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The Fall and Fall of the p-Zine
http://home.wuliweb.com/index.shtml The circulation of print magazines has declined precipitously in the last 24 months. This dissolution of subscriber bases has accelerated dramatically as economic recession set in. But a diminishing wealth effect is only partly to blame. The managements of printed periodicals - from dailies to quarterlies - failed miserably to grasp the Internet's potential and potential threat. They were fooled by the lack of convenient and cheap e-reading devices into believing that old habits die hard. They do - but magazine reading is not habit forming. Readers' loyalties are fickle and shift according to content and price. The Web offers cornucopial and niche-targeted content - free of charge or very cheaply. This is hard to beat and is getting harder by the day as natural selection among dot.bombs spares only quality content providers. Consider Ploughshares, the Literary Journal. It is a venerable, not for profit, print journal published by Emerson College, now marking its 30th anniversary. It recently inaugurated its web sibling. The project consumed three years and $125,000 (grant from the Wallace-Reader's Digest Funds). Every title Ploughshares has ever published was indexed (over 18,000 journal pages digitized). In all, the "website will offer free access to over 2,750 poems and short stories from past and current issues." The more than 2000 (!) authors ever published in Ploughshares will each maintain a personal web page comprising biographical notes, press releases, new books and events announcements and links to other web sites. This is the Yahoo! formula. Content generated by the authors will thus transform Ploughshares into a leading literary portal. But Ploughshares did not stop at this standard features. A "bookshelf" will link to book reviews contributed online (and augmented by the magazine's own prestigious offerings). An annotated bookstore is just a step away (though Ploughshares' web site does not include one hitherto). The next best thing is a rights-management application used by the journal's authors to grant online publishing permissions for their work to third parties. No print literary magazine can beat this one stop shop. So, how can print publications defend themselves? By being creative and by not conceding defeat is how. Consider WuliWeb's example of thinking outside the printed box. It is a simple online application which enables its users to "send, save and share material from print publications". Participating magazines and newspapers print "WuliCodes" on their (physical) pages and WuliWeb subscribers barcode-scan, or manually enter them into their online "Content Manager" via keyboard, PDA, pager, cell phone, or fixed phone (using a PIN). The service is free (paid for by the magazine publishers and advertisers) and, according to WuliWeb, offers these advantages to its users: "Once you choose to use WuliWeb's free service, you will no longer have to laboriously "tear and share" print articles or ads that you want to archive or share with colleagues or friends. You will be able to store material sourced from print publications permanently in your own secure, electronic files, and you can share this material instantly with any number of people. Magazine and Newspaper Publishers will now have the ability to distribute their online content more widely and to offer a richer experience to their readers. Advertisers will be able to deploy dynamic and media-rich content to attract and convert customers, and will be able to communicate more completely with their customers." Links to the shared material are stored in WuliWeb's central database and users gain access to them by signing up for a (free) WuliWeb account. Thus, the user's mailbox is unencumbered by huge downloads. Moreover, WuliWeb allows for a keywords-based search of articles saved. Perhaps the only serious drawback is that WuliWeb provides its users only with LINKS to content stored on publishers' web sites. It is a directory service - not a full text database. This creates dependence. Links may get broken. Whole web sites vanish. Magazines and their publishers go under. All the more reason for publishers to adopt this service and make it their own. About The Author Sam Vaknin is the author of "Malignant Self Love - Narcissism Revisited" and "After the Rain - How the West Lost the East". He is a columnist in "Central Europe Review", United Press International (UPI) and ebookweb.org and the editor of mental health and Central East Europe categories in The Open Directory, Suite101 and searcheurope.com. Until recently, he served as the Economic Advisor to the Government of Macedonia. His web site: http://samvak.tripod.com
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The Debate About Cloning There are two types of cloning. One involves harvesting stem cells from embryos ("therapeutic cloning"). These are the biological equivalent of a template. They can develop into any kind of mature functional cell and thus help cure many degenerative and auto-immune diseases. Mini Robots Grid Meteorite Search We need very much to study meteorites more, but we need more sampling to get this done. One way to do this is to go out hunting for meteorites. This is much easier said than done. But perhaps using some current technology it will not be quite so hard. For instance AFF Automated flight following systems has been used for more than a decade now. It uses GPS tracking by satellite to guide aerial fire fighting aircraft into the drop zone to let loose of their fire retardant. This is especially important when you cannot see and know that there is no ILS Instrument Landing System to guide you in. Magnetic Propulsion for GI Joe? Thought of the day. I talked to an old guy who gave me this idea, he wanted to create a magnet propelled anti-gravity and directional control craft. MPAGDCV. Here is the thought a platform with a magnet attracting steel front a rear panel s placed on a platform with a seat. A ring of a gyro is placed with it's axis on the CG-Center of gravity. The ring spins around the seat platform with a magnet on the apex of the arch in front and on the back is a magnet faced backwards which repels. As the ring spins the forward momentum flips the magnet over on each side depending on the direction of intended travel. TSUNAMI The Next Big Wave:The Grandaddy of Them All A few days ago on Melbourne's 60 Minutes, renowned scientist Dr Kerry Sieh predicted the guaranteed next big wave or giant Tsunami will definitely happen, and it will be the Grandaddy of them all. How Albert Einstein Saw Things A Little Differently Albert Einstein had just administered an examination to an advanced class of Physics students. Life on Mars, Warm Water Under our Ice Caps, Evidence, Microbes under Our Feet Well many people out there are asking is there really life on Mars? Our Thinking Group has been asking not if, what type? Diamond Flashes Beyond magnificence and splendor, the world of diamonds evolves on stirred grounds. When the stake is so important, interests collide. But technology develops following its onward course. Here are some interesting off-stage events in the diamond industry and innovations in technology. Ultra Thin Space Suits, just a concept The space suits we saw on the first Moon visit were too large and bulky. We need Ultra thin space suits, but what if you break the skin underneath. You could bleed for hours until you get help and get the space suit off. Now then please view this company and Blood Coagulations products by: Z-Medica Corporation What is Science? Students often ask; "What exactly is science?" Professors explain by discussing theories, proofs, laws of physics, observations, duplication of results, etc.. Professors often pull rank on students when they argue a point with the professor on extending the professors definition of science. When this occurs the professor indicates to the student; "You obviously do not know what science is" they quickly tell the student. Debunking the Debunker In History and Science: Lets Get Dirty There is no right way of saying this, so I'll say it the wrong way: in order to stay healthy we must stay dirty. Now, that didn't sound right, did it? Put it this way: if we all lived in sealed apartments where only the purest air was pumped in and every trace of bacteria were eliminated from our food we probably wouldn't last long when we stepped outside. The Wages of Science In the United States, Congress approved, last month, increases in the 2003 budgets of both the National Institutes of Health and National Science Foundation. America is not alone in - vainly - trying to compensate for imploding capital markets and risk-averse financiers. Feb. 12 is Darwin Day -- Secular Americans Celebrate Bday of Evolution Champ This Feb. 12 marks the 196th anniversary of Charles Darwin's birth! Ancient Navigation and Mapping DR. SENTIEL ROMMEL: Brain Waves Activating to the Tune of a Different Drummer? Well, here is a most interesting thought. There are many who have heart murmurs from birth and many with heart murmurs, which are not negative from a health standpoint. Creation CREATION OF ANIMATE FROM INANIMATE: - We have touched upon some scientific dry wells and frauds already. The idea of cold fusion and perpetual motion that the Utah researchers may not have achieved was just dealt with: but a recent report showing a Utah student using Farnsworth's old designs is another example that makes me think Cold Fusion is going to be a reality. Chaos is the operating fact of the universe that does actually adapt and create or mutate through qualitative and quantitative leaps according to the Russian (Check out the New Frontier people who have a site on the web.) and mystical scientific paradigm-thinking. Thus many of the normal behavioral observations can only explain part of the day to day 'reality'. A few decades ago science generated proteins from apparent nothingness and declared they had created life from inanimate. This concept and experiment was partially replicable and became touted and taught throughout all schools, but it was less than what it was represented to be in the final analysis. NASA now pronounces there is life everywhere including interstellar vacuums. Microbes are not the only reason for this truth. RFID Sensors to Protect Water Supplies Recently the US Military has developed a special set of sensors for water supplies for troops. Any time a base camp is set up it is important to monitor the water supplies and test them. You cannot simply test them when you arrive you need constant monitoring so that insurgents or enemies do not pollute the water or put poison in it. The three most common pathogens of water supplies are; Vibrio Cholerae, e. Coli and Giardia intestinalis and believe me you don't want any in your drinking water. Cord Blood and Its Uses Cord blood is the blood left in the umbilical cord and placenta after the birth of the child and is collected after the cord has been cut off. The umbilical cord is routinely discarded with the placenta after a child is born. It is also called placental blood. Cord blood has lots of blood producing stem cells which can be frozen and later used for transplants. Cord blood is genetically unique to the child and the family. Now researchers have found that it can be used to treat many diseases. UAV - Terrain Following Technologies There are many technologies being used today such as ultrasonic sensors, which provide non-contact for solution levels in liquid storage tanks. Using this technology the tanks can use non-corrosive methods to prevent failure of parts. For instance in a fuel tank the bacteria can eat through a 505 (2-inch) think piece of stainless steel in about a week or so. Even plastic, which is made from petroleum products becomes brittle in such environments. So the solution in the various industries is to use sound waves to control switches and float leveling systems. One company in our industry is Compac Engineering which makes all types of "Eracta Switches" like an erector set you build the desired structure or device out of plastic, insert their sensors, plug it in and you are completed. You can know soap levels, waster water levels, freshwater levels using devices, which do not corrode, rust or deteriorate quickly. Preventing Death in a Bio Threat In the event of Bio threat how to mobilize Hospitals in case of biological emergencies should close except for broken bones and accidents. Instead those who believe they have contracted a biological terrorist induced pathogen, virus or disease should be required to stay at home. ![]() |
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