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Weather Control and Creation to Use as a Screen for Troop Advancement
Creating a Hurricane using a Space based laser array to heat up surface waters when conditions are right. By using a tropical storm system and super heating the water in the path and then in a counter clock wise direction if in the Northern Hemisphere or Clock-wise if in the Southern Hemisphere because; "A hurricane is an immense circulating storm, an intense case of a class of weather systems called tropical cyclones. At the center of a cyclone is a region of extremely low atmospheric pressure. Because this region is at a lower pressure than its surroundings, winds blow from the high-pressure areas inward toward the central low. The coriolis force (which is due to the rotation of the Earth) causes these winds to be deflected to the side. So instead of the winds blowing straight toward the center of the hurricane, they begin to blow around it. This causes the hurricane to circulate. Hurricanes always rotate counter-clockwise in the northern hemisphere and clockwise in the southern hemisphere." One of the easiest ways to heat the surface would be to use large UUV-Underwater Unmanned Vehicles which are twin-tubed shaped which would slowly unroll like a scroll and sink a few inches below the surface with a floating absorbing material which would heat up when hit with the laser. Thus super heat the waters surface. It could also be a Solar Powered skin made of: "In Energy News. Super duper thin solar cells can be made with a thin sheet about 2-3 microns coated with Copper Indium Diselenide. What is that? Exactly what I thought but it is a thin material similar to glass. It reaches conversion percentages as much as 18% . http://www.eren.doe.gov/pv/thinfilms3.html http://www.eren.doe.gov/RE/solar_photovoltaics.html Energy is free. You can never be too free or too thin." The UUV tubes would that of the Seahorse UUV only triple the length which would have the companion tube a giant roll containing the skin to be used and float between the two. http://www.chinfo.navy.mil/navpalib/cno/n8...submarines.html Now then as the eye of the Hurricane forms you put your robotic and human landing forces in the eye of the Hurricane and travel to the shore without detection and without conflict. Your landing force is secure thanks to a little help of the temporary modification of Mother Natures perfect patterns. No one can deny that a Hurricane is very disruptive and destructive event. You cannot defend a beach against an attack if you are fully disrupted by the strength of a Hurricane, Typhoon, very large Tropical Storm or big weather event. We know from our experience with Hurricanes each year that FEMA has a tough enough time cleaning up after the destruction, power outages and the like. We know as Hurricanes reach land and surface obstructions that winds slow and eventually the storm collapses, but there is also a way to deflate a storm after you no longer need it for your cover. We can also bring in behind the storm cool water along with logistics of the sixth fleet; http://worldthinktank.net/wttbbs/index.php?showtopic=74 Interesting information on Hurricanes and how they form the force needed and the changes in surface temperatures needed and the conditions necessary for the natural creation of Hurricanes: http://www.miamisci.org/hurricane/nhc.html It appears that creating a Hurricane is quite possible with our modern technology, also meaning that watering the desert or creating rain is also to fill up aquifers, water reservoirs or even large lakes stricken by droughts. And there are a number of ways to defeat a Hurricane such a poly balls which can soak up 2000 times their weight in water or precipitation which could be dropped from a large cargo plane such as a C-141, C-5 or many of such aircraft flying above near the top of the storm. In conclusion a Hurricane is the ultimate diversion and smoke screen to safely land your forces without having to deal with heavy losses of life such as the decision faced by Eisenhower who had to deal with as our troops that landed at Normandy to conquer evil. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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Underground Cities, Save the Humans Perhaps we should design tunneling robots, which can dig out an underground city. Unmanned Tunneling robots to build underground cookie cutter cities to save mankind from possible future calamity. These robots would run off a pre-programmed schematic like a robotic house-building machine. Each city underground would house 100,000 people and be ready in case of disaster. They would run off thermo heat from the Earth and be fully stocked and have near bye underground water supplies to draw from. Bio-Rhythm Disruption Frequency Identifier for Human Intentions It appears we have found many identifiers for Bio-Metrics to identify people. In this new age of International Terrorism with bad guys trying to get Pilot's Licenses, HazMat Driver's Licenses, get onto airlines, step onto buses and sneak over our borders we need a fool proof system. Currently we use fingerprints to identify criminals and those who hold important positions. Some of the newest forms of security include retina scans, voice prints, palms, DNA, Implanted RFID Chips, etc. We have devices, which can see thru trucks, pick up the scent of bio-weapons that use heat to pick-up illegal human trafficking inside vehicles. We need sensors to pick up human intent. Lying devices tell us when someone is exuding thru facial sweat glands, but what about a person who is not close to the device? Inside a vehicle, in a crowd or approaching a sensitive check point. Advanced warning could be the difference between life and death. Gerald Hawkins There is something about the Hawkins clan that I like. My most adept and austere teacher was a Hawkins related to Black Jack the Privateer and I wonder if this man who died recently while happily flying his model airplanes is one of them. I think it is very possible that genetic information transfer is real. Mathematics and astronomy was his forte but he also had a gift for Public Relations when he ran the contest to pay a large sum to anyone who could do the math in Crop Circles. Brain Waves Activating to the Tune of a Different Drummer? Well, here is a most interesting thought. There are many who have heart murmurs from birth and many with heart murmurs, which are not negative from a health standpoint. Marine News - Summer 2004 - Our Ocean Environment Our oceans are home to many marine mammals, fish, turtles, corals and others. The delicate balance between man and the ocean is constantly being challenged by the demands of our society. Most of our planet is covered by water, a necessary ingredient of human life. The state of our oceans should be uppermost in our minds in order for quality of life for all species to remain as it is. There is a Core at the Center of the Earth; Right? There are some who would like to discuss why they believe the Earth is hollow and shaped like the inside of two symbols when put together.Most scientists are quick to discount such a notion and call it complete and utter BS. Yet, the hollow Earth theorists disagree with scientists and are quick to point out certain facts which are ambiguous in the area of scientific knowledge. These theorist say that there is equal amount of gravity pulling whatever is there in all directions inside the hollow Earth. First off let us look at the Earth's mass, and how it is distributed due to its shape. The Earth is not perfectly round, as we all know, it is shaped like a beach ball which is being sat on by a little kid. If you were to dig a tunnel from the US to China; you would be pulled down by gravity until about a third of the way to the center and then pulled down but also out at angles to either side towards the direction of your travel to the center in a cone shaped gravitational pull. Eventually as you came to the center you would be pulled in every direction equally, well almost equally remembering the Earth is not a perfect sphere. In the Center you would be floating being pulled by something close to a half a gravity from all directions. The History and Achievements of the Hubble Telescope The Hubble Telescope is famous worldwide forits amazing images of the universe. Congressin 1977 voted to fund a project to construct theHubble. Completion of the telescope was in 1985.The Hubble was supposed to be launched a yearlater but was delayed because of the 1986 SpaceShuttle Challenger disaster. Precognition Shock to Prevent Bullet Strike It is a pretty well known fact and has been proven that the body seems to pre-adjust to changes in advance of events by a second or two. For instance there have been studies of test subjects with finger sensors, which would show the subjects pulse or adrenaline spiked right before they were to be shocked. Those of us who know about this have found ourselves in competitive sports with an almost uncanny intuition. Of course this favors the athlete who senses it and takes advantage of this just before an event on the playing field. Feb. 12 is Darwin Day -- Secular Americans Celebrate Bday of Evolution Champ This Feb. 12 marks the 196th anniversary of Charles Darwin's birth! Building an Ice House on Mars There is ice at the Martian Poles, one of the poles has water ice in abundance. Such an ice over region could easily be converted into a habitat for a Martian Colony of human explorers. Taking humans to Mars is not such an easy task, keeping them alive once there even harder, bringing them back not easy at all. The polar water ice cap may hold the key to building a successful colony on Mars. Surgical Biomaterials and Tissue Regeneration Technologies Plants, invertebrate animals, amphibians and even reptiles have the ability to regenerate lost or damaged body parts. In the case of lizards, for example, this is a defensive mechanism. When a predator attacks, the lizard can break off its own tail as a means of distraction. While the predator is busy eating the tail, the lizard escapes and regenerates the body part later on. Mammals can regenerate some skin and liver tissue, but our regenerative abilities stop there. Unlike lizards, which have nature to thank for their regenerative capabilities, we are dependent on scientists, physicians and the business community to develop new technologies that will help us repair and replace damaged tissue. Robotics Wars If we are having difficulty getting recruits into the army; lets hire some robots? General Patton's famous quote goes "?an army moves on it's stomach" and if you look at the needs of humans to complete a mission they require much in the way of logistical support, where as robots do not, sure some, but much less and we are not just talking about chaplains, psyche councilors, medics, recruiters, human resource personnel and cooks. Any component under the Joint Chiefs is full of a complexity of needs. Yet often it has been philosophized that a nation needs to do something with its young males to continue the civilization without undo disruptions. There is a lot of testosterone involved in the human spirit, a component during the younger years of piss and vinegar, which propels one's thoughts. Moon Rover Robotic Concept; Planetary Exploration I propose a beach ball hopping robotic planetary explorer, which could work in swarms, instead of a larger rover, which might be stuck in the lunar dust or red sands of Mars. One interesting concept is in a white paper by Paolo Fiorini entitled; "A Hopping Robot for Planetary Exploration" in which the robot has several design configurations all weighing considerable amount. Will Clones Run the World? In the US it appears that we have decided that "life is not for sale" and that the cloning debate is over and our scientists are forbidden by law from attempting to clone humans. In other countries they are currently trying and will most likely continue to try until they get it right. Will those countries which move forward in human cloning be able to force their will on free markets and rise to power faster since they will have the abilities of entangled brains and abilities of basic thought transfer? Such skills will be quite an advantage indeed. Will such countries have stronger corporations and create wealth faster than our corporations? Will the multi-national conglomeration corporations of the World continue to be so large it will not be significant until way into the future? Will more countries become run completely by super dynasty clone families, will they run the world? Get Hot on Combustion Energy in the form of heat is obtained when fuel is burnt in air. The release of this heat energy can be slow or can be very rapid. How A Light Bulb Works and Other Interesting Tidbits Light Bulb Science Dream Therapy and Learning thru Human Hibernation Want to learn a new language? Would you like to earn a PhD in Physics; perfect your backstroke tennis swing, golf finesse or fly-fishing techniques, while you sleep? While, your immune system catches your body back up on your lack of exercise, fitness and proper diet? How about if I told you, that you most likely will shed about 20-25 lbs of extra weight while all this is going on? Well, if we further develop our sleep research, human hibernation studies and mind or brain advances we will be able to do all this and more in the near future, perhaps less than 5-years. Organic Decoy Devices for Warfare (ODDW) We can genetically modify a rat to be the same body temperature as a humans, then parachute in several thousand rats into enemy territory. These rats will pick up the enemies advanced warning and intrusion sensors by way of heat signature. Drought Worsened in Some States in 2004; 2005 will be very telling The drought of the West appears to be the worst in over 500 years. This is what the scientists at the U.S. Geological Survey are now saying and we have been reading in America's Newspapers. Saving People in Disaster Crisis, Concept So often when we see huge Natural Disasters there are many people killed, but for everyone who perishes there are 5-10 people injured; many very seriously. So often too the region of the world were the disaster occurs does not have enough hospital beds, medical professionals or the right equipment needed to help save those lives. Well, there is a new discovery, which might change all that. Mark Roth and his colleagues have made a rather fascinating discovery; they have found a way to put mice into a suspended animation state. They used a very toxic gas; hydrogen sulfide, which when used in smaller amounts puts these small mammals into temporary hibernation. Similar to a bear when it hibernates. ![]() |
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