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Will Clones Run the World?
In the US it appears that we have decided that "life is not for sale" and that the cloning debate is over and our scientists are forbidden by law from attempting to clone humans. In other countries they are currently trying and will most likely continue to try until they get it right. Will those countries which move forward in human cloning be able to force their will on free markets and rise to power faster since they will have the abilities of entangled brains and abilities of basic thought transfer? Such skills will be quite an advantage indeed. Will such countries have stronger corporations and create wealth faster than our corporations? Will the multi-national conglomeration corporations of the World continue to be so large it will not be significant until way into the future? Will more countries become run completely by super dynasty clone families, will they run the world? Will they spread out and each member of the family become grossly involved in politics and important positions? Can they? Will they in fight amongst themselves due to the innate flaws, which so deep in the human species? After all we have seen this in our own culture in the US as wealthy families fight over the means and fail to get the whole of the population to the proper ends. Will these super clone families be cooperative, work together, find strength in the whole group and propel them to super status? Will future super clone families fight each other for top honors in business, sports, governmental control and war? Will we be actually moving the human species to the next step or will we repeat the Machiavellian nature of previous periods, reducing each other to tribes, clans or ever-changing re-groupings of the same? On a macro scale cloning could be a real problem, changing the human species into a set of giant beehives, Borg or huge communes. Run by one or a few and using fear to lead, as has always been the greatest motivator of mankind. Ask any sales man who tries a trial close on you to buy something, ask them about fear of loss. Study the world's most powerful leaders and their techniques to persuade. Most humans respond to and a most easily motivated by fear, corporations use it, government uses it, teachers use it, parents use it, yes even you use it and you cannot deny it. So will the natural motivator be the tool or a weapon of choice within in super clone families, country controlled family dynasties? Will this simply render them unable to lead, unfit to lead and cause early implosion or constant changes in their leadership? This is what we see in many corporations which are run by those were put there by the wealthy families who financed them. Here are some thoughts on issues of Executive Capital in corporations, you should be able to see the issues and problems which happen due to infighting or constant change within the leadership of a group: http://worldthinktank.net/wttbbs/index.php?showtopic=129 These same issues occur within Presidential Administration change-overs, which effect all of us. These issues occur on sports teams causing rebuilding periods with few wins, similar situations happen in military units. Such constant changes could be a real problem. Would super clone families be able to overcome this, especially as each of them was made of the same blood, had the same thoughts and knew the thoughts of the others? This might cause some serious problems with paranoia within the group and individuals, as they may not be able to readily know which thoughts were real threats to their person and which were merely frustration typical of group dynamics. Or would they be able to use these thoughts to propel the group? If they were able to work together in tight groups to support their interests they could do so at the Speed of Thought and in doing so would be an incredibly networked group using the best aspects of humanity and easily promote their will. We know that business networks, organizations, associations can move their members forward faster, we know that special teams are quite effective and efficient. So too would well organized cloned super families providing they held their mission statement above all. Cult like businesses where employees are highly motivated and work together do far better than their counter part industry peers as is well outlined in many books and studies, for instance Jim Collin's book "Good to Great" whose special research team discusses five star leadership techniques. Think about it, if you dare. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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Acoustic Transducers and Material Memory in Pipelines to Create Flow Up Hill For the better part of human history mechanical pumps and suction techniques have been used to bring water uphill. By using dynamic pressure, downhill kinetic energy, pumps, suction and heating up the fluid mankind has been busy getting those fluids to market or desired areas. We deliver oil and natural gas in pipelines, water in canals and pipes and a variety of fluids in this fashion. Material memory polymers are now available and seem to be a good fit for moving fluid uphill. Material memory works like a human muscle; it constricts and then moves back to its normal shape. Think more the toy; "Stretch Armstrong" and how you can stretch it and it simply goes back to its originally designed shape. If we line the pipelines with material memory manufactured substances we can cause them to constrict and then open which will flush the fluid forward and then the suction will quickly fill in the less dense areas of fluid and we do this over and over again. The Impact of Efficient Epistemologies on Algorithms In recent years, much research has been devoted to the refinement of gigabit switches; nevertheless, few have constructed the synthesis of neural networks. The notion that cryptographers connect with large-scale theory is generally considered appropriate. Similarly, the lack of influence on theory of this discussion has been considered structured. Therefore, probabilistic models and cooperative theory do not necessarily obviate the need for the exploration of interrupts. Saving People in Disaster Crisis, Concept So often when we see huge Natural Disasters there are many people killed, but for everyone who perishes there are 5-10 people injured; many very seriously. So often too the region of the world were the disaster occurs does not have enough hospital beds, medical professionals or the right equipment needed to help save those lives. Well, there is a new discovery, which might change all that. Mark Roth and his colleagues have made a rather fascinating discovery; they have found a way to put mice into a suspended animation state. They used a very toxic gas; hydrogen sulfide, which when used in smaller amounts puts these small mammals into temporary hibernation. Similar to a bear when it hibernates. The Intricacies of a Compound Microscope Have you ever used a compound microscope? Your first thought may be to answer "no" but chances are if you had Biology in high school or college that you have used a compound microscope. What do you remember about this microscope? You may remember what it looks like but can you recall how it worked? If not, this article is for you! Mini-Robots, Motherships, Swarm Strategies, Wasps, Ants, Organization and Delivery Robots are for every one. Tech TV now host Battle Bots which is a big hit with viewers and draws crowds as big as WFB Wrestling. Many of these people get heavy into the Robot Scene and even occasionally try to impress Military People. Check out some of these Super Heavy Weight Battle Bots, every type of configuration available. Electromagnetic Energy in Meteorites - Theory I have some friends who have the largest private meteor collection on Earth. He and his son 14 years old and a candidate for this idea; Now then in conversations, they explained all the cataloged meteor findings and found that each US state has 500 (there is an encyclopedia of such no doubt?) or so findings and confirmed by tests such as cross cut section, material grain patterns, density not found on Earth, etc, etc. So then in CA on 300 meteors were cataloged, yet it is a huge state, promotionally should be more like 1500 or more. However the ones cataloged in CA were very accurate in their description of findings. Is Thought Evident in Plants? Who would have thought that a plant could be a witness to a crime ? and even testify against the perpetrator? Well, it is true! In the early 1970's experiments were done on ordinary houseplants, by researchers who connected a polygraph machine to a plant. Laser Attack, EA, Scalar Attack on Composite Manufactured Vehicles More and more future fighting vehicles introduced at the Military Trade Shows in Pakistan, China, Israel seem to contain composite material as integral components to save weight. This composite material is lightweight and has many advantages to the high cost of exotic alloy. Composite is also free from the corrosive properties of aluminum and rusting properties of iron. It is for this reason we will world fighting vehicles switch to composite components whenever heavy armor is not needed. We will also see a trend towards ceramic-composite combinations in substitute for steel armor. Lighter war vehicles, harder to see on radar, lighter and faster, greater range and longer lasting to deal with seasonal changes on the surface of the planet causing rust and corrosion. Traffic Zoology There is a secret zoo that runs encaged along the roads. Hibernating Humans for Space Flight Can we hibernate humans using hydrogen sulfide gas for long-term space flight? The answer is most likely; "YES". Scientists have successfully hibernated mice spontaneously using hydrogen sulfide gas. The next step for let's say NASA using this data would be to take some mice up on the next space shuttle launch and hibernate them in zero gravity. Theoretically it should be possible and will most likely work. If we can put many mice on the ISS, International Space Station, under varying lengths of hibernation then we can prove concept. This maybe an ideal way to hibernate humans for long-term space-travel to distant stars, for instance to Alpha Centari and back. There is a Core at the Center of the Earth; Right? There are some who would like to discuss why they believe the Earth is hollow and shaped like the inside of two symbols when put together.Most scientists are quick to discount such a notion and call it complete and utter BS. Yet, the hollow Earth theorists disagree with scientists and are quick to point out certain facts which are ambiguous in the area of scientific knowledge. These theorist say that there is equal amount of gravity pulling whatever is there in all directions inside the hollow Earth. First off let us look at the Earth's mass, and how it is distributed due to its shape. The Earth is not perfectly round, as we all know, it is shaped like a beach ball which is being sat on by a little kid. If you were to dig a tunnel from the US to China; you would be pulled down by gravity until about a third of the way to the center and then pulled down but also out at angles to either side towards the direction of your travel to the center in a cone shaped gravitational pull. Eventually as you came to the center you would be pulled in every direction equally, well almost equally remembering the Earth is not a perfect sphere. In the Center you would be floating being pulled by something close to a half a gravity from all directions. We Have Come Along Way in Our Exploitation of Transportation We sure have come along way since the horse and buggy or the first Model T that left the assembly line. We have attempted to build unbelievable transportation items and prototypes for instance; the Spouse Goose, jet powered bullet trains, under water autonomous vehicles and those X-Planes. Speaking of which if you have been to all the aviation and space museums you would have to be impressed with what we have achieved so far in air transportation, but we cannot stop here. Joint projects with NASA, US Military, DOT R and D and private corporations have built and tested many fascinating prototypes. Mini UAV and MAV Power Plants A set up of harnessed Lithium Polymer Cells can be the answer to mini-UAVs. When we compare the voltage output and capacity of wire harness systems and compare the weight of LiPoly cells to NiCd or NiMH cells you can achieve extremely better results than the average fuel and output on a ounce per ounce basis. Creation CREATION OF ANIMATE FROM INANIMATE: - We have touched upon some scientific dry wells and frauds already. The idea of cold fusion and perpetual motion that the Utah researchers may not have achieved was just dealt with: but a recent report showing a Utah student using Farnsworth's old designs is another example that makes me think Cold Fusion is going to be a reality. Chaos is the operating fact of the universe that does actually adapt and create or mutate through qualitative and quantitative leaps according to the Russian (Check out the New Frontier people who have a site on the web.) and mystical scientific paradigm-thinking. Thus many of the normal behavioral observations can only explain part of the day to day 'reality'. A few decades ago science generated proteins from apparent nothingness and declared they had created life from inanimate. This concept and experiment was partially replicable and became touted and taught throughout all schools, but it was less than what it was represented to be in the final analysis. NASA now pronounces there is life everywhere including interstellar vacuums. Microbes are not the only reason for this truth. The Debate About Cloning There are two types of cloning. One involves harvesting stem cells from embryos ("therapeutic cloning"). These are the biological equivalent of a template. They can develop into any kind of mature functional cell and thus help cure many degenerative and auto-immune diseases. Secrets of The Mathematical Symmetry of Nature and Patterns of Erosion As scientists and theorists study patterns, design, chaos, complexity they often turn to nature for examples and there is plenty of examples in nature too. The stripes on a zebra, patterns on a butterfly, spider webs, leafs on a tree, scales on a fish, seashells, brain waves, muscle structure, texture of granite, spider webs, Earth cycles, waves on the ocean, wind flow, clouds in the sky, Rainbows, Solar System, structure of a meteorite and even DNA itself. UUV - Unmanned Underwater Vehicles to be Used for Fish Farming or Algae Bloom Removal What is a UUV? UUV is the abbreviation given to Unmanned Underwater Vehicle. It is a mini-submarine without anyone in it. Is it possible to use UUVs to farm fish in lakes, reservoirs and the ocean? Can UUVs keep a watchful eye on Algae Blooms and deliver micro-encapsulation timed release anti algae chemicals? What are the Biggest Solar Projects? Solar power will be necessary for space exploration and off planet colonies on the moon and Mars in the next few decades and our advances here on Earth will assist us with the knowledge we need to power them up. Some may not realize but we have come a long way in our solar technology in the last few decades and we are now ready to take this experience and knowledge to the next level; to build something out of this world. The future is now and the recent past proves we are up for this challenge. Mississippi River Mouth Debris Jetting Using Acoustic Transducers The Mighty Mississippi is backing up and causing flooding issues due to over growth build up at its river mouth. This is dangerous because that region is already so close to sea level. In fact much of the City of New Orleans is 12-feet under sea level and protected by a man-made seawall. If we could clear the path to the ocean and watch the fertilizer run off from up river, we may save ourselves a lot of future outlays in the event of a sea wall breach. The current estimate is 155 Billion Dollars in FEMA aid if a large category Hurricane makes a direct land hit at New Orleans, Louisiana. Making a Lightening Storm? Here is a very basic concept idea/plan to harvest energy from Lightening. It is done in an artificial chamber, simulating weather in the atmosphere, but under exact and controlled circumstances; still in the incubation-thinking phase. It has incredible additional possibilities for all kinds of applications. I call it; AWCS- Project Artificial Weather Control Simulator. ![]() |
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