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A Review of Scientific American Magazine
From Quantum Black Holes to Neuromorphic Microchips Scientific American Magazine has the coverage to keep your young or mature science enthusiasts learning and growing. This magazine never fails to deliver thought provoking stories targeted to the audience that is driving the latest innovations and changes around the globe. There is little surprise in the statistic that over 90% of Scientific American readers are passionately in love with the magazine. Scientific American features authoritative articles written by the scientists who are doing the research. It is edited, however, so that any interested layperson will feel right at home reading about the latest scientific discoveries. The magazine only employs mathematics sparingly where necessary to support the text. This is one reason that makes Scientific American more comparable to say Popular Science than the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) publications. This magazine is heavily weighted with content and consistently light on the advertising, making it an excellent read. The SciAM Marketplace section in the back nicely integrates the latest technology gadgets in without ever creating the atmosphere of a sales pitch. Furthermore, the majority of full page and other advertisers leave you with a "we get it" impression by incorporating some elements of scientific interest. Scientific American is the oldest continuously published magazine in the United States. It has been reporting about developments in science and technology for more than 150 years. A restless inventor named Rufus Porter founded the publication in 1845 as a weekly that was titled "The Advocate of Industry and Enterprise, and Journal of Mechanical and Other Improvements." Scientific American can boast that in addition to the likes of Albert Einstein, Francis Crick, Jonas Salk and Linus Pauling, more than 120 Nobel laureates have written for the magazine. Most of them wrote about their prize-winning works years before they were recognized by the Nobel Committee. Year after year when asked "what would you like for your birthday" I am proud to be among those who respond "another subscription to Scientific American." The complete review of Scientific American Magazine, including photographs, can be found online at: http://magazines.canon.org. ©2005 Peach ePublishing, LLC Jason Canon has authored numerous technical research papers including: photonic switching, gigabit networking, VoIP E9-1-1, and others. He is an expert author for EzineArticles.com. E-mail Jason Canon at jmc@canon.org.
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Tsunami warnings by 2006 Experts from the United Nations and Indian Ocean countries agreed to set up a tsunami warning system to prevent a repeat of the catastrophe that struck on December 26, Unesco said. Tactile Squeegee for Plexiglas Windows Cleaning Plexiglas windows is not easy, you have to be careful to apply the right amount of pressure. Too little pressure and you do not clean it very well. Too much pressure and you end up scratching it. For many years I had washed and cleaned aircraft with Plexiglas windshields. Enemy UAV Defense is under consideration Unmanned Aerial Vehicles should be shot down from the air rather than the ground because if they are flown tele-robotically the operator who is looking down and forward will not know where the anti-aircraft device is. If the enemy uses Unmanned Aerial Vehicles to draw fire, which is a smart move for them, then once fired upon the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle whether it is shot down or not has now located our weaponry and troops. Likewise if we have a loitering Unmanned Aerial Vehicle above the enemy once they shoot it, we see the hostile fire and either "hell fire missile it" or take coordinates of the insurgents locations and wire it to the most appropriate component of the net-centric blue force. Embryonic Stem Cell Stem cells are primitive undifferentiated cells that have the capability to form any of the 220 different types of cells in the human body. The embryonic stem cell is found in the embryo and develops into various cells that make a baby. This single cell is capable of forming or specializing to form any kind of cell. During embryonic development the first cell quickly divides to form three embryonic layers namely, the ectoderm, the mesoderm, and the endoderm. Lighter Than Air Tubular Flight I propose a lighter than air tubular unmanned mini blimp be designed. Such a craft would have many great applications. A flying UAV tube balloon snake for unlimited range and hang time for surveillance and communication, could use the fluid dynamic theories of a siphon to propel itself around and stay aloft at designated pre-determined way points. (have drawings). Rodent Populations are Half within 3 miles of a Railroad Track About a month ago, I was helping a friend collect meteorites. We picked out a grid pattern and started walking six to 9 feet apart with metal detectors looking for the iron-nickel meteorites which are quite common here on the Earth's surface The grid is large and takes many days to even make a dent in it and each time we are able to collect some meteorites. One thing we noticed was that we would scare little rodents in bushes and they would take off running. Yet as we approached railroad tracks we noticed fewer and fewer rodents living there. Three Types of Telescopes - What are the Advantages Refractors, Newtonian reflectors and Catadioptricsare the three main types of telescopes. All thesedifferent types have the same purpose, but eachtelescope design does it differently. Collectinglight and bringing it to point of focus so it can bemagnified and examined with an eyepiece is theirgoal. DNA Profiling: Its Uses In Court DNA Profiling and Its Uses in Court Active Aerial Minefields Is it possible to build an active aerial minefield to protect our troops and in-country logistical supply lines? The answer is probably yes. The Germans attempted to use hot air balloons with charges on them. It did not work. However today we have many newer technologies that if put together it might be possible to actually build an active aerial mine field. For instance what about a "Metal Storm" with lightweight munitions inside hanging from Balloons. Acoustic Transducers and Material Memory in Pipelines to Create Flow Up Hill For the better part of human history mechanical pumps and suction techniques have been used to bring water uphill. By using dynamic pressure, downhill kinetic energy, pumps, suction and heating up the fluid mankind has been busy getting those fluids to market or desired areas. We deliver oil and natural gas in pipelines, water in canals and pipes and a variety of fluids in this fashion. Material memory polymers are now available and seem to be a good fit for moving fluid uphill. Material memory works like a human muscle; it constricts and then moves back to its normal shape. Think more the toy; "Stretch Armstrong" and how you can stretch it and it simply goes back to its originally designed shape. If we line the pipelines with material memory manufactured substances we can cause them to constrict and then open which will flush the fluid forward and then the suction will quickly fill in the less dense areas of fluid and we do this over and over again. Global Dumbing? I am beginning to wonder if scientists have been getting it all wrong. All this time, people have been worried about the Ozone, or a giant asteroid, or some breakout of a bio-hazardous agent by a terrorist organization being the doom of mankind. We have spent all this time looking outward instead of inward towards ourselves. Precognition Shock to Prevent Bullet Strike It is a pretty well known fact and has been proven that the body seems to pre-adjust to changes in advance of events by a second or two. For instance there have been studies of test subjects with finger sensors, which would show the subjects pulse or adrenaline spiked right before they were to be shocked. Those of us who know about this have found ourselves in competitive sports with an almost uncanny intuition. Of course this favors the athlete who senses it and takes advantage of this just before an event on the playing field. Stem Cells (The Truth) The much publicized stem cell research debate focusing on moral arguments is off target with the goal of real progress in the direction of human physiological benefits potential. No matter what side of this issue you come down on, practical considerations ultimately trump this emotionally clouded subject. Stem cells are a valuable renewing asset of human physiology and thus are deserving of our intense interest, but passionate disagreement about research and cloning issues miss the mark of discovering just how simply we can use what we already know about stem cells and how we can benefit from that knowledge to improve the health of everyone. An Immortal Horse Egyptian scholars know there is little other than fiction that can be written about the civilization that lived on the banks of the Nile in far more recent times than the beginning of the 'Old Copper Culture'. All these things are related and the old fictions are replaceable with the story of a worldwide culture with trading posts in each and every part of the world. Is there any remnant of cultural pride in Iran that treats the ancient metallurgists of their region with a different kind of respect than our history attributes to them? Does anyone think these nationalistic ideologues and pedagogues of today are real and honest presenters of fact? The whole concept of nationalism and most other 'isms' (except ecumenicism) need close scrutiny. The area of the Snake River in east central Minnesota may have been the site of copper mining when the glaciers covered the Great Lakes. Would it be possible for people 20,000 years ago to have been mining these sites and lost their access due to the glaciers? We humbly suggest this is the case and that they then returned as the glaciers melted. Petaga Point and work by Peter Bleed in 1969 may offer a starting point for that kind of thinking. He wrote The Archaeology of Petaga Point: The Preceramic Component by the Minnesota Historical Society. Augmented Reality and 3D 360-Vision We need a better vision system for the battlespace; an augmented reality 360-degree 3D device would solve many problems. This device could be very useful in wartime while flying a helicopter and much has been studied and many innovations have occurred with HUD in aviation. Whereas 360-degree informational awareness is of value, even more valuable would be a disassociated informational awareness. The History and Achievements of the Hubble Telescope The Hubble Telescope is famous worldwide forits amazing images of the universe. Congressin 1977 voted to fund a project to construct theHubble. Completion of the telescope was in 1985.The Hubble was supposed to be launched a yearlater but was delayed because of the 1986 SpaceShuttle Challenger disaster. Hurricane and Typhoons Show Drop in Ozone Levels A recent study, which was conducted by the Florida State University, showed that ozone levels drop as the Hurricanes get bigger. The NASA funded study looked at readings in the upper atmosphere of 12 storms. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Hurricane Center (NHC) which forecasts Hurricanes uses the eye to pin point the Hurricanes position and with that data a hundred mile radius was taken and the ozone was measured. Lets Get Dirty There is no right way of saying this, so I'll say it the wrong way: in order to stay healthy we must stay dirty. Now, that didn't sound right, did it? Put it this way: if we all lived in sealed apartments where only the purest air was pumped in and every trace of bacteria were eliminated from our food we probably wouldn't last long when we stepped outside. Environmental Eco-Terrorists Must Be Stopped Eco-terrorists assume some how they are helping the environment, by causing news worthy events and starting forest fires or burning down developments. Yet in doing so they cause air pollution and kill animals. This type of energy they are exhibiting causing harm is bad. This level of high energy could be good energy and used in positive ways. America needs high energy from people to get stuff done and maintain the flows of our civilization, but these eco-terrorists are so misguided that it is upsetting the balance of things. They are doing more than terrorizing, more than polluting, they are tearing apart the fiber of America and causing a rift between smart environmental considerations and conservative movement. They must be stopped. Making Diamonds Using The Earth We can make diamonds using the Earth's inner forces, extreme pressure and heat. We simply send Carbon Blocks in tubes, which have been drilled into the Earth's Mantle. Then let them return under the pressure built up in the tube and you will be able to make diamonds. Why would we wish to make diamonds? We can make diamonds for wealth to pay off our national debt, for nation building or even feeding starving Africans or perhaps poor South Americans in our own backyard? ![]() |
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