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A Tuned Bio-Field and a New Definition of Consciousness: Part 1
I rarely hear about the role of the Heart or the power of Love as relevant determinants of human health or spirituality. This was particularly highlighted at a recent energy psychology conference in which a keynote presentation on the topic of Enlightenment seemed to focus almost entirely on achieving altered states of consciousness. I could feel my heart crying out inside me how incomplete this felt. Also at a breakout session where an energy therapy was being presented as an effective way of releasing ego based negativity (i.e. negative emotions, perceptions, beliefs and memories) one question shockingly drove home to me the level of disconnection we have with our hearts. The question: "As nature abhors a vacuum, once we release this ego based negativity, what do we replace it with?" My answer: "With the essence of who we are and have always been, our hearts!". So on hearing all this, as a duty to my Heart and Myself, I feel it imperative to help bring the Human Heart back into the forefront of our work and personal development. As a result I will share here some of my clinical experiences of the crucial role that I feel both the Heart and the energy of Love play in the field of energy psychology and in the destiny of humanity. I start by addressing the following issues: 1. How the current concept of consciousness as a mental phenomenon has deflected our attention from the Heart. 2. The awareness that the Heart is the equivalent of the Core Human Self 3. Core Human Emotions 4. Conditioned Emotions 5. The role of the Heart as an organ of perception 6. The role of the Heart as a source of immense wisdom and knowledge 7. The energy field that we call the feelings of Love 8. The healing power of Love. 9. The concept of a Divine Holographic Energy Field 10. Factors which impinge negatively on this Divine Holographic Energy Field 11. A new definition of "consciousness" 12. A new definition of illness 13. A new definition of health 14. The Body-Spirit Dichotomy 15. The Road to Enlightenment Both Western and Eastern spiritual traditions have largely gravitated towards an understanding of consciousness and its altered states as possible doors to spiritual enlightenment. Unfortunately "consciousness" usually refers to a mental state or phenomenon. Rarely does one think of the Heart in this picture let alone emotions or feelings of Love. As science is largely a mind/brain dominated and driven discipline it is not difficult to understand how Heart and emotion become relegated to the back rooms never to be heard from again. To say that we as feeling human beings consider ourselves primarily "thinking" beings is to essentially forget who we really are. It is difficult to understand then how we will ever achieve Enlightenment if we in fact are leaving ourselves behind. Hence it is my view that by focusing primarily on consciousness, as a mental phenomenon, we are missing an opportunity to know ourselves and our true nature as Divine Beings. The concept of the Self has received endless dissertations by psychologists, psychiatrists and others over the last century. Opening an erudite text on the subject can mesmerize one to such an extent that one can walk away feeling totally confused about what appears to be an elusive and complex concept. In my view this situation exists largely because the Self has been defined theoretically as a mind/brain construct. That is we often consider the Self to be related in some complex way to what we term personality. I would like to suggest a more pragmatic and personal way of defining the Self that everyone can identify with and feel almost instantly. This new approach entails a personal awareness of one's Self. This awareness can be facilitated by one of the following simple exercises: 1. Say the word "Myself" to yourself and notice where inside your body the word resonates for you, Or 2. Think of something about yourself that you appreciate, appreciate yourself for it, and notice what you feel and where you feel it. The location of the feeling in your body is the location of your Self. In most cases both 1 and 2 yield the same location, i.e. in the mid-chest or over the Heart region. For individuals who have been heavily mind/brain oriented (i.e. overly analytical people like most well educated professionals) the tendency may be to say that they feel the Self in their mind. A close examination of this will often reveal an inability of such individuals to feel their feelings or even worse a fear of feeling them. When one is in a state of self-appreciation one usually feels joyful, happy, content etc. With some self-awareness I know that you will recognize that these can only originate in the Heart. This personal awareness of the Self is also clearly felt as being the "core" of that person i.e. where they feel themselves to be. Hence we can also refer to the experience of the Self as the Core Self or more generally the Core Human Self. Again, I must emphasize that these statements are drawn from one's personal awareness of themselves and not from theoretical considerations. This caveat is necessary to avoid endless debates on the merits of one theory of Self over another. Your personal awareness of your Self is what it is for you. As core feelings clearly emerge from the Core Self (or the heart, used interchangeably here) one might ask oneself what the nature or purpose of these "core emotions" is? We will address this shortly. The nature of the core emotions can be classified into two categories: Category 1: Emotions of joy, happiness, peace, love, contentedness, expansiveness, hope, buoyancy or lightness, And,Category 2: Emotions of sadness, darkness, constriction, heaviness or sinking We contrast these emotions with what we describe below as "conditioned emotions". It has been observed that animals that grow up in an environment where they are not hunted have yet to "learn" (or have imprinted in them) the experience of fear. Another way of saying this is that these animals have yet to develop a post-traumatic syndrome. Is it not strange then that we consider animals that fear for their survival as normal? We define these survival-based (or more broadly trauma-based) emotions here as "conditioned emotions". Some examples include worry, fear, anxiety, panic, defensiveness, avoidance, mistrust, etc. If we now consider the history of the human species, one could say that our survival-based emotions also represent a post-traumatic syndrome of sorts. That suggests that there may have been a time, before the cumulative history of human trauma, where we humans were in our natural state. Where our survival did not feel threatened. Occasionally one will feel "conditioned emotions" such as anger, worry, guilt, unworthiness, fear, desperation, self doubt, low self esteem, etc in the region of the Core Self. In such cases these individuals have experienced emotional trauma during their lifetimes that have occluded the pure expression of their Core (Emotional) Self. Such "conditioned emotions" cannot originate from a Heart that is inherently Loving but from the personal and collective (as alluded to above) history of trauma that has imprinted itself deeply enough to allow one to mistrust their Heart and the innate wisdom of their Core Self. Interestingly, if we look at the impact of these conditioned emotions, on our species and on the planet, we notice that they are responsible for the perpetuation of trauma at every level i.e. trauma begets trauma. The net result is the deepening of these conditioned emotions in the human bio-field. This sets up a vicious negative spiral leading to a more negative state both individually and collectively Clearly then, conditioned emotions cause humans to become further distanced from their core human emotions. The net result is a relative and sometimes complete disconnection from the Core Human Self. Often this results in behaviors that we as bystanders feel and define as "inhuman" i.e. reflex behaviors such as violence and killing for example, not originating from the human being rather from their conditioned response based on traumatic imprinting. Another example is someone who has been hurt so many times that they are reluctant to engage a genuine desire for Love coming from within their Core Human Self. For instance, have you ever heard someone say, "I can't entrust myself to feelings of Love again after my last disappointing experience with relationships"? From a mind/brain standpoint, where feelings are often left out, we might find ourselves trying to rationalize, or even steer clear of these core emotions emerging from within us. However with some reflection one readily notes their real importance. Category 1 Emotions are a sign that your situation is where you want it to be and Category 2 Emotions are a sign that it is not where you want it to be. Hence your Core Self regularly and automatically monitors the desirability of your situation for you. In other words, your Core Self is a perceiving entity (i.e. your heart is a perceiving organ). One can go further and say that the Core Self is knowledgeable about what is and is not good for you. This is clear by the fact that when you feel sad about something it can be taken to mean that the offending event is not desirable to you nor is it in your best interests. So in other words the Core Self has immense wisdom about you, your life, and your direction in life etc. An interesting example is the individual who recognizes their sadness about being too afraid to love again i.e our Core Self telling us that it is not good for us to be cutting ourselves off from the experience of Love. If you follow this so far then you might start to wonder why we spend so much time trying to "figure out" (i.e. a mental activity) what direction to steer our lives in when we have this information already inside us beckoning us to listen to it. Conditioned emotions of hurt on the other hand do not emerge from us but appear to be imprinted and stored in our bio-fields as a result of individual and inter-generation based trauma. They have the net effect of obfuscating and derailing our connection to our Core Emotions often leaving us feeling lost, confused and insecure about our path. This is very much like putting on a pair of prescription glasses that don't belong to you; they just make everything blurry. We now turn to the phenomenon we call Love. This is a tricky subject because conditioned emotions (and corresponding beliefs) have largely distorted one's experience of the pure emotion of Love. For instance many people "believe" that Love has something to do with needing that someone they "love". I would like to suggest that the "need" for someone is really a conditioned emotion and not a core emotion at all. For instance, if you ask yourself the question, "Well why do I need this person?" you'll most likely find that it is because you might feel anxious, empty, lost, alone, even desperate if they weren't there with you. It's the fear of being alone or abandoned, imprinted by the trauma of earlier loss or separation, that is creating the need which then becomes "defined" as an experience of Love. Relationships, which are based on this definition of "Love" often, become, what we call, unhealthy co-dependent relationships rather than genuine healthy loving ones. (PLEASE SEE COMPLETION IN PART 2) Nick Arrizza M.D. is an Energy Psychiatrist, Healer, Researcher, Speaker, Developer of the powerful Mind Resonance Process(TM), and Author of e-book: "Esteem for the Self: A Manual for Personal Transformation" which is available for download on his web site at: http://www.telecoaching4u.com/ebook.htm Dr. Arrizza holds ongoing International Telephone Healing and Teleconference Sessions on topics relating to Healing and Spirituality. Copyright© 2005 Arrizza Performance Coaching Inc., All Rights Reserved
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Creating Artificial Time in a Vacuum With Pulsed Lasers Keying off a very interesting concept confined within Static Quantum Theory and looking for the edge of time or the end of energy or the Quantum Borderline or virtual boarder of nothing. One might use the idea of pulsed lasers created in a defined confined area of a vacuum to create a singularity of a pulsed laser, whose immediate disruption pulses of the singularity which would follow would reach the end of the confinement area faster than the light which would in fact be created and then this traveling disruption would trigger another pulsed laser reciprocal event on the far side of the confinement whose pulsed laser would send it's disruption of the event to occur to the original point of the first singularity of the original laser or starting point, which would trigger the turning off of the first laser before it created the event of singularity or light. Space Probes Speed Up Recently scientists were amazed that the space probes now leaving our solar system suddenly started to speed up? They should not be surprised because the gravity from the sun pulls in material from around our solar system and then compacts it. Just like our atmosphere is more concentrated closer in. On celestial bodies in our own solar system we know there are layers of various density as your travel closer and closer. Confusing MAV Optic Flow Sensors In flight Using Mobiles Using Shapes on Mobiles to confuse optic flow sensors in Micro Air Vehicles appears to be feasible. Today we are studying the flight paths of Bats, Insects even birds to build and fly miniature UAVs; called Micro Air Vehicles or MAVs. There is significant research being done on this. The goal is to have mini MAVs the size of dragonflies, about 15 CM, which are autonomous and can fly through tunnels, under tree lines, under small bridges and navigate around obstacles. By using the optical flow sensors a new technology of mind boggling proportions the tiny MAV would take send out pulses and capture images, as the next pulse sees the image again it is bigger, this way the tiny MAV can sense when it is really big and getting close so it can then fly around it. There are two ideas, one is to use a single sensor unit and the other is to use multiple sensors. If you have ever studied insects, how they fly and navigate, you can see the enormity of the mathematics and algorithms it takes to make all this happen. Here is how it all works you will have to read all of these papers to understand this concept and to continue such discussion; Big Bang or Lots of Big Fire Crackers? There are many who talk about the Big Bang Theory. Although no one can be sure what went bang? Steven Hawking suggests it does not matter what went bang, because we will never know, so let's think on things we can know. Interesting comments indeed, others suggest you cannot have a big bang without having something that went bang. Therefore they say the big bang theory is hogwash. Still others say God created it all? Yet the critics of that concept say; "Well who created God then?" Humans and Bees Go Back a Long Way The ancient history of of man and bees has been writen about for thousands of years. Specifically the human history and the use of Bee's Wax is truly fascinating. We have often been asked where wax comes from? Well there are many types of Waxes. Bees wax has been around for a while. There are many mentions of beeswax in historic writing such as the myth where Icarus son of Daedalus put on wings of wax and as he flew too close to the sun, it melted and Icarus fell to his death. The father with more experience flew closer to the ground and made it to Italy. Ultra Thin Space Suits, just a concept The space suits we saw on the first Moon visit were too large and bulky. We need Ultra thin space suits, but what if you break the skin underneath. You could bleed for hours until you get help and get the space suit off. Now then please view this company and Blood Coagulations products by: Z-Medica Corporation Moon Rover Robotic Concept; Planetary Exploration I propose a beach ball hopping robotic planetary explorer, which could work in swarms, instead of a larger rover, which might be stuck in the lunar dust or red sands of Mars. One interesting concept is in a white paper by Paolo Fiorini entitled; "A Hopping Robot for Planetary Exploration" in which the robot has several design configurations all weighing considerable amount. UAV Acoustic Apparatus for Insect Swarming Stimulus, part two UAV Acoustic Apparatus for Insect Swarming Stimulus, part two; Using Locust swarms to attack our enemies using directional sound to guide them. Acoustic Transducers and Material Memory in Pipelines to Create Flow Up Hill For the better part of human history mechanical pumps and suction techniques have been used to bring water uphill. By using dynamic pressure, downhill kinetic energy, pumps, suction and heating up the fluid mankind has been busy getting those fluids to market or desired areas. We deliver oil and natural gas in pipelines, water in canals and pipes and a variety of fluids in this fashion. Material memory polymers are now available and seem to be a good fit for moving fluid uphill. Material memory works like a human muscle; it constricts and then moves back to its normal shape. Think more the toy; "Stretch Armstrong" and how you can stretch it and it simply goes back to its originally designed shape. If we line the pipelines with material memory manufactured substances we can cause them to constrict and then open which will flush the fluid forward and then the suction will quickly fill in the less dense areas of fluid and we do this over and over again. A Review of Scientific American Magazine From Quantum Black Holes to Neuromorphic Microchips Scientific American Magazine has the coverage to keep your young or mature science enthusiasts learning and growing. This magazine never fails to deliver thought provoking stories targeted to the audience that is driving the latest innovations and changes around the globe. There is little surprise in the statistic that over 90% of Scientific American readers are passionately in love with the magazine. How Can DNA Testing Help an Immigration Case? DNA testing is routinely used in immigration cases to prove whether a child under 18 is a biological child of or, in some cases, is related to an individual with a leave to remain in the UK. Most DNA tests for immigration reasons are parentage testing (paternity or maternity) but in some cases a grand parentage or avuncular (whether a child is a nephew or a niece of the sponsor) test is employed to prove an alleged relationship. UAVs and The Future Enhancements of Tele-Robotics Today we have already available UAVs, which will soon have the capacity of operating together in swarms, controlled from another nearby aircraft. We have UAVs, which can be flown by a pilot sitting at a desk more than 1000 miles away. We have trucks, which have virtual dashboards, which send back complete data to dispatchers and a similar version for aircraft, which allows one to fly the other. MAVs, UAVs, and Insect Flight Characteristics MAVs and UAVs and Insect Flight Characteristics seem to have a lot in common. Millions of years of evolution in nature seem to have been one of the greatest engineering schools around. So now the schools are looking to nature. However as we study nature, nature is not good enough. The world is not good enough that is why all species are continually either modifying to fill their niches or they perish. Designing machines after nature because it looks cool maybe fine. But a Mosquitoes job is to suck blood and reproduce and fly around to it's meal and egg laying. Why Can?t Our Brain Process What We See Faster? Many who admire the excellent design of Mother Nature and the gift of vision and the enhancements thru evolution wonder; Why Can't Our Brain Process What We See Faster? A paper by G. Bugmann and J. G. Taylor suggests that retinal jitter is an issue and could be some of the reason for the delay in the process time, thus by eliminating the extraneous visual input data into the brain the retina would not attempt to over define the object, because it is not necessary, once the object is seen, in a lesser definition, it has been registered and the eye simply moves on. Preventing Death in a Bio Threat In the event of Bio threat how to mobilize Hospitals in case of biological emergencies should close except for broken bones and accidents. Instead those who believe they have contracted a biological terrorist induced pathogen, virus or disease should be required to stay at home. Positive Effects of Carbon Dioxide for Plant Growth Many articles have been written about the negative effects of carbon dioxide. Sick Building Syndrome, loss of concentration due to high levels of carbon dioxide, asphyxiation in breweries or wine cellars, all these things spring to mind when we hear the magic phrase carbon dioxide. Yet, perhaps today when Venus passes across the face of the Sun, we should remember that our original atmosphere consisted of nitrogen and carbon dioxide. Free oxygen is something that is not really chemically possible. Yet we have it as a result of plant life busily photosynthesising and converting carbon dioxide into oxygen during daylight hours. This is the original use of solar energy! The Joy of Recycling I have always been an advocate of recycling. Even though I am not always convinced of its financial viability, I am thoroughly convinced of its value as a means of increasing public awareness of the cost of our consumerism. In the 20+ years I have been in the organizing profession, I have never heard anyone complain that their problem in getting organized was that they didn't have enough "stuff." Building an Ice House on Mars There is ice at the Martian Poles, one of the poles has water ice in abundance. Such an ice over region could easily be converted into a habitat for a Martian Colony of human explorers. Taking humans to Mars is not such an easy task, keeping them alive once there even harder, bringing them back not easy at all. The polar water ice cap may hold the key to building a successful colony on Mars. June 2005: Weather Forecasts for Vacationers If Johannes Kepler, the renowned 17th century astronomer and discoverer of the planetary laws of motion, could speak from the heavenlies, he might have a few words of wisdom to share with the National Weather Service. Although Kepler's name is not normally associated with meteorology, he was quite the weather forecaster in his day. His first claim to fame, by the way, was not due to his discovery of those planetary laws, but because of his accurate long-range weather forecast of the severe winter that put Styermark, Germany on ice in 1593. Lighter Than Air Tubular Flight I propose a lighter than air tubular unmanned mini blimp be designed. Such a craft would have many great applications. A flying UAV tube balloon snake for unlimited range and hang time for surveillance and communication, could use the fluid dynamic theories of a siphon to propel itself around and stay aloft at designated pre-determined way points. (have drawings). ![]() |
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