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TSUNAMI The Next Big Wave:The Grandaddy of Them All
A few days ago on Melbourne's 60 Minutes, renowned scientist Dr Kerry Sieh predicted the guaranteed next big wave or giant Tsunami will definitely happen, and it will be the Grandaddy of them all. Indonesia gets the full force this time around ... When?... whether it be in a few months, or in a decade is all Dr Sieh cannot accurately predict at this present moment. Kerry Sieh, a Geology professor at the California Institute of Technology, knows Indonesia's earthquake zone like the back of his hand ... and he did in fact predict the first earthquake that hit parts of Indonesia on Boxing Day. Now he predicts another Tsunami will hit, and this will be the grandaddy of them all! From Melbourne MSN Channel 9's Sixty Minutes Richard Carleton explains why the earthquakes and ensuing Tsunami's occur: RICHARD CARLETON: Dr Sieh's focus is on the faultline, 5000km long, where moving plates of the earth's crust grind against each other. The plate under the Indian Ocean slides beneath Indonesia, much like the disappearing stairs on an escalator. But some sections get stuck and then later snap upwards, releasing gargantuan force. DR KERRY SIEH: The plates get hung up and they can't slip past each other, so the upper plate gets dragged down as this plate sinks and with it, the islands get dragged down, slowly but surely, and when the earthquake happens, they pop back up and out. RICHARD CARLETON: And that's what happened last Boxing Day. The quake jolted the mainland so violently that people were thrown to the ground. What a pointless waste of life! ... Dr Sieh warned the governments concerned ahead of time, he even went down personally and alerted inhabitants of the affected villages in Indonesia to protect themselves against the Tsunami he just knew would happen ... but nobody paid any attention to him ... now when he walks into these same villages, he is welcomed and treated as a hero ! From his 14 satellite research station, high in the mountain tops of the humid Indonesian jungle, Dr Sieh now predicts the next Tsunami will hit: .. and the precise location .... right opposite the city of Padang in Indonesia ... inhabitants: 1 million people! Repeat: All he cannot pinpoint is when ... this disaster could be in months, the next decade or in a hundred years! The city of Padang is base for Australian surfers who go there to surf the waves of the Menwawais ... where some of the best surfing breaks in the world may be found .. as an Australian citizen this is startling news. Geographically, the city of Padang would have difficulty dealing with a high tide, the devastation caused by the grandaddy of Tsunamis is incomprehensible. Imagine a mere 15 minute warning before the earthquake .. ... and then the waters of the giant Tsunami gushing down the streets of Padang, just like it did in Banda Acheh washing everything away in its stride .. ... a moving torrent of cars, oil, broken trees and precious human life! My call to all my fellow Marketers, the Search Engine Optimization community, Retail colleagues and anyone who reads this post: do everything in your power to reach your readers in Indonesia, particularly the city of Padang, they need to take heed and make adequate provision, to stop the pointless human slaughter this time around. Whether this be in the form of lobbying your local Government bodies, or through local press release, we must help this time, before the devastation of this giant wave; the grandaddy of Tsunami's takes away more precious human life. But above all do this in a responsible manner .. causing wide spread panic amongst unworldly village inhabitants or your worldwide audience will not help at all. Melbourne's 60 Minutes at MSN Channel 9 has the whole story including a video of the interview available at their site . The video version is half-way down the page. Due to the ever changing nature of News, I cannot guarantee how long this link will be up. Whilst this news is hardly topical for an internet marketing and search engine optimization Blog, as a parent the irreversible damage to our environment has me greatly concerned ... please do whatever you can to stop this alarming trend. Entire article available at:Marketing Defined on the next big Tsunami Copyright 2005 Marketing Defined. All Rights Reserved. This article may be reproduced in its entirety, with no alterations. The resource boxes, live URL's and Author Bio must be included. Roseanne van Langenberg is a Marketing Consultant and Publisher from Melbourne, Australia. Roseanne shares her findings on legitimate back-door search engine optimization and internet marketing techniques, for online blogs, which earned her a No. 1 ranking at the new MSN search engine, at the Marketing Defined seo and internet marketing Blog.
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Aerodynamic Changes Need To Be Made In MAVs; Micro Air Autonomous Vehicles Aerodynamic changes need to be made in MAVs. Micro-Air Autonomous vehicles. The simple current DARPA version is okay I suppose, but we need much smaller units and we can add in a few components to make them simpler, increase performance and payloads. I propose that we create a couple of other versions; one would be similar in nature to the picture above. However the body would be a tube, like the exoskeleton of an insect, which can be fat like a bee, thin like a dragon fly or any similar shape in between. The wings would be cellophane and clear similar to the much larger, giant UAVs. The MAV I propose would be under 20 cm in length. It would have centerline thrust like a Cessna Skymaster. The propellers would be in front and back and could change direction, the MAV during this time would most likely want to flip of and roll, but so the wings need to be symmetrical. As it flipped over the trailing edge of the wings interior would be made of a small heavy tube, which would also contain the ion battery material. It would be thinner than the wings spar tube which would be larger and therefore cause proper curvature of the leading edge for maximum lift. The wing would still look similar to that of figure six in this report: Magnetic Propulsion for GI Joe? Thought of the day. I talked to an old guy who gave me this idea, he wanted to create a magnet propelled anti-gravity and directional control craft. MPAGDCV. Here is the thought a platform with a magnet attracting steel front a rear panel s placed on a platform with a seat. A ring of a gyro is placed with it's axis on the CG-Center of gravity. The ring spins around the seat platform with a magnet on the apex of the arch in front and on the back is a magnet faced backwards which repels. As the ring spins the forward momentum flips the magnet over on each side depending on the direction of intended travel. Bio-Rhythm Disruption Frequency Identifier for Human Intentions It appears we have found many identifiers for Bio-Metrics to identify people. In this new age of International Terrorism with bad guys trying to get Pilot's Licenses, HazMat Driver's Licenses, get onto airlines, step onto buses and sneak over our borders we need a fool proof system. Currently we use fingerprints to identify criminals and those who hold important positions. Some of the newest forms of security include retina scans, voice prints, palms, DNA, Implanted RFID Chips, etc. We have devices, which can see thru trucks, pick up the scent of bio-weapons that use heat to pick-up illegal human trafficking inside vehicles. We need sensors to pick up human intent. Lying devices tell us when someone is exuding thru facial sweat glands, but what about a person who is not close to the device? Inside a vehicle, in a crowd or approaching a sensitive check point. Advanced warning could be the difference between life and death. Acoustic Transducers To Detect And Eliminate Incoming Mortar Rounds There maybe a way to use acoustic transducers to pin-point incoming enemy ordinance such as mortar rounds in order to shoot them down. Directional sound waves from acoustic transducers set at specific locations around friendly locations can create artificial barriers, which the incoming ordinance will have to pass to reach its target and thus be detected and triangulated or quadrangulated for interception. Diamond Flashes Beyond magnificence and splendor, the world of diamonds evolves on stirred grounds. When the stake is so important, interests collide. But technology develops following its onward course. Here are some interesting off-stage events in the diamond industry and innovations in technology. Laser Attack, EA, Scalar Attack on Composite Manufactured Vehicles More and more future fighting vehicles introduced at the Military Trade Shows in Pakistan, China, Israel seem to contain composite material as integral components to save weight. This composite material is lightweight and has many advantages to the high cost of exotic alloy. Composite is also free from the corrosive properties of aluminum and rusting properties of iron. It is for this reason we will world fighting vehicles switch to composite components whenever heavy armor is not needed. We will also see a trend towards ceramic-composite combinations in substitute for steel armor. Lighter war vehicles, harder to see on radar, lighter and faster, greater range and longer lasting to deal with seasonal changes on the surface of the planet causing rust and corrosion. Veterinary Hematology 101; 2005 Abstract Veterinary Hematology is more than just blood cells. Blood, highly functional and truly definitive, does much more than provide for the transport of cellular metabolites and waste products. Blood is made up of four major components: Plasma, Red Blood Cells, White Blood Cells, and Platelets. Saving People in Disaster Crisis, Concept So often when we see huge Natural Disasters there are many people killed, but for everyone who perishes there are 5-10 people injured; many very seriously. So often too the region of the world were the disaster occurs does not have enough hospital beds, medical professionals or the right equipment needed to help save those lives. Well, there is a new discovery, which might change all that. Mark Roth and his colleagues have made a rather fascinating discovery; they have found a way to put mice into a suspended animation state. They used a very toxic gas; hydrogen sulfide, which when used in smaller amounts puts these small mammals into temporary hibernation. Similar to a bear when it hibernates. Dream Therapy and Learning thru Human Hibernation Want to learn a new language? Would you like to earn a PhD in Physics; perfect your backstroke tennis swing, golf finesse or fly-fishing techniques, while you sleep? While, your immune system catches your body back up on your lack of exercise, fitness and proper diet? How about if I told you, that you most likely will shed about 20-25 lbs of extra weight while all this is going on? Well, if we further develop our sleep research, human hibernation studies and mind or brain advances we will be able to do all this and more in the near future, perhaps less than 5-years. UAV Mini - Torpedo Bombers for Eliminating Hydro Cushioned Water Craft UAVs can carry cargo, some of the very tiny UAV units can hold up to 11 lbs. Which is not much, however. A one-way UAV could fly over a river that is used for transporting troops and supplies by your enemy via hydro-craft, which can hover over regular water. These mines would normally be set by Navy Seals, by using small robotic units we can save the risk of life unless it is totally necessary. Rodent Populations are Half within 3 miles of a Railroad Track About a month ago, I was helping a friend collect meteorites. We picked out a grid pattern and started walking six to 9 feet apart with metal detectors looking for the iron-nickel meteorites which are quite common here on the Earth's surface The grid is large and takes many days to even make a dent in it and each time we are able to collect some meteorites. One thing we noticed was that we would scare little rodents in bushes and they would take off running. Yet as we approached railroad tracks we noticed fewer and fewer rodents living there. Electromagnetic Energy in Space Tesla was always looking for a way to harvest electromagnetic energy and deliver it to the world wireless, after reading a biography about Tesla, I had come up with this concept. Memory Research Misses the Obvious The search to reveal a mystery. Megaliths and Pole Flips The changes in the earth magnetic field away from the 7.8 cycle rhythm that it has been for a long time is something that may be a result of the things man has done to the Earth. It is more likely part of the cyclical nature of the sun's effect on the Earth but we must keep an open mind. I used to think there was some possibility that the reason the Mammoths in the northern climes had buttercups inside their fast frozen mouths had to do with a pole shift of a physical nature. I do not think that is the case anymore. I present these thoughts for your careful consideration. How Body Piercing Works -- The Ins and Outs of this Cutting Edge Process Body piercing (defined as any piercing beyond the standard earlobe piercing) has become such a popular form of body modification that between five and ten percent of the population of the United States has indulged in at least one form of it at some time in their lives. In most cases, once a person gets a body piercing, they follow the first one with more. There are lots of considerations; however, for making sure that your body piercing is done safely so that you don't end up with either an infection or a poorly done piercing that could leave an unsightly scar. Confusing MAV Optic Flow Sensors In flight Using Mobiles Using Shapes on Mobiles to confuse optic flow sensors in Micro Air Vehicles appears to be feasible. Today we are studying the flight paths of Bats, Insects even birds to build and fly miniature UAVs; called Micro Air Vehicles or MAVs. There is significant research being done on this. The goal is to have mini MAVs the size of dragonflies, about 15 CM, which are autonomous and can fly through tunnels, under tree lines, under small bridges and navigate around obstacles. By using the optical flow sensors a new technology of mind boggling proportions the tiny MAV would take send out pulses and capture images, as the next pulse sees the image again it is bigger, this way the tiny MAV can sense when it is really big and getting close so it can then fly around it. There are two ideas, one is to use a single sensor unit and the other is to use multiple sensors. If you have ever studied insects, how they fly and navigate, you can see the enormity of the mathematics and algorithms it takes to make all this happen. Here is how it all works you will have to read all of these papers to understand this concept and to continue such discussion; Using Mosquito MEMS to Collect DNA Samples Soon scientists will have scaled down robotic insects. This is a good thing and most of this technology is being funded for Department of Defense uses as they will have a killer application there indeed. Miniature replica type bugs can go and collect DNA samples of the enemy, inject them with a sleeping type virus so they lose their will to fight or even get out of bed for that matter for a few days, thus your enemy is rendered useless without their will to fight. Building an Ice House on Mars There is ice at the Martian Poles, one of the poles has water ice in abundance. Such an ice over region could easily be converted into a habitat for a Martian Colony of human explorers. Taking humans to Mars is not such an easy task, keeping them alive once there even harder, bringing them back not easy at all. The polar water ice cap may hold the key to building a successful colony on Mars. Cold Fusion And as I was typing this, I stopped for a while to watch the news and saw that what I wrote just a while ago in terms of human evolution has already become the likely scenario according to the media because of a new skull found in Kenya. A 3.5 million year old with smaller teeth than an australopithecine! Clearly evolution has much more ancient roots and they said we might well not be connected to australopithecines. Is this common sense or a synchronicity or something more? It happens all the time as I have been doing this research in depth, and writing during the past two years. Austin Osman Spare would say I am in the appropriate state of Zos and others would claim Ain Soph is the operating principle of the Qabala while I accept the World Mind and myself as a flux for it. Maybe Robert Park of Voodoo Science could debunk me just as he has done to J. B. Rhine but what would he say about the 'vacuum' that science now knows and that fits the ESP paradigm so thoroughly? How can anyone doubt perpetual motion when creative and FREE energy is everywhere? Yes, anyone can have an opinion - BUT is it informed? Super Volcano: Can The Disaster Be Prevented? It maybe possible to apply a rogue wave theory and some mathematical formulas of fluid dynamics to the problem of superplumes (theory) of volcanic activity to get them to erupt outside areas of high populations. This would be done by triggering events into the liquid magma underneath the surface. Would it be worth setting off four or five 50 Megaton nuclear detonations, if we knew we could save a Tokyo, Shanghai, Seattle or Mexico City? Well know you see the validity of the debate. ![]() |
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