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Cold Fusion
And as I was typing this, I stopped for a while to watch the news and saw that what I wrote just a while ago in terms of human evolution has already become the likely scenario according to the media because of a new skull found in Kenya. A 3.5 million year old with smaller teeth than an australopithecine! Clearly evolution has much more ancient roots and they said we might well not be connected to australopithecines. Is this common sense or a synchronicity or something more? It happens all the time as I have been doing this research in depth, and writing during the past two years. Austin Osman Spare would say I am in the appropriate state of Zos and others would claim Ain Soph is the operating principle of the Qabala while I accept the World Mind and myself as a flux for it. Maybe Robert Park of Voodoo Science could debunk me just as he has done to J. B. Rhine but what would he say about the 'vacuum' that science now knows and that fits the ESP paradigm so thoroughly? How can anyone doubt perpetual motion when creative and FREE energy is everywhere? Yes, anyone can have an opinion - BUT is it informed? COLD FUSION OR FISSION: - One of the other often debunked possibilities that people like Robert Park who work for the government engage in; or is it just another fantasy? Can someone really be so in tune as to use the forces of atomic power with purpose? When the University people in Utah announced they had achieved cold fusion about a decade ago I immediately thought of the international association of alchemists and Frater Albertus Magnus in that city that houses the Mormons (interestingly) and where an employee (Rosicrucian) of mine was able to get an appointment with Ezra Taft Benson on her first day in town. As the year went by, it appeared this was another scientifically unreplicated misconception. As another couple of years passed, only the Japanese were pursuing it; and the issue seems to have fallen into the category of a hoax. Well if it is in this instant it won't be for long. The nay-sayers are more wrong than creators or inventors usually. It will be discovered that lattices in noble elements like palladium can release the bonding forces gradually. I think the perfect metal is required for this to work efficiently and I think it means manufacture of those noble elements in space's vacuum will be most efficient. Eugene Mallove was bludgeoned to death by a 'patsy' shortly after arranging a Congressional Hearing on Cold Fusion in 2004. In many of the experiments that scientists of today go through they don't contemplate the effects of time and allow natural processes to occur in natural ways. When an alchemist seeking to raise his conscious attunement began a process he didn't regard himself as the key agent of intellect in the process. He/She (Cleopatra and Moses' sister were alchemists) was ever observant and always respectful of the effects of cosmic dimensional forces and you can regard them as Tesla did with the phrase 'non-force info packets' or what Deepak calls the cosmic soup. The truth is, there is a consciousness that we can harmonize with. The alchemists who worked for the kings and greedy aristocrats usually failed because they were working with need and greed rather than love and worship or awe. Awe, of, in, and for the omniscient potential of nature. IT is possible to send atomic energy of the process to other dimensions and release them in controlled avenues to produce amazing results. This will be dealt with in greater detail in the mysteries section but we want to put a little of it here in order to establish the breadth of the chasm between what linear thinking ego and modern science purports to know against what is possible through attunement. We think we have already done this in medicine and other facets of society. We think physics is close to knowing what we are dealing with in the chaos that isn't going to respond in exactly the same 'black and white' manner. The creationist theory is not as dead as theologians have allowed it to become! The following point is not completely the same one; as Gardner deals with weight and the 'highward' state that allows levitation. I am not convinced of this level of levitational potential that he would say allowed the fit of the Great Pyramid. It is better than all other explanations except for Dunn's combined with the poured in place concrete explanation though. "In simplistic terms, the white powder is created by striking the metal sample, under strictly controlled conditions for a pre-calculated time, with a designated high-heat {Sometimes every operation would be repeated for five years, if the person lived. There is a mercurous oxide risk.}--perhaps from a DC arc: a single directional current from two electrodes {They had the ability to produce DC a very long time ago as we will see in many other places.}. But the truly unusual thing about the powder is that, through continuous sequences of heating and cooling {While becoming 'friends' or attuning oneself to 'what is'?}, its weight will rise and fall to hundreds of percent above its optimum weight, down to less than absolutely nothing. Moreover, its optimum weight is actually 56 per cent of the metal weight from which it was transformed. So, where does the other 44 per cent go? It becomes nothing but pure light, and translates into a dimension beyond the physical plane. This conforms precisely with the formerly mentioned Alexandrian text which states that, when placed in the scales, the Paradise Stone can outweigh any of its quantity of gold, but when it is converted to dust (powder), even a feather will tip the scales against it." (7) Author of Diverse Druids
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Get Hot on Combustion Energy in the form of heat is obtained when fuel is burnt in air. The release of this heat energy can be slow or can be very rapid. Shooting Down a UAV in Flight Shooting Down an Enemy UAV so it cannot give away military movement intelligence. Stem Cells (The Truth) The much publicized stem cell research debate focusing on moral arguments is off target with the goal of real progress in the direction of human physiological benefits potential. No matter what side of this issue you come down on, practical considerations ultimately trump this emotionally clouded subject. Stem cells are a valuable renewing asset of human physiology and thus are deserving of our intense interest, but passionate disagreement about research and cloning issues miss the mark of discovering just how simply we can use what we already know about stem cells and how we can benefit from that knowledge to improve the health of everyone. Brain Waves Activating to the Tune of a Different Drummer? Well, here is a most interesting thought. There are many who have heart murmurs from birth and many with heart murmurs, which are not negative from a health standpoint. Life on Mars, Warm Water Under our Ice Caps, Evidence, Microbes under Our Feet Well many people out there are asking is there really life on Mars? Our Thinking Group has been asking not if, what type? Divining Your Soul Number Your Soul Number, which defines your very essence or heart's desire, is calculated using the vowels in the name that appeared on your birth certificate. This reading describes what you or another person value or want most in life. America and its Collision Course Energy ESP #7 - America and its Collision CourseCrude oil explodes through $46.50 as the problems are growing -It's bigger than Iraq, bigger than Bin Laden and even bigger thanthe next election. America has entered into an exhaustive racefor survival - And nobody is talking about it.Talking about what you ask?"Taking down Saudi Arabia's oil infrastructure is like spearingfish in a barrel... a coordinated assault on five or more key[pipelines]junctions in the system could put the Saudis out ofthe oil business for two years..." Robert Baer, Former CIAofficer, USA Today, May 10 2004.In a country portrayed to be the wealthiest oil nation in theworld, Saudi Arabia also has the greatest divergence betweenthe wealthy and poor. With the average individual income at$7,500 per year the poor is kept at bay by charity. Somethingwe all know the Saudis are good at. Men by the hundreds line upto meet the prince and ask (is it asking or begging) forfinancial help for whatever ails them. Is this charity? Or isit a clever way to keep the not-so-fortunate from rising up?Over generations of this practice, the locals have becomeaccustom. At what point do they rebel against these extremeunjust ways of life that they have been delt.? At what point doAMERICANS realize that this is the kind of society we dependway too much on and far too often?!?!CNBC reported last week that OPEC (or could we just say the Houseof Saud) said that 'the current average price of oil is notsufficient (high) enough to meet the needs of the OPECcountries.' Gee... wonder why the 10 year oil futures have beenpropelling themselves into space over the past few years? ? Whatdoes this all mean?... America is dependent on an extremelyunstable country(s). I fear that this will soon come to a headand Americans will be up the creek with only half a paddle.Over the past 30 years., approx. 75% of U.S. trade deficit wasmoney gone to oil imports - That must change What Americans don'trealize is the great divergence in the prices of the things weconsume. . . and it's about to catch up. . . One quart of oil foryou car costs between $2-$5. One gallon as gas about $2. But ifyou're in a restaurant and order a Coke or a glass of milk, it isnearly SIX times that. Now you tell me something, do you need a"Coke and a smile" to get to work in the morning? FACT - SaudiOIL FIELDS are shrinking as oil prices are flying. During the70's, 15 oil fields pumped one million barrels per day - Todayonly two of those are at a steady (or is it) one million.OPEC's SECRET SHORTAGE THAT THEY WONT TELL YOU - Today's oilreserves estimates DO NOT include the two billion barrels of oilthat was burned in the 91' Gulf War. Yet, OPEC has added 287billion barrels to their reserves without claiming any new oildiscovery. - Anyone smell anything fishy???All this is reason enough that Americans need to work together,in a NON-PARTISAN effort and bring CLEAN - RENEWABLE ENERGY TOAMERICAN SOIL ASAP!! America needs to follow in the foot step ofDenmark - where they actually produce more electricity than theyconsume... and sell the rest.ANYONE you know, if they are in college or not - PLEASEforward them this newsletter. Spread the word! It will takeeveryone you know! Einstein Half Dead 100 years ago Albert Einstein developed his Relativity Theory of physics that claimed that the universe is actuallybased on a space-time-gravity continuum (a non-mechanical version of Rene Descartes' earlier mechanical ether theory) and with time as variable and relative. MAV Propulsion and Testing Perhaps we should be looking into advancing the propulsion systems of MAVs, small UAVs by using magnetic propulsion to spin the propellers. When testing a UAV by trying to fly it under the canopy of trees or around sparsely populated tree areas or in cities with streets and housing we may find we have difficult issues. If the aircraft as proper angle of attack you might be able to slow it down, reverse the propeller spin, do a level flight tail slide, reverse the propeller again and fly right out of a box canyon or alley way. Or take pictures of your enemy, turn around and leave? Flying a Beach Ball UFO Recently some NASA Scientists were able to fly a MAV; Micro Air Vehicle using a laser to power it and then chase it around the room with the laser beam? Sounds like kids stuff, yet is has some incredible applications for other things. For instance we could use Whispering Windows and Talking Glass Technologies to propel helium filled beach ball. Here is how I propose we do this. First we put a small whispering windows transducer in the center of the proposed flying beach ball to excite the helium molecules, we then send a directional sound wave (yes this technology exists) Veterinary Hematology 101; 2005 Abstract Veterinary Hematology is more than just blood cells. Blood, highly functional and truly definitive, does much more than provide for the transport of cellular metabolites and waste products. Blood is made up of four major components: Plasma, Red Blood Cells, White Blood Cells, and Platelets. Hurricane and Typhoons Show Drop in Ozone Levels A recent study, which was conducted by the Florida State University, showed that ozone levels drop as the Hurricanes get bigger. The NASA funded study looked at readings in the upper atmosphere of 12 storms. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Hurricane Center (NHC) which forecasts Hurricanes uses the eye to pin point the Hurricanes position and with that data a hundred mile radius was taken and the ozone was measured. UAV Mini - Torpedo Bombers for Eliminating Hydro Cushioned Water Craft UAVs can carry cargo, some of the very tiny UAV units can hold up to 11 lbs. Which is not much, however. A one-way UAV could fly over a river that is used for transporting troops and supplies by your enemy via hydro-craft, which can hover over regular water. These mines would normally be set by Navy Seals, by using small robotic units we can save the risk of life unless it is totally necessary. Saving People in Disaster Crisis, Concept So often when we see huge Natural Disasters there are many people killed, but for everyone who perishes there are 5-10 people injured; many very seriously. So often too the region of the world were the disaster occurs does not have enough hospital beds, medical professionals or the right equipment needed to help save those lives. Well, there is a new discovery, which might change all that. Mark Roth and his colleagues have made a rather fascinating discovery; they have found a way to put mice into a suspended animation state. They used a very toxic gas; hydrogen sulfide, which when used in smaller amounts puts these small mammals into temporary hibernation. Similar to a bear when it hibernates. UAV Acoustic Apparatus for Insect Swarming Stimulus, part two UAV Acoustic Apparatus for Insect Swarming Stimulus, part two; Using Locust swarms to attack our enemies using directional sound to guide them. The Debate About Cloning There are two types of cloning. One involves harvesting stem cells from embryos ("therapeutic cloning"). These are the biological equivalent of a template. They can develop into any kind of mature functional cell and thus help cure many degenerative and auto-immune diseases. Electromagnetic Energy in Meteorites - Theory I have some friends who have the largest private meteor collection on Earth. He and his son 14 years old and a candidate for this idea; Now then in conversations, they explained all the cataloged meteor findings and found that each US state has 500 (there is an encyclopedia of such no doubt?) or so findings and confirmed by tests such as cross cut section, material grain patterns, density not found on Earth, etc, etc. So then in CA on 300 meteors were cataloged, yet it is a huge state, promotionally should be more like 1500 or more. However the ones cataloged in CA were very accurate in their description of findings. Military Convoy Artificial Tubes for Safe Travel There appears to be a way to control the safety of an entire convoy of logistical vehicles on a long highway, with no close air support and completely removed from satellite communication or AWACS Surveillance. Let me explain this concept. First picture a pentagon horizontal shaped tube, which extends along a highway, which starts at the ground. The supply road of travel would be in the middle of the tube. Now then, a vehicle in the back would have a laser system, which would be facing forward in a slightly increasing perspective angle to encompass several hundred yards as it approached the first third of the front of the convoy. The Fall and Fall of the p-Zine http://home.wuliweb.com/index.shtml CCTV Decoy Registration System Avoiding cameras? Gotcha, what are you trying to hide from. Cameras in Subways and airports often do not get a face shot good enough for face recognition software. There is a solution to this dilemma which can assist us in catching would be International Terrorists on watch lists. When we look over the video on television from the London Train Bombing we see many images from not so good angles, from this the authorities are asking all citizens foreign and domestic to help identify those in the photos. The photos being of course a single frame from a full motion video Close Circuit Television Surveillance System. We all know that such cameras are not so good and often the perpetrator is looking away from the camera at the time when they pass by? Of course those who are perpetrators know where the cameras are and they purposely look away. ![]() |
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