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Aerodynamics and Hydrodynamics of the Marine Life and Uses for AI, UAVs, Robotics, and the Future
Air has 750 times less density as the oceans, yet so many of the same principles apply there as well. We are quite familiar with marine life and the performance abilities of sharks, dolphins, penguins, fish, alligators, etc. Mankind is quite fascinated by marine life and often tries to use these observations to create devices to serve him. A Great White Shark can swim 7 times as fast as the Olympic swimmers in Athens taking the gold this year, yet it is not even close to being the fastest in the water. Powerful, yes indeed, but the need for speed limits its abilities to catch some of its favorite meals. Luckily humans are not one of them, as much as JAWS I, II and III would have you believe. The Great White Shark swims at about 25 mph. Squids can move through the water at 20 mph. The Blue Shark has been clocked in short bursts at 43 mph yet its average cruising speed in open water is between 17.7 and 24.5 mph. The Make Short Fin can travel at 10 times its body length per second, which is quite fast and amounts to over 46 mph at top speed. It can accelerate at 45 feet per second/ per second, faster than a rock can fall or a human accelerates after he departs a perfectly good airplane in search for an adrenaline rush to achieve sense of purpose. A human can swim at 5.04 mph, but only for short distances and you have to be a Mark Spitz or Michael Phelps to it for very long. http://www.ncsu.edu/ligon/olympics/Spitz/MarkS.html As good as these super star athletes are, they are no match for evolution, without modification. You might be happy to know that a barracuda will catch you and nibble before a great white shark will catch you in open water, they can swim at 27 mph, one of the fastest, well and hungriest fish in the water. Mammal Sea Life is quite adapted; Sea Lion 25 mph, Common Dolphin 24.7, Gentoo Penguin 17, Blue Whale 29.76, Bottle Nose Dolphin 17 mph. Many of the fish eaten by the marine life of prey are also quite adapted for instance the Pacific Salmon can swim at 14 mph. Then there are the flying fish, those, which leap out of the water and become airborne, thus proving that there is a similarity between the two realms. The flying fish flies at 35 mph and has been known to fly right into a boat, for an easy catch. The Leaping Albacore Tuna leaps at 40 mph great sushi no doubt, the Yellow Fin Tuna at 46.35, the Sword Fish 60 mph and the Sail Fish at 68 mph. Here is a claim from Barbados that a flying fish was clocked at 55 mph? Well maybe, but not if Hurricane Ivan has anything to say about it because if that fish pops out of the water it is liable to be doing some 135 mph within a few feet of leaving the waters surface and might be airborne for quite a while too? Now that would certainly be a new record. Does this mean we might also wish to look at Fish and Sea Life Evolution in the aerodynamic designs of aircraft, UAVs, Blimps and Olympic Swim Gear? Yes, this is one of the points of this dialogue. Does this mean we should look at aviation designs for submarine, AUVs, ship hulls and underwater submersibles? Should we also be designing underwater bases for aircraft, spacecraft and double use vessels? Flying AUVs, which become UAVs? Designing flying torpedoes, Mechanical Fish and MAVs, which look like the flying fish photo too? Yes, it does. If you made a mechanical fish what good would it be? Hunting water mines, data relays, additional net-centric communication unit? http://worldthinktank.net/wttbbs/index.php?showtopic=218 If nature can do these things, so can we and we have been constantly re-designing and bettering natures methods. If an eagle has 3-4 better times the eye sight and can see, react and adapt while in-flight that quickly, yet has less of a brain to coordinate all the data yet has also developed triple the reflex or response time, should we be looking into how this is done? For instance does an Eagle use some sort of visual frame bursting, for instance it knows the type of fish it likes to eat which tastes good and is the right weight and size and when it sees this it's brain fills in the details and it's eyes only focus on the slight variations of motion and detail so it knows where to pick it up at and how best to snatch it out of the water? We know that our brains use up about 45% of the brain capacity in visual cognition. What does the Eagle do with all the many flights and all that data for it's memory, it cannot possibly store it all, does it have a Random Access Memory Data dump like when you windows computer crashes? Does it only save the frames and basic shapes and let the eyes fill in the rest of the details each time? We should test this as it is important to know. We know the human brain can be fooled often enough when something appears to be close to something we are familiar with. What can we learn from these birds besides their aerodynamics. Is it possible to play optical tricks on an Eagle? For instance make a small AUV, which mimics a salmon fish? Will the Eagle be fooled by this? Old Eagle eyes, or will the Eagles excellent eye sight trigger another wave in it's brain, as if to ask itself; "Hey something is fishy about that fish?" Would such a thought from an Eagle significantly activate it's brain for a second look, before diving upon it's prey? It appears in humans this does activate an additional brain wave. Since Eagles do not flock are do they communicate and navigate, migrate using ELF, entangled brains with other eagles? Only their immediate families from the same mother or nest? This too would be of value for determining AI for robotic UAVs as part of the net centric warfare situation. As we look at Artificial Intelligence models perhaps we should be looking at other species, which seem to be able to do more with less. Less brain capacity, yet still think. Perhaps we ought to dump the ego into thinking that mankind is the only animal which can reason and adapt on this Planet, we have significant proof of other animals here doing quite fine in the thinking region. If we open our minds we may find other species may in fact supercede our abilities in many aspects. Is the future of robotics going to the birds with regards to UAVs and MAVs as the needs of mankind and the competitiveness of the species looks towards innovation as the ultimate contest and in our speed to achieve we find ourselves bettering hundreds of thousands of years of evolution with breakthrough after break through? Robots to really assist us must have some fuzzy logic capabilities at minimum and to be most effective they must also have some artificial intelligence capabilities to serve our needs, as mankind has no end in sight to the tasks it wishes to assign to robotic apparatuses. Press-on will solve all that mankind desires. There are clues everywhere and one might ask what is taking us so long anyway, where would you like to go today? We need to ratchet up the thinking here and move forward in this arena. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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UAV Acoustic Apparatus for Insect Swarming Stimulus, part two UAV Acoustic Apparatus for Insect Swarming Stimulus, part two; Using Locust swarms to attack our enemies using directional sound to guide them. New Energy Bill: Reducing Our Dependence on Foreign Oil The U. S. economy is feeling the brunt of skyrocketing oil prices as the nation's dependence on foreign oil continues to grow. We need a responsible energy plan to reduce our reliance on foreign oil. President Bush and Senator Kerry appear to be skirting the real issues involved. Tactile Pressure Sensors for Future Robotics Scientists and Robotic Researchers are attempting to design human type personal assistance robots. As they work to develop algorithms, which most resemble the thought processes of the human brain others are attempting to make them more life like thru human behavioral techniques of mirroring and facial features. Soon robots will be very much like humans, on the outside that is. Robotic humanoid devices will assist us in many of our needs. Imagine a robotic companion, it might take a walk in the park with you, go jogging or even spot for you lifting weights at the gym. As we get older and cannot do certain things for ourselves our robotic companions will be by our side as caregivers, helping with our life transitions. Augmented Reality and 3D 360-Vision We need a better vision system for the battlespace; an augmented reality 360-degree 3D device would solve many problems. This device could be very useful in wartime while flying a helicopter and much has been studied and many innovations have occurred with HUD in aviation. Whereas 360-degree informational awareness is of value, even more valuable would be a disassociated informational awareness. Locusts To Help Make Energy From Bio Waste, part I Plagues of Locusts through out history are well documented. In fact they are even documented back as far as the times of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs. We know also from our recent periods in history that large plagues created devastation in: 1926-1934, 1940-1948, 1949-1963, 1967-1969 and 1986-1989. With the current knowledge of science we may be able to control these plagues and control run away locust problems and calm down such plagues using sound and acoustic stimulus to guide the locusts away from agriculture and cities where people live as these events threaten to severely hurt the World's food supply at a time when humans are pushing new unknown problems of massive population increases, ways to catch (using sound containment techniques) the high in protein locusts may also re-supply food in times of such crop and agricultural losses. Locusts during times of plagues can devastate more than 20% of the surface of the planet, so the threat and unknown the enemy will face will be truly extra ordinary. Such events could effect 12-15% of the World' population's jobs and 25% of the populations food supply as well as change balances of trade. This is one reason the locusts are so feared by populations. Equipment for the Amateur Astronomer ? Part 1 Binoculars and telescopes and other astronomy equipment and accessories are the meat and potatoes of amateur astronomy. A good pair of binoculars is what introduced me to the pleasures of stargazing many moons ago and only after a couple of years scanning the skies did I graduate to a telescope. That was one of the department store 60mm telescopes we're all warned about, but my folks didn't know any better, and to a 12-year old kid, it opened up the universe. The Bill Clinton Neuron And The Sweat Neuron In the world of science, there is excited speculation about recent discoveries of individual neurons in the brain, with striking capabilities. They had discovered a neuron, which fired on recognition of just one special face. Scientists spotted this using microelectrodes, which could identify the firing of a single neuron. Buried deep in the amygdala of a female patient, they discovered the so-called "Bill Clinton" neuron. The cell fired on recognizing three very different images of the former President; a line drawing of a laughing Clinton; a formal painting depicting him; and a photograph of him in a crowd. The cell remained mute when the patient viewed images of other politicians and celebrities. In other patients, scientists found similar cells that responded selectively to actors, including Jennifer Anniston, Brad Pitt, and Halle Berry. Why Can?t Our Brain Process What We See Faster? Many who admire the excellent design of Mother Nature and the gift of vision and the enhancements thru evolution wonder; Why Can't Our Brain Process What We See Faster? A paper by G. Bugmann and J. G. Taylor suggests that retinal jitter is an issue and could be some of the reason for the delay in the process time, thus by eliminating the extraneous visual input data into the brain the retina would not attempt to over define the object, because it is not necessary, once the object is seen, in a lesser definition, it has been registered and the eye simply moves on. The Intricacies of a Compound Microscope Have you ever used a compound microscope? Your first thought may be to answer "no" but chances are if you had Biology in high school or college that you have used a compound microscope. What do you remember about this microscope? You may remember what it looks like but can you recall how it worked? If not, this article is for you! Servicing Missions to the Hubble Space Telescope The Hubble Space Telescope received its firstService Mission in December 1993. The missionsmost important objective was to install two devicesto fix the Hubble Telescope's vision problem . Thespace telescope could not focus all the light froman object to a single sharp point because Hubble'sprimary mirror was incorrectly shaped. Instead itsaw a fuzzy halo around objects it observed in space. Tsunami warnings by 2006 Experts from the United Nations and Indian Ocean countries agreed to set up a tsunami warning system to prevent a repeat of the catastrophe that struck on December 26, Unesco said. Einstein Half Dead 100 years ago Albert Einstein developed his Relativity Theory of physics that claimed that the universe is actuallybased on a space-time-gravity continuum (a non-mechanical version of Rene Descartes' earlier mechanical ether theory) and with time as variable and relative. Locusts To Help Make Energy From Bio Waste, part III If we bring the locusts to a feasting area of green cut up bio-waste to allow them to turn that into methane and protein, then we will be able to win the game. We must first limit the areas for egg laying so we do not end up with red-goo syndrome and runaway locust populations. This can be done by; pancake stacking, similar to bread racks moist sand in trays, about 4 inches thick and ten inches apart. Sprinkled with grass clippings like a light snow or dust upon the ground. Once the Adult females have laid their egg pods they have fulfilled their biological mission and need as per their genetic software code and will of course need to repeat this every six weeks or so. These little fulfilled species will be happy and we as humans get the best of all worlds, protein, energy and solving of a plight upon the earth. Building an Ice House on Mars There is ice at the Martian Poles, one of the poles has water ice in abundance. Such an ice over region could easily be converted into a habitat for a Martian Colony of human explorers. Taking humans to Mars is not such an easy task, keeping them alive once there even harder, bringing them back not easy at all. The polar water ice cap may hold the key to building a successful colony on Mars. The Impact of Efficient Epistemologies on Algorithms In recent years, much research has been devoted to the refinement of gigabit switches; nevertheless, few have constructed the synthesis of neural networks. The notion that cryptographers connect with large-scale theory is generally considered appropriate. Similarly, the lack of influence on theory of this discussion has been considered structured. Therefore, probabilistic models and cooperative theory do not necessarily obviate the need for the exploration of interrupts. UAV Mini - Torpedo Bombers for Eliminating Hydro Cushioned Water Craft UAVs can carry cargo, some of the very tiny UAV units can hold up to 11 lbs. Which is not much, however. A one-way UAV could fly over a river that is used for transporting troops and supplies by your enemy via hydro-craft, which can hover over regular water. These mines would normally be set by Navy Seals, by using small robotic units we can save the risk of life unless it is totally necessary. Eugenics and the Future of the Human Species "It is clear that modern medicine has created a serious dilemma ... In the past, there were many children who never survived - they succumbed to various diseases ... But in a sense modern medicine has put natural selection out of commission. Something that has helped one individual over a serious illness can in the long run contribute to weakening the resistance of the whole human race to certain diseases. If we pay absolutely no attention to what is called hereditary hygiene, we could find ourselves facing a degeneration of the human race. Mankind's hereditary potential for resisting serious disease will be weakened." Hibernating Humans for Space Flight Can we hibernate humans using hydrogen sulfide gas for long-term space flight? The answer is most likely; "YES". Scientists have successfully hibernated mice spontaneously using hydrogen sulfide gas. The next step for let's say NASA using this data would be to take some mice up on the next space shuttle launch and hibernate them in zero gravity. Theoretically it should be possible and will most likely work. If we can put many mice on the ISS, International Space Station, under varying lengths of hibernation then we can prove concept. This maybe an ideal way to hibernate humans for long-term space-travel to distant stars, for instance to Alpha Centari and back. Paternity Testing - Are You Raising Someone Elses Child? The dawn of the DNA test Atlantis through Science ICE AGES: - The impact of the ice ages and inter-glacial effects on the rise and fall of ocean levels and the earth readjustments to the departure of the ice cap cannot be over-looked in the human historical picture. Research in the area is far greater than in the recent past and we can learn what might have happened to earlier civilizations on earth. Atlantis is a given name for a civilization that inhabited many islands and coastal regions, in my mind. The idea of one central location makes little sense when one considers such things as Ice Ages and changes in the flow of the Gulf Stream and climate that resulted. Because it lasted for from 30,000 to 100,000 years and may have co-existed with other civilizations rising and falling it is most inauspicious to debate one specific time when it was in Tara or Crete or the Azores or Bimini or even Finias. That seems to be the usual debate among the over 25,000 books written about just this one lost civilization. As long as people don't integrate all facts they inevitably just come up with theories to fit pet or prevailing concepts. In Gateway to Atlantis, 'The Search for the source of a lost Civilization' we see a far better scholar who is doing the right kind of investigation. Mapping of the ocean bottoms and geological understandings as well as studying glacial deposits and tree rings gives a better picture of history than history books. ![]() |
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