand - not very good - but to a 12-year old kid it opened up the universe. That Dust on Your Car May Soon Be Smarter Than You Think? Here is a thought to get this topic started. A thought on a smart dust design. The smart dust will have to be able to stay airborne for long eriods of time. I was contemplating cleaning off a car which actually had hightech SmartDust on it? God made dirt on the first day right? Well, yes as the story goes he made the Heavens and the Earth and he made that out of dirt. So as man becomes God, he will need to make first things first. So perhaps the thought of making dust is actually a very noble step for mankind indeed. Moon Rover Robotic Concept; Planetary Exploration I propose a beach ball hopping robotic planetary explorer, which could work in swarms, instead of a larger rover, which might be stuck in the lunar dust or red sands of Mars. One interesting concept is in a white paper by Paolo Fiorini entitled; "A Hopping Robot for Planetary Exploration" in which the robot has several design configurations all weighing considerable amount. Acoustic Transducers To Detect And Eliminate Incoming Mortar Rounds There maybe a way to use acoustic transducers to pin-point incoming enemy ordinance such as mortar rounds in order to shoot them down. Directional sound waves from acoustic transducers set at specific locations around friendly locations can create artificial barriers, which the incoming ordinance will have to pass to reach its target and thus be detected and triangulated or quadrangulated for interception. Using High Altitude Blimp Cell Phone Communication By allowing high altitude Satellite Type Balloons or Blimps with Cell Phone type communications we could have a tremendous secondary back-up for communication. Also we could use this high altitude blimp to send out frequencies good for health, such as the Earth's frequency of 7.89 Hz to help the human and animal kingdom biological immune system. In addition to this we know that Stealth Aircraft when traveling thru cell phone communications field will show up as anomalies on a scope tuned to those frequencies used. We can use these anomalies to track enemy stealth aircraft within these anomalies in the field of communication. If you are a believer in UFOs, well you can track them too. So you can track UFOs, Stealth or track ICBM from above to insure proper quadrangulation to intercept with a kill projectile. Mystical Physicists INSPIRATIONAL COMMENTS: Travertine Information Travertine is a compacted form of limestone that forms in rivers and hot springs. Water, especially river water, has a lot of minerals in it. Sometimes these minerals become deposited on the river bed. These wet minerals then dry out, and combine in compositions at the chemical level. When the minerals deposited are calcium and carbon, sometimes they form a stone that is known as travertine. The chemical composition of travertine is CaCO3 which means that there is one part calcium for every three. Preventing Death in a Bio Threat In the event of Bio threat how to mobilize Hospitals in case of biological emergencies should close except for broken bones and accidents. Instead those who believe they have contracted a biological terrorist induced pathogen, virus or disease should be required to stay at home. ![]() |
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