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Diamond Flashes
Beyond magnificence and splendor, the world of diamonds evolves on stirred grounds. When the stake is so important, interests collide. But technology develops following its onward course. Here are some interesting off-stage events in the diamond industry and innovations in technology. De Beers sued by head of the Diamond Bourse Derek Parsons, the president of the Diamond Bourse of the Southeast United States has filed a lawsuit against De Beers, on the charge of the company's disregard of American competition law. Their Supplier of Choice policy puts the American dealers at a disadvantage.The suit was not launched on behalf of the Miami bourse but on behalf of diamond dealers in America, condemning the criteria on which De Beers makes the sales ? they would sell only to their sightholders, discouraging the non-sightholders and keeping prices artificially high at a non-competitive level. Diamond mining expands De Beers holds control of only 50% of the roughs market Diamond rising prices have stimulated the exploration and mining in more countries such as Canada, Russia, Angola, India, Brazil. Nevertheless, about 40% of diamonds still come from Botswana and South Africa. De Beers' control on the rough diamond market was declared to have decreased from 70% to about 50%. Canada, Russia and West and Central Africa are considered by specialists an important potential diamond source. India and Brazil are prospected by geologists also due to the fact that they are known to have been a diamond source in the past. The largest diamond reserve of Africa lives in extreme poverty Although the fourth largest producer in the world by value and the holder of the largest diamond reserves in Africa. Angola's per capita gross national income GNI is estimated at $650 per annum. People' s main means of subsistence is agriculture. The diamond sector has been seriously affected by the long war and by gem smuggling. Yet it still represents a very important potential driver of economic development. Since 2002, when the conflict between the government and the UNITA rebel movement ended, developing the sector has become a national priority and the government has already made changes to the diamond sector regulations. Serious redevelopment and investment is needed in this area. At present, artisanal mining operates in Angola and it brings very little economic benefit to local communities. Increasing conflict in Russia between diamond cutters and miners The Russian company Alrosa is the largest diamond miner in the world outside De Beers. Diamond cutters accuse Alrosa of favoring exports and providing larger stones for the foreign market and offering only small-sized diamonds to the internal market. On the other hand, Alrosa says that cutters cannot be allowed to pick the assortment of size they want.The result is that Russian cutters are buying million dollars in rough stones from South Africa each month. Russian manufacturers had a production of $1.1 billion in 2003, and Alrosa is estimated to produce around $2 billion worth rough diamonds this year. Find-diamonds computer program Partition Enterprises has been working together with the De Beers company and the University of Queensland to develop a program that calibrates the density separator x-ray sorting machines more accurately, thus maximize the diamond yield. Partition will showcase their products at the Electra Mining 2004 Exhibition in Johannesburg. De Beers sightholders Sightholder firms have to satisfy various criteria such as a high degree of expertise in valuing rough diamonds, high experience in cutting and polishing. De Beers has 125 sightholders to whom they assure a monthly direct supply of rough diamonds and from whom they collect around $ 600 million. The privilege of being a sightholder company is carefully preserved, as being a sightholder means being ?on the cards", otherwise the supply of diamonds may become dangerously scarce for that company. That is why the offered diamonds will be eventually purchased regardless of their quality ? the pack diamonds can be argued on but they are very rarely rejected, as the sightholder cannot afford to lose its status and break the relationship with De Beers Diamond Trading Company, relation that is essential for business. In Japan, the only company appointed as sightholder is Tasaki. Innovative complementary grading tool A new feature will be added in grading reports: the light performance. Although the concept of measuring the light performance of diamonds has been introduced six years ago, this standard of diamond evaluation was never introduced into the grading reports of diamond grading laboratories. GemEx Systems, Inc. of Wisconsin and EGL USA of New York will provide a combined diamond grading report to diamond customers ? besides the certification of the 4Cs, its light performance will be measured. The specific section in the report will contain the results of diamond analysis under six different lighting angles. The GemEx Light Performance Report makes the difference between diamonds with similar 4C characteristics that can differ in brilliance, fire and sparkle. The analysis is the result of a patented spectrophotometer technology based on the computerized BrillianceScope that measures diamonds' brilliance, fire and sparkle, providing a powerful tool for the cutting, sales, buying and marketing of fine diamonds. Laura Ciocan writes for http://www.loveanddiamonds.com/ where you can find more information about diamond engagement rings Please feel free to use this article in your Newsletter or on your website. If you use this article, please include the resource box and send a brief message to let me know where it appeared. lauracio@gmail.com
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Earthquake and Disaster Delays in Scientific Innovation In our present period we are continually reminded that we live on the surface of the planet and with that great honor comes issues of Mother Nature we must deal with. It is a fair trade off, as you get sunshine, warmth and heat from the sun; water, fish and surfing opportunities from the ocean and the stars, moon and cosmos to propel thought, enlightenment and understanding of who we are and perhaps some insight into why we are here. These are all wonderful things we enjoy and with every positive there is a negative, with every up there is a down and with every action a reaction. So then, let's talk about the negative side of things; which we are reminded of all too often: Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Typhoons, Volcanoes, Wild Fires and Floods. UAV Blimps Powered By Hydro-Electric Motors Using Hydro and Fluid Dynamic Theory I believe it is possible to design a pilot-less hydro-electric blimp which would have a propulsion system which never requires fuel and would be based on a Perpetual Motion Machine which uses fluid dynamics in a hydro-electric. First the shape of this thing would be similar to the new shopping mall shade cover on the Las Vegas Strip. An oblong flying saucer shape would be two of these, which would be stacked like pancakes. They would be apart by 1/3 the length of each symmetrically shaped oblong saucers shaped lighter than air blimps. In the middle would be an hourglass shaped unit. Attaching the two blimps, similar to the struts on a Baby Great Lakes Acrobatic Aircraft. NASA Budget VS Social Programs Balancing our quest for Space and its costs with the need of the people of our civilization is always at the top of the debate during NASA Budget hearings in the House and Senate. Some say that they think our primary planetary goal should be to colonize somewhere other than earth. Others cannot believe what they are hearing; "The primary goal. As in number one goal? Why do you say that?" They say what about freedom, free enterprise and stability of civilization too? Still in the end the debaters agree that it should be one of the top priorities. Paternity Testing Regulation: Help or Hindrance? Introduction Archaeology When the Egypt Exploration Fund was created they had memoranda and articles of incorporation that directed the funding for site excavations which showed promise of being outside the Bible Narrative - should not be researched! This troublesome kind of bias is beyond reproach because sites like Memphis have been built over and for all intents and purposes destroyed. In the efforts of people like Schliemann (Troy) and Evans (Crete) to uncover their dreams that led from the 'myths' of Homer they also confused and made horrible mistakes that allow debunking science to discredit artifacts that would have proven valuable. There are so many examples of actual government destruction of artifacts and people's careers that it is hard to pick one single example. Para Trooper Gliders With Angle of Attack Motor or Crank Para Trooper Gliders were very popular in WW II, they were used by both the Axis and Allied Forces. Some of these gliders were huge in size and the Germans had one which had took three bombers to get it off the ground along with two-four rockets used in take off. I believe there is a Wings Discovery Channel Documentary on this. The allied forces also used such tactics, which are well documented and some links are provided as well as pictures below this topic. Building an Ice House on Mars There is ice at the Martian Poles, one of the poles has water ice in abundance. Such an ice over region could easily be converted into a habitat for a Martian Colony of human explorers. Taking humans to Mars is not such an easy task, keeping them alive once there even harder, bringing them back not easy at all. The polar water ice cap may hold the key to building a successful colony on Mars. Droughts and Salt Water Canals Random Thoughts We need solutions to our drought crisis in this country. There are simple but expensive solutions; for instance; Desalination, salt water rivers and conservation strategies. Now before you accusing me of hyping any of the newest technologies or try to tell me it costs too much, let me explain something about the Earth's water supply. Only 3% of the Earth's Water is fresh. This includes the water and moisture in the clouds, underground reservoirs, rivers, lakes, streams and pipelines. So if we keep increasing the population of mammals we will need to have a larger supply of fresh water. The oceans are full and the atmosphere converts this to fresh water and then it rains and we collect it. So far we end up flooding areas when we make it rain or we fail. We use up all the fresh water in the waterways, which pass through our cities and we waste the rest on things that are not important unless you love what Tiger Woods does. People say it will cost too much to take water from the ocean where 70 percent of our population lives and turn it into fresh water to serve that population's growing needs. Well I say it does not cost that much at all. Water generally and it depends where you live in the US, costs about $ 1.60-2.10 per 743 gallons, (a unit of water) do not ask me about our system of measurement I am still trying to figure out how much a fathom, knot, bushel or pint is. Apparently the scientists have not figured out the difference between a yard and a meter either judging by the crash of the last Mars Probe a few years back, even though I do not believe it actually crashed. Organic Decoy Devices for Warfare (ODDW) We can genetically modify a rat to be the same body temperature as a humans, then parachute in several thousand rats into enemy territory. These rats will pick up the enemies advanced warning and intrusion sensors by way of heat signature. Philosophical Discussion of Distribution Systems To properly understand marketing one needs to understand the natural march of distribution from a colony of ants to Wal-Mart's Distribution System. Efficient systems must be designed or worked out by nature over thousands if not millions of years of evolution. It is about getting it done and using all your synergies to maximize efficiencies. It doesn't really matter what you are distributing or what industry. Think about it for second. The Valuable Individual How can we, as individuals, participate in waste management? Because some of us are so overwhelmed with Earth's problems, we feel that our contributions have no real consequence in the end. For others, social barriers can be an issue. A lady we once knew confessed that she did not want to be seen buying used items or being concerned with power use. She was worried people would see her as cheap ? a scrooge ? when the family was so affluent. Yet, she was very careful to be seen with recycling bins out on the curb on pick-up day, because that was thought to be the thing to do socially. Now is a good time to put an end to these negative thoughts and feelings of false pride. Waste reduction is not about ego - it is about the health of the planet and of our nation. Living In Arizona Boulders--Where Did They Come From? When most people think of building a secluded home, they think of tall trees and large bushes. But what about boulders? Hurricane and Typhoons Show Drop in Ozone Levels A recent study, which was conducted by the Florida State University, showed that ozone levels drop as the Hurricanes get bigger. The NASA funded study looked at readings in the upper atmosphere of 12 storms. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Hurricane Center (NHC) which forecasts Hurricanes uses the eye to pin point the Hurricanes position and with that data a hundred mile radius was taken and the ozone was measured. Saving Private Ryan in Iraq - Stop the Bleeding I propose that we give soldiers an ultra thin material, which will either be an undergarment to their uniform or incorporated as a liner within that uniform. This liner in the uniform will be laced with a Blood Coagulation Product. Specifically it will use the Blood Coagulations products by: Z-Medica Corporation. Human Motion, Walking, Running and Gait for Identification Identifying a human gait, walking patterns, running exists. Can such records be of value? Many think so. Why is this so important? Well every time Bin Laden is on TV no one knows if it is real or not. You cannot take a DNA sample, no retina scanning, fingerprints, well then facial recognition? Harder on video tapes at only one angle. Some ones gait could be viewed and downloaded by a sniper to decide if this is the correct target, although chances are it is best to kill all the doubles anyway, the fewer they have the closer you are to the primary targets. Atlantis through Science ICE AGES: - The impact of the ice ages and inter-glacial effects on the rise and fall of ocean levels and the earth readjustments to the departure of the ice cap cannot be over-looked in the human historical picture. Research in the area is far greater than in the recent past and we can learn what might have happened to earlier civilizations on earth. Atlantis is a given name for a civilization that inhabited many islands and coastal regions, in my mind. The idea of one central location makes little sense when one considers such things as Ice Ages and changes in the flow of the Gulf Stream and climate that resulted. Because it lasted for from 30,000 to 100,000 years and may have co-existed with other civilizations rising and falling it is most inauspicious to debate one specific time when it was in Tara or Crete or the Azores or Bimini or even Finias. That seems to be the usual debate among the over 25,000 books written about just this one lost civilization. As long as people don't integrate all facts they inevitably just come up with theories to fit pet or prevailing concepts. In Gateway to Atlantis, 'The Search for the source of a lost Civilization' we see a far better scholar who is doing the right kind of investigation. Mapping of the ocean bottoms and geological understandings as well as studying glacial deposits and tree rings gives a better picture of history than history books. A Call for a Worldwide Campaign on Water Conservation If we are to tackle the challenges of future populations on the planet, we will need to insure adequate water supply. Our US population is growing, by one person every nine seconds and with this growth the consumption of fresh water increases. The average person uses 80-100 gallons per day in the US. In Third world countries about 4-8 total gallons of water per day. I have tested this myself, it is possible to do this; Cord Blood and Its Uses Cord blood is the blood left in the umbilical cord and placenta after the birth of the child and is collected after the cord has been cut off. The umbilical cord is routinely discarded with the placenta after a child is born. It is also called placental blood. Cord blood has lots of blood producing stem cells which can be frozen and later used for transplants. Cord blood is genetically unique to the child and the family. Now researchers have found that it can be used to treat many diseases. Theoretically is it Possible to Defy Gravity? Many believe it is possible to build an anti-gravity machines and there are many small version which can do this by interfering with the gravity waves. Other say why build an anti-gravity wave machine when you can use the gravity to pull you the other way. Some say hogwash; conspiracy theories and UFOs and all the other stuff. They flat say it can never be done. If you see it done it is a trick, it is impossible they say. Energy and America ![]() |
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