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MAVs, UAVs, and Insect Flight Characteristics
MAVs and UAVs and Insect Flight Characteristics seem to have a lot in common. Millions of years of evolution in nature seem to have been one of the greatest engineering schools around. So now the schools are looking to nature. However as we study nature, nature is not good enough. The world is not good enough that is why all species are continually either modifying to fill their niches or they perish. Designing machines after nature because it looks cool maybe fine. But a Mosquitoes job is to suck blood and reproduce and fly around to it's meal and egg laying. If we design MAVs for other purposes which nature had not thought of such as flying into something and blowing up (single mission MAVs) then obviously a miniature flying missile would be better using a rather fast inexpensive engine? A controllable bullet, and slowing the bullet down to maneuvering speed is a good idea. Slowing it down for surveillance if appropriate may require getting a few tips from nature, such as a bee or humming bird, which hovers a flower checking out which is best. And in that regard the flight characteristics are good advice. But looking at the thorax and the rest of the insect might be questionable since the little insect has other needs and is a compromise itself for it's niche or mission in life or survivability against it's food chain hierarchy; a bat, a bird, a frog, gecko, another insect or whatever. Larger UAV would take advantage of somewhat different designs. In both RC size and aircraft size there are other thoughts; extended missions and fears of irretrievability. We may wish to look at the Owl, Seagull, Eagle, Raven, Falcon, Condor or the Pterodactyl. For a slightly larger version such as a 2/3 scale aircraft or flying bomb or ICBM well they have designed these for years, in WWII under the names V-1 and V-2 and there were some you may not have heard about in years after under the names SCUD, ICBM, Lance Missile Systems. Today we have flying bombs smart as they come and Tomahawk cruise missiles all based on these old ideas. Now we wish to slow them down hunt, take pictures without being heard or seen. Silent and some deadly which is not all that different from a scout in an insect group or swarm or flock of birds or the mimic theories of today's top universities trying to copy nature. But those who study evolution ought to understand the other theories, which involve cataclysmic evolution (natural disasters), luck of the draw, survival of the fittest, superior reproductive systems, etc. There are many species that will not be on the planet in half a million years, not to mention the number of identified endangered species, many of which are not suited for life on the planet and others we have prematurely caused to decrease in numbers which make it nearly impossible to go on. We are one of them and even if we are or some similar form of what we are, you can bet we will look significantly different. Perhaps even in the next few hundred years we will have modified ourselves to be more energy efficient and adapted for this and other planets or travel. With that said we maybe copying some huge mistakes if we copy nature. Now then if you are to copy a Salmon fish or a small rodent, an ant or a bee, a cockroach or a Mosquito, then 400 million years of evolution might be a good bet. The human race being a branch of such tree shrew, primate, modern human, may not be best suited in large populations for survivability long term in the present form living on the hostile surface of this planet within linear time. So mimicking a human being for a robot would not be smart. Something else might work much better. The backbone of a human has a tailbone, we have an appendix, our feet are not correct for our frame (thank god for New Balance), all types of things that are unnecessary and problematic and have not yet evolved out of the genome. So when copying it or using it as a basis for a model is incorrect thinking, since the human being is far from perfect. Now then how can we be sure a Mosquito is the proper model to work from? What about the disease vectors within these insects? Flying bugs robots are great but be careful what you emulate. Even birds are cool for design, but that flapping wing thing? Well there is one brilliant guy out there who seems to have been studying this stuff for a decade and seems to have it figured out at Cal Tech and even this team is wondering and trying many types of materials, so what type of materials do you use? Well check out what they decided and forget the MAV idea, because at less than 20 cm, and looking like a big bug from Central America, It is called an MFI- Micro-Mechanical Flying Insect? Whatever, still its sting is worse than any living thing? http://robotics.eecs.berkeley.edu/~ronf/mfi.html Oh well now the enemy will have to spend millions to make a better mousetrap or fly swatter? Well too late there is already a patent on it. Simply give your house robot one of these? Sure why not? Perhaps this can be used on larger UAVs or perhaps as an anti-aircraft to bring down international Terrorist pests. What can power these small bugs? The slightly larger MAVs designed for NASA have it figured out. MAV Fuel; http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/planetary/mars/marssurf.html Sprinkling smart dust in bird feed to simulate a UAV attack on radar. But what do you feed a MFI? Remember it stands for Micro-mechanical Flying Insect. Its payload is a consideration too and with the flight of insects and unpredictability of such flight, how good is it at carrying a camera? Surely it can be used for many other things of importance besides taking pictures. But stable flight is of value for maneuvering in tight spots. The question I propose is can man better nature? Surely we can, we do every day. We modify rivers, places to live, things we eat. We bread horses and dogs to get the best ones. We have bread people as slaves, sick idea really. But soon people will be modifying for intelligence, athletics, dexterity, resistance to diseases and personal appearance. Women get augmentation and enhancements. Men take Viagra. Everything we come in contact with we modify. Soon we will control our weather, our longevity and interface with computers and plug in chips and communication devices into our skin. We will be able to better nature. We will be able to make nature better and makes systems work better. Why not modify the MAVs to serve man, not the MAV? Why not better the best. We know the weaknesses of bugs after all we kill them with pesticides. We know our own weaknesses such as fear that we use to control other human beings. We use our weaknesses to manipulate our fellow species. We do it in sports, business, leadership, education, parenting and even war (psy-ops). We should not copy weakness when looking into the behaviors of animals and insects when designing the next greatest innovations. Nature has made mistakes, this is not a perfect world, it is not good enough in so many regards. Those things we can fix, which do not adversely hurt some other important aspect of the important flows, cycles or systems, then by all means do it. I believe that these students studying nature, except for a few, are really wasting time and are not serious about their efforts. This is serious business. The few in the industry and I have named a few here are rare, less than 3%. The others are having fun in robotic engineering and can cause serious problems in the future if they do not submit to the rigorous commitment it tasks to lead us into the future. These issues of studying nature to better aerodynamics, fluid dynamics, tactics, materials, etc. are serious to many fields such as Biometrics, NanoTech, Biotech, Communication, Network Sensors, Propulsion, Fuels, etc. etc. We can design something better than before and better than nature, with new flight characteristics and move beyond the present period or anything that nature has yet to show us. Some may not be able to see where we are going in the future, but after studying all the latest technologies it is rather obvious. The human race is going to the next step. It is happening now, this maybe the era that future generations of which we may still be involved with due to longevity or human brain computer interface downloads in a big way will look back on and say wow, they really did it. Similar to the last 100 years going from the first cars to men on the moon, through two world wars and then the invention of the computer and all it's incredible uses. These new fields of science will bleed into each other, so every single building block is becoming more and more serious. These things will affect National Security in a big way. Our colleges and universities need to work harder to bring these things to market, to the military and catapult us into the future. We need more diehards in these fields who are serious and make it a religion so to speak. We need more funding to the top researchers and better work out of the other. If we have to borrow technology from the future, from the past, from nature, fine do it, but only if it makes sense and only if it works and fits into the needs of mankind. Yes this technology has so many uses. So many of the technologies we are working on do. The DNA work, and mapping and reading, next the proteins, RNA. This is the answer to health care, understanding how we work, why it works and how we can beat Cancer, AIDS, Alzheimer's, Heart Disease, MS, you name it. Hypersonic Flight, Energy research and Hydrogen Cell technologies, Super computers and programming, Weather Control, Automobile and Transportation safety, Computer-Human Interfaces, Modified Crops, National Security technologies. Look here is the deal every company knows that future profits will come from today's R and D. During the second World War we were forced to produce, create other wise we end up speaking German. We created so many great technologies and after the war received all the benefits from the other side too. When we decide we are going to do something we do it, when we have to we rise to the occasion. This is something that Americans are good at. Against all odds, against any adversity, we are performers. We must right now, decide that we are moving forward and give it our best, not half way. Not good enough for government work. All the way and since we already went to the moon last time we decided we were going to do something, I guess we had better shoot a little further this time. Forget all the reasons it cannot be done, all the excuses, all the nay sayers, let's just do it? Go buy some Nike Shoes tomorrow. Think a world with no limits. Let's blast through this dimension, through time lets think small as small as we can and let's think big and far as we can. We are living in a great period and we must make it count. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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Sound From Transmission Power Lines Should Never Be Wasted High Tension Power lines and transmission line towers make noise, we have all heard this. But Sound can be a source of energy in that it can be harvested to make steam in my humble opinion. Here is my thought then; Large Capacitors which "hmm" or "BZZZZZZZ" can be surrounded by another shell which has within it another an enclosed cavity that has inside of it Helium. The sound waves will penetrate the wall of the enclosed cavity or horse shoe shaped enclosed tank, which is thin, but strong and holds in the helium. It can be made of carbon fiber and composite but coated with a ceramic or glass type coating. The tank can also be on the ground and the enclosure has a tube down to the ground where the sound will travel and using harmonic and bouncing the sound around the outside of the container where the Helium is trapped it will enhance the sound which surrounds it. There is a Core at the Center of the Earth; Right? There are some who would like to discuss why they believe the Earth is hollow and shaped like the inside of two symbols when put together.Most scientists are quick to discount such a notion and call it complete and utter BS. Yet, the hollow Earth theorists disagree with scientists and are quick to point out certain facts which are ambiguous in the area of scientific knowledge. These theorist say that there is equal amount of gravity pulling whatever is there in all directions inside the hollow Earth. First off let us look at the Earth's mass, and how it is distributed due to its shape. The Earth is not perfectly round, as we all know, it is shaped like a beach ball which is being sat on by a little kid. If you were to dig a tunnel from the US to China; you would be pulled down by gravity until about a third of the way to the center and then pulled down but also out at angles to either side towards the direction of your travel to the center in a cone shaped gravitational pull. Eventually as you came to the center you would be pulled in every direction equally, well almost equally remembering the Earth is not a perfect sphere. In the Center you would be floating being pulled by something close to a half a gravity from all directions. Building a Single Unit CO2 Laser Grid When using a CO2 Laser to shoot down an incoming projectile, which enters a safety zone, it will be necessary to hold the laser on the target for about 5 seconds or more. To do this we must be able to shoot the laser in a grid, therefore if the projectile or aircraft or guided missile or even a UAV takes evasive action such as a high- speed high "G" 90 degree turn you can still register a kill on the target. Because, whichever direction it turns it will still be well within the grid and the grid can re-direct to center the target within the grid until the 3000 plus degrees of the laser destroy it. Free Energy from Space Tesla was always looking for a way to harvest electromagnetic energy and deliver it to the world wireless, after reading a biography about Tesla; I had come up with this concept. Harvesting and Wireless delivery of Electromagnetic Energy From Space. Why not put a satellite that counter rotates the Earth and is located at the poles. It would be over the poles. It would have 24-mile long entergy tail tentacles off of it spinning around along with the satellite. Energy Aware and Waste Wise Constantly bombarded with negative information about the environment, finances and natural resources? Feeling overwhelmed? Each and every one of us can do something to help our world - starting right where we are, right now. Though not everyone can afford to donate cash or time to a cause, there are endless tactics that will decrease an individual's contribution to the landfill and their resource consumption. Aerodynamic Changes Need To Be Made In MAVs; Micro Air Autonomous Vehicles Aerodynamic changes need to be made in MAVs. Micro-Air Autonomous vehicles. The simple current DARPA version is okay I suppose, but we need much smaller units and we can add in a few components to make them simpler, increase performance and payloads. I propose that we create a couple of other versions; one would be similar in nature to the picture above. However the body would be a tube, like the exoskeleton of an insect, which can be fat like a bee, thin like a dragon fly or any similar shape in between. The wings would be cellophane and clear similar to the much larger, giant UAVs. The MAV I propose would be under 20 cm in length. It would have centerline thrust like a Cessna Skymaster. The propellers would be in front and back and could change direction, the MAV during this time would most likely want to flip of and roll, but so the wings need to be symmetrical. As it flipped over the trailing edge of the wings interior would be made of a small heavy tube, which would also contain the ion battery material. It would be thinner than the wings spar tube which would be larger and therefore cause proper curvature of the leading edge for maximum lift. The wing would still look similar to that of figure six in this report: Environmental Eco-Terrorists Must Be Stopped Eco-terrorists assume some how they are helping the environment, by causing news worthy events and starting forest fires or burning down developments. Yet in doing so they cause air pollution and kill animals. This type of energy they are exhibiting causing harm is bad. This level of high energy could be good energy and used in positive ways. America needs high energy from people to get stuff done and maintain the flows of our civilization, but these eco-terrorists are so misguided that it is upsetting the balance of things. They are doing more than terrorizing, more than polluting, they are tearing apart the fiber of America and causing a rift between smart environmental considerations and conservative movement. They must be stopped. Remote Control Bacteria; We Can Not Allow That. Remote Control Bacteria. Why not, we have remote control everything. Controlling RNA, DNA, Proteins and enzymes. By turning on and off the Riboswitches: How to Build a Mechanical Bullet Which Turns A Mechanical bullet, which will turn in flight is well within our technical capabilities. The premise is to have a bullet, which is preset to turn a corner can be achieved thru a small gear setting on the bullet or a preset finger on the barrel or in the chamber which can be dialed in prior to discharge. Picture a bullet and shell, directly above the shell on near the bottom of the bullet would be a small gear, which could be turned with your finger nail, each gear indentation would be equivalent to approximately 10 yards, written on the bullet shell would be a scale embossed, stamped or laser printed. The soldier would estimate from his night vision goggles, weapon sight or head gear the distance from his position where the turn needed to occur so the bullet would turn. NASA Budget VS Social Programs Balancing our quest for Space and its costs with the need of the people of our civilization is always at the top of the debate during NASA Budget hearings in the House and Senate. Some say that they think our primary planetary goal should be to colonize somewhere other than earth. Others cannot believe what they are hearing; "The primary goal. As in number one goal? Why do you say that?" They say what about freedom, free enterprise and stability of civilization too? Still in the end the debaters agree that it should be one of the top priorities. Aliens I am being allowed time out to raise a subject that is dear to my heart (I normally market web sites!). Acoustic Transducers and Material Memory in Pipelines to Create Flow Up Hill For the better part of human history mechanical pumps and suction techniques have been used to bring water uphill. By using dynamic pressure, downhill kinetic energy, pumps, suction and heating up the fluid mankind has been busy getting those fluids to market or desired areas. We deliver oil and natural gas in pipelines, water in canals and pipes and a variety of fluids in this fashion. Material memory polymers are now available and seem to be a good fit for moving fluid uphill. Material memory works like a human muscle; it constricts and then moves back to its normal shape. Think more the toy; "Stretch Armstrong" and how you can stretch it and it simply goes back to its originally designed shape. If we line the pipelines with material memory manufactured substances we can cause them to constrict and then open which will flush the fluid forward and then the suction will quickly fill in the less dense areas of fluid and we do this over and over again. Planet Hugging Tree hugging is a thing of the past. It is not just about the trees anymore. It is about the air, the ocean, the earth, the ozone, the future. There are new concerns about the environment every day; it is a crisis unlike any other. You must care about the conditions under which the future generations will have to live, you must care about every aspect of the environment on the planet of which we live, and most importantly, you must care about fixing the problems that have already been created instead of simply making "Band-Aid" (Nering 352) solutions for these potential disasters. Mini UAV and MAV Power Plants A set up of harnessed Lithium Polymer Cells can be the answer to mini-UAVs. When we compare the voltage output and capacity of wire harness systems and compare the weight of LiPoly cells to NiCd or NiMH cells you can achieve extremely better results than the average fuel and output on a ounce per ounce basis. Welcome to the Eye Science Thousands of dyslexic students, across the UK, are referred of something called "Asfedic tuning", this is a procedure that supposedly results in a precise identification of a persons optimal background best suited for acquiring the optimum reading speeds. Here are my notes about this: Natural Gas Cost Increases; Want to know more? A Thorn in the Side for American Business and Consumers - Natural Gas Shortages and Cost Issues Magnetic Propulsion for GI Joe? Thought of the day. I talked to an old guy who gave me this idea, he wanted to create a magnet propelled anti-gravity and directional control craft. MPAGDCV. Here is the thought a platform with a magnet attracting steel front a rear panel s placed on a platform with a seat. A ring of a gyro is placed with it's axis on the CG-Center of gravity. The ring spins around the seat platform with a magnet on the apex of the arch in front and on the back is a magnet faced backwards which repels. As the ring spins the forward momentum flips the magnet over on each side depending on the direction of intended travel. Movin On: Taking Transhumanism in Stride Back in the seventies, we watched "The Six Million Dollar Man", a popular television show about a trained agent who was critically injured and given the gift of technology--bionic legs and super vision. Aliens in Archaeology As you read this book you will have to suspend the disbelief you feel when confronted with my assertions that for at least 5000 years man has been in close contact all over the world. If you have read my other books you will know I have made the case better than any and that there are lots of good scholars who agree with me. Life Under Mars Ice Shelf? When looking for life on Mars we should be thinking of how life forms on Earth. Not because it will be similar, although it possibly could be, but because we know the things, which inhibit life and the things which help it flourish. This is not to say that life does not exist inside the rocks or under the surface in underground aquifers or that the rocks themselves are not alive, but in all probability we will find the life or remnants of previous life in those places where we find life on Earth which are similar to those places on Mars. That makes sense right? ![]() |
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