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The Bill Clinton Neuron And The Sweat Neuron
In the world of science, there is excited speculation about recent discoveries of individual neurons in the brain, with striking capabilities. They had discovered a neuron, which fired on recognition of just one special face. Scientists spotted this using microelectrodes, which could identify the firing of a single neuron. Buried deep in the amygdala of a female patient, they discovered the so-called "Bill Clinton" neuron. The cell fired on recognizing three very different images of the former President; a line drawing of a laughing Clinton; a formal painting depicting him; and a photograph of him in a crowd. The cell remained mute when the patient viewed images of other politicians and celebrities. In other patients, scientists found similar cells that responded selectively to actors, including Jennifer Anniston, Brad Pitt, and Halle Berry. Most neuroscientists had believed that specific nerve cells handled individual pixels as on a television screen. Suddenly, a single neuron could identify Clinton. Could there be a "thinking neuron?" Scientists felt it impossible for an individual cell to be clever enough to make sense of a concept as subtle as Clinton. Even the world's fastest supercomputers would have difficulty performing that pattern-recognition feat. So, how could a single neuron ever learn to recognize a President? Such speculation on the nature of neurons continued ceaselessly in scientific circles. This was surprising. How could scientists remain blind to the significance of the Nobel Prize awarded in 2004 to Lynda Buck for the discovery of the recognition processes in the olfactory system? There, Buck had already reported a "Sweat" neuron and an "Orange" neuron. Those experiments concerned the recognition of smells. She reported that octanol smelled like oranges and octanoic acid, like sweat, even though their chemical structures were similar. Yet, different neurons fired for each smell. Was this just more evidence of thinking neurons? Yet, Buck had a simple explanation. The olfactory system recognized different combinations of firing for different odors. First, a single receptor recognized multiple odorants. Second, a single odorant was recognized by multiple receptors. And third, different odorants were recognized by different combinations of receptors. It was this combinatorial coding system, which enabled the olfactory system to recognize millions of odors. So, there were Sweat neurons, Rose neurons and Orange neurons. And millions more. Could it be that Clinton and Berry neurons were no different? Was it only the olfactory system, which used combinatorial coding? The mind received kaleidoscopic combinations of millions of sensations. Could instant combinatorial recognition extended beyond the olfactory system? Could it be the essence of the neural system? A new book, The Intuitive Algorithm, suggested just this. The mind used combinatorial coding and pattern recognition to propel recognition through many neural regions like a lightning streak. The mind saw, recognized, interpreted and acted. Data was reported to move from input to output in a bare 20 milliseconds. In the blink of eye. Myriad processes converted light, sound, touch and smell instantly into your nerve impulses. Special regions recognized those combinations as objects and events. The limbic system, another region, interpreted those events to generate emotions. A fourth region responded to those emotions with actions. The mind perceived, identified, evaluated and acted. Pattern recognition and combinatorial coding got you off the hot stove in a fraction of a second. Abraham Thomas is the author of The Intuitive Algorithm, a book, which suggests that intuition is a pattern recognition algorithm. This leads to an understanding of the powerful forces that control your mind. The ebook version is available at http://www.intuition.co.in. The book may be purchased only in India. The website, provides a free movie and a walk through to explain the ideas.
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Down Scrolling Text to Find Patterns I believe a program can be written to scan text such as an email, story or article in Western Languages, which might indicate a pattern which maybe of valuable insight. By Down Scrolling Text, which we have all done, whether thinking about it or not, we will most likely Find Patterns Which Indicate Hostile Intentions, sadness, stress or vengefulness. Perhaps you can determine intelligence levels, etc. Try it sometime. Read 10 pages of text from an individual and then put yourself in the writer's shoes. Was he-she angry in the article or report? Were they honest in their summation or point of issue? Was there a point of issue? Or like the uni-bomber did they ramble somewhat? Look at the text of Mienkoff or patterns in the Declaration of Independence. How Do Cities Grow? You see the cities in America started where there was a river and small populations sprung up, then the railroad steam engines needed a place to fill up the water. Eventually the towns got larger and grew near the rail stations. Then as people moved outward and behind the downtown areas they grew without regards to modern day planning methods, making increased surface transportation rather difficult. Many Sci Fi writers have discussed Earthquake predictions Cal Tech along with the Universities in Japan are on the leading edge of this new technology and it is quickly becoming a reality. Soon we will know months in advance of an expected quake and the precise time maybe known hours or minutes before it actually comes. Arthur C. Clarke discussed early Earthquake warnings in CA, in a couple of short essays and stories and then again in a two of his most famous novels. If you will recall the book, "Richter 10;" in this book they could predict the Earthquakes months in advance. Ceramic Coatings Inside Plastic Water Bottles? A new report claims Water in plastic bottles could pose a problem, and of course why wouldn't it? This is a much debated topic indeed, so please read. The Best and Worst of April?s Weather If Johannes Kepler, the renowned 17th century astronomer and discoverer of the planetary laws of motion, could speak from the heavenlies, he might have a few words of wisdom to share with the National Weather Service. Although Kepler's name is not normally associated with meteorology, he was quite the weather forecaster in his day. His first claim to fame, by the way, was not due to his discovery of those planetary laws, but because of his accurate long-range weather forecast of the severe winter that put Styermark, Germany on ice in 1593. Life on Mars, Warm Water Under our Ice Caps, Evidence, Microbes under Our Feet Well many people out there are asking is there really life on Mars? Our Thinking Group has been asking not if, what type? UAV Air-Breathing SAM Upgrade Recommendations Can a hybrid Surface to Air Missile, UAV loiter for hours and then become a missile to down an enemy aircraft? Electromagnetism, The Universe, And You An electric current produces a magnetic field. This is the principle of the electric motor - varying electric currents moving along wires make magnets with drive shafts spin around in circles. Cloaking a UAV in Flight If you will recall the Klingon Space Craft and Warship cloaked it's self as it attacked the USS Enterprise under Captain James T. Kirk. We know when we study nature, this is a tactic that predator and prey both use in survival. Cloaking, concealing and camouflage have always been methods of operation for offensive and defensive endeavors of achieving victory. Our lives and the lives of our ancestors depended on it. In war time we paint our planes, tanks and even battles ships colors, which mimic the natural surroundings adding an element of safety from enemy detection. Today we are uses Stealth Aircraft and designing uniforms, which blend into the scenery and even change colors as the surrounding background changes. It therefore stands to reason that we would want to protect our new robotic fighting machines is such ways. The simpler the technique the less chances it will fail to provide that extra security of cover. The more real it blends into the surrounding environment the less likely it will be detected and tracked as a target by the enemy. Mars is not hollow; is it? Is Mars Hollow? We are pretty sure it is not, but no one can be certain however we might soon know. The reason such a question is asked is because of questions about the Earth and the time it takes for sound waves to travel through it. And the speed of the spin rate of Mars, the question of moons is interesting and a few other interesting a recent discoveries. Here is one of the thoughts on the matter. By bouncing waves off the polar ice caps this can be proven or disproven; Visual Limits of the Human Brain Processing Speed Visual limits of the human brain and the visual processing time is quite evident. This why animals have camouflage skin, humans get headaches at trade shows and why video or game players will be the fighter pilots of the future. Paternity Testing Regulation: Help or Hindrance? Introduction How Albert Einstein Saw Things A Little Differently Albert Einstein had just administered an examination to an advanced class of Physics students. Dream Therapy and Learning thru Human Hibernation Want to learn a new language? Would you like to earn a PhD in Physics; perfect your backstroke tennis swing, golf finesse or fly-fishing techniques, while you sleep? While, your immune system catches your body back up on your lack of exercise, fitness and proper diet? How about if I told you, that you most likely will shed about 20-25 lbs of extra weight while all this is going on? Well, if we further develop our sleep research, human hibernation studies and mind or brain advances we will be able to do all this and more in the near future, perhaps less than 5-years. Weather Control and Creation to Use as a Screen for Troop Advancement Creating a Hurricane using a Space based laser array to heat up surface waters when conditions are right. By using a tropical storm system and super heating the water in the path and then in a counter clock wise direction if in the Northern Hemisphere or Clock-wise if in the Southern Hemisphere because; The Harmonic The Harmonic Organic Decoy Devices for Warfare (ODDW) We can genetically modify a rat to be the same body temperature as a humans, then parachute in several thousand rats into enemy territory. These rats will pick up the enemies advanced warning and intrusion sensors by way of heat signature. The As Have it ALTERNATE AND PARALLEL UNIVERSES: - The modern science of physics has opened many pathways or doorways to the infinite possibilities of 'creation'. Evolution is not the only operational factor in our life and its purpose. Martin Rees is a world recognized astronomer and more. He has recently proposed that there have been many universes and their other components which have been created. The news reports have said that it was a matter of trial and error, until it became right. If so, who can say it is RIGHT at this moment? The theory of the mystics that is covered in 'Harmonic Convergence' relates to this possibility. There are universes outside the known universe according to science as it now stands. Ancient Navigation and Mapping DR. SENTIEL ROMMEL: Crop Circles and Genetic Knowledge The crop circle enigma is not always a hoax. I am not able to see how someone could do a massive design overnight in the cases where the plants have their stems broken from within. Yes, that is the case in what I consider the real crop circles. The wheat or other plants have the stalk exploded from within and the stalks can be bent at a distance up the stalk which would not happen if the use of weighty rollers was applied to them. Thus we are able to speculate many things but I see no reason for it to be aliens or at least not a visit in physical form by extra-terrestrials. ![]() |
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