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Humans and Bees Go Back a Long Way
The ancient history of of man and bees has been writen about for thousands of years. Specifically the human history and the use of Bee's Wax is truly fascinating. We have often been asked where wax comes from? Well there are many types of Waxes. Bees wax has been around for a while. There are many mentions of beeswax in historic writing such as the myth where Icarus son of Daedalus put on wings of wax and as he flew too close to the sun, it melted and Icarus fell to his death. The father with more experience flew closer to the ground and made it to Italy. In Roman times Pliny, lived from 23 AD to 79 AD and described white bees wax which he got by boiling yellow bees wax in salt water. This was then used in broth and feed to those with dysentery, it was also used as a skin softener. Some beeswax to this day is used in cosmetics. Virgil the great Roman Poet (well I do not think the stuff is that good) wrote of an invention by Pan, who was the guardian of the bees (an ancient bee keeper man) made a flute of reeds held together by bees wax. During the Middle Ages wooden panels covered with beeswax was noted by Homer a Greek poet. Many Romans were honored by having statues made of them selves made in bees wax and thus today we have the Movie Land Wax Museum in LA. Romans also wore Death Masks as well occasionally. The Egyptians used wax figures of deities in funeral ceremonies and placed them in graves. In 400 BC Greek Historians say that Persian coated bodies were a form of embalming. The Assyrians covered bodies with bees wax and then dipped the bodies in honey? Hey honey, who knows? In 181 BC when the Romans defeated the Corsicans and imposed a tax of 100,000 lbs of bees wax. The Romans demanded bees wax when they conquered the city of Trebizond in the first century AD. In Medieval European times wax was a a unit of trade for taxes or other. In 1330 farmers in one region of France paid 2 lbs of bees wax per year. On 1632 records show that the French Monastery called for rent of 600 lbs. of bees wax per year. Also in 1371 a petition was presented to the London Court of Alderman in behalf of the Worshipful Company of Wax Chandlers, which established them as the world's oldest English Guild. In 1483 the company received a Royal Charter with authority to oversee the craft of wax chandlery. And when faults were found to punish the offender, which included seizing the wax. Candles of bees wax were at one time required by the Roman Catholic Church as the exclusive and only candles. The bees were brought to Puerto Rico by the church and the early priests and conquistadors. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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Chimpanzees and Humans a lot in common Those who study chimpanzees are often amazed completely with the abilities of that species. They tend to be able to raise their level of awareness and concentration to a completely higher level than we ever believed. Mankind comes with such feelings of superiority and belief that humans are some divine creation and are superior in every way, yet we are finding we are not as alone as we once thought with regards to intelligence of carbon based bipods. I wish to recommend a book to you, which will help illustrate my points: The Joy of Recycling I have always been an advocate of recycling. Even though I am not always convinced of its financial viability, I am thoroughly convinced of its value as a means of increasing public awareness of the cost of our consumerism. In the 20+ years I have been in the organizing profession, I have never heard anyone complain that their problem in getting organized was that they didn't have enough "stuff." X-37 UAV Has Potential X-37 Moves Forward, Now What? Well, here are a few ideas of taking this craft to a whole new level and plateau in American Ingenuity and Innovation. NASA has learned a lot from the X-37 tests and will now turn it over to DARPA, which makes a lot of sense indeed. Enemy UAV Defense is under consideration Unmanned Aerial Vehicles should be shot down from the air rather than the ground because if they are flown tele-robotically the operator who is looking down and forward will not know where the anti-aircraft device is. If the enemy uses Unmanned Aerial Vehicles to draw fire, which is a smart move for them, then once fired upon the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle whether it is shot down or not has now located our weaponry and troops. Likewise if we have a loitering Unmanned Aerial Vehicle above the enemy once they shoot it, we see the hostile fire and either "hell fire missile it" or take coordinates of the insurgents locations and wire it to the most appropriate component of the net-centric blue force. Transfer Technologies and Advances in Future Combat Transfer Technologies and Advances in Future Combat The Impact of Efficient Epistemologies on Algorithms In recent years, much research has been devoted to the refinement of gigabit switches; nevertheless, few have constructed the synthesis of neural networks. The notion that cryptographers connect with large-scale theory is generally considered appropriate. Similarly, the lack of influence on theory of this discussion has been considered structured. Therefore, probabilistic models and cooperative theory do not necessarily obviate the need for the exploration of interrupts. Treating Chronic Mutational Hepatitis B with Chinese Medicine Vitalliver (Vigconic Suppositories) Research Method: Laser Ionization Airflow Tunnel Flight Theory I believe their is a way to have an on board aircraft laser the air in front of it and move the air out of the way, thus less friction at lower altitudes, no sonic booms and rapid acceleration no induced or parasite drag at low altitudes. You could call it hyper laser atmospheric conditioning. By doing this, the power to weight rations are no longer important and you can fly on air itself with low pressure. Natural Gas Cost Increases; Want to know more? A Thorn in the Side for American Business and Consumers - Natural Gas Shortages and Cost Issues Why Dont Moths Fly to the Moon? Surely, in the days before man invented artificial light, moths would have been attracted to the only light source at night - the moon. Wouldn't they have just kept on flying until they dropped from exhaustion? In fact does this not happen today in sparsely populated areas, where the moon is still the only night-light available? Saving Private Ryan in Iraq - Stop the Bleeding I propose that we give soldiers an ultra thin material, which will either be an undergarment to their uniform or incorporated as a liner within that uniform. This liner in the uniform will be laced with a Blood Coagulation Product. Specifically it will use the Blood Coagulations products by: Z-Medica Corporation. Will Clones Run the World? In the US it appears that we have decided that "life is not for sale" and that the cloning debate is over and our scientists are forbidden by law from attempting to clone humans. In other countries they are currently trying and will most likely continue to try until they get it right. Will those countries which move forward in human cloning be able to force their will on free markets and rise to power faster since they will have the abilities of entangled brains and abilities of basic thought transfer? Such skills will be quite an advantage indeed. Will such countries have stronger corporations and create wealth faster than our corporations? Will the multi-national conglomeration corporations of the World continue to be so large it will not be significant until way into the future? Will more countries become run completely by super dynasty clone families, will they run the world? Aerodynamics and Hydrodynamics of the Marine Life and Uses for AI, UAVs, Robotics, and the Future Air has 750 times less density as the oceans, yet so many of the same principles apply there as well. We are quite familiar with marine life and the performance abilities of sharks, dolphins, penguins, fish, alligators, etc. Mankind is quite fascinated by marine life and often tries to use these observations to create devices to serve him. Precognition Shock to Prevent Bullet Strike It is a pretty well known fact and has been proven that the body seems to pre-adjust to changes in advance of events by a second or two. For instance there have been studies of test subjects with finger sensors, which would show the subjects pulse or adrenaline spiked right before they were to be shocked. Those of us who know about this have found ourselves in competitive sports with an almost uncanny intuition. Of course this favors the athlete who senses it and takes advantage of this just before an event on the playing field. Preventing Flooding on Individual Farmers Fields to Save Crops I propose permits be given to farmers to they can set up along the edge of their fields a microwave array to burn a hole in the clouds when severe weather threatens their crops. I would propose that this concept be completely privately funded and be done in conjunction with the FAA. As a wicked storm approaches the farmer can minimize his loses by slight overhead weather modification. The array can be pointed out at a forty-five degree angle to the approaching cloud until the width of the field is displayed on the bottom side of the cloud. As the cloud passes over it will begin to regroup and come back together without changing the over all regional weather. Shooting Down a UAV in Flight Shooting Down an Enemy UAV so it cannot give away military movement intelligence. Spray on Dirt for Camouflage Super sticky spray on dirt or mud simulation coating or wash-off-able paint is needed to protect our troops in combat. It can be used for aircraft bottoms, helicopters and humvees. Sounds like a good idea right? But how would you get the sticky dirt onto the vehicles for instance camouflage? Well there are several thoughts on this. Hudson Sprayer, Aerosol Spray cans, Pressure washer with inline injection or use the nozzles on a water truck. Any of these ways could in fact work. Of course we must eliminate the aerosol can spray idea, that might be good for model airplanes, but it would take forever to do only one vehicle. Using a Hudson sprayer or small air compressor like sprayer could also work, but once again the time constraints are not conducive. Stem Cells (The Truth) The much publicized stem cell research debate focusing on moral arguments is off target with the goal of real progress in the direction of human physiological benefits potential. No matter what side of this issue you come down on, practical considerations ultimately trump this emotionally clouded subject. Stem cells are a valuable renewing asset of human physiology and thus are deserving of our intense interest, but passionate disagreement about research and cloning issues miss the mark of discovering just how simply we can use what we already know about stem cells and how we can benefit from that knowledge to improve the health of everyone. Efficient Transportation Systems We see in the organized world of the Japanese with their transit systems and floating airports and super engineering anti-Tsunami bridges many ideas in the theory of flow, which assists every part of their society and civilizations. They are masters of the flow of transportations and work hard to perfect every aspect and detail of their transportation system. MAV Propulsion and Testing Perhaps we should be looking into advancing the propulsion systems of MAVs, small UAVs by using magnetic propulsion to spin the propellers. When testing a UAV by trying to fly it under the canopy of trees or around sparsely populated tree areas or in cities with streets and housing we may find we have difficult issues. If the aircraft as proper angle of attack you might be able to slow it down, reverse the propeller spin, do a level flight tail slide, reverse the propeller again and fly right out of a box canyon or alley way. Or take pictures of your enemy, turn around and leave? ![]() |
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