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What are GE and GMO Crops?
Genetically Engineered Organisms and Genetically Modified Organisms, with Monsanto Corporation in the forefront of development. GE crops, including cotton seeds, have genetically modified properties with built-in resistance to herbicides and insects (Bt cotton), and are also called Frankencotton. Another mutant called terminator seeds, are sterile and force farmers to buy seed from major suppliers like Monsanto, instead of naturally saving seeds from year to year. Thankfully, terminator seeds are not expected to be marketed in the near future, according to Cornell University. Cottonseed oil from GE/GMO cotton crops is already in our food supply as a common ingredient in many processed foods, including peanut butter, cooking oils, salad dressings, cookies, snack chips and pastry crusts. GE and GMO farming is legal in the United States, and currently 73% of cotton grown in the U.S. is genetically engineered. With enormous global profit potential at stake, Monsanto has been viciously aggressive in acquiring global contracts and lobbying reluctant governments. Worse, poor farmers in these regions are routinely exploited with unfair pricing, and farmers in India have been devastated by losses from Monsanto's GE crop failures. While no studies are yet available to prove the danger of GE/GMOs, governments, scientists and environmentalists worldwide are alarmed at the potential contamination of soil and water, food supply, and airborne spread of these toxic organisms. The very real environmental contamination caused by GE/GMOs is making it impossible for any organic business to say with absolute certainty that organic cottons and woolens are 100% toxin free anymore, because we and our children, and animals, are increasingly exposed every day. However, organic producers and organic retailers will continue to offer their customers certified organic products grown from natural seeds and farms, and fiercely reject the spread of GE/GMOs. The Organic Consumers Association is spearheading campaigns of zero tolerance, to stop corporations like Monsanto from continuing to flagrantly place the well being of people in last place, for corporate profit. We urge you to visit the Organic Consumers Association to learn more, fax petitions and make your voice heard. Susan Fullen Yurek of Kushtush.com Organics (http://www.kushtush.com) is an e-commerce entrepreneur and advocate of organic initiatives for the health of our families and preservation of our planet.
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A Review of Scientific American Magazine From Quantum Black Holes to Neuromorphic Microchips Scientific American Magazine has the coverage to keep your young or mature science enthusiasts learning and growing. This magazine never fails to deliver thought provoking stories targeted to the audience that is driving the latest innovations and changes around the globe. There is little surprise in the statistic that over 90% of Scientific American readers are passionately in love with the magazine. The Fertilization Process and Implications of Test Tube Babies Through the wonders of science, infertile couples who were previously unable to bear children, due to reasons such as blocked fallopian tubes, low sperm count, low egg quantities or advanced age of the mother, are now able to conceive through in-vitro fertilization. The results are babies known as test-tube babies which are technically conceived outside the womb. Saving People in Disaster Crisis, Concept So often when we see huge Natural Disasters there are many people killed, but for everyone who perishes there are 5-10 people injured; many very seriously. So often too the region of the world were the disaster occurs does not have enough hospital beds, medical professionals or the right equipment needed to help save those lives. Well, there is a new discovery, which might change all that. Mark Roth and his colleagues have made a rather fascinating discovery; they have found a way to put mice into a suspended animation state. They used a very toxic gas; hydrogen sulfide, which when used in smaller amounts puts these small mammals into temporary hibernation. Similar to a bear when it hibernates. Electromagnetism, The Universe, And You An electric current produces a magnetic field. This is the principle of the electric motor - varying electric currents moving along wires make magnets with drive shafts spin around in circles. Bi-Location BI-LOCATION (PADRE PIO & PYTHAGORAS): - I have some experience with an even more 'fantastic' occurrence that ties in with dematerialization. Some approaches to the Bermuda Triangle might even be part of a dimensional shift and the time/worm hole science, which String Theorists and chaos science are able to provide arcane formulations to prove. New Energy Bill: Reducing Our Dependence on Foreign Oil The U. S. economy is feeling the brunt of skyrocketing oil prices as the nation's dependence on foreign oil continues to grow. We need a responsible energy plan to reduce our reliance on foreign oil. President Bush and Senator Kerry appear to be skirting the real issues involved. Environmental Eco-Terrorists Must Be Stopped Eco-terrorists assume some how they are helping the environment, by causing news worthy events and starting forest fires or burning down developments. Yet in doing so they cause air pollution and kill animals. This type of energy they are exhibiting causing harm is bad. This level of high energy could be good energy and used in positive ways. America needs high energy from people to get stuff done and maintain the flows of our civilization, but these eco-terrorists are so misguided that it is upsetting the balance of things. They are doing more than terrorizing, more than polluting, they are tearing apart the fiber of America and causing a rift between smart environmental considerations and conservative movement. They must be stopped. Preventing Death in a Bio Threat In the event of Bio threat how to mobilize Hospitals in case of biological emergencies should close except for broken bones and accidents. Instead those who believe they have contracted a biological terrorist induced pathogen, virus or disease should be required to stay at home. Mars Surface Exploration and AFF As we study more and more about Mars we know there is life. Unfortunately in many regions of the planet it is not so evident. There is evidence of past water in abundance and perhaps some ground water under the surface; this is where we will find life. I propose using some Earth based technologies, which are over a decade old to map mars at a much more personal level. I propose using satellites and Automated Satellite Following Systems, which will control the paths of five or more UAVs in a swarm and grid pattern. N400 Brain Wave to Assist in Learning and in Performance In any important task you need to stay alert and in some professions someone could lose their life ifyou are not staying heads up or cause a serious accident where someone else has to pay with theirs. Not good, so what is the solution here? Here is a thought on learning, safety, brain waves and winning. Micro Blimps Cleaning the Air in Buildings to Eliminate Anthrax spores Presently mini-blimps are being deployed in government leadership buildings as sensor units to identify biological threats in the air. We believe this new technology being deployed in this way is a most excellent use of such technology. We believe we should go one step better. Anthrax spores can be killed by some household cleaners, it is for that reason we propose a vacuum cleaner system within these blimps. The new mini-blimp device will be an "Anthrax Killing Machine," or AKM it will operate in the air much the same as a robotic pool sweep. Pre-empt the Radiation or Die At West Point, in a speech, President George W. Bush shared the doctrine of pre-emption with his cadets that he articulated as a countermeasure to September 11 attacks. Pre-emption, defined as the anticipatory use of force in the face of an imminent attack, has long been accepted as legitimate and appropriate under international law. In the New National Security Strategy, however, the Bush's first administration was broadening the meaning to encompass preventive war as well, in which force may be used even without the evidence. This particular idea had still been severely debated and really staled but Professor Lawrie Challis's invention has brought the President's angle back into perspective. X-37 UAV Has Potential X-37 Moves Forward, Now What? Well, here are a few ideas of taking this craft to a whole new level and plateau in American Ingenuity and Innovation. NASA has learned a lot from the X-37 tests and will now turn it over to DARPA, which makes a lot of sense indeed. Lets Get Dirty There is no right way of saying this, so I'll say it the wrong way: in order to stay healthy we must stay dirty. Now, that didn't sound right, did it? Put it this way: if we all lived in sealed apartments where only the purest air was pumped in and every trace of bacteria were eliminated from our food we probably wouldn't last long when we stepped outside. UAV Defense, UAV Recovery, Material Research, Infected Birds with Virus Plastic Net When Manufacturing nets of any type: Going for strength and light weight is a challenge and it has been the compromise of many for so long in the battle to find the strongest net, sheet of plastic to mimic that of a Spider's web we have endured to no end. It is always and shall be for some time one of man's most important conquests in many of his fields of endeavors such as fishing. Due to friction of fluid in water, air; All of which is considered in terms of drag (parasite or induced) obstacles which man has to overcome this for speed and stability to properly position. MP Apprehension of High Strung or Drunken Soldiers Recently scientists have discovered the hydrogen sulfide gas caused mice to go into spontaneous hibernation. The genetic similarities to the mammalian class humans belong to includes these rodents as well. The ability to put humans into spontaneous hibernation has incredible military applications, most of which have to do with stopping an advancing army, simply put them to sleep and thus serve your political will without having to kill them. Indeed this would change the battle space of the future in a way no one probably ever considered. Three Types of Telescopes - What are the Advantages Refractors, Newtonian reflectors and Catadioptricsare the three main types of telescopes. All thesedifferent types have the same purpose, but eachtelescope design does it differently. Collectinglight and bringing it to point of focus so it can bemagnified and examined with an eyepiece is theirgoal. Mars is not hollow; is it? Is Mars Hollow? We are pretty sure it is not, but no one can be certain however we might soon know. The reason such a question is asked is because of questions about the Earth and the time it takes for sound waves to travel through it. And the speed of the spin rate of Mars, the question of moons is interesting and a few other interesting a recent discoveries. Here is one of the thoughts on the matter. By bouncing waves off the polar ice caps this can be proven or disproven; Travertine Information Travertine is a compacted form of limestone that forms in rivers and hot springs. Water, especially river water, has a lot of minerals in it. Sometimes these minerals become deposited on the river bed. These wet minerals then dry out, and combine in compositions at the chemical level. When the minerals deposited are calcium and carbon, sometimes they form a stone that is known as travertine. The chemical composition of travertine is CaCO3 which means that there is one part calcium for every three. Bio-Rhythm Disruption Frequency Identifier for Human Intentions It appears we have found many identifiers for Bio-Metrics to identify people. In this new age of International Terrorism with bad guys trying to get Pilot's Licenses, HazMat Driver's Licenses, get onto airlines, step onto buses and sneak over our borders we need a fool proof system. Currently we use fingerprints to identify criminals and those who hold important positions. Some of the newest forms of security include retina scans, voice prints, palms, DNA, Implanted RFID Chips, etc. We have devices, which can see thru trucks, pick up the scent of bio-weapons that use heat to pick-up illegal human trafficking inside vehicles. We need sensors to pick up human intent. Lying devices tell us when someone is exuding thru facial sweat glands, but what about a person who is not close to the device? Inside a vehicle, in a crowd or approaching a sensitive check point. Advanced warning could be the difference between life and death. ![]() |
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