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Tsunami warnings by 2006
Experts from the United Nations and Indian Ocean countries agreed to set up a tsunami warning system to prevent a repeat of the catastrophe that struck on December 26, Unesco said. A fully functioning system that detects undersea earthquakes and broadcasts warnings to coastal communities is expected to be in place by the end of 2006, said Patricio Bernal, executive secretary of Unesco's Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, on Tuesday. "The Indian Ocean countries have agreed among themselves to set up an early tsunami warning system for the whole Indian Ocean basin," Bernal said. The basin extends to the 11 southern Asian coastlines devastated by the December tsunami. At a five-day meeting at Unesco's headquarters in Paris, experts also laid out a timetable for the project and interim measures to help protect the region that was battered by the killer Asian tsunami. Japan and the United States are to begin providing alerts on seismic activity to the region starting on April 1. The two countries have the world's most advanced tsunami warning systems, and a UN-co-ordinated network based in Ewa Beach, Hawaii, issues alerts for 26 Pacific Ocean nations. Could be extended by 2007 Work will also begin on installing systems that can detect changes in sea level and broadcast the information in real time to countries in potential danger. Tidal gauges will be installed at six sites, mainly off the coasts of hard-hit Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia, Bernal said. Another 15 existing sites will be upgraded around the region. "We expect to have all those systems operative by October or November," Bernal said. A second Unesco-sponsored meeting will be held next month in Mauritius to finalise policy matters and broach divisive questions, including whether one country would host a disaster warning centre or if the responsibilities would be distributed across the region, Bernal said. Member states plan to meet in June to formally adopt the plan, but work is getting under way immediately. Officials hope to extend the system globally by 2007 to cover other regions at risk, such as the Caribbean, the Mediterranean and the southwest Pacific. South African scuba diving, marine and environmental newshttp://divesouthafrica.blogspot.com
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How Body Piercing Works -- The Ins and Outs of this Cutting Edge Process Body piercing (defined as any piercing beyond the standard earlobe piercing) has become such a popular form of body modification that between five and ten percent of the population of the United States has indulged in at least one form of it at some time in their lives. In most cases, once a person gets a body piercing, they follow the first one with more. There are lots of considerations; however, for making sure that your body piercing is done safely so that you don't end up with either an infection or a poorly done piercing that could leave an unsightly scar. Heads Up Displays and Computer Human Interface Heads Up Displays For High Tech Human Interface Need More Sensory Input to the Brain. We have been studying the HUD ? Heads Up Display units for the Apache Attack Helicopter, F-18, Business Jets and thought of it's uses for soccer moms in SUVs in the fog, over the road trucks, Race Cars, Speed boats, Heavy Equipment is crucial mining endeavors. Visual Limits of the Human Brain Processing Speed Visual limits of the human brain and the visual processing time is quite evident. This why animals have camouflage skin, humans get headaches at trade shows and why video or game players will be the fighter pilots of the future. Conspiring to Create Our Weather Some say the weather is totally random and does not exist in any pattern. Even some academia wonder kids show us kaleidoscope pictures of randomness and say see; this is why we cannot predict the weather. Please people give me a break. Just admit it, you don't know anything, you are all faking it. We do not need a bunch of hunch, fed to us like sack lunch. My Grandfather was 200 miles off the coast of NJ during the WWII before the invasion of Normandy calling in the weather to the likes of Churchill and General Dwight D Eisenhower. Surely we have come along better than that? Others agree the problem of accurate weather prediction is immense: Can Rain Makers Really Make Rain? Whenever there's a drought, someone will come up with the idea of finding a rain maker, or holding a day of prayer for rain. Locusts To Help Make Energy From Bio Waste, part IV We are in a Plague year 2004-2005 where the locusts are swarming. No one knows how long this will last, but this problem could rage on for several more years. In fact the entire middle east is on watch for the locust plagues. America and its Collision Course Energy ESP #7 - America and its Collision CourseCrude oil explodes through $46.50 as the problems are growing -It's bigger than Iraq, bigger than Bin Laden and even bigger thanthe next election. America has entered into an exhaustive racefor survival - And nobody is talking about it.Talking about what you ask?"Taking down Saudi Arabia's oil infrastructure is like spearingfish in a barrel... a coordinated assault on five or more key[pipelines]junctions in the system could put the Saudis out ofthe oil business for two years..." Robert Baer, Former CIAofficer, USA Today, May 10 2004.In a country portrayed to be the wealthiest oil nation in theworld, Saudi Arabia also has the greatest divergence betweenthe wealthy and poor. With the average individual income at$7,500 per year the poor is kept at bay by charity. Somethingwe all know the Saudis are good at. Men by the hundreds line upto meet the prince and ask (is it asking or begging) forfinancial help for whatever ails them. Is this charity? Or isit a clever way to keep the not-so-fortunate from rising up?Over generations of this practice, the locals have becomeaccustom. At what point do they rebel against these extremeunjust ways of life that they have been delt.? At what point doAMERICANS realize that this is the kind of society we dependway too much on and far too often?!?!CNBC reported last week that OPEC (or could we just say the Houseof Saud) said that 'the current average price of oil is notsufficient (high) enough to meet the needs of the OPECcountries.' Gee... wonder why the 10 year oil futures have beenpropelling themselves into space over the past few years? ? Whatdoes this all mean?... America is dependent on an extremelyunstable country(s). I fear that this will soon come to a headand Americans will be up the creek with only half a paddle.Over the past 30 years., approx. 75% of U.S. trade deficit wasmoney gone to oil imports - That must change What Americans don'trealize is the great divergence in the prices of the things weconsume. . . and it's about to catch up. . . One quart of oil foryou car costs between $2-$5. One gallon as gas about $2. But ifyou're in a restaurant and order a Coke or a glass of milk, it isnearly SIX times that. Now you tell me something, do you need a"Coke and a smile" to get to work in the morning? FACT - SaudiOIL FIELDS are shrinking as oil prices are flying. During the70's, 15 oil fields pumped one million barrels per day - Todayonly two of those are at a steady (or is it) one million.OPEC's SECRET SHORTAGE THAT THEY WONT TELL YOU - Today's oilreserves estimates DO NOT include the two billion barrels of oilthat was burned in the 91' Gulf War. Yet, OPEC has added 287billion barrels to their reserves without claiming any new oildiscovery. - Anyone smell anything fishy???All this is reason enough that Americans need to work together,in a NON-PARTISAN effort and bring CLEAN - RENEWABLE ENERGY TOAMERICAN SOIL ASAP!! America needs to follow in the foot step ofDenmark - where they actually produce more electricity than theyconsume... and sell the rest.ANYONE you know, if they are in college or not - PLEASEforward them this newsletter. Spread the word! It will takeeveryone you know! The History and Achievements of the Hubble Telescope The Hubble Telescope is famous worldwide forits amazing images of the universe. Congressin 1977 voted to fund a project to construct theHubble. Completion of the telescope was in 1985.The Hubble was supposed to be launched a yearlater but was delayed because of the 1986 SpaceShuttle Challenger disaster. Theoretically is it Possible to Defy Gravity? Many believe it is possible to build an anti-gravity machines and there are many small version which can do this by interfering with the gravity waves. Other say why build an anti-gravity wave machine when you can use the gravity to pull you the other way. Some say hogwash; conspiracy theories and UFOs and all the other stuff. They flat say it can never be done. If you see it done it is a trick, it is impossible they say. The Joy of Recycling I have always been an advocate of recycling. Even though I am not always convinced of its financial viability, I am thoroughly convinced of its value as a means of increasing public awareness of the cost of our consumerism. In the 20+ years I have been in the organizing profession, I have never heard anyone complain that their problem in getting organized was that they didn't have enough "stuff." Dream Therapy and Learning thru Human Hibernation Want to learn a new language? Would you like to earn a PhD in Physics; perfect your backstroke tennis swing, golf finesse or fly-fishing techniques, while you sleep? While, your immune system catches your body back up on your lack of exercise, fitness and proper diet? How about if I told you, that you most likely will shed about 20-25 lbs of extra weight while all this is going on? Well, if we further develop our sleep research, human hibernation studies and mind or brain advances we will be able to do all this and more in the near future, perhaps less than 5-years. Moon Rover Robotic Concept; Planetary Exploration I propose a beach ball hopping robotic planetary explorer, which could work in swarms, instead of a larger rover, which might be stuck in the lunar dust or red sands of Mars. One interesting concept is in a white paper by Paolo Fiorini entitled; "A Hopping Robot for Planetary Exploration" in which the robot has several design configurations all weighing considerable amount. Shamans and Their Documented Abilities Many Shamans will go into a sweat house to get their premonitions, here is a make shift sweat house used by such native Indians; Trash Talk Your Way to a Better World North Americans account for less than 10% of the world's population, yet we produce 50% of the world's garbage and consume more than 33% of it's resources. If everyone consumed like the average North American, we would require three Earths! Human Motion, Walking, Running and Gait for Identification Identifying a human gait, walking patterns, running exists. Can such records be of value? Many think so. Why is this so important? Well every time Bin Laden is on TV no one knows if it is real or not. You cannot take a DNA sample, no retina scanning, fingerprints, well then facial recognition? Harder on video tapes at only one angle. Some ones gait could be viewed and downloaded by a sniper to decide if this is the correct target, although chances are it is best to kill all the doubles anyway, the fewer they have the closer you are to the primary targets. Philosophical Discussion of Distribution Systems To properly understand marketing one needs to understand the natural march of distribution from a colony of ants to Wal-Mart's Distribution System. Efficient systems must be designed or worked out by nature over thousands if not millions of years of evolution. It is about getting it done and using all your synergies to maximize efficiencies. It doesn't really matter what you are distributing or what industry. Think about it for second. Lighter Than Air Tubular Flight I propose a lighter than air tubular unmanned mini blimp be designed. Such a craft would have many great applications. A flying UAV tube balloon snake for unlimited range and hang time for surveillance and communication, could use the fluid dynamic theories of a siphon to propel itself around and stay aloft at designated pre-determined way points. (have drawings). 51 Easy, Eco-Friendly Ways You Can Help Sustain Planet Earth 1. Air dry your laundry. Planet Hugging Tree hugging is a thing of the past. It is not just about the trees anymore. It is about the air, the ocean, the earth, the ozone, the future. There are new concerns about the environment every day; it is a crisis unlike any other. You must care about the conditions under which the future generations will have to live, you must care about every aspect of the environment on the planet of which we live, and most importantly, you must care about fixing the problems that have already been created instead of simply making "Band-Aid" (Nering 352) solutions for these potential disasters. Rover Stuck on Mars? NASA scientists had to solve a relatively common problem hear on Earth with the Rover on Mars. What do you do when you are stuck in the sand? Anyone who has ever raced off road or owned a 4X4, dune buggy or ATV understands these issues. There are many trucks to getting a vehicles unstuck from the sand. The scientists were able to get unstuck. Now then let's discuss this issue of Mars or Planetary exploration, because I fear that this is only one common problem we will face as we start to explore other worlds. ![]() |
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