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Electromagnetism, The Universe, And You
An electric current produces a magnetic field. This is the principle of the electric motor - varying electric currents moving along wires make magnets with drive shafts spin around in circles. A moving magnet makes an electric current flow in a nearby conductor. This is the principle behind the dynamo - magnets being whirled around mechanically on one end of a drive shaft make electric currents flow along wires. Michael Faraday discovered the links between electricity and magnets - that they are actually a single force: electromagnetism. To explain how the effects of electromagnetism work, he invented the scientific concept of THE FIELD OF FORCE. The effects of the fields of force from magnets and electric currents are not felt in an aura-like area around the magnet, as I had until recently believed, but rather in specific curves around the object. You can witness this for yourself. Put a magnet under a piece of paper and place iron shavings on top of the paper. The shavings do not shift to gather in the area above the magnet, but rather form curved lines showing the lines of the field of force, which look like the ripples in a pond if the paper is the surface of the water and the magnet is the stone which has been dropped into it. Faraday continued this idea to an ultimate expansion of his concept of the field of force to include not only the effects of electromagnetic fields, but EVERY force. The universe is filled with forces of one kind or another. This is where the concept of the field of force gets very interesting. Imagine an object and its field of force. Now imagine a second object with its field of force. Instead of curved lines indicating a single field, we now have a web, where the two fields of force overlap. Now, we all know that there are more than two objects emitting forces in the universe. Imagine the complexity of the web in which we are all caught, of which we are all a part, which we all, to varying degrees, can control. Not only can we recognize that we are within a near infinite number of fields of force, but that a near infinite number of things are (or CAN BE) within one's own field of force, and both of these seemingly opposite relationships, just as the electric generator and the dynamo, can be used to one's advantage. You cannot have an electric field without a magnetic field, just as you cannot be affected by the web without having an effect on it: The forces you emit affect the web of forces of the universe. About The Author Marie DePierre is currently a starving artist / psych major at University of Nevada, Las Vegas. You can save your soul at http://litote.blogspot.com
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America and its Collision Course Energy ESP #7 - America and its Collision CourseCrude oil explodes through $46.50 as the problems are growing -It's bigger than Iraq, bigger than Bin Laden and even bigger thanthe next election. America has entered into an exhaustive racefor survival - And nobody is talking about it.Talking about what you ask?"Taking down Saudi Arabia's oil infrastructure is like spearingfish in a barrel... a coordinated assault on five or more key[pipelines]junctions in the system could put the Saudis out ofthe oil business for two years..." Robert Baer, Former CIAofficer, USA Today, May 10 2004.In a country portrayed to be the wealthiest oil nation in theworld, Saudi Arabia also has the greatest divergence betweenthe wealthy and poor. With the average individual income at$7,500 per year the poor is kept at bay by charity. Somethingwe all know the Saudis are good at. Men by the hundreds line upto meet the prince and ask (is it asking or begging) forfinancial help for whatever ails them. Is this charity? Or isit a clever way to keep the not-so-fortunate from rising up?Over generations of this practice, the locals have becomeaccustom. At what point do they rebel against these extremeunjust ways of life that they have been delt.? At what point doAMERICANS realize that this is the kind of society we dependway too much on and far too often?!?!CNBC reported last week that OPEC (or could we just say the Houseof Saud) said that 'the current average price of oil is notsufficient (high) enough to meet the needs of the OPECcountries.' Gee... wonder why the 10 year oil futures have beenpropelling themselves into space over the past few years? ? Whatdoes this all mean?... America is dependent on an extremelyunstable country(s). I fear that this will soon come to a headand Americans will be up the creek with only half a paddle.Over the past 30 years., approx. 75% of U.S. trade deficit wasmoney gone to oil imports - That must change What Americans don'trealize is the great divergence in the prices of the things weconsume. . . and it's about to catch up. . . One quart of oil foryou car costs between $2-$5. One gallon as gas about $2. But ifyou're in a restaurant and order a Coke or a glass of milk, it isnearly SIX times that. Now you tell me something, do you need a"Coke and a smile" to get to work in the morning? FACT - SaudiOIL FIELDS are shrinking as oil prices are flying. During the70's, 15 oil fields pumped one million barrels per day - Todayonly two of those are at a steady (or is it) one million.OPEC's SECRET SHORTAGE THAT THEY WONT TELL YOU - Today's oilreserves estimates DO NOT include the two billion barrels of oilthat was burned in the 91' Gulf War. Yet, OPEC has added 287billion barrels to their reserves without claiming any new oildiscovery. - Anyone smell anything fishy???All this is reason enough that Americans need to work together,in a NON-PARTISAN effort and bring CLEAN - RENEWABLE ENERGY TOAMERICAN SOIL ASAP!! America needs to follow in the foot step ofDenmark - where they actually produce more electricity than theyconsume... and sell the rest.ANYONE you know, if they are in college or not - PLEASEforward them this newsletter. Spread the word! It will takeeveryone you know! Servicing Missions to the Hubble Space Telescope The Hubble Space Telescope received its firstService Mission in December 1993. The missionsmost important objective was to install two devicesto fix the Hubble Telescope's vision problem . Thespace telescope could not focus all the light froman object to a single sharp point because Hubble'sprimary mirror was incorrectly shaped. Instead itsaw a fuzzy halo around objects it observed in space. We Have Come Along Way in Our Exploitation of Transportation We sure have come along way since the horse and buggy or the first Model T that left the assembly line. We have attempted to build unbelievable transportation items and prototypes for instance; the Spouse Goose, jet powered bullet trains, under water autonomous vehicles and those X-Planes. Speaking of which if you have been to all the aviation and space museums you would have to be impressed with what we have achieved so far in air transportation, but we cannot stop here. Joint projects with NASA, US Military, DOT R and D and private corporations have built and tested many fascinating prototypes. Where Do Insects Go When It Rains? Have you ever wondered where insects go when it rains? We have all seen a poor unfortunate spider washed down the plughole so we know how vulnerable they are to rushing water. Surely then, isn't rain one of their worst enemies? MP Apprehension of High Strung or Drunken Soldiers Recently scientists have discovered the hydrogen sulfide gas caused mice to go into spontaneous hibernation. The genetic similarities to the mammalian class humans belong to includes these rodents as well. The ability to put humans into spontaneous hibernation has incredible military applications, most of which have to do with stopping an advancing army, simply put them to sleep and thus serve your political will without having to kill them. Indeed this would change the battle space of the future in a way no one probably ever considered. How I Became Interested In Looking At The Moon Like a lot of kids, my folks gave me a 60mm telescope for Christmas one year. The scope was a typical department-store brand - not very good - but to a 12-year old kid it opened up the universe. Positive Effects of Carbon Dioxide for Plant Growth Many articles have been written about the negative effects of carbon dioxide. Sick Building Syndrome, loss of concentration due to high levels of carbon dioxide, asphyxiation in breweries or wine cellars, all these things spring to mind when we hear the magic phrase carbon dioxide. Yet, perhaps today when Venus passes across the face of the Sun, we should remember that our original atmosphere consisted of nitrogen and carbon dioxide. Free oxygen is something that is not really chemically possible. Yet we have it as a result of plant life busily photosynthesising and converting carbon dioxide into oxygen during daylight hours. This is the original use of solar energy! Mississippi River Mouth Debris Jetting Using Acoustic Transducers The Mighty Mississippi is backing up and causing flooding issues due to over growth build up at its river mouth. This is dangerous because that region is already so close to sea level. In fact much of the City of New Orleans is 12-feet under sea level and protected by a man-made seawall. If we could clear the path to the ocean and watch the fertilizer run off from up river, we may save ourselves a lot of future outlays in the event of a sea wall breach. The current estimate is 155 Billion Dollars in FEMA aid if a large category Hurricane makes a direct land hit at New Orleans, Louisiana. Using Mosquito MEMS to Collect DNA Samples Soon scientists will have scaled down robotic insects. This is a good thing and most of this technology is being funded for Department of Defense uses as they will have a killer application there indeed. Miniature replica type bugs can go and collect DNA samples of the enemy, inject them with a sleeping type virus so they lose their will to fight or even get out of bed for that matter for a few days, thus your enemy is rendered useless without their will to fight. CCTV Decoy Registration System Avoiding cameras? Gotcha, what are you trying to hide from. Cameras in Subways and airports often do not get a face shot good enough for face recognition software. There is a solution to this dilemma which can assist us in catching would be International Terrorists on watch lists. When we look over the video on television from the London Train Bombing we see many images from not so good angles, from this the authorities are asking all citizens foreign and domestic to help identify those in the photos. The photos being of course a single frame from a full motion video Close Circuit Television Surveillance System. We all know that such cameras are not so good and often the perpetrator is looking away from the camera at the time when they pass by? Of course those who are perpetrators know where the cameras are and they purposely look away. An Immortal Horse Egyptian scholars know there is little other than fiction that can be written about the civilization that lived on the banks of the Nile in far more recent times than the beginning of the 'Old Copper Culture'. All these things are related and the old fictions are replaceable with the story of a worldwide culture with trading posts in each and every part of the world. Is there any remnant of cultural pride in Iran that treats the ancient metallurgists of their region with a different kind of respect than our history attributes to them? Does anyone think these nationalistic ideologues and pedagogues of today are real and honest presenters of fact? The whole concept of nationalism and most other 'isms' (except ecumenicism) need close scrutiny. The area of the Snake River in east central Minnesota may have been the site of copper mining when the glaciers covered the Great Lakes. Would it be possible for people 20,000 years ago to have been mining these sites and lost their access due to the glaciers? We humbly suggest this is the case and that they then returned as the glaciers melted. Petaga Point and work by Peter Bleed in 1969 may offer a starting point for that kind of thinking. He wrote The Archaeology of Petaga Point: The Preceramic Component by the Minnesota Historical Society. NASA Budget VS Social Programs Balancing our quest for Space and its costs with the need of the people of our civilization is always at the top of the debate during NASA Budget hearings in the House and Senate. Some say that they think our primary planetary goal should be to colonize somewhere other than earth. Others cannot believe what they are hearing; "The primary goal. As in number one goal? Why do you say that?" They say what about freedom, free enterprise and stability of civilization too? Still in the end the debaters agree that it should be one of the top priorities. Einstein Half Dead 100 years ago Albert Einstein developed his Relativity Theory of physics that claimed that the universe is actuallybased on a space-time-gravity continuum (a non-mechanical version of Rene Descartes' earlier mechanical ether theory) and with time as variable and relative. The Fall and Fall of the p-Zine http://home.wuliweb.com/index.shtml Controls - The Building Blocks of Automation As man learns to make machines that no longer rely on animal or human power, he finds that he has to develop some means to manage and control them. Powerful machines let loosed by themselves will create havoc and destruction. Locusts To Help Make Energy From Bio Waste, part IV We are in a Plague year 2004-2005 where the locusts are swarming. No one knows how long this will last, but this problem could rage on for several more years. In fact the entire middle east is on watch for the locust plagues. N400 Brain Wave to Assist in Learning and in Performance In any important task you need to stay alert and in some professions someone could lose their life ifyou are not staying heads up or cause a serious accident where someone else has to pay with theirs. Not good, so what is the solution here? Here is a thought on learning, safety, brain waves and winning. Laser Ionization Airflow Tunnel Flight Theory I believe their is a way to have an on board aircraft laser the air in front of it and move the air out of the way, thus less friction at lower altitudes, no sonic booms and rapid acceleration no induced or parasite drag at low altitudes. You could call it hyper laser atmospheric conditioning. By doing this, the power to weight rations are no longer important and you can fly on air itself with low pressure. Veterinary Hematology 101; 2005 Abstract Veterinary Hematology is more than just blood cells. Blood, highly functional and truly definitive, does much more than provide for the transport of cellular metabolites and waste products. Blood is made up of four major components: Plasma, Red Blood Cells, White Blood Cells, and Platelets. That Dust on Your Car May Soon Be Smarter Than You Think? Here is a thought to get this topic started. A thought on a smart dust design. The smart dust will have to be able to stay airborne for long eriods of time. I was contemplating cleaning off a car which actually had hightech SmartDust on it? God made dirt on the first day right? Well, yes as the story goes he made the Heavens and the Earth and he made that out of dirt. So as man becomes God, he will need to make first things first. So perhaps the thought of making dust is actually a very noble step for mankind indeed. ![]() |
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